Information System on International Labour Standards

Freedom of association cases

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  1. CASE_NUMBER 3361 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-FEB-19STCLE, International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and Single Central Organization of Workers of Chile (CUT)Anti-union discrimination in a collective bargaining process by rejecting as illegal the complainant organization’s decision to end a strike and accept the employer’s final offer
  2. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO396, October 2021 ( 173 - 188 )
  3. CASE_NUMBER 3301 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-MAI-17Workers Union No. 3 Company El Mercurio SA Periodística (S.A.P) and the Single Central Organization of Workers of Chile (CUT)The complainant organizations report anti-union dismissals, the suspension of the collective bargaining process and non compliance with the collective agreement
  4. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO389, June 2019 ( 187 - 215 )
  5. CASE_NUMBER 3299 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 19-JUN-17the National Association of Customs civil servants of Chile (ANFACH), National Association of Fiscal Employees (ANEF) and Single Central Organization of Workers of Chile (CUT)The complainant organizations allege government non-compliance with a memorandum of understanding on strengthening the National Customs Service (SNA), as well as acts of repression in punishment for collective work stoppages and protests and failure to use social dialogue mechanisms to handle the dispute
  6. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO389, June 2019 ( 159 - 186 )
  7. CASE_NUMBER 3298 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-JUL-17National Union of Workers of Chile (UNT) and Autonomous Confederation of Workers of Chile (CAT)The complainant organizations allege the anti-union nature of the dismissal of a trade unionist at a state mining company, who went on a hunger strike to demand reinstatement
  8. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO391, October 2019 ( 115 - 132 )
  9. CASE_NUMBER 3247 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 02-AUG-16Education Workers National Federation from Chile (SUTE CHILE)The draft act establishing the public education system would violate freedom of association by not explicitly regulating the situation of trade unions; it would be a step backwards for workers, who currently have, thanks to an exceptional legal provision, the right to bargain collectively and to strike, rights not included in the national legislation for civil servants
  10. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO388, March 2019 ( 259 - 287 )
  11. CASE_NUMBER 3246 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 02-AUG-16Union Assistants National Federation in municipal Education council in Chile (FENASICOM)The draft act establishing the public education system would violate freedom of association by not explicitly regulating the situation of trade unions; it would be a step backwards for workers, who currently have, thanks to an exceptional legal provision, the right to bargain collectively and to strike, rights not included in the national legislation for civil servants
  12. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO388, March 2019 ( 259 - 287 )
  13. CASE_NUMBER 3214 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 04-MAI-16National Association of Fiscal Employees (ANEF)
  14. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO384, March 2018 ( 189 - 210 )
  15. CASE_NUMBER 3206 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 17-MRZ-16Federación de Supervisores del Cobre (FESUC)the complainant organization alleges that a national copper enterprise discourages supervisors from union membership; that the law discriminates against the complainant organization in the systems for representation on the enterprise’s board; that the functioning of the complainant’s trade unions has been hindered by the dismissal of hundreds of members; that the right to strike was violated through an eviction decree issued by the provincial governor; and that several union leaders were called in for questioning by the police, even though the strike in question was peaceful
  16. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO388, March 2019 ( 230 - 258 )
  17. CASE_NUMBER 3198 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 03-DEZ-15the National Association of Public Employees (ANEF)
  18. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO382, June 2017 ( 227 - 250 )
  19. CASE_NUMBER 3116 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-OKT-14Asociación de Funcionarios del Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Central Dirección - DAP
  20. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO382, June 2017 ( 210 - 226 )
  21. CASE_NUMBER 3108 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-DEZ-14National Federation of the Public Prosecutor of Chile (FENAMIP), supported by the National Association of Fiscal Employees (ANEF)The complainant organization alleges anti-union practices, obstacles to union leave by the public prosecutor as the employer, and absence of dispute resolution mechanisms in this regard.
