Information System on International Labour Standards

Freedom of association cases

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  1. CASE_NUMBER 3389 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 03-AUG-20Confederation of Workers of Argentina (CTA Workers)Annulment by a provincial government of a collective agreement that was in force through the withdrawal of the decision approving the agreement
  2. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO399, June 2022 ( 79 - 89 )
  3. CASE_NUMBER 3356 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 02-JAN-19CLATE, APCNEAN y ATEDelays in and impediments to sectoral collective bargaining procedures
  4. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO399, June 2022 ( 60 - 78 )
  5. CASE_NUMBER 3338 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 27-JUN-18CTA de los Trabajadores, CTA Autónoma y ATEExclusion of the Association of State Workers from the central joint negotiating committee in the context of collective bargaining for workers of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
  6. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO396, October 2021 ( 120 - 140 )
  7. CASE_NUMBER 3302 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-AUG-17Association of Employees and Officials of the Judicial Power of the Nation (AEFPJN)Non-authorization of deduction at source (check-off) of members’ dues, and lack of dialogue and negotiation with a “merely registered” trade union in the judicial sector
  8. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO392, October 2020 ( 235 - 251 )
  9. CASE_NUMBER 3294 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 06-JAN-17Association of Professional Judicial Staff (APPJ)The complainant alleges acts of anti-union discrimination against the Secretary General of the APPJ (in the Province of Buenos Aires) and against the APPJ
  10. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO392, October 2020 ( 217 - 234 )
  11. CASE_NUMBER 3225 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 11-APR-16Confederation of Workers of Argentina (CTA T)The complainant organizations allege that, in the context of a collective dispute, the constitutional rights of worker members of cooperatives were undermined, and the unlawful detention was ordered of Ms Milagro Sala, head of the Civil, Social, Cultural and Sporting Association of Túpac Amaru
  12. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO401, March 2023 ( 98 - 120 )
  13. CASE_NUMBER 3165 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 04-MRZ-15la Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA A)
  14. CASE_NUMBER 3141 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 03-JUN-15Asociación de Funcionarios Judiciales de la Provincia de Mendoza (AFJM)The complainant organization(s) allege(s) that it has not been able to collectively bargain over working conditions for the graded staff of the Judicial Authority in the Province of Mendoza, who it represents exclusively
  15. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO403, June 2023 ( 135 - 159 )
  16. CASE_NUMBER 3115 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 11-FEB-15Association of State Workers (ATE)Interference by the authorities in the electoral process of the complainant organization (election of staff representatives and internal board members in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights)
  17. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO389, June 2019 ( 113 - 126 )
  18. CASE_NUMBER 2997 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-JUN-12Light and Power Workers’ Union of Zárate (SLFZ) and Confederation of Workers of Argentina (CTA) The complainant organizations report anti-union dismissals and the suspension of workers on account of their affiliation to the Light and Power Workers’ Union of Zárate CTA and for participating in industrial action, and the physical assault of one union member and death threats to an affiliate
  19. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO381, March 2017 ( 113 - 124 )
  20. Interim Report - REPORT_NO370, October 2013 ( 114 - 129 )
  21. CASE_NUMBER 2942 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 23-APR-12Confederation of Argentine Educators (CEA) and Santiago Circle for Secondary and Higher Education (CISADEMS)The complainant organizations allege that, as part of various disputes over wage-related claims made by the Santiago Circle for Secondary and Higher Education (CISADEMS) between 2009 and 2011, the authorities of the Province of Santiago del Estero – which are a party in the dispute – issued resolutions calling for compulsory conciliation for the sole purpose of impeding the exercise of the right to strike
  22. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO368, June 2013 ( 177 - 189 )
  23. CASE_NUMBER 2906 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 11-SEP-11Central of Argentine Workers (CTA) The complainant organization alleges serious acts of violence against trade union officials and workers in the sugar industry in the Province of Jujuy
  24. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO365, November 2012 ( 236 - 261 )
  25. CASE_NUMBER 2881 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 23-JUN-11Congress of Argentine Workers (CTA) and Judicial Federation of Argentina (FJA) The complainant organizations allege that judicial workers not exercising acts of public authority do not enjoy the right to collective bargaining
  26. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO364, June 2012 ( 212 - 231 )
  27. CASE_NUMBER 2873 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 04-MAI-11United Trade Union of Education Workers of Mendoza (SUTE) and Confederation of Education Workers of Argentina (CTERA) The complainant organizations challenge a decree and ordinance issued by the authorities of the city of Mendoza which in their opinion denies and penalizes the right to demonstrate collectively
  28. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO364, June 2012 ( 164 - 211 )
  29. CASE_NUMBER 2870 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 08-JUN-11Federation of Energy Workers of the Argentine Republic (FETERA) The complainant organization alleges obstacles and an 11-year delay in processing the application for trade union status filed with the labour administrative authority
  30. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO396, October 2021 ( 17 - 24 )
  31. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO375, June 2015 ( 15 - 21 )
  32. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO365, November 2012 ( 216 - 235 )
  33. CASE_NUMBER 2865 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-APR-11Confederation of Workers of Argentina (CTA)The complainant organization challenges the decision of the administrative authority dated 6 December 2010 invalidating the convocation and holding of supplementary elections within the CTA
  34. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO364, June 2012 ( 107 - 163 )
  35. CASE_NUMBER 2861 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 12-APR-11Confederation of Education Workers of Argentina (CTERA) and San Luis Association of State Teachers (ASDE) The complainant organizations allege acts of anti-union harassment against the General Secretary of the ASDE for having taken unpaid leave for the exercise of trade union activities, as well as the refusal to deduct ASDE members’ union dues at source
  36. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO365, November 2012 ( 195 - 215 )
  37. CASE_NUMBER 2847 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 04-APR-11Confederation of Workers of Argentina (CTA), Trade Union Federation of Health Professionals of the Argentine Republic (FESPROSA) and Trade Union Association of Health Professionals of Buenos Aires Province (CICOP) The complainant organizations allege that the authorities of Buenos Aires Province are obstructing the exercise of the right to strike by ruling that absences of provincial government employees resulting from the exercise of the right to strike will be subject to salary deductions; the complainants also allege undue delays in the processing of the application for legal recognition submitted by FESPROSA
  38. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO364, June 2012 ( 82 - 106 )
  39. CASE_NUMBER 2837 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 03-FEB-11Association of State Workers (ATE)The complainant organization alleges bad faith and exclusion from the collective bargaining process in the Teatro Colón autonomous body; declaration of a strike illegal by the administrative authority and termination (dismissal) of eight trade union officers for participating in a strike
  40. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO383, October 2017 ( 14 - 16 )
  41. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO376, October 2015 ( 14 - 20 )
  42. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO368, June 2013 ( 12 - 15 )
  43. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO363, March 2012 ( 290 - 312 )
  44. CASE_NUMBER 2817 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 08-OKT-10Association of Management Staff of Argentine Railways and General Ports Administration (APDFA)The complainant organization alleges that, although it has trade union status, several enterprises in the railway sector refuse to engage in collective bargaining and that the administrative authority has not advanced the bargaining process, despite the proceedings that have been instituted; the complainant organization also alleges acts of harassment and persecution of its members
  45. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO388, March 2019 ( 73 - 84 )
  46. Interim Report - REPORT_NO367, March 2013 ( 163 - 180 )
  47. Interim Report - REPORT_NO362, November 2011 ( 277 - 308 )
  48. CASE_NUMBER 2809 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-JUL-10Association of Banks’ Senior Staff Officers (APJBO)The complainant organization objects to the decision of the administrative authority to refuse to grant it trade union status
  49. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO367, March 2013 ( 19 - 20 )
