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Labour Statistics Convention, 1985 (No. 160) - El Salvador (RATIFICATION: 1987)

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The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments.
Articles 7 and 8 of the Convention. Statistics of employment, unemployment and underemployment. Statistics of the structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Committee notes the illustrative information provided by the Government in its report on statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment, and the statistics of the structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Committee also notes that the Government regularly sends to the ILO Statistics Department data from the Multipurpose Household Survey (EHPM) and the Population Census.The Committee requests that the Government continue to provide the ILO with the labour statistics required by the Convention. The Committee also invites the Government to provide information on any developments towards the implementation of the Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (Resolution I), adopted by the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (October 2013).
Article 9(1). Compilation of statistics of average earnings and hours of work. Communication of statistics. The Committee notes the data provided by the Government concerning the continuous statistics of average earnings and hours of work (hours actually worked or hours paid for) between 2008 and 2014.The Committee requests that the Government continue to provide statistics of earnings and hours of work, and to supply details on the source of the statistics and the methodology used.
Article 10. Statistics of wage structure and distribution. The Committee requests that the Government provide statistics of wage structure and distribution covering wage-earners and employees in important branches of economic activity.
Article 11. Statistics of labour cost. The Government indicates in its report that it does not have statistics on labour costs covering important branches of economic activity.The Committee requests that the Government take the necessary measures to compile statistics on labour costs. The Committee hopes that the Government will provide the Office with updated information on the concepts and procedures used for the compilation of these statistics where available.
Article 14. Occupational injuries and diseases. The Government reports that the country does not yet have statistics on occupational injuries and diseases covering all branches of economic activity and which are representative of the country as a whole. The Committee notes the data provided on employment accidents by the El Salvador Social Security Institute.The Committee requests that the Government take the necessary measures to compile and publish statistics on occupational injuries and diseases. It also requests the Government to provide the Office with updated information on the concepts and procedures used for the compilation of these statistics where available.


Articles 7 and 8 of the Convention. Statistics of employment, unemployment and underemployment. Statistics of the structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Committee notes the illustrative information provided by the Government in its report on statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment, and the statistics of the structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Committee also notes that the Government regularly sends to the ILO Statistics Department data from the Multipurpose Household Survey (EHPM) and the Population Census. The Committee requests that the Government continue to provide the ILO with the labour statistics required by the Convention. The Committee also invites the Government to provide information on any developments towards the implementation of the Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (Resolution I), adopted by the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (October 2013).
Article 9(1). Compilation of statistics of average earnings and hours of work. Communication of statistics. The Committee notes the data provided by the Government concerning the continuous statistics of average earnings and hours of work (hours actually worked or hours paid for) between 2008 and 2014. The Committee requests that the Government continue to provide statistics of earnings and hours of work, and to supply details on the source of the statistics and the methodology used.
Article 10. Statistics of wage structure and distribution. The Committee requests that the Government provide statistics of wage structure and distribution covering wage-earners and employees in important branches of economic activity.
Article 11. Statistics of labour cost. The Government indicates in its report that it does not have statistics on labour costs covering important branches of economic activity. The Committee requests that the Government take the necessary measures to compile statistics on labour costs. The Committee hopes that the Government will provide the Office with updated information on the concepts and procedures used for the compilation of these statistics where available.
Article 14. Occupational injuries and diseases. The Government reports that the country does not yet have statistics on occupational injuries and diseases covering all branches of economic activity and which are representative of the country as a whole. The Committee notes the data provided on employment accidents by the El Salvador Social Security Institute. The Committee requests that the Government take the necessary measures to compile and publish statistics on occupational injuries and diseases. It also requests the Government to provide the Office with updated information on the concepts and procedures used for the compilation of these statistics where available.


The Committee notes the Government’s report. It would like to request additional information concerning the application of the following provisions of the Convention.

Articles 7 and 8 of the Convention. Labour force survey. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would send to the ILO the data on paid employment derived from the establishment survey (Encuesta de Empleo, Horas y Salarios),as it has for the data on hours and wages derived from the same establishment survey.

With regard to Article 8, the Committee asks the Government to indicate whether and, if so, when it is envisaged that the next round of the population census will be carried out.

