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Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) - Algeria (RATIFICATION: 1969)

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Articles 1 and 3 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Participation of the social partners. The Government indicates that salaried employment (permanent, non-permanent and apprentices) increased by 0.93 per cent between 2016-2019. It adds that the promotion of employment and the fight against unemployment, are among the Government’s main concerns and strategic objectives of the national development policy for 2020-2024. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government on employment rates and trends, including permanent salaried employment. It also notes that, in terms of promoting salaried employment, the employment placement support scheme led to the placement of 2,180,270 persons from 2008 to 31 December 2019. Regarding new job creation, the Government states that most job creation is coming from the private sector, with 62.18 per cent of total employment in May 2019. It also refers to two schemes run by the National Youth Employment Support Agency (ANSEJ) and the National Unemployment Insurance Fund (CNAC), which since their launch have recorded the funding of 535,446 projects and have generated 1,236,600 jobs. With respect to unemployment, the Committee notes that a survey conducted in May 2019 by the National Statistical Office (ONS) highlights a national unemployment rate of around 11.4 per cent, with a drop of 0.3 points compared to September 2018. The Government indicates that men’s unemployment rate decreased from 9.9 to 9.1 per cent between September 2018 and May 2019. In contrast, women’s unemployment rate increased during this period, from 19.4 to 20.4 per cent. With regard to rural sector workers, the Government refers to the proposal of rural sector workers to conduct an analysis in this sector. This proposal was welcomed by the public authorities through the organization of the National Agriculture Forum held on 23 April 2018, during which a decision was made to establish five intersectoral working groups. The Government indicates that in this context, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security organized a second group, whose purpose was to highlight measures to strengthen the participation of young people in agricultural activity. In addition, the Government indicates that the sector responsible for labour, employment and social security has initiated the establishment of a laboratory at the headquarters of the National Labour Institute (INT), tasked with carrying out studies on the informal economy. The results of this work should facilitate decision-making in the tripartite or bipartite framework. With regard to the role of the social partners, the Committee notes the information provided by the Government, particularly in the context of the national economic and social growth pact (2014), which encourages the Government to take into account the proposals made by the economic and social partners concerning employment. It also notes the actions of the National Employment Promotion Committee (CNPE) and its offices in the provinces (wilaya), which constitute an intersectoral promotion coordination and consultation mechanism whose tasks are to issue recommendations on all issues related to employment, taking into account the specificities of each region. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed and up-to-date information on employment, unemployment and underemployment, including statistical data disaggregated by sector, age and sex. It also requests the Government to provide information on the impact of initiatives led to generate growth and employment in rural areas, particularly through the intersectoral working groups. It further requests the Government to provide updated information on any measures taken or envisaged to facilitate the move of workers from the informal to the formal economy, particularly in the agricultural sector and rural communities.
Women’s employment. The Government refers to the improvement in the rate of women’s integration into the labour market from 2008 to 2019, particularly under assisted employment contracts (CTA) and the vocational integration assistance mechanism (DAIP). The Government reports that the proportion of women in the labour force increased from 19.74 per cent in September 2016 to 20.35 per cent in May 2019. Women made up 18.28 per cent of the total employed population in 2019 (17.63 per cent in 2016), namely 2,062,000 women workers. In this regard, the Committee notes that according to the 2019 ONS survey (Chart No. 06), the economic activity rate of women, is only 13.8 per cent, which is four times lower than that of men (60.7 per cent). The Committee notes that from September 2018 to May 2019, women’s unemployment rate increased from 19.4 to 20.4 per cent. Regarding the proportion of women in the creation of enterprises, the Government indicates that, as part of the support for the creation of micro-enterprises by the two ANSEJ-CNAC schemes, 1,964 micro-enterprises were created by women (compared to 2,975 micro-enterprises created in 2016), generating 4,893 jobs. The Government adds that from the establishment of these two schemes until the end of 2019, 55,638 micro-enterprises were created by women, resulting in the creation of 146,106 positions. In this regard, the Committee notes that between 2010 and 2019, a total of 404,210 new enterprise creation projects (START-UPS) were funded, and that 89.5 per cent of these funds were granted to men (365,907 projects), compared to only 10.5 per cent granted to women (38,303 projects). In this regard, the Committee refers to its 2017 comments under the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) to recall that for many years, the Committee has expressed serious concern regarding the low participation of women in employment and the persistence of strongly stereotyped attitudes with respect to the roles and responsibilities of women and men in society and in the family, both of which have a negative impact on women’s access to employment and training. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on any measures taken or envisaged to promote women’s employment at all levels and in all sectors of the economy, including non-traditional jobs. The Committee also requests the Government to provide full information on all measures taken to combat occupational segregation and incorporate gender equality in employment intermediation, guidance and integration services at the national level. It also requests the Government to continue to provide statistical data showing the distribution of men and women by economic activity.
Youth employment.The Committee notes the introduction, in February 2022, of an unemployment benefit for young first-time jobseekers registered with the National Employment Agency (ANEM) (section 190 of Act No. 21-16 of 30 December 2021 issuing the Finance Act of 2022). The Government indicates that measures have been taken to facilitate employment placement for young people, particularly within the framework of the DAIP, which carried out 214,938 placements in 2016-2019. The Committee notes that placements in the economic sector with CTA fell from 35,302 in 2016 to 12,944 in 2019. The Government indicates that to encourage the development of investments and creation of jobs, significant measures have been taken to facilitate the procedure for the establishment of their own micro-enterprises for young persons who have projects and are eligible for the job creation schemes managed by the ANSEJ and the CNAC. The Committee notes that the unemployment rate for further education graduates increased from 17.7 per cent in September 2016 to 18 per cent in May 2019. It also notes that between 2018 and 2019, the unemployment rate for young persons (aged 16-24) fell from 29.1 per cent in September 2018 to 26.9 in May 2019, a decrease of 2.2 percentage points over this period. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed information, including up-to-date statistical information, disaggregated by age, sex and economic activity area, on the type and impact of labour market measures designed to meet the needs of youth employment, in particular further education graduates and those in target groups, such as young women, young persons from rural areas and young first-time jobseekers.
Workers aged over 50 years. The Government indicates that unemployed persons aged over 50 years have difficulty entering or re-entering the world of work because of their age, which is close to the legal age of retirement of 60 years. In this respect, the Government refers to the extension from 50 to 55 years of the age of eligibility for the job creation support scheme for unemployed entrepreneurs, which will enable older unemployed persons to reintegrate into the world of work through entrepreneurship. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the impact of the measures taken to promote employment and job creation for the unemployed over 50 years, particularly with regard to the long-term integration of those under the support scheme.
Promotion of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The Government indicates that considerable resources have been deployed by the specialized bodies (ANSEJ-CNAC) to strengthen support for the project holders through, in particular, channelling activities towards promising sectors according to the needs identified at local level, with the help of local actors and the conclusion of special agreements with different sectors. In this regard, the Committee notes that, within the framework of cooperation and entrepreneurship, an agreement was signed in 2018 with the agriculture sector to promote the creation of micro-enterprises in the area of forestry, and a draft agreement is being prepared to develop activities related to the fisheries sector (construction of boats, maintenance of boats and manufacture of fishing nets, and so forth). It also notes that as part of the support for the creation of micro-enterprises, the employment services undertook the funding of 11,993 micro-enterprises in 2019 compared to 20,164 micro-enterprises in 2016, representing a decrease of 40.52 per cent. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the impact of the measures taken to support the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises and on the results achieved in terms of job creation, particularly for target groups, such as women, young persons and persons with disabilities.
Labour market policies for workers with disabilities. The Committee notes with interest the Government’s indication that measures have been taken by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security to facilitate access to various employment structures for persons with disabilities, with a view to integration into salaried employment or in the context of job creation. To this end, specialized desks have been set up in decentralized employment structures (ANEM – ANSEJ-CNAC) dedicated to handling and facilitating the processing of applications submitted by people with disabilities and providing assistance. Regarding support for job creation, since their establishment, the two ANSEJ-CNAC schemes have funded 837 projects (639 ANSEJ and 198 CNAC) for persons with special needs in various activity branches, including handicraft and industrial workers, and independent professionals. In this regard, the Committee notes that in 2011-2019, the number of job applications from people with special needs rose from 1,032 in 2011 to 6,290 throughout the country in 2019. The Government also indicates that labour legislation enshrines the right of persons with disabilities to access work by obliging employers to reserve jobs for this category of persons (section 16 of Act No. 90-11). This principle is also enshrined in Act No. 02-09 of 8 May 2002 on the protection and promotion of persons with disabilities, which requires that at least 1 per cent of jobs be devoted to them. In case of failure, employers are bound to pay a tax which is transferred to the special fund to finance subsidies for employers who adapt and equip workstations for persons with disabilities and for the reintegration of a worker into his or her post after a disability. In addition, employers who recruit people with disabilities benefit from a 50 per cent reduction in their share of social security contributions, with the difference paid by the State. In this regard, the Committee notes that in its concluding observations of 27 June 2019 (CRPD/C/DZA/CO/1, paragraph 44), the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities expresses its concern about the lack of sufficient resources and qualified professionals within the national agency responsible for the implementation and monitoring of Executive Decree No. 14-214 of 30 July 2014 to facilitate the employment of persons with disabilities. It is also concerned that, despite the entry into force of article 27(1) of Act No. 02-09 of 8 May 2002, which provides that all employers must devote at least 1 per cent of posts to persons with disabilities whose status as workers is recognized, and the possibility under an interministerial order of 4 October 2017 for employers to receive funding for the adaptation of workstations, persons with disabilities continue to be discriminated against in the employment sector. That Committee is also concerned that there are no laws and policies to address the multiple and aggravated forms of discrimination experienced by women and girls with disabilities, and that persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, are not consulted and actively involved in all decision-making processes affecting them (CRPD/C/DZA/CO/1, paragraphs 8 and 14). Given the observations of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to ensure effective equality of opportunity and treatment in employment and occupation in practice, in both the public and private sectors, between men and women with disabilities, and between workers with disabilities and other workers, including in relation to measures taken to provide reasonable accommodation. In particular, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on compliance with the 1 per cent quota, applicable for the employment of persons with disabilities in the private and public sectors. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to evaluate the vocational guidance services, vocational training, placement, employment and other associated services aimed at enabling persons with disabilities to obtain and maintain a job and to advance in their occupation. In addition, the Committee requests the Government to provide detailed and up-to-date information on the terms and conditions under which the representative employers’ and workers’ organizations are consulted and actively involved in all stages of decision-making processes that concern them.