  50. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO363, March 2012 ( 279 - 289 )
  51. Interim Report - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 246 - 262 )
  52. CASE_NUMBER 2798 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-JUN-10Association of Judicial Employees of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (AEPJCABA) and Argentine Judicial Federation (FJA)The complainant organizations allege that although the Association of Judicial Employees of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (AEPJCABA) has demonstrated that it is the most representative in the sector – according to data provided by the Council of the Magistrature, and to which no objections have been raised – the administrative authorities still have not dealt with its application for trade union status, filed in 2006
  53. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO362, November 2011 ( 256 - 276 )
  54. CASE_NUMBER 2788 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 08-JUN-10Teachers’ Association of Entre Ríos (AGMER) and Confederation of Education Workers of Argentina (CTERA)The complainant organization alleges lack of good faith on the part of the authorities in collective bargaining in the education sector in the Province of Entre Ríos, contests the decision of the provincial authorities to deduct wages for strike days and alleges that head teachers who did not communicate the names of teachers who took part in the strike were disciplined and a criminal prosecution was initiated for contempt of court in relation to disobedience of a judicial conciliation order
  55. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO381, March 2017 ( 15 - 17 )
  56. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO367, March 2013 ( 17 - 18 )
  57. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO362, November 2011 ( 204 - 255 )
  58. CASE_NUMBER 2784 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-MAI-10Confederation of Education Workers of Argentina (CTERA) and Educational Workers’ Association of Neuquén (ATEN) The complainant organizations object to a decree of the executive authority of Neuquén province that, in the context of a strike in the education sector, designates education in the province as an essential public service and establishes a system of minimum services
  59. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 224 - 245 )
  60. CASE_NUMBER 2776 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 23-APR-10Argentine Judicial Federation (FJA) and Trade Union Association of the Employees and the Officers of the Judicial Authority of the Province of MendozaThe complainant organizations object to a ruling issued by the Subsecretariat of Labour and Social Security of the Executive Authority of the Province of Mendoza instituting a compulsory conciliation process concerning a salary dispute affecting the employees of the Judicial Authority of the Province of Mendoza
  61. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO359, March 2011 ( 264 - 290 )
  62. CASE_NUMBER 2732 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-AUG-09Confederation of Argentine Workers (CTA)The complainant organization alleges the dismissal of a trade union leader further to the establishment of a trade union in a mining company
  63. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO358, November 2010 ( 220 - 241 )
  64. CASE_NUMBER 2726 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 06-JUL-09Argentinean Building Workers’ Union (UOCRA)The complainant alleges the violent occupation and theft of materials from its headquarters in the city of Comodoro Rivadavia, in the Province of Chubut, a firearms attack on the home of an UOCRA leader and on a union headquarters building, temporary detention of leaders and workers who took part in a protest, temporary kidnapping of a UOCRA leader, etc.
  65. Interim Report - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 134 - 153 )
  66. Interim Report - REPORT_NO358, November 2010 ( 172 - 219 )
  67. CASE_NUMBER 2725 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 10-JUL-09Mendoza Association of Health Professionals (AMPROS) and Trade Union Federation of Health Professionals of the Argentine Republic (FESPROSA)The complainant organizations allege that, following work stoppages and trade union actions, compulsory conciliation was called for in an admissible manner, salaries were docked and dismissals and suspensions were carried out
  68. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO382, June 2017 ( 18 - 20 )
  69. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO365, November 2012 ( 23 - 26 )
  70. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO359, March 2011 ( 227 - 263 )
  71. CASE_NUMBER 2718 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 26-MAI-09Association of State Workers (ATE)The complainant organization alleges that the authorities of the municipality of Corrientes and of the Corrientes Municipal Loan Fund decided, in a discriminatory fashion, not to deduct union dues and to persecute and take reprisals against its representatives
  72. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO359, March 2011 ( 13 - 15 )
  73. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO356, March 2010 ( 261 - 288 )
  74. CASE_NUMBER 2702 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 28-FEB-09Confederation of Argentine Workers (CTA)The complainant organization alleges acts of anti-union persecution and dismissal of a union officer
  75. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO367, March 2013 ( 143 - 152 )
  76. Interim Report - REPORT_NO363, March 2012 ( 248 - 261 )
  77. Interim Report - REPORT_NO359, March 2011 ( 214 - 226 )
  78. Interim Report - REPORT_NO357, June 2010 ( 143 - 164 )
  79. CASE_NUMBER 2691 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-DEZ-08Federation of Education Workers (FETE) The complainant organization alleges that even though its affiliate organizations, the Argentinean Teachers’ Federation (UDA) and the Association of Technical Teachers (AMET) have official trade union status, the administrative authorities in the Province of Santa Fe excluded them from collective bargaining
  80. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO356, March 2010 ( 226 - 260 )
  81. CASE_NUMBER 2670 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-SEP-08Confederation of Education Workers of Argentina (CTERA)The complainant organization objects to a circular from the Ministry of Education of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, deeming that it violates the trade union right of teachers to participate in assemblies, and to a circular from the Department of Communication of the same province that restricts the possibility of issuing announcements
  82. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO355, November 2009 ( 268 - 300 )
  83. CASE_NUMBER 2666 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-SEP-08Association of State Workers (ATE) The complainant organization alleges that, in a discriminatory way and in disregard of the law, it was not provided with premises for carrying out its activities and that acts of anti-union harassment were carried out against a trade union official
  84. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO355, November 2009 ( 244 - 267 )
  85. CASE_NUMBER 2660 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-JUL-08Congress of Argentine Workers (CTA) and Association of State Workers (ATE)The complainant organizations allege the temporary abduction of the Deputy Secretary-General of the CTA and Secretary-General of the ATE by armed persons with the aim of causing intimidation
  86. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO363, March 2012 ( 238 - 247 )
  87. Interim Report - REPORT_NO358, November 2010 ( 158 - 171 )
  88. CASE_NUMBER 2659 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-JUL-08Association of State Workers (ATE) The complainant alleges that the authorities of the Ministry of Health of the Province of Mendoza unilaterally set at 100 per cent the minimum services to be provided during a strike being held in the health sector
  89. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO355, November 2009 ( 219 - 243 )
  90. CASE_NUMBER 2651 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-MAI-08National Federation of University Teachers, Researchers and Creators (Historic Federation of Teachers) and Riojan Association of University Teaching Staff (ARDU) The complainant organizations allege anti-union dismissals and changes to the conditions of employment of a number of trade union officials
  91. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO362, November 2011 ( 17 - 19 )
  92. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO355, November 2009 ( 189 - 218 )
  93. CASE_NUMBER 2647 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-JUN-08Association of Staff of Supervisory Bodies (APOC) The complainant organization alleges the suspension of the deduction of union dues, as well as acts of anti-union persecution and discrimination
  94. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO355, November 2009 ( 149 - 188 )
  95. CASE_NUMBER 2641 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-APR-08Association of Custom Brokers (AEDA)The complainant organization challenges the administrative decision whereby the Ministry of Labour declared a trade union assembly null and void at the request of 12 union members
  96. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO354, June 2009 ( 205 - 242 )
  97. CASE_NUMBER 2623 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 27-DEZ-07Argentinean Federation of Consortia (FAC)
  98. CASE_NUMBER 2614 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 06-NOV-07Trade Union of Judicial Workers of Corrientes (SITRAJ) and Argentine Judicial Federation (FJA) The complainant organizations object to a decision rendered by the Higher Court of Justice of the province of Corrientes in regard to the regulations governing the right to strike within the judiciary; they also object to the decision to dock the salaries corresponding to days spent on strike by judicial employees