  22. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO380, October 2016 ( 163 - 192 )
  23. CASE_NUMBER 3053 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 12-NOV-13Trade Union of Workers of Carozzi S.A.supported by the Single Central Organization of Workers of Chile (CUT) The complainant organization alleges dismissals and other anti-union practices by Carozzi Enterprises SA
  24. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO377, March 2016 ( 271 - 288 )
  25. CASE_NUMBER 3017 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 28-MRZ-13Federation N°3 of the Workers of the Enterprise SQM (ex SOQUIMICH) and Confederation of Metalworkers of Industry and Services (CONSTRAMET) the complainant organization alleges restrictions to its president’s access to workplaces, unilateral reductions and discrimination in relation to union leave, non compliance with collective agreements, anti-union dismissals, exclusion and questioning of trade union work, the use of a bonus to promote early, unregulated collective bargaining and impediments to the exercise of the right to strike by the Chilean Chemical and Mining Enterprise (SQM) and its subsidiaries
  26. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO403, June 2023 ( 20 - 22 )
  27. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO377, March 2016 ( 245 - 270 )
  28. CASE_NUMBER 3005 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-OKT-12Union of Specialized Maritime Port Employees (SEMPE)Union members were pressured to give up their union membership; six union members were not paid compensation for job losses as a result of the concession of the El Espigón port terminal in San Antonio to a new enterprise; the complainant trade union was excluded from the negotiation process concerning the workers’ claims, in which only the federations of portworkers took part
  29. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO373, October 2014 ( 143 - 194 )
  30. CASE_NUMBER 3000 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 07-NOV-12National Federation of University Professionals in the Health Service (FENPRUSS) The complainant organization alleges anti-union practices with regard to wages, changes in duties, the use of union leave, restrictions to union officials’ right to submit claims, reprisals against a union official at the end of her contract and the harassment of union officials
  31. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO373, October 2014 ( 109 - 142 )
  32. CASE_NUMBER 2963 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 14-JUN-12National Federation of the Unions of Supervisors, List A, and the Professionals of the Enterprise CODELCO (FESUC) The complainant alleges that the enterprise CODELCO, pursuant to provisions of the Labour Code which are not in conformity with Conventions Nos 87 and 98, has excluded workers with temporary contracts for work or for services, and also those serving as superintendents or directors, from collective bargaining; discourages exercise of the right to organize, in that non-union workers, who enjoy the benefits stipulated in a collective instrument, are obliged to pay 75 per cent of the ordinary monthly union dues; and outlawed a work stoppage called in response to the policy implemented by the state enterprise to impose its transformation plans, because they are outside the collective bargaining process
  33. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO371, March 2014 ( 222 - 238 )
  34. CASE_NUMBER 2936 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-MRZ-12Bolivarian Confederation of Transport Workers of Chile (CBT) and National Federation of Transport Workers (FNTP) The complainant organizations allege acts of anti-union discrimination (dismissals and proceedings to lift trade union immunity) against trade union officials and members in various enterprises in the transport sector
  35. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO370, October 2013 ( 293 - 318 )
  36. CASE_NUMBER 2912 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 20-OKT-11Confederation of Civil servants of the health sector in municipalities (CONFUSAM), the National Union of Public Employees of the Treasury (ANEF) the National multi enterprise Union of Metalworkers, Communications, Energy and Allied Workers (SME), the National Confederation of United Transport Workers (CONUTT), the Federation of Trade Unions (FESINEM), the Federation of Trade Unions of Fisheries of the Tenth Region (FETRAINPES), the National Seafarers’ Confederation (CONGEMAR), National Federation of University Health Service Professionals (FENPRUS), the Temporary Trade Unions, the Coordinating Confederation of Commerce Trade Unions, the Temporary Workers’ Federation, the Pharmacies Federation, the North-West Trade Union, the Banking Confederation and the Tresmontes Lucchetti Subcontractors The complainants allege that the Government has recently submitted a bill to Parliament that seeks to introduce amendments to the Penal Code and which, if approved, would violate the principles of freedom of association and Conventions Nos 87, 98 and 135, as it not only criminalizes a range of legitimate trade union protests and actions (occupying workplaces and streets) but also makes workers’ representatives who organize such activities criminally liable for any public disorder that occurs
  37. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO368, June 2013 ( 215 - 229 )
  38. CASE_NUMBER 2904 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 15-OKT-11National Association of Internal Revenue Officials of Chile (ANEIICH) and Association of Internal Revenue Inspectors of Chile (AFIICH) The complainant organizations challenge the decision of the management of the Internal Revenue Bureau to deduct pay from workers for days when they participated in a work stoppage
  39. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO367, March 2013 ( 387 - 419 )
  40. CASE_NUMBER 2885 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 13-SEP-11Confederation of Municipal Health Officials (CONFUSAM) The complainant objects to the dismissal of a trade union officer of the Public Servants’ Association of the commune of La Granja, a primary health-care physician of the commune of La Granja, and alleges acts of harassment by the Minister of Health against officials of the municipal primary health-care system of Chile in the context of the national strike, through intimidation of the President of the Centro Occidente Federation of CONFUSAM in an attempt to delay another strike, and that the same authority ordered deductions from the remuneration of the officials who participated in the national strike
  41. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO367, March 2013 ( 357 - 386 )
  42. CASE_NUMBER 2884 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 20-JUN-11National Association of University Professionals of the Labour Directorate (APU), National Association of Public Servants (ANEF), National Federation of Public Servant Associations of the Ministry of the Interior and related services (FENAMINSA), and National Association of Public Servants of the Office of the Minister and Secretary-General of Government (ANFUSEGG) The complainants allege acts of anti-union discrimination against their leaders in the Labour Directorate and the non-renewal of contracts of members employed by the Ministry of the Interior and the Office of the Minister and Secretary-General of Government
  43. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO368, June 2013 ( 202 - 214 )