Article 9, paragraph 1. The Committee notes that full effect is not yet given to this provision, as the scope of the statistics of average hours actually worked and earnings derived from the establishment survey Encuesta de Empleo, Horas y Salarios, which has now been extended to "trade" in addition to manufacturing, is still limited to the urban sector. The Committee invites the Government to continue supplying any statistics compiled on the subjects covered by this Article, as well as details on their sources, methodology and publication.

The Committee also notes that the restructured establishment survey (Encuesta de Empleo, Horas y Salarios) is still limited to two branches of economic activity and that the statistics derived from the three sources (the restructured establishment survey, the household survey and administrative records) are barely comparable, due to differences in scope, coverage, data collection methods, etc.

The Committee notes with interest, however, that it is envisaged to set up a National Institute of Statistics, which would help in harmonizing and unifying various aspects of labour statistics. It would be grateful if the Government would keep the ILO informed of any further developments in this area.

Article 9, paragraph 2. The Committee notes that there is a discrepancy between the Government’s report and the information received by the ILO from the Department of Statistics regarding the geographical coverage of the survey (Encuesta de Salerios y Horas de Trabajo). The Office will endeavour to try to clarify this point.

Article 10. The Committee notes the statement in the report that the household survey (EHPM) presents information relating to the structure of earnings and hours of work, according to the guidelines provided under Paragraphs 5(1) and (2) of Recommendation No. 170. It requests the Government to communicate such information to the ILO as, despite several attempts, it has not been possible to find it on the national web site.

Article 11. The Committee notes that statistics on the level and structure of labour costs are still not compiled and requests the Government to communicate to the ILO the relevant methodological information and the resulting statistics as soon as practicable.

Article 12. The Committee draws the Government’s attention to the obligations set out in under Article 5 concerning the regular communication of published statistics to the ILO and it would be grateful if the Government would: (i) update the annual series by replying to the questionnaire in the Yearbook; and (ii) send to the ILO the publications mentioned in its seventh report ("Indices de Precios al Consumidor, IPC", the relevant press release and "Estadísticas Laborales", an annual paper published by the Ministry of Labour).

Article 13. The Committee hopes that the Government will soon comply with the requirement to produce statistics on household income and expenditure at least once every ten years.

Article 14. The Committee notes the information provided in the report with respect to the coverage of the statistics on occupational injuries and requests to be kept informed of any plans the Government may have to extend the coverage of the statistics, so as to be more representative of the country as a whole.

Referring to its previous comments (2000) under this Article, the Committee hopes that the Government will send the information requested with respect to Articles 2, 3 and 6.

Article 15. Referring once again to its previous comments, the Committee reiterates its request as concerns the specific standards and guidelines followed (Article 2) for the statistics covered by this Article.


The Committee notes the Government’s report. It asks the Government to provide further information on the following points:

Article 7 of the Convention.  The Committee again draws the Government’s attention to the obligation (under Article 5) to communicate to the ILO, as soon as practicable, the published statistics compiled in application of this Article.

Article 9.  The Committee notes that the statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are derived from the establishment survey Encuesta de Empleo, Horas y Salarios, and that steps are being taken to extend the scope and increase the frequency of this survey, which were, up until now, limited to wage-earners in manufacturing and compiled annually. It notes, however, that the survey is still limited to two, possibly three, branches of economic activities and that its results are not yet available. The Committee asks the Government to keep the ILO informed as to developments of this establishment survey, to produce and publish the methodological description of the new survey, and to communicate this information to the ILO together with the resulting statistics, as soon as practicable.

The Committee notes that annual data on average monthly earnings of contributing workers, in all branches of economic activity, are derived from the social security records of the Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social (ISSS), and that statistics of average earnings in the main activity, covering all branches of economic activity and all important categories of employed persons (among which are various employee categories), were derived from the 1997 Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples,although this household survey does not provide regular (annual) statistics of earnings and hours of work. It notes that the statistics of average earnings and hours of work derived from these three sources are not readily comparable, due to differences in scope, coverage, data collection methods, etc. Therefore, the Committee encourages the Government to take the necessary steps in order to adopt a common methodology concerning the scope, coverage, etc., and thus to facilitate the analysis of and comparison between these statistics.