  99. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 27 - 29 )
  100. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO358, November 2010 ( 25 - 27 )
  101. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO356, March 2010 ( 203 - 225 )
  102. Interim Report - REPORT_NO353, March 2009 ( 345 - 402 )
  103. CASE_NUMBER 2606 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-OKT-07Association of State Workers (ATE)The complainant organization alleges that it has been excluded from the wage bargaining process and that agreements have been reached with only one public sector trade union, even though the ATE has official trade union status
  104. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO353, March 2009 ( 301 - 344 )
  105. CASE_NUMBER 2593 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 13-SEP-07Association of State Workers (ATE) The complainant alleges acts of anti-union discrimination by the authorities in the Department of the Environment and Sustainable Development against members and representatives of the ATE, and refusal by the Department to negotiate with the ATE regarding its claims
  106. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO351, November 2008 ( 181 - 203 )
  107. CASE_NUMBER 2578 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 15-MAI-07General Confederation of Labour of the Republic of Argentina (CETRA) and Federation of Teachers of the Province of Buenos Aires (UDOCBA) The complainant organizations allege that the authorities of the General Directorate of Culture and Education of the Province of Buenos Aires have discriminated against the Federation of Teachers of the Province of Buenos Aires (UDOCBA) by concluding an agreement with other organizations respecting the representation of workers in joint negotiations in the sector
  108. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO350, June 2008 ( 232 - 255 )
  109. CASE_NUMBER 2563 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-APR-07Central of Argentinean Workers (CTA) and Association of State Workers (ATE) The complainant organizations allege that the decision by the government of the Province of Salta to replace teachers who were on strike with substitute teachers is a violation of the principles of freedom of association
  110. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO350, June 2008 ( 218 - 231 )
  111. CASE_NUMBER 2562 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-APR-07Confederation of Argentine Workers (CTA) and Confederation of Education Workers of Argentina (CTERA) The complainant organizations allege that a teacher was killed by police during a demonstration by education workers in Neuquén Province and object to Decree No. 448 on educational emergency, issued in 2007 by the provincial authorities, authorizing the appointment of teachers on an interim basis until the end of the strike
  112. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO349, March 2008 ( 383 - 407 )
  113. CASE_NUMBER 2561 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-APR-07Congress of Argentine Workers (CTA) and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) The complainant organization alleges the forced entry by unknown persons and theft of computers at the office of the director of the legal service of the CTA and the CTA’s headquarters in the federal capital, as well as the stoning of the home of the General Secretary of the provincial council of the ATE in Santa Cruz and telephone threats
  114. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO351, November 2008 ( 13 - 15 )
  115. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO349, March 2008 ( 370 - 382 )
  116. CASE_NUMBER 2549 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-MRZ-07Association of State Workers (ATE)The complainant alleges that the authorities of the Unified Autarchic Provincial Social Security Institute (IPAUSS) decided to transfer workers from one branch office to another in order to undermine a strike
  117. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO349, March 2008 ( 353 - 369 )
  118. CASE_NUMBER 2535 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 13-DEZ-06Union of Education Workers of Río Negro (UNTER) and Confederation of Education Workers of Argentina (CTERA) The complainant organizations dispute the call for compulsory conciliation and the subsequent wage deductions by the administrative authority of Río Negro Province corresponding to the days of strike action
  119. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO349, March 2008 ( 331 - 352 )
  120. CASE_NUMBER 2531 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 07-NOV-06Asociación Gremial de Empleados y Funcionarios del Poder Judicial de Mendoza
  121. CASE_NUMBER 2515 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 06-AUG-06National Federation of University Teachers, Researchers and Creators (Historic Federation of Teachers) The complainant alleges obstruction and discrimination in the procedure for obtaining trade union status
  122. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO348, November 2007 ( 201 - 214 )
  123. CASE_NUMBER 2513 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-JUL-06Confederation of Argentine Workers (CTA) and Association of State Workers (ATE) The complainant organizations dispute a resolution issued by the Office of the Under-Secretary for Labour of San Juan Province declaring the direct action taken by the staff of the Social Welfare Fund to be illegal and a resolution of the Social Welfare Fund ordering deductions corresponding to the days of work stoppage from the salaries of the employees who participated in the industrial action
  124. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO349, March 2008 ( 311 - 330 )
  125. CASE_NUMBER 2499 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 14-JUN-06Union of Employees of the National Judiciary (UEJN)The complainant alleges that the judicial authorities of the Province of Catamarca prohibit workers in the sector from holding union meetings and that sanctions have been imposed on union officials for no valid reason
  126. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO353, March 2009 ( 38 - 40 )
  127. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO348, November 2007 ( 185 - 200 )
  128. CASE_NUMBER 2485 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-APR-06Union of Self-Convened State Workers (SITEA) The complainant organization alleges excessive delays and obstacles to its registration as a trade union organization, as well as acts of anti-trade union discrimination against its general secretary
  129. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO350, June 2008 ( 22 - 24 )
  130. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO346, June 2007 ( 247 - 263 )
  131. CASE_NUMBER 2477 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-MRZ-06Central of Argentinean Workers (CTA) The complainant organization objects to delays on the part of the administrative authority in processing its application for trade union status, as well as the partial approval by the administrative authority of certain amendments to the statutes of the Central of Argentinean Workers (CTA)
  132. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO350, June 2008 ( 18 - 21 )
  133. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO346, June 2007 ( 209 - 246 )
  134. CASE_NUMBER 2463 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-JAN-06The Congress of Argentinean Workers (CTA) and the Association of State Workers (ATE)
  135. CASE_NUMBER 2461 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-NOV-05Trade Union of Judicial Employees of Neuquén (SEJUN), Association of Judicial Workers of the Province of La Rioja (ATJPLR) and Judicial Federation of Argentina (FJA) The complainant organizations contest agreements issued by the Higher Court of Justice of the Province of Neuquén and the Higher Court of Justice of the Province of La Rioja which in their view violate the Conventions on freedom of association by designating the services rendered by judicial workers as “essential services” and by imposing a minimum service
  136. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO344, March 2007 ( 305 - 314 )
  137. CASE_NUMBER 2459 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-NOV-05Senior Staff Association of the Córdoba Province Power Corporation (APSE) and the Argentinian Federation of Senior Staff of the Electrical Supply Sector (FAPSEE) The complainant organizations allege that the APSE has, in an arbitrary and discriminatory fashion, been excluded by law from the works council, a collegiate consultative and advisory body for the Córdoba Province Power Corporation
  138. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO358, November 2010 ( 19 - 21 )
  139. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO346, June 2007 ( 193 - 208 )
  140. CASE_NUMBER 2458 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-NOV-05Aeronautical Technical Workers’ Association (APTA) and Association of Airline Pilots (APLA) The complainant organizations allege that during a collective dispute with the enterprises Aerolíneas Argentinas SA and Austral Líneas Aéreas Cielos del Sur SA, during the course of which a strike was called in July 2005, the labour administration authority on two occasions invoked the Mandatory Conciliation Act, suspending all direct action and ultimately the right to strike, unilaterally fixed a minimum level of service on the grounds that it regarded air transport as an essential service, and initiated summary proceedings with a view to fining the trade union organizations. The complainant organizations allege that the companies concerned took advantage of the measures adopted by the labour administration to dismiss or otherwise discipline workers for exercising their legitimate right to strike
  141. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO344, March 2007 ( 281 - 304 )
  142. CASE_NUMBER 2456 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-SEP-05Central of Argentinean Workers (CTA)The complainant organization alleges that, after participating in a trade union assembly, several workers were dismissed and others penalized by the Aerohandling S.A. enterprise