Women’s employment. The Government indicates in its report that, according to the September 2016 survey of the National Statistical Office (ONS), the number of women in the labour market is constantly increasing. The Government indicates that in 2016 women represented 17.63 per cent of the total economically active population (compared with 14.59 per cent in 2005 and 16.3 per cent in 2011). The Committee notes that the National Employment Agency (ANEM) placed 38,214 women in employment in 2016, compared with 2,969 in 2000. In the 2010–16 period, 133,397 women held assisted employment contracts (CTA), out of a total of 253,963 persons. Under the vocational integration assistance mechanism (DAIP), 41,981 women found employment in 2016, representing 61.47 per cent of job placements for that year. The National Youth Employment Support Agency (ANSEJ) and the National Unemployment Insurance Fund (CNAC) contributed to the creation of 2,975 micro-enterprises for women in 2016, compared with 5,042 in 2015 (a 41 per cent reduction in one year). The Committee requests the Government to continue providing up-to-date information on the impact of measures taken or contemplated to promote women’s employment. It also requests the Government to promote projects and initiatives for women.
Youth employment. Regarding the vocational integration of young people, the Government indicates that 1,591,705 persons benefited from the DAIP during the 2010–16 period. As at 31 December 2016, it was estimated that 270,132 young persons had benefited from the DAIP, including 96,898 in the public administration and 173,234 in the financial sector. Placements under CTA contracts increased steadily from 19,937 in 2010 to 35,302 in 2016. During the 2010–16 period, 253,963 jobs were covered by CTA contracts and the proportion of young women placed in employment stood at 52.52 per cent. The Government indicates that another instrument (the “initial youth employment contract”) has been established to meet young persons’ expectations in terms of lasting employment and social security coverage and also to meet the needs of employers. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the impact of measures taken regarding youth employment, including in the context of the “initial youth employment contract”.
Promotion of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises. The Committee notes the Government’s indications that major measures have been taken to encourage the creation of micro-enterprises, including: the simplification and reduction of procedures (with less time taken (30 days) for the handling of dossiers); facilitated access to bank credit for micro-entrepreneurs (with bank interest covered 100 per cent by the State); support after start-up provided by the ANSEJ and the CNAC; and access to public procurement and tax benefits for micro-enterprises in the south of the country and the Hauts Plateaux region. The Government also indicates that incentive mechanisms have been established to promote knowledge-based activities and new technologies. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to promote the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises and on the results achieved in terms of job creation. It also requests the Government to provide information on the impact of the measures taken to promote entrepreneurship for women.
Labour market policies for workers with disabilities. The Committee notes that the centres mentioned in the Government’s report, namely the two work support centres in Algiers and Oran and the two teaching farms in Algiers and Bistra for workers with disabilities, are still being implemented and equipped. The work support centre in Ouargla and the teaching farm in Mascara are still in the study phase. As regards measures to promote the integration of workers with disabilities into the open labour market, the Government indicates that it has taken steps to enable employers who recruit persons with disabilities to receive tax benefits. Moreover, the ANEM, the ANSEJ and the CNAC have set up special outlets to facilitate the processing of dossiers and requests presented by persons with disabilities. The ANSEJ and the CNAC have funded 460 projects for persons with disabilities and special needs. The Committee hopes that the abovementioned centres will be made operational as soon as possible. It also requests the Government to provide up-to-date information on the impact of measures taken to promote the employment of persons with disabilities in the open labour market.


Articles 1 and 3 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Participation of the social partners. In reply to the Committee’s previous comments, the Government indicates in its report that the survey conducted in September 2016 by the National Statistics Office (ONS) reveals a national unemployment rate of 10.5 per cent. The Committee notes that the unemployment rate remains much higher for women (20 per cent) than for men (8.1 per cent) and also that it rose by 3.5 percentage points in 2016–17. The Committee notes that the Government, through support for the establishment of micro-enterprises, funded 20,164 projects in 2016, compared with 59,679 in 2014. The youth unemployment rate (16–24 years of age) stood at 26.7 per cent in April 2016, a decrease of 3.2 percentage points compared with the previous year. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that, for the 2015–19 period, its efforts are focusing on the promotion of waged employment and the creation of employment for young persons and unemployed persons. The creation of employment will be ensured by the simplification of legislative and regulatory procedures to facilitate access to bank credit and the strengthening of support for promoters to ensure the viability of micro-enterprises. As regards the role of the social partners, the Government indicates that tripartite meetings with union representatives of the employers and representatives of the General Union of Algerian Workers have been organized. The aim of these meetings is to adopt a consensus-based development project and identify adjustments that are needed to implemented policies. The Committee requests the Government to continue sending information on the adoption and implementation of employment measures and on their impact in terms of possibilities for full, productive and lasting employment. It also requests the Government to provide up-to-date statistical information on the nature, extent and trends of employment and unemployment in all sectors, including in the rural sector. The Committee further requests the Government to provide detailed information on the contribution of the social partners to the preparation of a new employment action plan, indicating the manner in which account has been taken of the opinions of workers in the rural sector and in the informal economy, with a view to securing their active cooperation in formulating employment policies and enlisting support for the measures taken in this respect.


Women’s employment. The Government indicates that the economically active female population rose from 15 per cent of the total economically active population in 2005 to 19 per cent in 2013. The number of women placed in employment by the National Employment Agency rose from 2,969 in 2000 to 46,299 in 2013. The Committee notes that, according to data from the National Statistical Office (ONS), between September 2013 and April 2014, women’s unemployment fell by 2.1 percentage points (from 16.3 to 14.2 per cent). The Committee invites the Government to continue including detailed information on the progress achieved in improving the participation of women in the labour market.
Youth employment. The Government indicates that 1,314,917 persons benefited from the vocational integration assistance mechanism (DAIP) during the period 2010–13. Moreover, as at 31 December 2013, it was estimated that 149,844 young persons had benefited from the DAIP. Placements under assisted employment contracts (CTA) increased steadily from 16,937 in 2010 to 49,076 in 2013. The Committee notes that the data from the ONS show a downward trend in the unemployment rate of higher education graduates (which fell from 21.4 to 14.3 per cent between September 2010 and September 2013, dropping to 13 per cent in April 2014). Moreover, the ONS reports that, between September 2013 and April 2014, the youth unemployment rate (aged 16–24) was stagnant at 24.8 per cent, thus affecting one out of four economically active young persons. The Committee invites the Government to continue providing detailed information on the vocational integration of young persons, particularly in relation to the long-term integration of the most under-privileged young persons into the labour market and its impact in terms of reducing unemployment.
Promotion of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises. The Government reports that 256,492 micro-enterprise projects were funded during the period 2010–13, with an estimated 530,918 potential jobs created, 138,019 of which are a result of the 64,451 projects funded over the course of 2013. The Committee invites the Government to continue providing detailed information on the initiatives aimed at promoting the creation of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises and on the results achieved in terms of job creation.
Labour market policies for workers with disabilities. The Government indicates that two work support centres for workers with disabilities in Algiers and Oran and two learning farms for workers with disabilities in Algiers and Bistra are being implemented and equipped, while plans are being examined for a work support centre in Ouargla and a teaching farm in Mascara. The Committee invites the Government to continue to inform on the operation of these centres and once again invites it to provide any relevant information on the integration of workers with disabilities into the labour market.