The Committee further notes that the requirements of this Article are fulfilled through the conduct of an Encuesta de Salarios y Horas de Trabajo, which collects and provides statistics of average, prevailing or minimum, wage rates and normal hours of work, average earnings and hours actually worked, by occupation and by sex, in order to meet the ILO requirements with regard to the October Inquiry. However, this survey is limited to the San Salvador metropolitan area. Thus, the Committee hopes the Government will be able to extend the territorial coverage of this survey, so as to be more representative of the country as a whole.

Article 10.  The Committee notes that statistics on the distribution of employees by levels of monthly earnings and weekly hours of work in the main activity, by sex and employee category, were compiled on the basis of the 1997 Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples. It asks the Government to indicate the measures taken or contemplated to compile statistics on the structure of earnings and hours of work in accordance with international guidelines such as Paragraph 5(1) and (2) of Recommendation No. 170.

Article 11.  The Committee notes that statistics on the level and structure of labour cost are not compiled at present. It asks the Government to indicate the measures taken or contemplated to compile statistics on the level and structure of labour cost, according to the guidelines provided under Paragraph 6(1) and (2) of Recommendation No. 170.

Article 12.  The Committee asks the Government to continue to communicate regularly to the ILO the consumer price indices: monthly data for all-items and food group indices (which are published in the quarterly ILO Bulletin of Labour Statistics) and yearly data for all-items, food, fuel and light, clothing, rent and all-items without shelter (which are published in the ILO Yearbook of Labour Statistics).

Article 13.  The Committee notes that the coverage of the HIES (Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares Urbanos) is limited to urban areas. It asks the Government: (i) whether it intends to extend the coverage of the HIES; and (ii) when the next survey will be carried out.

Article 14.  The Committee notes the progress made with regard to the scope of the statistics on occupational injuries, which was extended in April 1998 to include workers in the public sector. However, it notes that the statistics currently compiled on occupational injuries cover only about 26 per cent of all persons employed. Although they appear to cover a majority of employees, the self-employed do not seem to be included. The Committee requests information as to any plans the Government may have to extend the coverage of the statistics, so as to be more  representative of the country as a whole.

The Committee again asks the Government to indicate which specific standards or guidelines are followed with respect to the statistics covered by this Article, for example, the resolutions adopted by the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) (in accordance with Article 2). It also asks the Government to indicate the manner in which representative organizations of employers and workers have been consulted in designing or revising the methodology used with respect to the statistics of occupational injuries and occupational diseases (Article 3).

Regarding the obligation under Article 6 to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO detailed methodological information, please include the following information: (i) clarification as to the methods of reporting (by whom and to whom), with an explanation of the concepts of "reported accidents" and "compensated accidents" (casos subsidios); (ii) information in respect of fatal injuries (casos mortales de accidentes de trabajo) (to indicate whether this information is presently included in the statistics of work accidents, and, if so, to provide it separately); and (iii) information regarding the number of workdays "lost" or not worked as a result of work accidents and further information on subsidios por incapacidad temporal (subsidy for temporary incapacity), and particularly días de casos terminados (days of finished cases), and días subsidiados en el año (days subsidized in the year). Please also state whether it is intended to collect information on work time lost with respect to the reported accidents, and on occupational diseases.

Article 15.  Please provide information on the specific standards and guidelines followed (Article 2) with respect to the statistics covered by this Article.


The Committee notes the Government's report and in particular information supplied in reply to its previous direct request regarding Article 3 of the Convention (in connection with Article 15). It notes that the results of the National Survey on the Urban Household Income and Expenditure (Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de Hogares Urbanos) which the Government's report states are sent, have not been received at the Office and asks the Government to supply the relevant document.

Article 5. The Committee would again draw the Government's attention to the obligation under this Article to communicate to the Office as soon as practicable the published statistics compiled and the reference information concerning the publication(s) containing the results.

Article 6. The Committee also hopes that the Government will be able to produce and publish methodological descriptions of the statistics covered by the Convention and to communicate them to the ILO.