  143. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO344, March 2007 ( 269 - 280 )
  144. CASE_NUMBER 2440 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-JUL-05The Central of Argentinean Workers (CTA) and the Association of State Workers (ATE)The complainant organizations allege that trade union leaders and members were arrested and tried as a result of protests held in the federal capital and the Province of Santa Cruz
  145. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO343, November 2006 ( 230 - 247 )
  146. CASE_NUMBER 2438 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 23-MAI-05The Education Workers' Union (SI.TRA.ED), supported by the Central of Argentinean Workers(CTA)The complainant organization alleges that the Ministry of Education authorities of Chubut Province turned down a request for trade union leave made by a number of its trade union officials and that the authorities then issued a decision cancelling the trade union leave of SITRAED
  147. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO343, November 2006 ( 211 - 229 )
  148. CASE_NUMBER 2420 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 12-APR-05The Congress of Argentinean Workers (CTA) and the Association of Teachers of Santa Fe (AMSAFE)The complainant organizations object to a resolution issued by the Undersecretary for Labour of the Province of Santa Fe stating that the conflict existing between the Association of Teachers of Santa Fe (AMSAFE) and the Ministry of Education of the province would be submitted to a compulsory conciliation process and ordering the suspension of a strike
  149. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO342, June 2006 ( 207 - 222 )
  150. CASE_NUMBER 2417 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-MRZ-05The Argentine Cabin Staff Association (AAA) The complainant organization alleges that the LAFSA enterprise is negotiating a collective agreement with a trade union organization that has no legal personality (personería gremial)
  151. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO340, March 2006 ( 294 - 308 )
  152. CASE_NUMBER 2414 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-JAN-05The Confederation of Education Workers of Argentina (CTERA) and the Educational Workers’ Association of Neuquén (ATEN)The complainants object to resolutions adopted by the Provincial Education Council of Neuquén province which oblige the directors of educational establishments to inform on workers who take part in stoppages, deny them the right to strike and apply sanctions to any of them who took part in stoppages in 2004
  153. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO346, June 2007 ( 14 - 19 )
  154. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO340, March 2006 ( 274 - 293 )
  155. CASE_NUMBER 2377 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-JUL-04The Confederation of Education Workers of the Republic of Argentina (CTERA), the Single Trade Union of Education Workers of the Province of Buenos Aires (SUTEBA), the Confederation of Argentine Educators (CEA), and the Domingo Faustino Sarmiento Federation of Educators of Buenos Aires (FEB), supported by Education International (EI)The complainants allege violations of the right to collective bargaining and to strike of education workers in the public sector of the Province of Buenos Aires
  156. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO343, November 2006 ( 16 - 18 )
  157. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO340, March 2006 ( 263 - 273 )
  158. Interim Report - REPORT_NO338, November 2005 ( 385 - 408 )
  159. CASE_NUMBER 2373 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-JUL-04The Confederation of Argentine Workers (CTA) and the Association of State Workers (ATE)The complainants object to the rulings of the Undersecretariat of Labour and Social Security of Mendoza Province according to which a direct action measure (workplace meeting) was illegal and the parties involved were required to maintain a minimum 50 per cent level of health and municipal services during a stoppage on the grounds that it constituted an essential public service. The complainants also allege that sanctions were applied against 45 workers who participated in the supposedly illegal meeting
  160. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO353, March 2009 ( 35 - 37 )
  161. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO349, March 2008 ( 15 - 17 )
  162. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO344, March 2007 ( 254 - 268 )
  163. Interim Report - REPORT_NO338, November 2005 ( 359 - 384 )
  164. CASE_NUMBER 2370 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-JUN-04The National Civil Servants’ Union (UPCN) The complainant organization alleges that the Government refused to enter into sectoral negotiations in the public sector, despite repeated requests on the part of the former; it also alleges that the Government takes unilateral decisions on issues covered by collective bargaining
  165. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO338, November 2005 ( 26 - 28 )
  166. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO336, March 2005 ( 214 - 232 )
  167. CASE_NUMBER 2369 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-JUN-04The Confederation of Argentine Workers (CTA) and the Association of State Workers (ATE)The complainant organizations allege the violation of the right to strike of state employees of the Province of Buenos Aires as a result of the imposition of a compulsory conciliation procedure
  168. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO336, March 2005 ( 194 - 213 )
  169. CASE_NUMBER 2344 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 13-MAI-04The National Coordination of State Workers (CONATE) The complainant organization alleges that acts of anti-union discrimination have been carried out (application for lifting of trade union protection and authorization of dismissal) against its deputy secretary
  170. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO344, March 2007 ( 28 - 30 )
  171. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO342, June 2006 ( 18 - 20 )
  172. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO338, November 2005 ( 22 - 25 )
  173. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO336, March 2005 ( 179 - 193 )
  174. CASE_NUMBER 2312 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 11-NOV-03The Lockheed Aircraft Argentina S.A. Workers' Trade Union (SITLA) supported by the Congress of Argentinean Workers (CTA)The complainant challenges the decision of the administrative authority to refuse to grant it official trade union status despite the fact that it is the most representative trade union in the enterprise
  175. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO335, November 2004 ( 248 - 267 )
  176. CASE_NUMBER 2302 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-SEP-03The Trade Union of "Puntanos" Judicial Employees (SIJUPU)The complainant alleges obstruction and delays in the procedure for registering a trade union and obtaining trade union status, as well as dismissals and suspensions of trade union officials and members
  177. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 20 - 23 )
  178. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO358, November 2010 ( 15 - 18 )
  179. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO353, March 2009 ( 32 - 34 )
  180. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO348, November 2007 ( 28 - 34 )
  181. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO342, June 2006 ( 15 - 17 )
  182. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO338, November 2005 ( 346 - 358 )
  183. Interim Report - REPORT_NO335, November 2004 ( 228 - 247 )
  184. CASE_NUMBER 2283 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-JUN-03The Confederation of Argentine Workers (CTA) and the Commercial Workers' Trade Union of Jujuy Province (Si.Tra.M.)Dismissal of trade union officers and suspension of a worker after notifying the enterprise of the establishment of a trade union and the holding of a strike demanding reinstatement of the deputy secretary-general and payment of a wage increase ordered by the Executive Branch
  185. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO338, November 2005 ( 19 - 21 )
  186. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO335, November 2004 ( 209 - 227 )
  187. CASE_NUMBER 2263 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-APR-03The Latin American Federation of Education and Culture Workers (FLATEC) on behalf of the Argentinian Trade Union of Private Tutors (SADOP) The complainant organization alleges that, ever since a negotiating committee was set up in the private teaching sector in 1999, the employers, in violation of the duty of good faith and the duty to make every effort, as laid down in legislation, have resorted to unfair practices (the refusal to attend meetings, delaying measures, the denial of the right of teachers to bargain collectively in the private teaching sector) in order to avoid negotiating a collective agreement in the private teaching sector. The complainant organization also alleges that, with regard to this situation, the Ministry of Labour has been unhelpful and has not acted in any way, ignoring its obligation to encourage and promote collective bargaining in accordance with Conventions Nos. 98 and 154 and has not penalized the employers in spite of their non-compliance with the legislation and in spite of trade union complaints
  188. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO332, November 2003 ( 284 - 300 )
  189. CASE_NUMBER 2256 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-MRZ-03The United Trade Union of Education Workers of Mendoza (SUTE), the Confederation of Education Workers of Argentina (CTERA) and the Confederation of Argentine Workers (CTA)The complainant organizations allege that the administrative authority of the education sector of the province of Mendoza paralysed the collective bargaining process by not appointing its representatives to a joint committee and also that it denounces a joint accord.