  44. Interim Report - REPORT_NO365, November 2012 ( 357 - 408 )
  45. CASE_NUMBER 2863 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 09-MAI-11National Association of Officials of the Directorate General of Civil Aviations (ANFDGAC) The complainant organization alleges that the Directorate General of Civil Aviation instituted administrative proceedings against four of the organization’s officials as a result of the use of union leave and undermining the right to freedom of expression by prohibiting ANFDGAC from posting notices, banners and other similar signs
  46. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO365, November 2012 ( 315 - 356 )
  47. CASE_NUMBER 2814 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 26-AUG-10Trade Union Number Two “El Bosque” (Sindicato Número Dos El Bosque) (SNDB) and National Federation of Forestry Sector Transport Trade Unions (Federación Nacional de Sindicatos del Transporte Forestal) (FNSTF) The dismissal of 65 trade union members for taking part in a strike and anti-trade union practices in the forestry transport sector
  48. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO367, March 2013 ( 346 - 356 )
  49. Interim Report - REPORT_NO362, November 2011 ( 422 - 445 )
  50. CASE_NUMBER 2787 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 27-MAI-10National Association of Civil Servants of Chiledeportes (ANFUCHID)The complainant organization alleges the failure to recognize a protocol concluded with the National Sports Institute of Chile, and the dismissal of 20 civil servants in violation of said agreement
  51. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 377 - 400 )
  52. CASE_NUMBER 2770 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 27-MRZ-10World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) The complainant organization objects to section 381 of the Labour Code (which, while prohibiting the hiring of workers to replace strikers, provides for some exceptions), and alleges that Cerámica Espejo Ltda hired workers to replace workers striking in January 2010 over a pay claim and that the Chilean police (Carabineros de Chile) provided protection to the company so that it could illegally remove goods from its plant given that the workers in the transport department were on strike
  53. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO360, June 2011 ( 345 - 376 )
  54. CASE_NUMBER 2692 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 20-OKT-08National Association of Public Servants (ANEF) and Association of Public Employees of the Metropolitan South Regional Public Prosecution Service (AFFRMS)The complaints allege obstacles to the establishment of the AFFRMS, acts of anti-union discrimination and other anti-union practices
  55. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO359, March 2011 ( 36 - 39 )
  56. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO356, March 2010 ( 400 - 472 )
  57. CASE_NUMBER 2653 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 27-MAI-08Teachers’ Association of Chile Violations of the right to bargain collectively and dismissal of trade unionists
  58. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO354, June 2009 ( 399 - 423 )
  59. CASE_NUMBER 2649 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 23-MAI-08National Federation of Sanitation Workers (FENATRAOS) The complainant organization challenges a ruling issued by the office of the Comptroller-General of the Republic which finds a government decision exempting sanitation company workers from the prohibition on strikes to be illegal
  60. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO354, June 2009 ( 364 - 398 )
  61. CASE_NUMBER 2626 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-NOV-07Confederation of Copper Workers (CTC) and Single Central Organization of Workers (CUT) The complainants allege restrictions on the right to strike, repression and arrests of demonstrators by the forces of law and order, refusing union leaders access to their workplaces, anti-union dismissals and failure to comply with the Framework Agreement that had put an end to the dispute
  62. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO359, March 2011 ( 25 - 35 )
  63. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO356, March 2010 ( 385 - 399 )
  64. Interim Report - REPORT_NO354, June 2009 ( 305 - 363 )
  65. CASE_NUMBER 2564 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 07-MAI-07Trade Union Confederation of West Santiago (CONFESIMA) and Federation of Engineering Trade Unions (FESIN) Death of a striker after being shot three times by the police in the context of repression of collective trade union actions
  66. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO349, March 2008 ( 584 - 613 )
  67. CASE_NUMBER 2555 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-JAN-07National Association of Regional Officials of the National Youth Service (SENAME-ANFUR) Dismissal of a trade union official by the National Youth Service
  68. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO349, March 2008 ( 563 - 583 )
  69. CASE_NUMBER 2465 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-NOV-05The United Federation of Workers (FUT) Use of police to prevent strikers from demonstrating and arrest of trade unionists; hiring of workers to replace the strikers; establishment of an employer-controlled trade union; anti-union dismissals
  70. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO354, June 2009 ( 290 - 304 )
  71. Interim Report - REPORT_NO350, June 2008 ( 341 - 349 )
  72. Interim Report - REPORT_NO344, March 2007 ( 668 - 724 )
  73. CASE_NUMBER 2462 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 10-JAN-06The National Trade Union of Professionals, Postal Technicians, Supervisors and other Employees of Correos de Chile (SNP) The complainant organization alleges that, with the intention of wrecking the trade union, Correos de Chile has dismissed its union members, failed to comply with provisions of the collective agreement, discriminated against its members over a productivity incentive, offered new workers special assignments if they give up the benefits to which they are entitled under the collective contract and engaged in other anti-union practices, such as pressuring workers to leave the trade union; it also alleges that the Labour Directorate has not included Correos de Chile in the list of enterprises that have been found guilty of anti-union and anti-labour practices by the judicial authority
  74. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO354, June 2009 ( 47 - 50 )
  75. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO350, June 2008 ( 326 - 340 )
  76. Interim Report - REPORT_NO344, March 2007 ( 588 - 667 )
  77. CASE_NUMBER 2392 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 14-OKT-04The Federation of Trade Unions of Chilean Television Channels and Production Companies (FETRA-TV) and the Trade Union of the Television Corporation of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Channel 13 TV Union)The complainants allege the replacement of workers involved in a legal strike in 2004 at the Television Corporation of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Channel 13 TV); the use of staff supply companies and false contracts for provision of services instead of employment contracts, leading to a fall in union membership, for anti-union purposes; mass dismissals since 2001 and other anti-union practices; discrimination against the general secretary of the union by assigning certain operations for which he had been responsible to a contracting enterprise; pressure from the corporation for workers to abandon collective bargaining, along with economic incentives for those who were not part of the bargaining group and disincentives for members of the group; failure to comply with the provisions of the collective contract; the recent dismissal of three union members; the fact that it is impossible for the union to recruit members contracted through external enterprises; and the signing by workers of individual contracts imposed by the corporation which exclude them from collective bargaining
