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The Committee notes the reports sent by the Government on several maritime Conventions. In order to provide an overview of matters arising in relation to the application of these Conventions, the Committee considers it appropriate to examine them in a single comment, as follows.
The Committee recalls that, in the context of the Standards Review Mechanism, in accordance with the recommendation of the Special Tripartite Committee established under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006), the ILO Governing Body classified Conventions Nos 68, 69, 92 and 108 as “outdated”. At its 343rd Session (November 2021), the Governing Body placed an item concerning the abrogation of Conventions Nos 68, 69 and 92 on the agenda of the 118th Session (2030) of the International Labour Conference. In this context, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on any developments regarding the eventual ratification of the MLC, 2006 and of the Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003, as amended (No. 185), and reminds it of the possibility to avail itself of the technical assistance of the Office.

Certification of Ships ’ Cooks Convention, 1946 (No. 69)

Article 4 of the Convention. Examinations for the granting of certificates of qualification. The Committee notes that, in reply to its previous comment, the Government indicates that Angola does not have any specific legislation or regulations on the professional skills of ships’ cooks, apart from section 15 of Presidential Decree No. 78/16 of 14 April 2016 establishing regulations governing seafarers, which covers, in a general manner, the physical and psychological fitness of seafarers, and which repeals Decree No. 45 969 of 15 October 1964. The Committee observes that, in its report on the application of the Food and Catering (Ships’ Crews) Convention, 1946 (No. 68), the Government indicates that seafarers recruited to perform duties in this domain must present a cooking training certificate, and attend cooking classes provided by hospitality and tourism centres. The Committee further notes the Government’s indication that certain legislative gaps have yet to be filled when Angola ratifies the MLC, 2006. The Committee requests the Government to adopt the necessary measures to implement Article 4 of the Convention, and to provide information on any progress achieved in this regard.

Seafarers ’ Identity Documents Convention, 1958 (No. 108)

Articles 3 and 6 of the Convention. Continuous possession of a seafarer’s identity document. Permission to enter a territory. The Committee previously noted that, according to section 25 of Decree No. 45 969 of 15 October 1964, the seafarer’s identity document shall be kept by the master or any other officer during the validity of the engagement (durante a vigência da matrícula), whereas Article 3 of the Convention provides that the said document shall remain in the seafarer’s possession at all times. The Committee also noted that no effect was given to the provisions of Article 6 of the Convention. It requested the Government to adopt measures to bring its legislation into conformity with Articles 3 and 6 of the Convention and to inform the Committee accordingly. Noting that the Government did not provide specific information in this regard, the Committee reiterates its previous request.


The Committee takes note of the Government’s reports on several maritime Conventions. In this regard, it further notes that the Government has provided contradictory information regarding the legislation giving effect to the Conventions. The Committee therefore strongly requests the Government to provide clear information on the specific provisions of the national legislation implementing the Conventions, as explained in detail below. In order to provide a comprehensive view of the issues to be addressed in relation to the application of these Conventions, the Committee considers it appropriate to examine these issues in a single comment, as follows.

Certification of Ships’ Cooks Convention, 1946 (No. 69)

Article 4 of the Convention. Examinations for the granting of certificates of qualification. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in its report regarding the fact that there is currently no specific body in Angola dealing with the vocational training and professional certification of ships’ cooks. It further notes that, as a result, the Maritime Administration authorizes exceptions under the provisions of Article 3 of the Convention in order to allow persons not holding a certificate of qualification to be engaged as ships’ cooks on board ships. The Committee also notes the Government’s indication that there are no legal instruments that regulate the examinations to grant certificates of qualification for ships’ cooks. The Committee recalls however that, in previous reports, the Government had referred to Legislative Decree No. 45968 of 15 October 1964, and the Regulations of application approved by Decree No. 45969, as being the implementing legislation. The Committee therefore strongly requests the Government to clarify whether, in relation to the application of the Convention, the provisions contained in the abovementioned decrees are still in force and if not, to indicate the current legislation implementing Article 4 of the Convention. It further requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to make arrangements for the holding of examinations and for the granting of certificates of qualification as required by this Article of the Convention.