  190. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO344, March 2007 ( 25 - 27 )
  191. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO338, November 2005 ( 16 - 18 )
  192. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO335, November 2004 ( 20 - 22 )
  193. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO334, June 2004 ( 147 - 165 )
  194. CASE_NUMBER 2250 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 28-FEB-03The Confederation of Argentine Workers (CTA) and the Association of State Workers (ATE)The complainants object to the decision of the administrative authority to exclude the ATE from the bargaining committee negotiating a collective agreement on the grounds that there are other more representative organizations
  195. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO332, November 2003 ( 267 - 283 )
  196. CASE_NUMBER 2240 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 17-DEZ-02The Buenos Aires Police Union (SIPOBA) and the Argentine Federation of Police and Prison Service Unions (FASIPP)The complainant organizations allege that the administrative authority rejected the application for registration of police trade unions and that officials of these unions had been dismissed for exercising activities on their behalf
  197. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO332, November 2003 ( 248 - 266 )
  198. CASE_NUMBER 2224 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-SEP-02The Congress of Argentinean Workers (CTA) and the Association of State Workers (ATE)The complainant organizations allege that the administrative authority for the health sector in Misiones Province did not transfer the trade union dues of the members of the ATE to the trade union between 1994 and 1996.
  199. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO335, November 2004 ( 17 - 19 )
  200. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO334, June 2004 ( 132 - 146 )
  201. CASE_NUMBER 2223 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-JUL-02The Trade Union Association of Judicial Employees of the Province of Córdoba (AGEPJ) and the Argentine Judicial Federation (FJA) The complainant organizations allege that the judicial authority of the Province of Córdoba prohibits employees in the sector from holding trade union assemblies and meetings during working hours and at the workplace
  202. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO332, November 2003 ( 228 - 247 )
  203. CASE_NUMBER 2221 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-SEP-02The Trade Union of Newspaper and Magazine Vendors of the Federal Capital and Greater Buenos Aires (SIVENDIA)Allegations: Imposition of illegal and unconstitutional rules by a decree and administrative decisions regulating the activities of workers in the newspaper and magazine vending sector; exclusion of the right to freedom of association of organizations in the sector; restrictions on the right to collective bargaining
  204. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO337, June 2005 ( 20 - 22 )
  205. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 14 - 16 )
  206. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO332, November 2003 ( 211 - 227 )
  207. CASE_NUMBER 2219 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-SEP-02The Congress of Argentinean Workers (CTA) and the Association of State Workers (ATE)Workers were sanctioned following their participation in a strike to claim back pay at the town council of the City of Salta
  208. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 231 - 239 )
  209. CASE_NUMBER 2204 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-MAI-02The Congress of Argentinian Workers (CTA), the World Confederation of Labour (WCL) and the Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT)Death, injury, criminal persecution and repression of trade union officers and workers who participated in peaceful protests
  210. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO335, November 2004 ( 14 - 16 )
  211. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 216 - 230 )
  212. CASE_NUMBER 2168 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-DEZ-01The Union of Staff and Workers of the Provincial and Municipal Public Administration of Salta (SEOAP)The complainant organization alleges unjustified delays and the obligation to comply with requirements that violate Convention No. 87 in order to obtain registration.
  213. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO330, March 2003 ( 193 - 206 )
  214. CASE_NUMBER 2157 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 14-SEP-01The Confederation of Education Workers of Argentina (CTERA) and the Latin American Federation of Education and Culture Workers (FLATEC)The complainant organizations allege a violation of the right to strike of education workers by virtue of the promulgation of ministerial resolutions; they also allege a failure to deduct trade union dues and the denial of trade union leave in the sector
  215. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO330, March 2003 ( 15 - 17 )
  216. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO329, November 2002 ( 185 - 193 )
  217. CASE_NUMBER 2131 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-MAI-01The Argentinean Association of Flying Personnel (AAA) and the General Confederation of Labour (CGT)The complainants allege that the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Human Resources Training forced trade union organizations by a resolution to adopt new collective labour agreements at the company Aerolíneas Argentinas SA, and that the latter decided not to renew the employment contracts of 58 cabin crew employees
  218. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO330, March 2003 ( 12 - 14 )
  219. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO329, November 2002 ( 175 - 184 )
  220. CASE_NUMBER 2130 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 10-JUN-01The Congress of Argentine Workers (CTA)The complainant organization alleges that the authorities refuse to grant legal trade union status to the Fishing and Allied Workers’ Union (SIPES) claiming that it is absolutely essential that dependent employment relationships exist in the sector, whereas in reality only 20 per cent of the workers in the fish manufacturing sector have dependent employment relationships and 80 per cent of them are enrolled in the fraudulent outsourcing system of cooperative associations established to lower labour costs and in which employers recruit their workforce through intermediaries. The right to establish representation committees in enterprises is also being denied.