Articles 1 and 3 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Participation of the social partners. In reply to previous comments, the Government indicates in its report that, with respect to the implementation of the national employment promotion policy, public authorities wish to continue implementing the focus areas of the plan of action to promote employment and combat unemployment that was adopted in 2008. According to the data published by the National Statistical Office in April 2014, the economically active population was 11,716,000 and the participation rate of the population aged 15 and above was estimated at 41.5 per cent, while the employment rate was 37.5 per cent at the national level (60.5 per cent for men and 14 per cent for women). During the same period, 1,151,000 persons were unemployed and the unemployment rate was 9.8 per cent at the national level. The Committee invites the Government to provide information on the results achieved and the difficulties encountered in attaining the objectives of the plan of action to promote employment and combat unemployment, including updated quantitative information on the impact of the measures taken to stimulate economic growth and development, raise the standard of living, meet labour requirements and overcome unemployment and underemployment (Article 1(1)). The Committee also invites the Government to provide updated data on the economically active population and its distribution, the nature, extent and trends of unemployment and underemployment, disaggregated by age, sex and region. Moreover, the Committee invites the Government to include precise information on the contribution of the social partners to the formulation of a new plan of action for employment. Please also indicate the manner in which the views of representatives of other sectors of the economically active population, particularly those working in the rural sector and the informal economy, have been taken into account with a view to securing their full cooperation in formulating employment policies and enlisting support for the measures taken in this respect.
The Committee is raising other matters in a direct request addressed directly to the Government.


Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. The Committee notes the report submitted in September 2011 in reply to the observation made in 2010, and the general explanations in the report on government policy for the promotion of employment. The statistical data provided show a clear improvement in the employment situation, with a fall in the unemployment rate from 15.3 per cent in 2005 to 10 per cent in 2010, in a context of strong demographic growth, as the active population rose by over 1.1 million persons over that period. The activity rate of women, although slightly higher, at 15.1 per cent (compared with 14 per cent in 2000) remains well below that of men, which is around 70 per cent. The Committee observes that the participation of women in employment, which has the effect of lowering the figures for unemployment, also has the disadvantage of reducing the country’s wealth creation potential. The Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information in its next report on the progress achieved in improving the participation of women in the labour market. It also invites the Government to provide updated data on the active population and its distribution, the nature, extent and trends of unemployment and underemployment, disaggregated by age, sex and region, as well as on other categories for which data are available.
Article 3. Participation of the social partners. In reply to the previous comments, the Government indicates that the National Economic and Social Pact, concluded in September 2006, has been the subject of three evaluations in a tripartite setting. In a tripartite meeting held in December 2009, the Pact was renewed and strengthened. In its 2010 observation, the Committee noted the adoption in April 2008 of a plan of action to promote employment and combat unemployment, setting out the government employment strategy for the period 2008–13. In its latest report, the Government indicates that programmes based on the three focus areas have been implemented in relation to placement on the employment market, youth employment and micro-enterprise development. The Committee invites the Government to provide information in its next report on the implementation of the measures envisaged by the plan of action for employment ending in 2013. It hopes that the next report will contain precise information on the contribution of the social partners to the formulation of a new plan of action for employment and to the revision of the employment policies and programmes already implemented. Please also indicate the manner in which the views of “representatives of other sectors of the economically active population”, and particularly those working in the rural sector and in the informal economy, have been taken into account so that they cooperate fully in the formulation of employment policies and help to enlist support for the measures taken in this respect.
Youth employment. In its report the Government provides updated statistics on the vocational integration assistance mechanism (DAIP), which is intended to facilitate the conclusion of various contracts for young persons. Nearly 600,000 young persons benefited from the mechanism up to June 2011. In February 2011, further measures were adopted by the Council of Ministers to extend the coverage of mechanisms allowing a personalized approach with a view to providing young persons with support for vocational integration adapted to their needs. The Committee invites the Government to provide detailed information in its next report on the vocational integration of young beneficiaries of the DAIP, particularly in relation to the long-term integration of the most under-privileged young persons into the labour market and its impact in terms of reducing unemployment.
Promotion of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises. The Committee notes the various measures envisaged with a view to the creation of 200,000 SMEs over the period 2010–14. Further incentives for enterprises and investment were decided upon at a tripartite summit on 28 May 2011. Moreover, specific measures have been envisaged to facilitate the economic activity of micro-enterprises. The Committee invites the Government to provide detailed information in its next report on the results achieved through these initiatives in terms of job creation.
Employment market policies for workers with disabilities. The Government indicates that, in the context of the Five-Year Programme 2010–15, it was planned to create nine establishments: four work support centres, to be established in Algiers, Oran, Ouargla and Constantine, and five learning farms, to be located in Algiers, Bistra, Mascara, Bouira and Illizi. Persons who obtain satisfactory results in these centres may have access to employment in a sheltered workshop or a centre for the distribution of homework. The Committee invites the Government to continue proving information on the operation of these centres and to supply any relevant indications on the integration of workers with disabilities into the labour market.


Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in August 2009 in reply to the observation of 2008. The Government indicates that a Plan of Action for the Promotion of Employment and Combating Unemployment was adopted in April 2008. This plan places the creation of lasting and decent employment at the heart of economic and social policies and aims to reduce the unemployment rate, standing at 13 per cent since 2007, to under 10 per cent by 2009–10 and under 9 per cent by 2011–13. Seven priority areas have been determined in the plan of action, including: support for investment in the employment-creating economic sector, promotion of training leading to qualifications, promotion of an incentive policy for the creation of employment in favour of enterprises and promotion of youth employment through the new mechanism providing assistance with vocational integration. The Government indicates that employment support programmes have also been put in place, such as the national programme for the development of agriculture and the national programme for rural development, which aim to provide rural groups that usually have no land assets with the financial and material means to enable them to participate in the implementation of projects in their locality. The Committee also notes the National Economic and Social Pact, which was concluded on 30 September 2006 for a period of five years. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report whether any particular difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives of the National Economic and Social Pact, adopted in September 2006, and the Plan of Action for the Promotion of Employment and Combating Unemployment, adopted in April 2008, and to state to what extent these difficulties in job creation have been overcome. The Committee also requests the Government to include up-to-date information on the current situation and trends regarding the active population, employment, underemployment and unemployment, throughout the country and in the different regions, by sector of activity, sex, age and level of qualifications.

Youth employment. The Committee notes the vocational integration assistance mechanism (DAIP), which has facilitated the conclusion of 48,002 professional integration contracts, 29,721 vocational integration contracts and 86,573 training/integration contracts. By the end of 2008, a total of 164,296 jobs had been created for young first-time jobseekers. The DAIP also introduced a training/integration contract for young persons without training or qualifications, by means of an apprenticeship with a master craftsman for one year with a grant of 4,000 Algerian dinars (DZD) per month for a maximum period of six months. In the same context, there are plans to pay grants of DZD3,000 to unqualified young persons who embark on training in shortage occupations. A local project financing study committee (CLEF) responsible for evaluating projects presented by young jobseekers, in collaboration with the National Youth Employment Support Agency (ANSEJ), has been established. According to the information compiled in the General Survey of 2010 concerning employment instruments, the Committee noted that there is a high rate of unemployment among educated workers, particularly young university graduates, who are unable to find employment commensurate with their skill level. This is now an issue for the advanced market economies as well as developing countries. Not only are the skills of young graduates underutilized, but this pattern of casual jobs can also prove detrimental to their lifetime career progression. The Committee therefore encourages governments to develop job creation and career guidance policies targeted at this new category of the educated unemployed (General Survey, op. cit., paragraph 800). The Committee therefore requests the Government to indicate in its next report the results achieved for ensuring productive employment for the recipients of the vocational integration assistance mechanism (DAIP) and to provide information on the new measures adopted to combat youth unemployment, particularly young graduates and under- or unqualified young persons.

Promotion of small and micro-enterprises. The Committee notes the measures adopted for promoting the development of SMEs, particularly in the form of training in techniques for the creation and management of activities for promoters; the development of business incubators; the setting up of facilitation centres in the craft sector; the establishment of an advisory council for SMEs; and the setting up of three specialist micro-enterprise agencies and specific funds to support small enterprises. In 2008, a total of 13,191 micro-enterprises were created, generating 37,154 permanent jobs. In the 2010 General Survey, the Committee also emphasized the importance for small and medium-sized enterprises to have access locally and nationally to support services for human resources development. The Committee requests the Government to supply information in its next report on the measures taken “to create an environment conducive to the growth and development of small and medium-sized enterprises” (see Paragraph 5 of the Job Creation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Recommendation, 1998 (No. 189)).