  78. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO350, June 2008 ( 316 - 325 )
  79. Interim Report - REPORT_NO343, November 2006 ( 364 - 374 )
  80. Interim Report - REPORT_NO338, November 2005 ( 645 - 681 )
  81. CASE_NUMBER 2352 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-MAI-04The National Federation of Telephone and Telecommunication Workers’ Unions of Chile (FENATEL) The complainant organization alleges hiring of workers by the Compañía de Telecomunicaciones de Chile S.A. (Chile Telecommunications Company) and other group holding companies to replace striking workers, anti-trade union practices during the 2002 strike, including police presence and the fact that the companies prevented access by trade union leaders to their premises; interference such that trade union leaders were replaced and giving preference to a trade union favourable to the company, leading to considerable loss of membership by the trade unions affiliated to the complainant organization, which suffered from an anti-trade union campaign by company executives, and pressure in the form of benefits to workers who negotiated through the trade union favourable to the employer as well as threats of dismissal of workers if they did not resign their membership; giving preference to the trade union favourable to the company in the collective bargaining process in 2003; systematic failure to honour existing collective agreements; dismissal for anti-trade union motives, including trade union leaders; loss of leave for full-time trade union officials
  82. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO342, June 2006 ( 45 - 47 )
  83. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO338, November 2005 ( 604 - 644 )
  84. CASE_NUMBER 2337 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 26-FEB-04The National Trade Union of Workers of ING Seguros de Vida S.A. (SNTISV) and supported by the Confederation of Banking and Related Trade Unions (CSBA) Failure of the transnational enterprise ING Seguros de Vida S.A. to allocate work to trade union leaders; practices used by the enterprise to obstruct the collective bargaining process; dismissal of delegates and members of the complainant trade union; pressure applied by the enterprise to force members working at two branches to resign from the trade union; non-compliance with collective agreements, in particular, deduction of benefits arising under those agreements; the enterprise’s refusal to recognize the affiliation to the Trade Union ING AFP (Pension Fund Administrator) Santa María of workers whose labour contracts were modified by the enterprise, with the result that this trade union is running short of money and its existence is under threat; unilateral imposition of individual agreements
  85. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO342, June 2006 ( 277 - 298 )
  86. Interim Report - REPORT_NO337, June 2005 ( 425 - 450 )
  87. CASE_NUMBER 2335 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 13-APR-04The National Association of Ministry of Education Staff (ANDIME) supported by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)Anti-trade union transfer of trade union officials by the Undersecretariat of Education
  88. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO335, November 2004 ( 666 - 679 )
  89. CASE_NUMBER 2320 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-NOV-03The National Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Metallurgy, Communications, Energy and Allied Workers (SME) and the World Federation of Trade Unions, Regional Office, Americas (WFTU-ROA)Anti-union practices in the PLASTYVERG conglomerate, including dismissals of trade union delegates and members, pressure on members to withdraw from trade union membership, interference by several enterprises to sideline the trade union and negotiate with workers’ delegates appointed by the employer; violent repression of a national strike on 13 August 2003 despite its peaceful nature; detention of trade unionists and threats of intimidation against workers who participated in the strike, use of armoured cars, water cannons and tear gas – including against CUT headquarters – ill-treatment, closure of streets to which access was authorized for the demonstration, assault on the general secretary of the CUT, use of rubber bullets, injuries to workers’ physical integrity, torture of a detainee, the drawing up of lists of strike participants in different institutions and dismissal of a teachers’ union leader and her sister; and violations of trade union rights by the CODELCO state enterprise and the HERPA S.A., Viñas Tarapacá y Santa Helena enterprise
  90. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO337, June 2005 ( 408 - 424 )
  91. Interim Report - REPORT_NO335, November 2004 ( 567 - 665 )
  92. CASE_NUMBER 2307 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 27-OKT-03The Teachers' Association of Chile A.G. (CPCAG)Unwillingness of the authorities to bargain with the complainant; threats of dismissal, disciplinary proceedings, deduction of remuneration and other punitive measures against participants in two strikes
  93. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO335, November 2004 ( 536 - 566 )
  94. CASE_NUMBER 2296 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-JUL-03The National Confederation of Federations and Trade Unions of Food, Tourism, Commerce and Services Workers (COTIACH)Failure to deduct from wages of non-unionized employees sums corresponding to advantages derived from collective bargaining, dismissal of workers and non-compliance with the collective agreement by Distribuidora de Industrias Nacionales S.A.; dismissal of members of the works union, dismissal of a trade union official, harassment of workers, exertion of pressure on workers not to join the works’ union and recruitment of piece-workers and trainees by Hoteles Carrera-Hotel Araucano de Concepción; dismissal of union members by Multivending Ltda.; and dismissal of all the workers, including the union officials, by Andonaegui S.A.
  95. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO342, June 2006 ( 42 - 44 )
  96. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO337, June 2005 ( 49 - 52 )
  97. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO334, June 2004 ( 242 - 274 )
  98. CASE_NUMBER 2290 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 16-MAI-03The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)Dismissal of trade unionists, pressure and threats intended to force workers to leave the trade union of the Enterprise “Viña Tarapacá”; benefits to non-unionized workers
  99. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO335, November 2004 ( 529 - 535 )
  100. CASE_NUMBER 2245 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-NOV-02The Amalgamated Workers' Union of Chile (CUT)Objection by the complainant organization to a judicial declaration by the Supreme Court of Justice determining that clerical workers at land registries may not establish trade unions.