  221. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO330, March 2003 ( 181 - 192 )
  222. CASE_NUMBER 2117 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-FEB-01The Association of State Workers (ATE)Provincial decree restricting the right to collective bargaining
  223. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO326, November 2001 ( 196 - 209 )
  224. CASE_NUMBER 2095 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 16-AUG-00The General Confederation of Labour (CGT), the National Civil Servants' Union (UPCN) and the Aviation Technicians' Association of the Argentine Republic (APTA)Breach of a collective agreement; obligation to renegotiate collective agreements
  225. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO327, March 2002 ( 162 - 173 )
  226. Interim Report - REPORT_NO326, November 2001 ( 181 - 195 )
  227. CASE_NUMBER 2065 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 15-DEZ-99The National Federation of University Teaching Staff (CONADU) and the Riojan Association of University Teaching Staff (ARDU)Initiating academic proceedings against a trade union official
  228. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO324, March 2001 ( 118 - 132 )
  229. CASE_NUMBER 2062 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 24-AUG-99The Staff Association of the University of Buenos Aires (APUBA)Anti-union transfers and dismissals
  230. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO324, March 2001 ( 105 - 117 )
  231. CASE_NUMBER 2054 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 09-SEP-99The Lockheed Aircraft Argentina S.A. Workers' Union (SITLA)Failure to deduct trade union dues from wages
  232. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO320, March 2000 ( 133 - 142 )
  233. CASE_NUMBER 2045 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-AUG-99The Trade Union of Newspaper and Magazine Vendors of the Federal Capital and Greater Buenos Aires (SIVENDIA)Ministerial resolution restricting the rights to unionization and collective bargaining
  234. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO323, November 2000 ( 123 - 131 )
  235. CASE_NUMBER 2041 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-JUL-99The Federation of Trade Unions of Municipal Workers of Santa Fe Province (FESTRAM)Refusal by the provincial authorities to convene a meeting for the purpose of electing members of a joint committee
  236. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO321, June 2000 ( 95 - 102 )
  237. CASE_NUMBER 2037 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 11-MAI-00The Congress of Argentine Workers (CTA) and the Association of State Workers (ATE)Provincial decree restricting trade union, replacement of strikers
  238. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO324, March 2001 ( 89 - 104 )
  239. CASE_NUMBER 2029 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-JUN-99The Union of Judicial Employees of Misiones Province (UJPM)Disciplinary sanctions following a strike
  240. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO320, March 2000 ( 123 - 132 )
  241. CASE_NUMBER 1953 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-FEB-98The Congress of Argentine Workers (CTA)Acts of anti-union discrimination; revocation of a federation's registration in the registry of trade union associations
  242. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO323, November 2000 ( 113 - 122 )
  243. Interim Report - REPORT_NO320, March 2000 ( 98 - 122 )
  244. CASE_NUMBER 1947 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 21-NOV-97The Association of Aeronautical Personnel (APA)Obstruction of collective bargaining, anti-union discrimination
  245. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO313, March 1999 ( 67 - 76 )
  246. CASE_NUMBER 1939 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 07-AUG-97The Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT) and the Central Association of Argentine Workers (CTA)Killing, detention, physical assaults and death threats against trade unionists and trade union leaders, break-ins in trade union premises and trade unionists' homes, requests to withdraw legal recognition
  247. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO321, June 2000 ( 12 - 14 )
  248. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO316, June 1999 ( 88 - 101 )
  249. Interim Report - REPORT_NO310, June 1998 ( 107 - 122 )
  250. CASE_NUMBER 1924 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-APR-97The Trade Union of National, Provincial, Municipal and Private Steam Generator Operators and allied Occupations (SCGVA)Refusal to grant official trade union status
  251. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO309, March 1998 ( 45 - 55 )
  252. CASE_NUMBER 1899 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-AUG-96The Union of Education Workers of Río Negro (UNTER) Restrictions on the right to strike, unilateral termination of collective agreements and withholding of trade union dues
  253. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO308, November 1997 ( 14 - 16 )
  254. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO307, June 1997 ( 70 - 87 )
  255. CASE_NUMBER 1887 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-JUN-96The Tram-drivers' Union (UTA), the Argentine Air Crew Association (AAA), the National Truckers' Federation (FNTOCTAC), the Union of Dredging and Marking Staff (SPEDB), the Argentine Union of Private Teachers (SADOP), the Argentine Federation of Pharmacy Workers (FATF), the Argentine Federation of Printing Workers (FATI), the Union of Employees of Courts of Law (UEJN), the Centre of Overseas Captains and Merchant Navy Officers (CCUOMM), the Argentine Union of Mill Workers (UOMA), the Association of Medical Advertising Agents of the Argentine Republic (AAPMRA), the Single Union of Workers in Advertising (SUP), the Centre of Naval Radio Communications Chiefs and Officers (CJONR), the Association of Underground Supervisory Staff (APSESBA) and the Argentine Television Union (SAT)Restrictions on the right to collective bargaining
  256. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO310, June 1998 ( 90 - 106 )
  257. Interim Report - REPORT_NO307, June 1997 ( 55 - 69 )
  258. CASE_NUMBER 1881 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-APR-96The Banking Association Government's interference
  259. CASE_NUMBER 1872 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 28-FEB-96The Workers' Union of the National Institute of Social Services for Pensioners and Retired Workers (UTI)Refusal of trade union personality
  260. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO307, June 1997 ( 45 - 54 )
  261. CASE_NUMBER 1867 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-DEZ-95The State Workers' Association (ATE)Failure to reinstate a trade union official suspended on account of his trade union activities
  262. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO313, March 1999 ( 12 - 15 )
  263. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO310, June 1998 ( 68 - 89 )
  264. Interim Report - REPORT_NO306, March 1997 ( 56 - 69 )
  265. CASE_NUMBER 1837 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 09-MAI-95The World Confederation of Labour (WCL), the Congress of Argentine Workers (CTA), the Association of State Workers (ATE) and the Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT)Repression of trade union demonstrations, detention of trade unionists
  266. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO306, March 1997 ( 16 - 18 )
  267. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO304, June 1996 ( 40 - 56 )
  268. CASE_NUMBER 1832 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-APR-95The World Confederation of Labour (WCL)Problems related to the check-off system
  269. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO304, June 1996 ( 23 - 39 )
  270. CASE_NUMBER 1777 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-JUN-94The World Confederation of Labour (WCL), the Congress of Argentine Workers (CTA) and the Union of Employees in the Tramway and Coach Services (UTA)Refusal to register a trade union, declaring a strike to be illegal and sanctions
  271. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO300, November 1995 ( 58 - 73 )
  272. CASE_NUMBER 1745 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-NOV-93The Confederation of Educational Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA)
  273. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO294, June 1994 ( 78 - 86 )
  274. CASE_NUMBER 1744 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-NOV-93The Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA)Anti-union discrimination and deduction of trade union dues
  275. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO300, November 1995 ( 91 - 100 )
  276. CASE_NUMBER 1741 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 10-NOV-93The World Confederation of Labour (WCL)Lack of recognition of a trade union executive
  277. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO300, November 1995 ( 39 - 57 )
  278. CASE_NUMBER 1736 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 13-OKT-93The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)Anti-union dismissals (elections)
  279. CASE_NUMBER 1728 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-JUL-93The National Federation of University Professors (CONADU)
  280. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO292, March 1994 ( 40 - 45 )
  281. CASE_NUMBER 1723 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 19-MAI-93The Banking Association (Association of Bank Employees) (AB)
  282. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO306, March 1997 ( 12 - 14 )
  283. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO295, November 1994 ( 302 - 315 )
  284. CASE_NUMBER 1684 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 16-NOV-92The General Confederation of Labour of the Argentine Republic (CGT) and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
  285. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO292, March 1994 ( 101 - 130 )