Article 8. Regarding the obligations of Articles 5 and 6, already mentioned above, the Committee asks the Government to send to the ILO data of the economically active population classified according to the existing international classifications (International Standard Classification of Occupations, ISCO-68 or ISCO-88; International Classification of Status in Employment, ICSE-1993; and International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, ISIC-Rev.2 or Rev.3) as required under Article 2, as well as detailed methodological information.

Articles 9, 10 and 11. The Committee notes that the Statistical Unit of the Ministry of Labour and Social Providence is being restructured and reorganized and that proposals have also been made to modernize and strengthen the Department of Statistics and Information (Departamento de Estadísticas e Informática). Within this context, it is envisaged to extend the coverage of statistics of average wages and hours of work to other economic activities (Article 9(1)) and to elaborate other types of statistics. The Committee recalls that the coverage of the statistics of hours of work and wages is limited to wage-earners in manufacturing. It again asks the Government to state the steps taken or contemplated to extend it to other important categories of workers and to other important branches of economic activity (Article 9). Please also indicate the measures taken or contemplated to compile statistics of the structure and distribution of wages (Article 10) and labour cost (Article 11).

Article 13. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the particular standards and guidelines that have been taken into consideration in the development of these statistics (in accordance with Article 2); to indicate the representative organizations of employers and workers that are consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used are designed (in accordance with Article 3); to communicate the results of the 1990-91 survey to the ILO (as required under Article 5); and to communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics (as required under Article 6).

Article 14. In the absence of a reply to its previous request, the Committee again asks the Government to indicate which specific standards or guidelines are followed with respect to the statistics covered by this Article, for example, the resolutions adopted by the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) (in accordance with Article 2). It also asks the Government to indicate the manner in which representative organizations of employers and workers have been consulted in designing or revising the methodology used with respect to the statistics of occupational injuries and occupational diseases (in accordance with Article 3).

Regarding the obligation under Article 6 to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO detailed methodological information, please include the following information: (i) clarification as to the methods of reporting (by whom and to whom), with an explanation of the concepts of "reported accidents" and "compensated accidents" (casos subsidios); (ii) information in respect of fatal injuries (casos mortales de accidentes de trabajo) (to indicate whether this information is presently included in the statistics of work accidents, and, if so, to provide it separately); and (iii) information regarding the number of work-days "lost" or not worked as a result of work accidents and further information on subsidios por incapacidad temporal (subsidy for temporary incapacity), and particularly días de casos terminados (days of finished cases), and días subsidiados en el año (days subsidized in the year). Please also state whether it is intended to collect information on work-time lost with respect to the reported accidents, and on occupational diseases.

The Committee further asks the Government to indicate any measures taken or proposed to extend the scope of the statistics on work accidents to cover a larger part of the workforce, for instance, to include workers in the public sector or in autonomous institutions.

Article 15. Please provide information on the specific standards and guidelines followed (Article 2) with respect to the statistics covered by this Article.


The Committee notes the Government's report and in particular information supplied in reply to its previous direct request regarding Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention (except in connection with Articles 14 and 15, mentioned below).

Article 5. The Committee would draw the Government's attention to the obligation under this Article to communicate to the Office as soon as possible the published statistics compiled and the reference information concerning the publication(s) containing the results, particularly as regards the survey "Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples" (giving effect to Articles 7, 8 and 13), the 1992 population census (concerning Article 8), and the survey on employment, hours and wages "Encuesta de Empleo, Horas y Salarios" and the survey on wages and hours of work in San Salvador, "Encuesta de Salarios y Horas de Trabajo" (concerning Article 9).

Article 6. The Committee also hopes that the Government will be able to produce and publish methodological descriptions of the statistics covered by the Convention, and to communicate them to the ILO, in particular as regards all the surveys referred to under Article 5 above. It also asks the Government to communicate to the ILO the methodological information contained in the publication referred to in the report (concerning Article 13) "Metodología de la Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares Urbanos" (April 1990-March 1991).

Article 9. The Committee has noted that the coverage of the statistics of hours of work and wages is limited to wage-earners in manufacturing. It again asks the Government to state the steps taken or contemplated to extend it to other important categories of workers and to other important branches of economic activity.