  101. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 320 - 333 )
  102. CASE_NUMBER 2232 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-SEP-02The National Transport Workers' Association (ASTRA A.G.)
  103. CASE_NUMBER 2218 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-JUL-02The National Confederation of Health Care Workers (CONFENATS)Allegations: Conclusion of agreements on public health service reform between government authorities and only two members of the CONFENATS national executive (comprised of 15 members) who did not hold a mandate to do so, and acceptance by these two persons of a government proposal to close negotiations on adjustments to remuneration and other terms of employment despite the fact that such acceptance should have been submitted to consultation through a national (trade union) referendum; intervention by the authorities in the internal organization of CONFENATS by holding meetings and assemblies of CONFENATS affiliates in order to pressure members and put forward the views of the authorities in negotiations; use of police violence against trade union officers and members (detention, beating, assault on a trade union officer, hindering the exercise of the right to assemble and to demonstrate; judicial proceedings and imposition of a penalty against the President of CONFENATS for allegedly creating a public disturbance)
  104. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO332, November 2003 ( 400 - 424 )
  105. CASE_NUMBER 2217 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 05-SEP-02The Chilean General Confederation of Workers (CGT) and the National Union of Metal, Communication and Energy Workers and Related Activities (SNTMCEYAC) The complainant organizations allege that various anti-union acts have been committed at the companies Sopraval S.A. (acts of intimidation and violence against workers on strike; dismissal of union officers and members; and interference in union activities), Cecinas San Jorge (creation of a trade union biased towards the company and dismissal of union officers), Electroerosión Japax Chile S.A. (anti-union dismissals during negotiation of a collective contract) and in two bakery companies (dismissal of union officers)
  106. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO340, March 2006 ( 53 - 55 )
  107. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO337, June 2005 ( 38 - 48 )
  108. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO335, November 2004 ( 513 - 528 )
  109. Interim Report - REPORT_NO331, June 2003 ( 181 - 211 )
  110. CASE_NUMBER 2215 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 12-AUG-02The Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT)The complainant organization alleges an anti-union dismissal of a trade union official in the Pedro Pablo Castillo Castillo company who, despite administrative and judicial decisions for his reinstatement, at present is still not occupying his post, and anti-union activities against the Trade Union of the Sanitation Works Company of the Vth Region, ESVAL S.A., including attempted suborning of personnel through threats and dismissals; illegal confiscation of officials’ work tools (telephone, computer); prohibition on performing their functions and delay in paying their remuneration
  111. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO340, March 2006 ( 50 - 52 )
  112. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO337, June 2005 ( 33 - 37 )
  113. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO334, June 2004 ( 227 - 241 )
  114. Interim Report - REPORT_NO331, June 2003 ( 169 - 180 )
  115. CASE_NUMBER 2172 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-JAN-02The Trade Union of Pilots and Technicians of Lan Chile (SPTLC)The complainant organization alleges that Lan Chile S.A. conducted a campaign to break up its organization that began in 2001 and took the form of a series of illegal practices of anti-union discrimination, above all in connection with negotiations aimed at concluding a new collective agreement. According to the complainant, these practices included the following: a publicity campaign against the trade union; the mass dismissal of unionized pilots; threats of dismissal; pressure exerted on pilots and their family members so that the former withdrew trade union membership; discrimination against trade union members with regard to training; the re?employment of dismissed pilots (or their recruitment in subsidiary enterprises) under anti-union conditions (the acceptance of individual responsibility for the industrial action entitled “work-to-rule”, a written statement that the trade union ordered them to participate in this action and acceptance to be covered by individual employment contracts rather than the collective agreement); and harassment of trade union officials.