Labour market policies in favour of workers with disabilities. The Government indicates that centres providing assistance through work and also teaching centres provide training for persons with disabilities with a view to their vocational integration. The Committee requests the Government to supply further details in its next report on the activities of these centres and to include any other relevant information concerning the integration of workers with disabilities in the labour market.

Article 3. Participation of the social partners in the formulation and implementation of policies. The Committee notes the establishment at national level of two national committees, the first chaired by the Prime Minister and the second by the Minister for Employment, and also of a local committee responsible for the monitoring and coordination of employment mechanisms in order to evaluate progress towards full employment. The Committee invites the Government to supply in its next report, further information on the activities of these committees indicating, in particular, the contribution of the social partners to the formulation and revision of employment policies and programmes. It also requests the Government to indicate the manner in which account is taken of the opinion of “representatives of other sectors of the economically active population” such as those working in the rural sector and the informal economy, with a view to securing their full cooperation in formulating and enlisting support for such policies.


1. Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. In its previous comments, the Committee expressed its concern regarding the effective pursuit of an active policy designed to promote the objectives of the Convention. It emphasized the importance of consultations with the representatives of the persons affected in an environment of very high and persistent unemployment. In March 2008, the Government submitted a brief report indicating that the national employment policy has been characterized in recent years by the implementation of state-financed programmes to support employment, the creation of micro-enterprises and the reform of the public employment service. In its previous reports, the Government indicated that the national employment policy aimed to reduce the unemployment rate to less than 10 per cent by 2009, by creating 2 million jobs. The Committee understands that these objectives were confirmed in March 2008 in the context of a strategy to promote employment and combat unemployment. The Committee requests the Government to provide information in its next report on the results achieved and difficulties encountered in implementing the strategy to promote employment and combat unemployment, including updated quantitative information on the development and results of the programmes implemented to promote growth and economic development, raise living standards, meet the needs of the labour force and resolve the problem of unemployment and underemployment (Article 1, paragraph 1).

2. Role of the employment services in employment promotion. In its report, the Government emphasizes the modernization of the National Employment Agency (ANEM) and its network of agencies, and the opening up of the possibility for private operators to offer employment services. The Committee noted the Government’s first report on the application of the Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 (No. 181), and addressed a request to the Government concerning cooperation between the public employment service and private employment agencies. It hopes that in its next report on Convention No. 122 the Government will provide an account of the measures taken by ANEM and private employment agencies to ensure that the objectives of the Convention, in particular the objective of ensuring productive employment for all those available for work, have been pursued by all actors in the labour market.

3. Collection and use of employment data. The Government recalls in its report that, in June 2005, it created a National Employment and Poverty Reduction Observatory. However, the report does not contain the statistical information requested in the report form. The Committee once again requests the Government to provide an account of the progress made by the National Employment and Poverty Reduction Observatory in improving the labour market information system and to provide detailed statistics on the situation and trends in employment, specifying the manner in which the collected data have been used to determine and review employment policy measures.

4. Article 1, paragraph 2. Labour market policies in favour of young people. The Committee notes that priority will be given to practical measures to address the vocational integration needs of young people, who account for more than 70 per cent of the population seeking employment. Measures to support vocational integration and new employment contracts will be offered to young graduates. The Committee refers in this regard to paragraph 9 of the Conclusions on promoting pathways to decent work for youth, adopted at the 93rd Session of the Conference (June 2005), which states that while employment cannot be directly created but only encouraged by legislation or regulation, labour legislation and regulation based on international labour standards can provide employment protection and support increased productivity, which are conditions basic to the creation of decent work, particularly for young people. The Committee invites the Government to provide information in its next report on the results achieved through measures taken to promote decent employment for young people, particularly for those who have few or no qualifications.

5. Labour market policies in favour of workers with disabilities. The Committee recalls that, in previous reports, the Government had reported that regulatory provisions make it compulsory for employers to reserve a quota of 1 per cent of posts for workers with disabilities. The Committee once again asks the Government to provide information on the impact in practice of the measures taken to increase the level of participation of workers with disabilities in the labour market and to ensure that such workers are engaged in productive and lasting employment.

6. Article 3. Participation of the social partners in policy preparation and implementation. The Committee regrets that the Government has not provided the information requested on the manner in which the consultation of representatives of the persons affected, required under Article 3 of the Convention, is ensured in practice. The Committee can only emphasize once again the importance of giving full effect to this key provision of the Convention, in particular in an environment of very high and persistent unemployment. It hopes that the next report will contain information in that regard and that it will include information on the consultations held with representatives of the most vulnerable categories of the population, in particular with representatives of workers in the rural sector and the informal economy, in order to secure their cooperation in formulating and implementing employment policy programmes and measures.

7. Finally, the Committee recalls that the preparation of a detailed report, responding to the questions raised in this observation, will serve as an opportunity for the Government and social partners to evaluate the achievement of the objective of full and productive employment provided for by the Convention. Consequently, it once again asks the Government to provide detailed information so as to enable it to examine how the guiding principles of economic policy in areas such as monetary, budgetary, trade and regional development policy contribute, “within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy” (Article 2, paragraph (a)), to the pursuit of the employment objectives established by the Convention. The Committee once again asks the Government to provide information on the measures adopted to lower the unemployment rate, and on the results achieved by the measures taken in the public and private sectors in order to promote productive employment, particularly amongst young people.


1. Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in June 2007 containing general information on changes in employment and on labour market policies. The Committee refers back to its 2005 observation, in which it indicated that the implementation of recommendations made by the ILO, following the study concerning the reform of the National Employment Agency in the Algerian intermediary system on the labour market (December 2003) and the national consultation on the theme of “Freedom from poverty through work”, held in October 2003, should encourage the pursuit of the objectives of the Convention. In this regard, the Committee asked the Government to provide detailed information on the measures taken to implement an active employment policy within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention subsequent to the assistance received from the ILO. The Committee notes, however, that apart from some supplementary indications in response to the Committee’s 2005 observation, requested in July 2007, the Government has not provided any other information.

2. In its report, the Government states that the economic reform process which was begun in the country in the midst of a difficult socio-economic climate, has generated a labour market imbalance characterized by an increase in unemployment. 1,240,800 people were unemployed in 2006, 70 per cent of which were under 30 years of age and 60 per cent of which had never worked. The main aim of the national employment policy is to reduce the unemployment rate to less than 10 per cent by 2009, in particular by creating 2 million jobs between now and then. In order to achieve this objective, the Government envisages the launch of a number of major projects requiring a considerable workforce, the adjustment of the workforce to the needs of the labour market through training, the regulation of labour supply and demand through the National Employment Agency (ANPE), and support for youth employment. The economic recovery plan and public and private investments already allowed for the creation of 684,000 jobs in 2005.

3. The Committee once again expresses its concern regarding the effective pursuit of “an active policy designed to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment”, “as a major goal” and “within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy” (Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention). The Committee regrets that the Government has not provided the information requested in the report form on the manner in which the consultation of representatives of the persons affected, required under Article 3 of the Convention, is ensured in practice. It can only insist once again on the importance of giving full effect to this key provision of the Convention, in particular in an environment of very high and persistent unemployment.

4. The Committee asks the Government to provide detailed information so as to enable it to examine how the guiding principles of economic policy in areas such as monetary, budgetary, trade and regional development policy, contribute “within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy” to the pursuance of the employment objectives established by the Convention. The Committee trusts that the Government will provide information on the measures adopted to lower the unemployment rate and the results achieved by the measures taken in the public and private sectors to promote productive employment, particularly of young people.

5. Labour market policies in favour of workers with disabilities. In its report, the Government states that regulatory provisions make it compulsory for employers to reserve a quota of 1 per cent of posts for workers with disabilities. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the impact in practice of the measures taken to increase the level of participation of workers with disabilities in the labour market and to ensure that such workers are engaged in productive and lasting employment.

6. Collection and use of employment data. Further to its previous comments, the Committee asks the Government once again to provide an account of the progress made to improve the labour market information system and to provide detailed statistics on the situation and trends in employment, specifying the manner in which the collected data has been used to determine and review employment policy measures.

[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present comments in 2008.]


1. Implementation of an active employment policy. In a report received in May 2004, the Government refers to the components of a national employment policy contained in a study published by the ILO in October 2003. The Government also refers to the ILO study concerning reform of the National Employment Agency (ANEM) in the Algerian intermediary system on the labour market (December 2003) and the national consultation on the theme of "freedom from poverty through work", held in October 2003. In the light of the labour market analysis carried out in October 2003, some recommendations have been made with a view to adopting a global approach for the elaboration and implementation of a national employment policy. The employment situation in Algeria, the institutional modifications linked to the employment policy, as well as the essential place of an effective employment service for improved efficiency of the employment policy, showed that reform of the ANEM should not be delayed further. In the Committee’s view, implementation of these recommendations should encourage the pursuit of the objectives of the Convention, which provides that employment promotion policies and programmes must be decided on and kept under review within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy (Article 2 of the Convention). The Committee requests the Government to supply a report containing detailed information on the measures taken to implement an active employment policy within the meaning of the Convention subsequent to the assistance received from the ILO.