Medical Examination (Seafarers) Convention, 1946 (No. 73)

Articles 4, 5 and 8 of the Convention. Nature of medical examination. Particulars and validity of medical certificate. Medical referee. The Committee notes the Government’s information that there is no specific regulation for the purpose of issuing medical certificates to seafarers. In this connection, the Committee recalls however the Government’s reference, in its previous reports, to Legislative Decree No. 45968 of 15 October 1964, and the Regulations of application approved by Decree No. 45969, as being the implementing legislation. The Committee therefore strongly requests the Government to clarify whether, in relation to the application of the Convention, the provisions contained in the abovementioned decrees are still in force and if not, to indicate the current legislation giving effect to these provisions of the Convention.

Certification of Able Seamen Convention, 1946 (No. 74)

Article 1 of the Convention. Obligation for able seafarers to hold certificates of qualification. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that Legislative Decree No. 45968 of 15 October 1964, and the Regulations of application approved by Decree No. 45969, are still in force and serve as the implementing legislation. The Committee further notes the Government’s statement that, given that the abovementioned legislation has become obsolete, a new regulation touching upon the subject matter covered by the Convention is currently under elaboration. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on any progress achieved in this respect, and to provide a copy of the relevant legal text once adopted.
Article 2(3) of the Convention. Certification requirements for able seafarers – Minimum age. Noting the Government’s statement in its previous report that the minimum age prescribed by national legislation for taking the examination of proficiency and for being granted a certificate of qualification as able seafarer was 14 years, the Committee had requested the Government to take the necessary steps to bring its legislation in conformity with Article 2 of the Convention which fixes 18 as the minimum age. In this regard, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that section 137 of Decree No. 45969 provides that the minimum age for being granted a certificate of qualification as able seafarer is 21. The Committee takes note of this information.

Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention, 1958 (No. 108)

Articles 3 and 6 of the Convention. Continuous possession of a seafarer’s identity document. Permission to enter a territory. The Committee had previously noted that according to section 25 of Decree No. 45969 of 15 October 1964 the seafarer’s identity document shall be kept by the master or any other officer during the validity of the engagement (durante a vigência da matrícula), whereas Article 3 of the Convention provides that the said document shall remain in the seafarer’s possession at all times. The Committee had also noted that no effect was given to the provisions of Article 6 of the Convention according to which Members shall permit the entry into a territory for which the Convention is in force of a seafarer holding a valid seafarer’s identity document, when entry is requested for temporary short leave while the ship is in port. In this respect, the Committee notes the information provided by the Government in its report that a new regulation dealing with the subject covered by the Convention is being prepared. The Committee further notes the Government’s reference to Presidential Decree No. 108/11 of 25 May 2011 approving the Regulation on the legal status of foreign nationals. Section 93 of the said Decree provides that “a foreign national who is transferred to a ship or an oil platform on the high seas to either work on it or to travel from there for the purpose of entering or leaving the country via another means of transport, has to obtain a ‘transhipment visa’”. Moreover, paragraph 2 of section 93 stipulates that the embarkation or disembarkation has to be requested at least 72 hours in advance either by the agent or the shipowner. In this connection, while noting that the said provision is meant to respond to security concerns, the Committee recalls that a valid seafarer’s identity document is the only document needed by the seafarer to enter the territory of a country for which the Convention is in force for temporary shore leave or – provided that the document contains space for appropriate entries – for the purpose of joining a ship, passing in transit to join a ship or for repatriation. The Committee requests the Government to adopt measures to bring its legislation into conformity with Articles 3 and 6 of the Convention and to inform the Committee accordingly.