  116. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO342, June 2006 ( 39 - 41 )
  117. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO338, November 2005 ( 41 - 43 )
  118. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 278 - 319 )
  119. Interim Report - REPORT_NO329, November 2002 ( 316 - 356 )
  120. CASE_NUMBER 2150 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 23-MAI-01The Single Central Organization of Chilean Workers (CUT)Dismissal in December 1999 by the Municipality of Empedrado of the president of a health workers' association established in September 1999, who was covered by trade union immunity
  121. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 34 - 36 )
  122. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO329, November 2002 ( 299 - 315 )
  123. CASE_NUMBER 2141 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-JUN-01The Trade Union International of Workers of the Energy, Metal, Chemistry, Oil and Related Industries (UIS-TEMQPIA)Hiring of workers to replace strikers, homicide and serious injury of strikers
  124. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO338, November 2005 ( 38 - 40 )
  125. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO336, March 2005 ( 19 - 22 )
  126. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO333, March 2004 ( 31 - 33 )
  127. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO329, November 2002 ( 31 - 34 )
  128. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO328, June 2002 ( 18 - 20 )
  129. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO327, March 2002 ( 312 - 326 )
  130. CASE_NUMBER 2135 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 22-JAN-01Trade Union No. 1, Metropolitan Sanitation Company, Trade Union No. 2, Metropolitan Sanitation Company and The Professional and Technical Employees' Trade Union of the Metropolitan Sanitation CompanyProhibition of the right to strike in an enterprise
  131. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO327, March 2002 ( 42 - 44 )
  132. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO326, November 2001 ( 245 - 268 )
  133. CASE_NUMBER 2107 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 03-OKT-00The National Confederation of Federations and Trade Unions of Food, Tourism, Hotel, Restaurant, and Related and Allied Workers (COTIACH)Violation of the right to collective bargaining; harassment against members of the COTIACH
  134. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO325, June 2001 ( 216 - 237 )
  135. CASE_NUMBER 2073 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 02-FEB-00The Confederation of Banking Trade Unions (CSB)Government favouritism towards a group of trade union officials during trade union elections
  136. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO323, November 2000 ( 151 - 161 )
  137. CASE_NUMBER 2002 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 17-JAN-99The Single Central Organization of Chilean Workers (CUT)Refusal to allow a trade union leader to attend a ceremony
  138. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO316, June 1999 ( 327 - 340 )
  139. CASE_NUMBER 1946 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 20-NOV-97The Teachers' Association of ChileDefects in a collective bargaining procedure; anti-union practices
  140. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO310, June 1998 ( 255 - 270 )
  141. CASE_NUMBER 1945 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 06-NOV-97The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)Anti-union dismissals and prosecution of trade unionists
  142. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO316, June 1999 ( 31 - 33 )
  143. Effect given to the recommendations of the committee and the Governing Body - REPORT_NO311, November 1998 ( 32 - 34 )
  144. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO309, March 1998 ( 56 - 68 )
  145. CASE_NUMBER 1941 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 30-SEP-97The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)Restitution of confiscated trade union assets
  146. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO310, June 1998 ( 243 - 254 )
  147. CASE_NUMBER 1829 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-JAN-95The Trade Unions International of Workers of the Building, Wood and Building Materials Industries (UITBB)Threats against a trade union leader, anti-trade union dismissals and acts of interference and restrictions on collective bargaining
  148. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO305, November 1996 ( 117 - 133 )
  150. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO291, November 1993 ( 327 - 357 )
  151. CASE_NUMBER 1309 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 03-OKT-84The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the World Confederation of Labour, the World Federation of Trade Unions and other trade union organisations
  152. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO272, June 1990 ( 156 - 170 )
  153. Interim Report - REPORT_NO270, March 1990 ( 193 - 219 )
  154. Interim Report - REPORT_NO265, June 1989 ( 403 - 442 )
  155. Interim Report - REPORT_NO259, November 1988 ( 360 - 426 )
  156. Interim Report - REPORT_NO256, June 1988 ( 255 - 281 )
  157. Interim Report - REPORT_NO254, March 1988 ( 288 - 350 )
  158. Interim Report - REPORT_NO253, November 1987 ( 257 - 301 )
  159. Interim Report - REPORT_NO248, March 1987 ( 437 - 492 )
  160. Interim Report - REPORT_NO246, November 1986 ( 266 - 312 )
  161. Interim Report - REPORT_NO244, June 1986 ( 296 - 336 )
  162. Interim Report - REPORT_NO243, March 1986 ( 447 - 488 )
  163. Interim Report - REPORT_NO241, November 1985 ( 750 - 805 )
  164. Interim Report - REPORT_NO239, June 1985 ( 298 - 340 )
  165. Interim Report - REPORT_NO238, March 1985 ( 330 - 364 )
  167. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO239, June 1985 ( 150 - 168 )
  169. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO241, November 1985 ( 156 - 215 )
  170. CASE_NUMBER 1280 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 09-MAI-84The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
  171. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO236, November 1984 ( 276 - 285 )
  172. CASE_NUMBER 1278 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 28-FEB-84National Trade Union Co-Ordinating Body (CNS)Included in Case No. 1297
  174. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO238, March 1985 ( 106 - 118 )
  175. CASE_NUMBER 1272 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 29-MRZ-84The World Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Profession (WCOTP)
  176. Interim Report - REPORT_NO236, November 1984 ( 623 - 638 )
  177. CASE_NUMBER 1229 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-AUG-83The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)
  178. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO233, March 1984 ( 45 - 57 )
  179. CASE_NUMBER 1217 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 24-JUN-83The Regional Federation of Trade Unions of Agricultural, Agro-industrial and Viticultural Workers and Common Land Holders "El Despertar del Norte"
  180. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO233, March 1984 ( 97 - 110 )
  181. CASE_NUMBER 1212 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 08-JUN-83The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), the World Confederation of Trade Unions (WFTU), the World Confederation of Labour (WCL), the National Confederation of Workers in the Building, Wood and Building Materials Industries and Allied Activities, and the Trade Unions International of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation Workers