2. Collection and use of employment data. The Committee notes that lack of information on job offers results in irregular production of data on the labour market, restrictive circulation, selective processing of the data collected and the instruments for analysis which are not in keeping with current economic changes (ILO, Marché du travail et emploi en Algérie: éléments pour une politique nationale de l’emploi, 2003, page 66). The Committee hopes that in its next report the Government will give an account of the progress made to improve the labour market information system and that it will include detailed statistics on the situation and trends in employment, specifying the manner in which the data was used to determine and review employment policy measures.

3. Labour market policies and training. The Committee observes that the high unemployment rate continued during the period 2002-04, despite the establishment of programmes and institutions aimed at combating unemployment and its social consequences. While the unemployment rate fell in the period under consideration due to the impact of improved economic growth, it was still 23.7 per cent in 2003 and mainly affected young people and first-time entrants to the labour market. In addition, the Committee notes a rise in unemployment among young people holding a higher education qualification, which was 56 per cent for 15-24 year-olds and 31 per cent for 25-34 year-olds, which appears to reflect a mismatch between training possibilities and market needs and can be a source of social exclusion. Finally, the Committee notes the existence of support programmes for the creation of enterprises, particularly in the form of microcredits, which benefit on average about 18,000 people a year. The programmes, intended to improve regional and local infrastructure, receive around 280,000 people a year. In its last report of August 2005, the Government refers to the recent decrees and regulations on the development and promotion of micro-enterprises and microcredits. In this regard, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on the creation of sustainable employment as a consequence of the various programmes mentioned. Please also indicate measures adopted with a view to coordinating education and training policies with employment prospects.

4. Participation of the social partners in policy preparation and implementation. The Committee recalls that Article 3 of the Convention calls for consultation with all the persons affected, and in particular the representatives of employers and workers, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies. It is the joint responsibility of governments and the representative organizations of employers and workers to ensure that representatives of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups of the active population are associated as closely as possible with the formulation and implementation of measures of which they should be the prime beneficiaries (see paragraph 493 of the General Survey of 2004 on promoting employment). The Committee trusts that the Government will supply detailed information on this matter in its next report.

5. Finally, the Committee recalls that the provision of documents by the Government must not be a substitute for the preparation of a detailed report including replies to the matters raised in this observation. The preparation of a detailed report will undoubtedly allow the Government and the social partners to assess the achievement of the objective of full productive employment stipulated by the Convention.


1. In a report received in June 2002, the Government puts into perspective the various youth employment measures adopted over the years: the implementation in 1997 of a youth employment programme (PEJ); the adoption in 1990 of a system of measures for the vocational integration of young persons (DIPJ); and the establishment in 1996 of the National Youth Employment Support Agency (ANSEJ). It indicates that in recent years the principal measures to combat unemployment and poverty have been based on microcredit and labour-intensive public works. Finally, it refers to a programme to support economic recovery during the period 2001-04, with such recovery appearing essential to reduce unemployment, the rate of which was established at 27.3 per cent in the third quarter of 2001 by the National Statistical Office. The Government finally refers to the reorganization and modernization of the National Employment Agency (ANEM), envisaged during a bipartite meeting between the Government and the General Federation of Algerian Workers (UGTA), held on 13 October 2001. In its previous comments, the Committee expressed its concern over whether "an active policy designed to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment" was effectively pursued "as a major goal" and "within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy" (Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention). It trusts that the Government will provide information in its next report to demonstrate that the measures adopted or envisaged in the fields of investment policy, fiscal and monetary policies, industrial and regional development policies and prices, incomes and wages policies contribute to the achievement of the objectives set out in the Convention. It would also be grateful if the Government would provide information on the measures adopted to respond fully to the demand for jobs from underprivileged categories of workers, and particularly women, young persons, workers affected by natural disasters or enterprise restructuring, and persons with disabilities.

2. The Committee regrets that the Government has not provided the information requested in the report form on the manner in which the consultations with the representatives of the persons affected, as required by Article 3 of the Convention, are ensured in practice. It is bound to emphasize once again the importance that it attaches to full effect being given to this essential provision of the Convention, particularly in a situation of very high and persistent unemployment.

3. Finally, the Committee refers to the observation that it is making this year concerning the Human Resources Development Convention, 1975 (No. 142), the application of which can contribute to the employment promotion objectives set out in Convention No. 122. It trusts that the preparation of a full report on Convention No. 122 will provide an opportunity for the Government and the social partners to evaluate the measures adopted to achieve the objective of full, productive and freely chosen employment. It reminds the Government that it may request the technical assistance of the Office for the implementation of an active employment policy within the meaning of the Convention.


The Committee notes the information provided in the Government’s report for the period from 30 June 1998 to 30 June 2000.

Article 1 of the Convention. The Government states that the level of official unemployment was 26.4 per cent in 1997. The Government is still undergoing structural adjustment and restructuring in industries. The Government’s employment strategy focuses on employment promotion for young people aged 16 to 27. The Government promotes employment by providing young people with loan guarantees to help start their own businesses (DIPJ). The DIPJ ran into funding problems because the banks refused to continue lending to young entrepreneurs because of the high failure rate due to the lack of qualifications of the entrepreneurs. The Government undertook a study in 1994 about why the project was not working, and published a report in 1995. For unemployed youth, there is also a programme to provide temporary employment doing local civic work, with the goal of aiding these workers to find more permanent work. Youth may receive vocational training lasting between one and six months, which focuses on adapting to work and using equipment at work. There are also correspondence courses available that address management issues.

The Government is also promoting micro-enterprises. It states that in 2000 there were 15,838 jobs created through microfinancing. The pre-employment contract (CPE) is a similar programme of employment promotion through micro-enterprise creation, but aimed specifically at jobseekers with higher qualifications (university degrees or technical school diplomas). In 1998 and 1999 there were a total of 15,879 participants. Microcredit schemes also exist for the poor and for family micro-enterprises. The Government also describes a programme for labour-intensive infrastructure and development projects such as housing and rural development. Lastly, the Government states that all of the programmes aimed at promoting employment of youth apply equally to young women. The Committee notes this information. It would appreciate receiving information on the impact of these programmes on employment promotion, as well as further information on measures adopted to meet fully the demand for jobs among disadvantaged categories of workers such as women, young people, workers affected by restructuring and people with disabilities.

Article 2. Please provide information on how employment policies and programmes are kept under review within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy.

Article 3. Please provide detailed information on the manner in which consultations on the formulation, implementation and evaluation of employment policies and programmes are held with representatives of employers, workers and other groups, such as rural and informal sector workers, and on the outcome of these consultations.


The Committee notes that the Government's report contains no reply to previous comments. It must therefore repeat its previous observation which read as follows:

1. The Committee took note of the Government's report for the period ending June 1996. It regrets that it replies only partly to the points raised in its previous observation. The Committee notes that the global statistical data supplied on the active population, employment and unemployment relate to 1993 and 1994 but not to the period covered by the report. It hopes that the Government will supply in its next report statistical data as detailed and up to date as possible on the level and trends, during the period in question, of employment, underemployment and unemployment, at national level and in the various regions, by sector of activity, sex, age and level of qualifications. The Committee recalls in this respect that it is essential for employment policy decisions to be made on the basis of precise knowledge of the situation and trends in activity and employment. It requests the Government to describe the measures taken or under consideration to improve collection and analysis of the relevant statistical data. 2. Basing itself on information and analyses made available by the competent services in the ILO, the Committee believes it can summarize the evolution of employment and unemployment since 1994 in the following manner. The hydrocarbons sector, as well as agriculture which has profited from favourable climatic conditions, are mainly responsible for the increased production of 3.9 per cent in 1995 and 3.4 per cent in 1996, while industrial production has contracted sharply. In this context, the employment increase both in the modern sector and the informal sector has proved to be insufficient to absorb the growth in the active population, and the unemployment rate which was already 26.5 per cent in 1994, has reached the unprecedented rate of 28.3 per cent in 1996. The Committee is bound to note the contrast between the progress made within the framework of the structural adjustment programme agreed with the International Monetary Fund, in terms particularly of budgetary balance, a noteworthy reduction in the inflation rate and the stabilization of external accounts, and the continuing deterioration in the employment situation, where young people looking for their first jobs are the main victims. Since the Government has not supplied the information required on this matter, the Committee is bound to express its concern in regard to the effective pursuit "as a major goal" and "within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy" of "an active policy designed to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment". It trusts that the Government will supply in its next report information demonstrating that the measures taken or contemplated in regard to investment policy, monetary and budgetary policies, industrial and regional development policies and prices, incomes and wages policies are contributing to pursuing the objectives of the Convention. The Committee also requests the Government to specify how it envisages the impact on employment of implementing its privatization programme. 3. The Committee notes the general indications relating to the new arrangements for youth integration into employment. It notes that the Government confirms the reorientation of labour market policy measures in favour of the establishment of micro-enterprises and refers to the launching of pre-recruitment contracts. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would supply any available assessment of the contribution of these arrangements to the lasting integration in productive employment of those concerned. Furthermore, it requests it to supply in its next report on the application of Convention No. 88 full information on the renovation of the public employment service which it mentions. 4. The Committee particularly regrets that the Government has not supplied the information requested showing how consultation with all the persons affected on employment policies is assured in practice, as required by Article 3 of the Convention. It is bound to stress once again the importance it attaches to the full application of this essential provision of the Convention, particularly in a context of high unemployment and wide-ranging structural reforms. The Committee recalls that it requested the Government to describe the consultations held within the framework of the Economic and Social Council, providing all relevant examples of recommendations, opinions, reports or studies. It hopes to find full information on this matter in the Government's next report.