  286. CASE_NUMBER 1679 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 06-NOV-92The General Confederation of Labour (CGT), the Urban Transport Workers' Trade Union (UTA), the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), the Aeronautic Workers' Association (APA), the Commercial Airline Administrative Workers' Trade Union (UUPSA), the Aeronautic Technical Workers' Association (APTA) and the Commercial Airline Flight Technicians' Association (ATVLA)
  287. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO292, March 1994 ( 79 - 100 )
  289. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO291, November 1993 ( 42 - 53 )
  291. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO291, November 1993 ( 92 - 110 )
  292. CASE_NUMBER 1653 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-JUN-92The General Confereration of Labour of the Argentine Republic (CGT)
  293. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO291, November 1993 ( 92 - 110 )
  294. CASE_NUMBER 1639 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 09-APR-92The General Confederation of Labour of the Argentine Republic (CGT), the Federation of Ceramic Workers of the Argentine Republic (FOCRA) and the Association of Airline Pilots (APLA)
  295. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO286, March 1993 ( 61 - 94 )
  296. CASE_NUMBER 1567 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 07-NOV-90The Association of Management Staff of Argentine Railways and General Ports Administration (APDFA), the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA), the Association of State Workers (ATE), the World Confederation of Labour (WCL) and the Argentine Association of Airline Crews (AAA)
  297. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO283, June 1992 ( 124 - 136 )
  298. Interim Report - REPORT_NO279, November 1991 ( 680 - 716 )
  300. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO283, June 1992 ( 124 - 136 )
  301. Interim Report - REPORT_NO279, November 1991 ( 680 - 716 )
  303. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO286, March 1993 ( 47 - 60 )
  304. Interim Report - REPORT_NO279, November 1991 ( 665 - 679 )
  306. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO279, November 1991 ( 270 - 287 )
  307. CASE_NUMBER 1515 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-OKT-89The Federation of Personnel of National Roads and Highways
  308. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO274, June 1990 ( 1 - 20 )
  309. CASE_NUMBER 1496 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 19-MAI-89The Co-ordinating Council of Supervisory Staff Organisations (CEGJ) and the Federation of Supervisory Staff Associations of State EnterprisesDenial of legal capacity
  310. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO274, June 1990 ( 1 - 20 )
  311. CASE_NUMBER 1456 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 08-JUN-88The Co-ordinating Council of Supervisory Staff OrganisationsUnion legislation
  312. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO274, June 1990 ( 1 - 20 )
  313. CASE_NUMBER 1455 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-JUN-88Representation made by the Industrial Union of Argentina under article 24 of the ILO Constitution, alleging non-observance by Argentina of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87)Union legislation
  314. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO274, June 1990 ( 1 - 20 )
  316. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO253, November 1987 ( 143 - 170 )
  317. CASE_NUMBER 1397 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 09-MRZ-87The General Confederation of Labour (CGT)
  319. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO244, June 1986 ( 27 - 46 )
  321. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO217, June 1982 ( 336 - 350 )
  323. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO217, June 1982 ( 327 - 335 )
  324. CASE_NUMBER 1067 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 24-JUL-81THE INTERNATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF FREE TRADE UNIONS AND THE WORLD CONFEDERATION OF LABOUR Violation of the right to strike; arrests of trade unionists
  325. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO214, March 1982 ( 190 - 211 )
  326. CASE_NUMBER 1060 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 17-JUN-81THE INTERNATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF FREE TRADE UNIONS (ICFTU)Interference by the authorities in trade union activities
  327. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO214, March 1982 ( 176 - 189 )
  329. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO197, November 1979 ( 20 - 24 )
  331. Interim Report - REPORT_NO168, November 1977 ( 198 - 216 )
  332. Interim Report - REPORT_NO165, June 1977 ( 118 - 150 )
  333. Interim Report - REPORT_NO160, March 1977 ( 394 - 444 )
  335. Interim Report - REPORT_NO165, June 1977 ( 75 - 84 )
  336. Interim Report - REPORT_NO160, March 1977 ( 305 - 315 )
  338. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO157, June 1976 ( 90 - 105 )
  339. Interim Report - REPORT_NO151, November 1975 ( 185 - 200 )
  341. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO144, 1974 ( 16 - 21 )
  342. CASE_NUMBER 731 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 13-NOV-72World Federation of Agricultural Workers
  343. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO135, March 1973 ( 90 - 98 )
  344. CASE_NUMBER 710 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 12-JUL-72World Confederation of Labour and the Latin American Central of Workers
  345. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO133, 1972 ( 52 - 57 )
  346. CASE_NUMBER 707 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-JUN-72Latin American Central of Workers and the World Confederation of Labour
  347. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO133, 1972 ( 44 - 51 )
  348. CASE_NUMBER 691 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 10-FEB-72General Confederation of Labour
  349. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO132, 1972 ( 20 - 29 )
  350. CASE_NUMBER 669 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-MAI-71World Confederation of Labour and the Federation of Printers of Buenos Aires
  351. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO129, 1972 ( 34 - 48 )
  352. CASE_NUMBER 656 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 06-JAN-71Argentine Trade Union Action, the World Confederation of Labour and the Latin American Confederation of Christian Trade Unions
  353. CASE_NUMBER 653 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 22-DEZ-70World Confederation of Labour
  354. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO127, 1972 ( 80 - 86 )
  355. CASE_NUMBER 651 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 15-DEZ-70Federation of the United Petroleum Trade Unions of the State
  356. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO133, 1972 ( 27 - 32 )
  357. Interim Report - REPORT_NO128, 1972 ( 44 - 59 )
  358. CASE_NUMBER 636 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 09-JUL-70Latin American Federation of Christian Trade Unions
  359. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO122, 1971 ( 33 - 43 )
  360. CASE_NUMBER 633 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 17-JUN-70Trade Unions International of Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers
  361. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO127, 1972 ( 134 - 149 )
  362. Interim Report - REPORT_NO123, 1971 ( 38 - 52 )
  363. CASE_NUMBER 609 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 09-JUL-69Miners' Trade Unions International
  364. CASE_NUMBER 593 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 23-JAN-69The World Confederation of Labour, the International Metalworkers' Federation, the Latin American Confederation of Christian Trade Unions, Argentine Trade Union Action, the Trade Unions International of Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers and the World Federation of Trade Unions
  365. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO120, 1971 ( 119 - 130 )
  366. Interim Report - REPORT_NO116, 1970 ( 331 - 368 )
  367. Interim Report - REPORT_NO114, 1970 ( 163 - 238 )
  368. CASE_NUMBER 588 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 23-JAN-69The World Confederation of Labour, the International Metalworkers' Federation, the Latin American Confederation of Christian Trade Unions, Argentine Trade Union Action, the Trade Unions International of Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers and the World Federation of Trade Unions
  369. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO120, 1971 ( 119 - 130 )
  370. Interim Report - REPORT_NO116, 1970 ( 331 - 368 )
  371. Interim Report - REPORT_NO114, 1970 ( 163 - 238 )
  372. CASE_NUMBER 583 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 11-JAN-69Isthmian Federation of Christian Workers (Panama)
  373. CASE_NUMBER 576 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-FEB-69The International Federation of Chemical and General Worker's Unions
  374. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO114, 1970 ( 78 - 102 )
  375. CASE_NUMBER 574 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 23-JAN-69The World Confederation of Labour, the International Metalworkers' Federation, the Latin American Confederation of Christian Trade Unions, Argentine Trade Union Action, the Trade Unions International of Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers and the World Federation of Trade Unions
  376. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO120, 1971 ( 119 - 130 )
  377. Interim Report - REPORT_NO116, 1970 ( 331 - 368 )
  378. Interim Report - REPORT_NO114, 1970 ( 163 - 238 )
  379. CASE_NUMBER 553 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 03-MAI-68The International Federation of Christian Trade Unions (I.F.C.T.U.) and the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions of Transport Workers (I.F.C.T.U.T.W.)