  182. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO238, March 1985 ( 191 - 204 )
  183. Interim Report - REPORT_NO234, June 1984 ( 555 - 570 )
  184. Interim Report - REPORT_NO233, March 1984 ( 520 - 549 )
  185. Interim Report - REPORT_NO230, November 1983 ( 619 - 659 )
  186. CASE_NUMBER 1205 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-MAI-83The National Trade Union Coordinating Body of Chile
  187. Interim Report - REPORT_NO233, March 1984 ( 474 - 519 )
  188. CASE_NUMBER 1200 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 03-MAI-83The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and the World Confederation of Labour (WCL)
  189. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO233, March 1984 ( 58 - 74 )
  190. Interim Report - REPORT_NO230, November 1983 ( 592 - 618 )
  191. CASE_NUMBER 1194 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 12-APR-83The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
  192. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO230, November 1983 ( 284 - 293 )
  193. CASE_NUMBER 1191 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 31-MRZ-83The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
  194. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO230, November 1983 ( 431 - 446 )
  195. CASE_NUMBER 1186 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 21-MRZ-83The International Union of Metallurgy Trade Unions (UISMETAL), the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)
  196. Interim Report - REPORT_NO230, November 1983 ( 579 - 591 )
  197. CASE_NUMBER 1184 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 21-FEB-83The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)
  198. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO230, November 1983 ( 271 - 283 )
  199. CASE_NUMBER 1183 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 10-FEB-83The Single Central Organisation of Chilean Workers (External Committee)
  200. Interim Report - REPORT_NO233, March 1984 ( 474 - 519 )
  202. Interim Report - REPORT_NO226, June 1983 ( 348 - 387 )
  204. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO222, March 1983 ( 122 - 130 )
  206. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO218, November 1982 ( 66 - 71 )
  208. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO218, November 1982 ( 258 - 272 )
  210. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO218, November 1982 ( 217 - 233 )
  212. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO218, November 1982 ( 196 - 216 )
  214. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO218, November 1982 ( 196 - 216 )
  216. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO218, November 1982 ( 196 - 216 )
  218. Interim Report - REPORT_NO217, June 1982 ( 484 - 494 )
  220. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO217, June 1982 ( 471 - 483 )
  222. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO217, June 1982 ( 286 - 302 )
  223. CASE_NUMBER 1095 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 26-NOV-81THE INTERNATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF FREE TRADE UNIONS Violation of the trade union premises
  224. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO217, June 1982 ( 274 - 285 )
  226. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO217, June 1982 ( 254 - 273 )
  227. CASE_NUMBER 1051 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 02-JUN-81THE CONFEDERATION OF PRIVATE EMPLOYEES OF CHILEDismissal of one of the national trade union leaders and declaration of his legal incapacity
  228. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO211, November 1981 ( 327 - 341 )
  229. CASE_NUMBER 1046 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 11-MAI-81The Coordinadora Nacional Sindical (CNS) and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
  230. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO211, November 1981 ( 305 - 326 )
  231. CASE_NUMBER 1028 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 10-FEB-81National Trade Union Confederation of Workers in the Construction, Timber, Building Materials and Allied IndustriesDestitution by the Government of national trade union leaders
  232. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO211, November 1981 ( 276 - 291 )
  234. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO218, November 1982 ( 247 - 257 )
  235. Interim Report - REPORT_NO217, June 1982 ( 495 - 513 )
  236. Interim Report - REPORT_NO211, November 1981 ( 373 - 402 )
  237. Interim Report - REPORT_NO207, March 1981 ( 150 - 197 )
  238. Interim Report - REPORT_NO202, June 1980 ( 289 - 336 )
  239. Interim Report - REPORT_NO197, November 1979 ( 362 - 432 )
  240. Interim Report - REPORT_NO194, June 1979 ( 134 - 178 )
  241. Interim Report - REPORT_NO190, March 1979 ( 146 - 215 )
  242. Interim Report - REPORT_NO187, November 1978 ( 369 - 410 )
  243. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO185, June 1978 ( 6 - 67 )
  244. Interim Report - REPORT_NO185, June 1978 ( 68 - 110 )
  245. Interim Report - REPORT_NO177, June 1978 ( 175 - 219 )
  246. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO176, March 1978 ( 5 - 41 )
  247. Interim Report - REPORT_NO176, March 1978 ( 42 - 71 )
  248. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO171, November 1977 ( 5 - 43 )
  249. Interim Report - REPORT_NO171, November 1977 ( 44 - 74 )
  250. Interim Report - REPORT_NO165, June 1977 ( 49 - 74 )
  251. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO161, March 1977 ( 5 - 44 )
  252. Interim Report - REPORT_NO161, March 1977 ( 45 - 82 )
  253. Interim Report - REPORT_NO159, November 1976 ( 61 - 74 )
  254. Interim Report - REPORT_NO157, June 1976 ( 181 - 203 )
  256. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO171, November 1977 ( 5 - 43 )
  257. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO161, March 1977 ( 5 - 44 )
  258. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO159, November 1976 ( 5 - 60 )
  259. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO142, 1974 ( 222 - 271 )
  260. Interim Report - REPORT_NO139, 1974 ( 553 - 568 )
  262. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO151, November 1975 ( 30 - 39 )
  263. Interim Report - REPORT_NO136, March 1973 ( 41 - 50 )
  265. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO137, 1973 ( 18 - 29 )
  266. CASE_NUMBER 549 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 07-APR-68The Chilean Teachers' Federation
  267. CASE_NUMBER 475 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 14-MRZ-66The National Association of Public Servants
  268. CASE_NUMBER 354 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 10-MAI-63The Chilean Confederation of Labour and Other Chilean Trade Union Organisations
  269. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development - REPORT_NO84, 1965 ( 23 - 31 )
  270. CASE_NUMBER 305 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 26-JUN-62The World Federation of Teachers' Unions
  271. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO67, 1963 ( 99 - 107 )
  272. CASE_NUMBER 271 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 25-AUG-61The Chilean Confederation of Industrial and Commercial Workers and the Chilean Confederation of Privately Employed Clerical Workers
  273. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO85, 1966 ( 15 - 32 )
  274. Interim Report - REPORT_NO83, 1965 ( 112 - 124 )
  275. Interim Report - REPORT_NO70, 1963 ( 175 - 208 )
  276. Interim Report - REPORT_NO66, 1963 ( 447 - 471 )
  277. Interim Report - REPORT_NO61, 1962 ( 42 - 54 )
  278. CASE_NUMBER 270 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 02-SEP-61The International Federation of Teachers' Unions (W.F.T.U.)