1. The Committee took note of the Government's report for the period ending June 1996. It regrets that it replies only partly to the points raised in its previous observation. The Committee notes that the global statistical data supplied on the active population, employment and unemployment relate to 1993 and 1994 but not to the period covered by the report. It hopes that the Government will supply in its next report statistical data as detailed and up to date as possible on the level and trends, during the period in question, of employment, underemployment and unemployment, at national level and in the various regions, by sector of activity, sex, age and level of qualifications. The Committee recalls in this respect that it is essential for employment policy decisions to be made on the basis of precise knowledge of the situation and trends in activity and employment. It requests the Government to describe the measures taken or under consideration to improve collection and analysis of the relevant statistical data.

2. Basing itself on information and analyses made available by the competent services in the ILO, the Committee believes it can summarize the evolution of employment and unemployment since 1994 in the following manner. The hydrocarbons sector, as well as agriculture which has profited from favourable climatic conditions, are mainly responsible for the increased production of 3.9 per cent in 1995 and 3.4 per cent in 1996, while industrial production has contracted sharply. In this context, the employment increase both in the modern sector and the informal sector has proved to be insufficient to absorb the growth in the active population, and the unemployment rate which was already 26.5 per cent in 1994, has reached the unprecedented rate of 28.3 per cent in 1996. The Committee is bound to note the contrast between the progress made within the framework of the structural adjustment programme agreed with the International Monetary Fund, in terms particularly of budgetary balance, a noteworthy reduction in the inflation rate and the stabilization of external accounts, and the continuing deterioration in the employment situation, where young people looking for their first jobs are the main victims. Since the Government has not supplied the information required on this matter, the Committee is bound to express its concern in regard to the effective pursuit "as a major goal" and "within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy" of "an active policy designed to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment". It trusts that the Government will supply in its next report information demonstrating that the measures taken or contemplated in regard to investment policy, monetary and budgetary policies, industrial and regional development policies and prices, incomes and wages policies are contributing to pursuing the objectives of the Convention. The Committee also requests the Government to specify how it envisages the impact on employment of implementing its privatization programme.

3. The Committee notes the general indications relating to the new arrangements for youth integration into employment. It notes that the Government confirms the reorientation of labour market policy measures in favour of the establishment of micro-enterprises and refers to the launching of pre-recruitment contracts. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would supply any available assessment of the contribution of these arrangements to the lasting integration in productive employment of those concerned. Furthermore, it requests it to supply in its next report on the application of Convention No. 88 full information on the renovation of the public employment service which it mentions.

4. The Committee particularly regrets that the Government has not supplied the information requested showing how consultation with all the persons affected on employment policies is assured in practice, as required by Article 3 of the Convention. It is bound to stress once again the importance it attaches to the full application of this essential provision of the Convention, particularly in a context of high unemployment and wide-ranging structural reforms. The Committee recalls that it requested the Government to describe the consultations held within the framework of the Economic and Social Council, providing all relevant examples of recommendations, opinions, reports or studies. It hopes to find full information on this matter in the Government's next report.


The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its previous observation which read as follows:

1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending June 1994 and the attached legislation. The Government has also provided the results of the survey on labour in 1992 which show unemployment (as compared with 1991) increased by 17.5 per cent. Despite an apparently low labour force participation rate for the population of working age, due essentially to the very low participation rate of women (8.75 per cent), the unemployment rate was estimated at around 22 per cent. Since job creation did not keep pace with the rapid population growth, unemployment continued to affect mainly young persons seeking a first job. According to the latest data available at the ILO, unemployment has continued to rise and affects about one quarter of the active population. 2. In its report, the Government provides general information on the approach used in the employment policy it is conducting in the difficult context of transition towards a market economy: it expresses its conviction that industrial restructuring and privatization will allow present employment to be maintained and estimates that the "micro" and small business sector, along with the development of major works, will make a contribution to the creation of new jobs. The Committee, which lacks the information to assess the manner in which the objectives set out in Article 1 of the Convention are promoted in practice, would be grateful if the Government would supply in its next report more specific information on the objectives and effects, in terms of growth and employment, of the mobilization and structural reform programmes applied with the support of the IMF and the World Bank. It hopes that the report will include fuller information on the measures taken or envisaged in investment policy, monetary and budgetary policy, industrial and regional development policies and policies on prices, income and salaries, specifying how they contribute to promoting productive and freely chosen employment. 3. The Committee notes that the machinery for entry of young people remains a major feature of the labour market policy with, in particular, the conclusion of pre-recruitment and integration-training contracts along with job creation measures. Noting the Government's indications that weakness and failure have been noted in regard particularly to profitability of projects and the effectiveness of the cooperative system to encourage lasting employment for young people, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would supply in its next report any available assessment of results obtained by these various measures. Noting also the stress placed by the Government on productive employment as a means of restoring the concept of work as a value, it requests the Government to specify the measures taken in order for the school and training system to make a greater contribution to encouraging the integration of young people in the productive economy. 4. The Committee notes the importance attached by the Government to the establishment of an effective public employment service as a prerequisite to implementing action on employment policies. Referring to its previous comments, it refers to the observation it makes elsewhere in this report on the application of Convention No. 88 in which it requests the Government to describe the measures taken to give effect to the provision stipulating that the employment service must cooperate in the administration of unemployment insurance and assistance and other measures for the relief of the unemployed. More generally, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would supply more complete information on the labour market policy, with particular reference to application of the new Labour Code. With regard to measures designed to balance labour supply and demand, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide information on the policy pursued in regard to migration of workers. If it is deemed useful, on this matter the Government may consult Part X of Recommendation No. 169 entitled "International migration and employment". 5. The Committee notes the provisions of the Presidential Decree of 5 October 1993 establishing an economic and social council for the purpose of ensuring dialogue between the social partners and comprising, inter alia, a committee on economic and social development prospects and a population and social needs committee. It requests the Government to indicate whether consultation on the subject of employment policies took place in this council and to supply examples of all relevant recommendations, appeals, reports or studies. The Committee which cannot overstress the need to ensure the widest social dialogue on unemployment problems in the context of the ongoing structural reforms hopes to see in the Government's next report new information showing how consultation with all the persons affected on employment policies is ensured in practice "with a view to taking fully into account their experience and views and securing their full cooperation in formulating and enlisting support for such policies" in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention.


1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending June 1994 and the attached legislation. The Government has also provided the results of the survey on labour in 1992 which show unemployment (as compared with 1991) increased by 17.5 per cent. Despite an apparently low labour force participation rate for the population of working age, due essentially to the very low participation rate of women (8.75 per cent), the unemployment rate was estimated at around 22 per cent. Since job creation did not keep pace with the rapid population growth, unemployment continued to affect mainly young persons seeking a first job. According to the latest data available at the ILO, unemployment has continued to rise and affects about one quarter of the active population.

2. In its report, the Government provides general information on the approach used in the employment policy it is conducting in the difficult context of transition towards a market economy: it expresses its conviction that industrial restructuring and privatization will allow present employment to be maintained and estimates that the "micro" and small business sector, along with the development of major works, will make a contribution to the creation of new jobs. The Committee, which lacks the information to assess the manner in which the objectives set out in Article 1 of the Convention are promoted in practice, would be grateful if the Government would supply in its next report more specific information on the objectives and effects, in terms of growth and employment, of the mobilization and structural reform programmes applied with the support of the IMF and the World Bank. It hopes that the report will include fuller information on the measures taken or envisaged in investment policy, monetary and budgetary policy, industrial and regional development policies and policies on prices, income and salaries, specifying how they contribute to promoting productive and freely chosen employment.