  380. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO108, 1969 ( 68 - 74 )
  381. CASE_NUMBER 552 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-APR-68Trade Unions International of Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers
  382. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO110, 1969 ( 109 - 116 )
  383. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO109, 1969 ( 79 - 87 )
  384. CASE_NUMBER 541 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-OKT-67United Unions of Workers in the State Oil Industry
  385. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO116, 1970 ( 63 - 73 )
  386. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO106, 1968 ( 7 - 19 )
  387. CASE_NUMBER 503 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 27-DEZ-66The International Federation of Christian Trade Unions, the Argentine Trade Union Movement, the Latin American Federation of Christian Trade Unions, the World Federation of Trade Unions, the International Transport Workers' Federation and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
  388. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO114, 1970 ( 78 - 102 )
  389. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO110, 1969 ( 28 - 46 )
  390. Interim Report - REPORT_NO108, 1969 ( 192 - 207 )
  391. Interim Report - REPORT_NO105, 1968 ( 202 - 223 )
  392. Interim Report - REPORT_NO103, 1968 ( 187 - 207 )
  393. Interim Report - REPORT_NO101, 1968 ( 319 - 406 )
  394. Interim Report - REPORT_NO98, 1967 ( 231 - 265 )
  395. CASE_NUMBER 399 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 11-MAI-64The General Confederation of Labour of Argentina
  396. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO93, 1967 ( 114 - 120 )
  397. Interim Report - REPORT_NO90, 1966 ( 220 - 233 )
  398. Interim Report - REPORT_NO85, 1966 ( 492 - 503 )
  399. Interim Report - REPORT_NO83, 1965 ( 278 - 304 )
  400. CASE_NUMBER 369 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 26-NOV-63Argentine Textile Workers' AssociationThe Argentine Textile Workers' Association
  401. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO75, 1964 ( 32 - 41 )
  402. CASE_NUMBER 346 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 15-APR-63The Union off Postal and Telecommunications Workers of Mar del Plata
  403. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO79, 1965 ( 12 - 32 )
  404. CASE_NUMBER 334 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 07-MAI-63The International Federation of Christian Trade Unions
  405. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO75, 1964 ( 7 - 23 )
  406. CASE_NUMBER 308 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 14-SEP-62The International Federation of Christian Trade Unions
  407. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO74, 1964 ( 72 - 88 )
  408. Interim Report - REPORT_NO73, 1964 ( 116 - 127 )
  409. CASE_NUMBER 273 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 19-NOV-62"The Brotherhood" (Railway Locomotive Personnel Union)
  410. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO71, 1963 ( 54 - 76 )
  411. CASE_NUMBER 268 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 20-APR-61The Rosario Meat Industry Workers' Union
  412. CASE_NUMBER 267 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 19-APR-61The Unified Trade Union of Port Workers of Argentina
  413. CASE_NUMBER 259 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 11-APR-61The United Committee of Christian Trade Unionists of Venezuela and the Christian Trade Union Movement of Cuba
  414. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO66, 1963 ( 76 - 95 )
  415. CASE_NUMBER 258 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-MRZ-61The Union of Workers in the Stocking and Allied Industries (Buenos Aires) (S.O.I.M.A)
  416. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO59, 1962 ( 38 - 54 )
  417. CASE_NUMBER 231 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 28-APR-60The International Federation of Christian Trade Unions (I.F.C.T.U)
  418. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO66, 1963 ( 76 - 95 )
  419. Interim Report - REPORT_NO62, 1962 ( 126 - 143 )
  420. Interim Report - REPORT_NO60, 1962 ( 190 - 203 )
  421. Interim Report - REPORT_NO58, 1962 ( 532 - 554 )
  422. Interim Report - REPORT_NO57, 1961 ( 97 - 124 )
  423. CASE_NUMBER 220 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-JAN-60The Postal, Telegraph and Telephone International (P.T.T.I)
  424. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO58, 1962 ( 8 - 48 )
  425. CASE_NUMBER 216 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 14-DEZ-59The Trade Unions International of Textile, Clothing, Leather and Fur Workers and the World Federation of Trade Unions (W.F.T.U.)
  426. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO62, 1962 ( 75 - 86 )
  427. Interim Report - REPORT_NO58, 1962 ( 482 - 492 )
  428. Interim Report - REPORT_NO56, 1961 ( 146 - 164 )
  429. Interim Report - REPORT_NO49, 1961 ( 254 - 265 )
  430. CASE_NUMBER 199 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 24-APR-59The Association " Fraternity " (Association of Railway Engine Staff), Buenos Aires
  431. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO41, 1960 ( 36 - 69 )
  432. CASE_NUMBER 192 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 16-JAN-59The World Federation of Trade Unions
  433. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO62, 1962 ( 45 - 74 )
  434. Interim Report - REPORT_NO58, 1962 ( 432 - 457 )
  435. Interim Report - REPORT_NO56, 1961 ( 107 - 134 )
  436. Interim Report - REPORT_NO49, 1961 ( 158 - 189 )
  437. Interim Report - REPORT_NO36, 1960 ( 72 - 116 )
  438. CASE_NUMBER 190 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 13-NOV-58The International Federation of Christian Trade Unions
  439. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO36, 1960 ( 170 - 212 )
  440. CASE_NUMBER 172 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-FEB-58The International Federation of Christian Trade Unions, Argentine Trade Union Action and the Postal, Telegraph and Telephone International
  441. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO47, 1961 ( 32 - 60 )
  442. Interim Report - REPORT_NO41, 1960 ( 105 - 173 )
  443. Interim Report - REPORT_NO30, 1960 ( 168 - 208 )
  444. CASE_NUMBER 165 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 26-APR-57The Trade Unions International of Leather, Shoe, Fur and Leather Products Workers (W.F.T.U)
  445. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO27, 1958 ( 60 - 64 )
  446. CASE_NUMBER 140 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 08-MRZ-56The Latin American Confederation of Workers (W.F.T.U)
  447. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO25, 1957 ( 249 - 274 )
  448. CASE_NUMBER 117 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 28-DEZ-54Various Trade Union Organisations
  449. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO16, 1955 ( 87 - 109 )
  450. CASE_NUMBER 106 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-JUN-54The Trade Unions International of Metal and Engineering Industries (Vienna) (W.F.T.U)
  451. CASE_NUMBER 54 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 09-JUL-52The World Federation of Trade Unions
  452. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO6, 1953 ( 868 - 874 )
  453. CASE_NUMBER 12 (Argentina) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-JAN-52The International Transportworkers' Federation (I.T.F), The International Federation of Land and Air Transport Workers' Unions (Bucharest), Other Trade Union Organisations and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (I.C.F.T.U)
  454. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO6, 1953 ( 132 - 322 )
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