The Committee notes with regret that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters to be raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee's previous comments referred to Recommendation No. 9 contained in the back pages of the seafarer's passport, and the identical provision laid down in section 25 of Decree No. 45969, which stipulate that the passport shall be kept by the master or any other officer during the validity of the engagement (durante a vigência da matrícula). The Committee drew the Government's attention to the incompatibility of these provisions with this Article of the Convention which provides that the identity document shall remain in the seafarer's possession at all times. In its report, the Government states that "durante a vigência da matrícula" in this case means "for the duration of the legal formalities preceeding the voyage". In view of the ambiguity of this text which could easily give rise to a different interpretation because of the unusual connotation of the word "vigência" - here used to mean "duration" - the Committee hopes that the Government will shortly take the necessary measures to ensure that the persons concerned can have no doubts as to the proper application of Article 3 of the Convention.

Article 6. The Committee has examined the various legal texts communicated by the Government. They do not, however, appear to contain provisions to ensure the application of this Article. The Committee hopes that the Government will not fail to enclose the Regulations issued by the Directorate of Emigration and Frontiers (DNEFA) concerning the application of this Article with its next report.


Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee's previous comments referred to Recommendation No. 9 contained in the back pages of the seafarer's passport, and the identical provision laid down in section 25 of Decree No. 45969, which stipulate that the passport shall be kept by the master or any other officer during the validity of the engagement (durante a vigência da matrícula). The Committee drew the Government's attention to the incompatibility of these provisions with this Article of the Convention which provides that the identity document shall remain in the seafarer's possession at all times. In its report, the Government states that "durante a vigência da matrícula" in this case means "for the duration of the legal formalities preceeding the voyage". In view of the ambiguity of this text which could easily give rise to a different interpretation because of the unusual connotation of the word "vigência" - here used to mean "duration" - the Committee hopes that the Government will shortly take the necessary measures to ensure that the persons concerned can have no doubts as to the proper application of Article 3 of the Convention.

Article 6. The Committee has examined the various legal texts communicated by the Government. They do not, however, appear to contain provisions to ensure the application of this Article. The Committee hopes that the Government will not fail to enclose the Regulations issued by the Directorate of Emigration and Frontiers (DNEFA) concerning the application of this Article with its next report.

[The Government is asked to report in detail for the period ending 30 June 1992.]


Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee refers to its previous comments concerning the incompatibility of this provision of the Convention, which provides that the identity document shall remain in the seafarer's possession at all times, with "recommendation" No. 9 (contained in the back pages of the seafarer's passport), which lays down that the passport shall be kept by the master or any other officer of the vessel during the seafarer's period of engagement, and with the identical provision laid down in section 25 of Decree No. 45969. The Committee notes the Government's statement in its report that seafarer's passports are in fact only given to the master when the authorities come on board when the vessel arrives in port, and that they are then given back to the seafarers for the landing. In these circumstances, the Committee hopes that the Government, with a view to harmonising law and practice, will take measures in the near future to abolish the provision laid down by section 25 of Decree No. 45969 and "recommendation" No. 9.

Article 6. The Committee hopes that the Government will soon transmit to the International Labour Office the regulations issued by the National Directorate of Inspection and the Directorate of Emigration and Frontiers (DEFA) with regard to the application of this Article.


The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee notes the information and the copy of a seafarer's passport transmitted by the Government in response to its previous direct request.

Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee notes that Recommendation No. 9, in the back pages of the seafarer's passport, provides that the passport shall be kept by the master or any other officer of the vessel during the period of engagement of the seafarer. The Government's report also states that the passport is given to the master during the voyage. The Committee recalls that, under the present Article of the Convention, the identity document should remain in the seafarer's possession at all times. The Committee hopes that the Government will indicate in its next report the measures taken in order to give effect to the Convention on this point.

Article 6. The Committee notes that the Government will transmit with its next report the regulations issued by the National Directorate of Inspection and the Directorate of Emigration and Frontiers (DEFA) with regard to the application of this Article.

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