3. The Committee notes that the machinery for entry of young people remains a major feature of the labour market policy with, in particular, the conclusion of pre-recruitment and integration-training contracts along with job creation measures. Noting the Government's indications that weakness and failure have been noted in regard particularly to profitability of projects and the effectiveness of the cooperative system to encourage lasting employment for young people, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would supply in its next report any available assessment of results obtained by these various measures. Noting also the stress placed by the Government on productive employment as a means of restoring the concept of work as a value, it requests the Government to specify the measures taken in order for the school and training system to make a greater contribution to encouraging the integration of young people in the productive economy.

4. The Committee notes the importance attached by the Government to the establishment of an effective public employment service as a prerequisite to implementing action on employment policies. Referring to its previous comments, it refers to the observation it makes elsewhere in this report on the application of Convention No. 88 in which it requests the Government to describe the measures taken to give effect to the provision stipulating that the employment service must cooperate in the administration of unemployment insurance and assistance and other measures for the relief of the unemployed. More generally, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would supply more complete information on the labour market policy, with particular reference to application of the new Labour Code. With regard to measures designed to balance labour supply and demand, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide information on the policy pursued in regard to migration of workers. If it is deemed useful, on this matter the Government may consult Part X of Recommendation No. 169 entitled "International migration and employment".

5. The Committee notes the provisions of the Presidential Decree of 5 October 1993 establishing an economic and social council for the purpose of ensuring dialogue between the social partners and comprising, inter alia, a committee on economic and social development prospects and a population and social needs committee. It requests the Government to indicate whether consultation on the subject of employment policies took place in this council and to supply examples of all relevant recommendations, appeals, reports or studies. The Committee which cannot overstress the need to ensure the widest social dialogue on unemployment problems in the context of the ongoing structural reforms hopes to see in the Government's next report new information showing how consultation with all the persons affected on employment policies is ensured in practice "with a view to taking fully into account their experience and views and securing their full cooperation in formulating and enlisting support for such policies" in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention.


The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its previous observation which read as follows:

1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending June 1992 and welcomes the detailed information contained in the report in reply to its previous comments. According to the statistics published by the ILO, which confirm those contained in the report, it notes that the unemployment rate, which was 17 per cent in 1989, rose to 19.7 per cent in 1990 and to 21.1 per cent in 1991. The results of the 1990 labour force survey point to characteristics of unemployment and its distribution which are a cause of concern: 85 per cent of the unemployed appear to be under 30 years of age and the average period of unemployment is two years. Furthermore, a significant and growing proportion of the unemployed have middle and secondary teaching diplomas. The Committee notes that data on employment by region should soon be available. It requests the Government to supply information which is as detailed as possible in its next report on the situation and trends of the active population, employment, underemployment and unemployment. 2. The Government states that employment problems are central to the concerns of the public authorities and that the employment policy which is pursued forms part of the reforms undertaken since 1988 to promote renewed growth in economic activity and achieve a lasting improvement in the employment situation. Employment promotion is encouraged by means of measures to improve the general functioning of the economy, such as the introduction of independence for enterprises, their management according to market forces and the strengthening of social dialogue, as well as specific measures to promote investment and the creation of cooperatives, to reduce the cost of labour through tax and other financial incentives for recruitment and to increase the facilities provided to enterprises and flexible forms of employment. 3. The Committee notes the information concerning the reorganization and development of public employment services. It notes that it was envisaged to double the number of local employment agencies over a five-year period. Furthermore, the regional integration of the administrative services covering employment and vocational training should improve the manner in which training is adapted to labour market needs. The Committee regrets in this respect that the report due on the application of the Employment Service Convention, 1948 (No. 88), has not been received (see the comments under that Convention). With regard to the worrying level of unemployment among young persons, the Committee notes in particular the measures intended to encourage the vocational integration of young persons through the creation of a fund to assist in the employment of young persons (FAEJ), a programme to create jobs which are of public utility and to extend training through apprenticeship. According to the evaluation undertaken on 30 June 1992, the number of young persons who have benefited from vocational integration, temporary employment and training measures over a two-year period amounts to 250,000. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would supply information on the action taken as a result of the various proposals and recommendations which were made in September 1992 to develop vocational integration measures. The Committee also notes that the promotion of women's participation in economic activity is one of the development objectives, but that it is encountering constraints of a social and economic nature. 4. The report also refers to various employment measures planned by the Government in September 1992. The Committee notes that the planned measures include the commencement of major works, support for the creation of enterprises by young persons and the introduction of social protection measures against unemployment. It requests the Government to supply with its next report any evaluation which is available on the impact on employment of the various measure which have been taken. In more general terms, it would be grateful if the Government would describe the overall and sectoral employment objectives of development plans and programmes which are being implemented, or are under preparation, as well as the procedures adopted to ensure that the effects on employment of measures taken to promote economic development or other economic and social objectives receive due consideration (Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention). With reference, finally, to Article 3 of the Convention, in respect of which the report does not supply any new information, the Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report the procedures by which the representatives of the persons affected by the measures to be taken are consulted concerning employment policies, both with regard to consultations with the representatives of employers' and workers' organizations and with representatives of other sectors of the economically active population, such as those working in the rural sector and the informal sector. The Committee hopes that the Government will soon be in a position to report an improvement in the employment situation.


1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending June 1992 and welcomes the detailed information contained in the report in reply to its previous comments. According to the statistics published by the ILO, which confirm those contained in the report, it notes that the unemployment rate, which was 17 per cent in 1989, rose to 19.7 per cent in 1990 and to 21.1 per cent in 1991. The results of the 1990 labour force survey point to characteristics of unemployment and its distribution which are a cause of concern: 85 per cent of the unemployed appear to be under 30 years of age and the average period of unemployment is two years. Furthermore, a significant and growing proportion of the unemployed have middle and secondary teaching diplomas. The Committee notes that data on employment by region should soon be available. It requests the Government to supply information which is as detailed as possible in its next report on the situation and trends of the active population, employment, underemployment and unemployment.

2. The Government states that employment problems are central to the concerns of the public authorities and that the employment policy which is pursued forms part of the reforms undertaken since 1988 to promote renewed growth in economic activity and achieve a lasting improvement in the employment situation. Employment promotion is encouraged by means of measures to improve the general functioning of the economy, such as the introduction of independence for enterprises, their management according to market forces and the strengthening of social dialogue, as well as specific measures to promote investment and the creation of cooperatives, to reduce the cost of labour through tax and other financial incentives for recruitment and to increase the facilities provided to enterprises and flexible forms of employment.

3. The Committee notes the information concerning the reorganization and development of public employment services. It notes that it was envisaged to double the number of local employment agencies over a five-year period. Furthermore, the regional integration of the administrative services covering employment and vocational training should improve the manner in which training is adapted to labour market needs. The Committee regrets in this respect that the report due on the application of the Employment Service Convention, 1948 (No. 88), has not been received (see the comments under that Convention). With regard to the worrying level of unemployment among young persons, the Committee notes in particular the measures intended to encourage the vocational integration of young persons through the creation of a fund to assist in the employment of young persons (FAEJ), a programme to create jobs which are of public utility and to extend training through apprenticeship. According to the evaluation undertaken on 30 June 1992, the number of young persons who have benefited from vocational integration, temporary employment and training measures over a two-year period amounts to 250,000. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would supply information on the action taken as a result of the various proposals and recommendations which were made in September 1992 to develop vocational integration measures. The Committee also notes that the promotion of women's participation in economic activity is one of the development objectives, but that it is encountering constraints of a social and economic nature.

4. The report also refers to various employment measures planned by the Government in September 1992. The Committee notes that the planned measures include the commencement of major works, support for the creation of enterprises by young persons and the introduction of social protection measures against unemployment. It requests the Government to supply with its next report any evaluation which is available on the impact on employment of the various measure which have been taken. In more general terms, it would be grateful if the Government would describe the overall and sectoral employment objectives of development plans and programmes which are being implemented, or are under preparation, as well as the procedures adopted to ensure that the effects on employment of measures taken to promote economic development or other economic and social objectives receive due consideration (Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention). With reference, finally, to Article 3 of the Convention, in respect of which the report does not supply any new information, the Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report the procedures by which the representatives of the persons affected by the measures to be taken are consulted concerning employment policies, both with regard to consultations with the representatives of employers' and workers' organizations and with representatives of other sectors of the economically active population, such as those working in the rural sector and the informal sector. The Committee hopes that the Government will soon be in a position to report an improvement in the employment situation.