  279. CASE_NUMBER 227 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 18-MRZ-60The Trade Unions International of Public Service Employees' Unions (W.F.T.U.) (Berlin), the Presidium of the Trade Union of Employees of State Administrations, Health, Finances (Berlin) and the Central Committee of S.E.B.D.A. (Djakarta)
  280. CASE_NUMBER 154 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-OKT-56(a) The Workers' Group of the Governing Body of the I.L.O, the World Federation of Trade Unions, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the Confederation of Latin American Workers, the Inter-American Regional Organisation of Workers, the Sole Union of Chilean Workers, the National Bakers' Federation of Chile, the Maritime Confederation of Chile and Other Chilean Trade Union Organisations, the " Sekretariat D.P.P. Sebda " (the Pan-Indonesian Central Council of Trade Unions) and the Posts and Communications Trade Union of the Free German Trade Unions (Berlin) ; (b) The Association of Bank Employees of Uruguay, the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions of Salaried Employees, Technicians, Managerial Staff and Commercial Travellers, the Miners' Trade Unions International (W.F.T.U), the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
  281. Interim Report - REPORT_NO28, 1958 ( 153 - 215 )
  282. Interim Report - REPORT_NO26, 1957 ( 20 - 103 )
  283. CASE_NUMBER 153 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-OKT-56(a) The Workers' Group of the Governing Body of the I.L.O, the World Federation of Trade Unions, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the Confederation of Latin American Workers, the Inter-American Regional Organisation of Workers, the Sole Union of Chilean Workers, the National Bakers' Federation of Chile, the Maritime Confederation of Chile and Other Chilean Trade Union Organisations, the " Sekretariat D.P.P. Sebda " (the Pan-Indonesian Central Council of Trade Unions) and the Posts and Communications Trade Union of the Free German Trade Unions (Berlin) ; (b) The Association of Bank Employees of Uruguay, the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions of Salaried Employees, Technicians, Managerial Staff and Commercial Travellers, the Miners' Trade Unions International (W.F.T.U), the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
  284. Interim Report - REPORT_NO28, 1958 ( 153 - 215 )
  285. Interim Report - REPORT_NO26, 1957 ( 20 - 103 )
  286. CASE_NUMBER 141 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-MRZ-56(a) The Workers' Group of the Governing Body of the I.L.O, the World Federation of Trade Unions, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the Confederation of Latin American Workers, the Inter-American Regional Organisation of Workers, the Sole Union of Chilean Workers, the National Bakers' Federation of Chile, the Maritime Confederation of Chile and Other Chilean Trade Union Organisations, the " Sekretariat D.P.P. Sebda " (the Pan-Indonesian Central Council of Trade Unions) and the Posts and Communications Trade Union of the Free German Trade Unions (Berlin) ; (b) the Association of Bank Employees of Uruguay, the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions of Salaried Employees, Technicians, Managerial Staff and Commercial Travellers, the Miners' Trade Unions International (W.F.T.U), the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
  287. Interim Report - REPORT_NO28, 1958 ( 153 - 215 )
  288. Interim Report - REPORT_NO26, 1957 ( 20 - 103 )
  289. CASE_NUMBER 134 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-NOV-55(a) The Workers' Group of the Governing Body of the I.L.O, the World Federation of Trade Unions, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the Confederation of Latin American Workers, the Inter-American Regional Organisation of Workers, the Sole Union of Chilean Workers, the National Bakers' Federation of Chile, the Maritime Confederation of Chile and Other Chilean Trade Union Organisations, the " Sekretariat D.P.P. Sebda " (the Pan-Indonesian Central Council of Trade Unions) and the Posts and Communications Trade Union of the Free German Trade Unions (Berlin) ; (b) the Association of Bank Employees of Uruguay, the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions of Salaried Employees, Technicians, Managerial Staff and Commercial Travellers, the Miners' Trade Unions International (W.F.T.U), the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
  290. Interim Report - REPORT_NO26, 1957 ( 20 - 103 )
  291. CASE_NUMBER 81 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-DEZ-53The Trade Unions International of Postal, Telegraph, Telephone and Radio Workers
  292. CASE_NUMBER 43 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 22-MRZ-52The World Federation of Trade Unions
  293. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO6, 1953 ( 584 - 592 )
  294. CASE_NUMBER 10 (Chile) - COMPLAINT_DATE: 01-JAN-51The Committee for Trade Union Unity (Chile), and by the World Federation of Trade Unions
  295. Definitive Report - REPORT_NO4, 1953 ( 52 - 88 )
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