Articles 10 and 11. The Committee has noted that neither statistics of the structure and distribution of wages nor those of labour costs are compiled at present but that they could be compiled from the results of specific surveys. It again asks the Government to indicate the measures taken or contemplated to compile these statistics.

Article 13. The Committee notes that page 12 of the Government's report, which should contain information on this Article, has not been received. It would be grateful to the Government if it would provide the missing information with the next report.

Article 14. Please indicate which specific standards or guidelines are followed with respect to the statistics covered by this Article, for example, the resolutions adopted by the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) (in accordance with Article 2). The Committee asks the Government to also indicate the manner in which representative organizations of employers and workers have been consulted in designing or revising the methodology used with respect to the statistics of occupational injuries and occupational diseases (in accordance with Article 3).

Regarding the obligation under Article 6 to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO detailed methodological information, please include the following information: (i) clarification as to the methods of reporting (by whom and to whom), with an explanation of the concepts of "reported accidents" and "compensated accidents" (casos subsidios); (ii) information in respect of fatal injuries (casos mortales de accidentes de trabajo) (to indicate whether this information is presently included in the statistics of work accidents, and, if so, to provide it separately); and (iii) information regarding the number of work-days "lost" or not worked as a result of work accidents and further information on "subsidios por incapacidad temporal" (subsidy for temporary incapacity), and particularly "días de casos terminados" (days of finished cases), and "días subsidiados en el año" (days subsidized in the year). Please also state whether it is intended to collect information on work-time lost with respect to the reported accidents, and on occupational diseases. Finally, please indicate whether it is proposed to extend the scope of the statistics on work accidents to cover a larger part of the workforce, for instance, to include workers in the public sector or in autonomous institutions.

Article 15. Please provide information on the specific standards and guidelines followed (Article 2) and on consultation with employers' and workers' organizations (Article 3) with respect to the statistics covered by this Article.


The Committee notes that the Government's report contains no reply to its comments. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the following points raised in its previous direct request:

Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to state, for each of the Articles of Part II of the Convention, the standards and guidelines followed and the reasons for any departures from them.

Article 3. The Committee requests the Government to state the measures taken or proposed to consult the organizations of employers and workers in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methodology used in respect of the statistics covered by the Articles of Part II of the Convention.

Article 5. As regards the survey "Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples" giving effect to Articles 7, 8 and 13, the Committee requests the Government to communicate to the Office as soon as practicable, the published statistics compiled and the reference information concerning the publication(s) containing the results.

Article 6. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the steps taken or proposed to produce and publish methodological descriptions of the statistics covered by the Articles (except for Article 12) of Part II of the Convention, and to communicate them to the ILO (except for Article 15).

Article 8. The Committee would be grateful to the Government for any information concerning the population census provisionally scheduled for 1992.

Article 9. The Committee has noted that the coverage of the statistics of hours of work and wages is limited to wage-earners in manufacturing, and asks the Government to state the steps taken or contemplated to extend it to other important categories of workers and to other important branches of economic activity.

Articles 10 and 11. The Committee has noted that neither statistics of the structure and distribution of wages nor those of labour costs are compiled at present but that they could be compiled from the results of specific surveys. It asks the Government to indicate the measures taken or contemplated to compile these statistics.

Article 12. The Committee has noted that the consumer price index is computed using the weights which represent the consumption pattern for the period 1976-77. Please state whether there is a plan to review these weights.

Article 14. The Committee notes the Government's indication that data on work accidents are published annually, and asks the Government to provide more explicit information on the coverage of the statistics, in terms of persons and types of work accidents or injuries, and also on the methods of reporting. It would be grateful if the Government would state: (a) whether all public sector workers are excluded; (b) whether some sectors in the private sector are excluded from the "Regimen general de salud"; (c) what percentage of the total workforce is covered by the said "Regimen"; (d) whether information on fatal injuries is included or available separately; and (e) whether information on the number of workdays lost is available.

Article 17. The Committee has noted that the coverage of the statistics "Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples" giving effect to Articles 7, 8 and 13 is limited to certain geographical areas (to the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador or to urban areas, according to the year). Please state, in future reports, steps taken or proposed to extend it to other geographical areas.