The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its previous observation which read as follows:

1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending 30 June 1990 and the information supplied in reply to its previous comments. 2. In its observation of 1990, the Committee referred to various constraints (the economic crisis, the level of investments and demographic pressure) which were creating an imbalance on the labour market and requested information on the achievement of employment objectives in the five-year period 1985-89. The Government's report describes an achievement rate of 40 per cent for the objective of creating jobs (of which one half were in the administrative sector) during the above period. In 1989, the labour force survey indicated that the unemployment rate for the active population was around 20 per cent, and this rate could now be around 25 per cent. The category most affected by this situation is young persons seeking their first job. 3. The Committee notes with interest the priority given by the plan to the human resources development and the information supplied on the Government's action programme, particularly as regards policies in the fields of investment, the labour market, education, training and special youth programmes. A request for further information is being addressed directly to the Government on the implementation of the employment policy measures that have been taken or are envisaged. 4. The Committee hopes that the Government will continue to give all due attention to declaring and pursuing, "as a major goal", an "active policy" designed to promote employment, in the sense of the Convention, which takes due account of the mutual relationships between employment objectives and other economic and social objectives. In this connection, as suggested in Recommendation No. 122, the attainment of the social objectives of employment policy should be coordinated in particular with measures affecting investment, production and economic growth, the growth and distribution of incomes, social security, fiscal and monetary policies and the free movement of goods, capital and labour (Annex to Recommendation No. 122, Paragraph 2).


The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in reply to its direct request. With reference to its observation, it requests the Government to supply further information in its next report on the following points:

1. The Committee notes that, according to the Government's report, the actual level of job creation within the context of the second Five-Year Plan 1985-1989 were lower than expected. Please indicate the Government's current forecasts and objectives in relation to employment and supply information on the measures that have been taken or are envisaged within the context of the current economic reforms to balance the supply and demand of labour, taking into account demographic trends. The Committee notes the establishment of a National Employment Agency with regional and local agencies which has the task of relating the supply of labour to demand by promoting geographical and occupational mobility and establishing an information system on labour market fluctuations. Please supply information on the employment situation and trends in the various regions of the country.

2. The Government states in its report that young persons, most of whom are seeking their first job, are particularly affected by unemployment. The Committee notes in this respect the establishment of local committees for the vocational integration of young persons. It notes that Decree No. 90-143 of 22 May 1990, setting up this machinery, makes provision for regular evaluations of the implementation of the various activities. Please supply information on the outcome of these evaluations. The Committee also notes that the conclusions of the labour force survey of 1989 show a low rate of participation of women. Please indicate the measures that have been taken or are envisaged to promote employment in specific categories of the active population such as women and the disabled.

3. The Committee notes the emphasis placed by the Government in its report on the development of human resources, both by improving the skills of employed persons and by adapting the education and training systems. It notes the establishment of the Centre for Studies and Research on Occupations and Skills, of the further training university and of an institute to develop and promote further training. Please supply information on the activities of these bodies and on the training opportunities offered to employed persons and to the unemployed.

4. The Government refers in its report to the establishment of an institutional procedure to safeguard employment through measures concerning employee movements as a result of the reorganisation of enterprises. Please describe the nature of the measures taken to support enterprises that are in difficulties, the procedures for coordination with the social partners in relation to enterprises that are in difficulties and in the event of dismissals, as well as the retraining and re-employment measures for the workers concerned.


1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending 30 June 1990 and the information supplied in reply to its previous comments.

2. In its observation of 1990, the Committee referred to various constraints (the economic crisis, the level of investments and demographic pressure) which were creating an imbalance on the labour market and requested information on the achievement of employment objectives in the five-year period 1985-1989. The Government's report describes an achievement rate of 40 per cent for the objective of creating jobs (of which one half were in the administrative sector) during the above period. In 1989, the labour force survey indicated that the unemployment rate for the active population was around 20 per cent, and this rate could now be around 25 per cent. The category most affected by this situation is young persons seeking their first job.

3. The Committee notes with interest the priority given by the plan to the human resources development and the information supplied on the Government's action programme, particularly as regards policies in the fields of investment, the labour market, education, training and special youth programmes. A request for further information is being addressed directly to the Government on the implementation of the employment policy measures that have been taken or are envisaged.

4. The Committee hopes that the Government will continue to give all due attention to declaring and pursuing, "as a major goal", an "active policy" designed to promote employment, in the sense of the Convention, which takes due account of the mutual relationships between employment objectives and other economic and social objectives. In this connection, as suggested in Recommendation No. 122, the attainment of the social objectives of employment policy should be coordinated in particular with measures affecting investment, production and economic growth, the growth and distribution of incomes, social security, fiscal and monetary policies and the free movement of goods, capital and labour (Annex to Recommendation No. 122, Paragraph 2).


Further to its observation, the Committee asks the Government to attach to its next report copies of new development plans and programmes containing specific provisions intended to implement an active policy designed to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment (Part I of the report form). Please also provide indications on the following points:

1. The Committee noted in 1987 that a "national committee to safeguard and protect employment" (at the national level) and "wilayas" (at the local level) had been established. Please describe the type of activities undertaken by these bodies, their objectives and the results obtained. Please supply, in so far as possible, statistical data on the employment situation in the various regions of the country.

2. Please specify the results obtained in terms of the creation of permanent jobs and the acquisition of occupational skills. More generally, please indicate the measures that have been taken to respond to the needs of particular categories of workers such as women and disabled workers.

3. As regards population policy, the Government states that mastering population growth is one of its major concerns and that it has approved a programme to implement many and diverse activities, which the Committee notes with interest, that follows the direction of the suggestions set out in Part II of Recommendation No. 169. The Committee also notes the efforts made by the Government as regards the voluntary repatriation of migrant workers, which is also dealt with in Recommendation No. 169 (Part X). The Committee would be grateful if the Government would continue supplying information on the results of such activities and, more generally, on population and immigration policies that are pursued and their direct and indirect impact on the supply of labour and on employment.

4. The Government indicates in its report that all the social partners have been consulted in the context of appropriate institutions as regards the preparation, adoption and implementation of the development plan, and particularly its "employment" section. In its previous comments, the Committee noted the development of the system of incentives and the measures that had been taken in consultation with employers and workers' representatives. It now notes the adoption of Decree No. 88-221 of 2 November 1988 setting the conditions for the award of productivity bonuses and the machinery to link wages to production. It would be grateful if the Government would continue supplying information on changes in regulations and their application in practice, including details on how these questions and, more generally, employment policy matters through consultations with, for example, representatives of the National Chamber of Commerce and other representatives of private employers and other persons concerned, such as those employed in the rural sector (Article 3 of the Convention).

5. The Committee notes with interest that, as a result of the technical assistance provided by the ILO within the context of project ALG/86/028 assessing training and employment systems, the administrative structures of National Manpower Office (ONAMO) have been modified to make the body, in the Government's opinion, an employment promotion instrument. Please supply details on the work of the ONAMO in the field of employment policy, particularly as regards the placement of workers and activities to compensate between "wilayas" on the basis of the vacancies notified and the applications received. Please also refer to the comments made under Convention No. 88. Please indicate the action that has been taken as a consequence of other recommendations made by the ILO as regards employment policy and the effect given to the suggestions made by the advisory missions undertaken since the project ALG/86/028 ended (Part V of the report form).


1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending 30 June 1988 and the information supplied in reply to its previous comments. The report shows that the Government has had to face two types of constraints. On the one hand, external constraints resulting from the world economic crisis, which have made it necessary to reduce investment plans over recent years and has led to a contraction of the labour market. On the other hand, internal constraints of a demographic nature, resulting from the rapid growth of the population, which has had the effect of increasing the number of jobseekers each year, the control of which has been a major concern to the Government. The general orientations of the Government's employment policy emphasise the mobilisation and rational utilisation of human resources, within the framework of measures intended to achieve a better balance on the labour market. The Government states that employment is the fundamental element in the 1989 annual plan, and that the priorities that have been set out are intended to create 90,000 permanent jobs in the public and private sectors, considered complementary. A specific programme for the employment of young persons was set up in 1988 with the objective of occupying almost 100,000 young persons. The Committee would be grateful if the Government, in its next report, would provide information to assess the extent to which the employment objective set out for the 1985-89 five-year period have been achieved and to identify the difficulties that have been encountered. It also hopes that the Government's next report will contain information on the measures that have been taken or are envisaged, within the context of a co-ordinated economic and social policy, to achieve the objectives of the Convention, with particular reference to measures intended to balance the supply and demand of labour, at professional and geographical level, including the measures to adjust the workforce to structural changes (Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention).

2. Additionally, the Committee is sending to the Government a direct request on other points, specifically concerning new development plans and programmes, statistical data on the employment situation in the various regions of the country, measures taken as regard to the needs of youth, women, disabled workers, migrant workers and consultation with representatives of private employers or of other persons concerned such as those employed in the rural sector (Article 3).

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