With reference to its previous comments, the Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its second report. It requests the Government to provide further information on the following points:

Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to state, for each of the Articles of Part II of the Convention, the standards and guidelines followed and the reasons for any departures from them.

Article 3. The Committee requests the Government to state the measures taken or proposed to consult the organizations of employers and workers in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methodology used in respect of the statistics covered by the Articles of Part II of the Convention.

Article 5. As regards the survey "Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples" giving effect to Articles 7, 8 and 13, the Committee requests the Government to communicate to the Office as soon as practicable, the published statistics compiled and the reference information concerning the publication(s) containing the results.

Article 6. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the steps taken or proposed to produce and publish methodological descriptions of the statistics covered by the Articles (except for Article 12) of Part II of the Convention, and to communicate them to the ILO (except for Article 15).

Article 8. The Committee would be grateful to the Government for any information concerning the population census provisionally scheduled for 1992.

Article 9. The Committee has noted that the coverage of the statistics of hours of work and wages is limited to wage-earners in manufacturing, and asks the Government to state the steps taken or contemplated to extend it to other important categories of workers and to other important branches of economic activity.

Articles 10 and 11. The Committee has noted that neither statistics of the structure and distribution of wages nor those of labour costs are compiled at present but that they could be compiled from the results of specific surveys. It asks the Government to indicate the measures taken or contemplated to compile these statistics.

Article 12. The Committee has noted that the consumer price index is computed using the weights which represent the consumption pattern for the period 1976-77. Please state whether there is a plan to review these weights.

Article 14. The Committee notes the Government's indication that data on work accidents are published annually, and asks the Government to provide more explicit information on the coverage of the statistics, in terms of persons and types of work accidents or injuries, and also on the methods of reporting. It would be grateful if the Government would state: (a) whether all public sector workers are excluded; (b) whether some sectors in the private sector are excluded from the "Regimen general de salud"; (c) what percentage of the total workforce is covered by the said "Regimen"; (d) whether information on fatal injuries is included or available separately; and (e) whether information on the number of workdays lost is available.

Article 17. The Committee has noted that the coverage of the statistics "Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples" giving effect to Articles 7, 8 and 13 is limited to certain geographical areas (to the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador or to urban areas, according to the year). Please state, in future reports, steps taken or proposed to extend it to other geographical areas.


The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its first report. It asks the Government to provide information on the following points:

Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee notes the Government's statement that the provisions of the Convention and the standards established by the ILO are being considered, and asks the Government to state, for each of the Articles of Part II of the Convention, the standards and guidelines followed and the reasons for any departures from them.

Article 3. Please state the measures taken or proposed to consult the organisations of employers and workers in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methodology used in respect of the statistics covered by the Articles of Part II of the Convention.

Article 6. Please indicate the steps taken or proposed to produce and publish methodological descriptions of the statistics covered by the Articles (except for Article 12) of Part II of the Convention, and to communicate them to the ILO (except for Article 15).

Article 9. The Committe notes that the coverage of the statistics of hours of work and wages is limited to wage earners in manufacturing, and asks the Government to state the steps taken or contemplated to extend it to other important categories of workers and to other important branches of economic activity.

Articles 10 and 11. The Committee notes the Government's statement in the report that neither statistics of the structure and distribution of wages nor those of labour costs are compiled at present but that they could be compiled from the results of specific surveys. It asks the Government to indicate the measures taken or contemplated to compile these statistics.

Article 12. The Committee notes that the consumer price index is computed using the weights which represent the consumption pattern for the period 1976-77. Please state whether there is a plan to review these weights.

Article 14. The Committee notes the Government's indication that data on work accidents are published annually, and asks the Government to provide more explicit information on the coverage of the statistics, in terms of persons and types of work accidents.

Article 17. The Committee notes the Government's statement in its first report that the coverage of the statistics ("Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples") giving effect to Articles 7, 8 and 13 is limited to certain geographical areas (to the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador or to urban areas, according to the year). Please state, in future reports, steps taken or proposed to extend it to other geographical areas.

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