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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2017, published 107th ILC session (2018)

Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138) - Yemen (Ratification: 2000)

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While acknowledging the difficult situation prevailing in the country, the Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments initially made in 2013. The Committee also notes that the Government had been requested to provide information to the Committee on the Application of Standards at the 106th Session of the International Labour Conference for failure to supply reports and information on the application of ratified Conventions.
Article 2(1) of the Convention. Scope of application. In its previous comments, the Committee had noted that, pursuant to sections 3(2) and 53 of the Labour Code, several categories of workers were excluded from the scope of application of the Labour Code, such as self-employed workers, casual workers, household servants and some agricultural workers, in addition to young persons working with their family under the supervision of the head of the family. It had noted section 5 of Ministerial Order No. 56 of 2004 (Ministerial Order No. 56) which stated that the minimum age for entering employment shall not be less than the age of completion of compulsory education. The Committee had further noted the Government’s statement that the exemptions in the Labour Code would be addressed in the forthcoming amendments to the Labour Code.
The Committee notes that according to section 5 of Ministerial Order No. 11 of 2013 (Ministerial Order No. 11) which repeals Ministerial Order No. 56, the minimum age for entering employment, which is free of any hazards, may not be lower than the age of completion of compulsory education and may not be lesser than 14 years in any case. The Committee notes that Ministerial Order No. 56 and Ministerial Order No. 11 only make a reference to the provisions of the Labour Code and do not appear to repeal its provisions. The Committee therefore requests the Government to indicate whether the minimum age provisions under Ministerial Order No. 11 still reserve the exceptions indicated under sections 3(2) and 53 of the Labour Code.
Article 3(1). Minimum age for admission to hazardous work. The Committee had previously observed that section 4 of Ministerial Order No. 56 which prohibited the employment of children under the age of 18 years in hazardous work did not repeal section 49(4) of the Labour Code which prohibits the employment of young persons under 15 years of age in hazardous work. It had also noted that according to the findings of the 2010 Child Labour Survey, above 50.7 per cent of child labourers are engaged in hazardous work.
The Committee notes that according to section 10 of Ministerial Order No. 11, children aged between 14 and 18 years may perform light work, provided that such work shall not jeopardize their mental and physical health and shall not affect their attending school on a regular basis. The Committee further notes that section 7 of Ministerial Order No. 11 provides a list of more than 35 industries and occupations, including domestic work, work related to agriculture, fishing, textiles, mechanical work and construction, which are prohibited for children under 18 years. Moreover, section 8 prohibits carrying, pulling or pushing heavy weights while section 15 prohibits night work and overtime work for children under 18 years. The Committee notes, however, that Ministerial Order No. 11 does not appear to repeal section 49(4) of the Labour Code. The Committee therefore urges the Government to take the necessary measures to harmonize the contradictory provisions in the Labour Code concerning the age of admission to hazardous work. It requests the Government to provide information on developments made in this regard.
Article 9(1). Penalties. In its previous comments, the Committee had noted the Government’s information that the regulations on penalties for persons who violate the provisions of the Labour Code were promulgated and that sections 28–41 thereof specify the penalties to which employers are liable upon violation of the provisions relating to child labour.
The Committee observes that Ministerial Order No. 11 does not contain provisions on penalties for persons who violate the provisions related to child labour. The Committee requests the Government to take all necessary measures to adopt provisions ensuring that appropriate penalties are imposed on persons found in breach of the provisions giving effect to the Convention. It requests the Government to provide information on any measures taken in this regard, as well as on the enforcement of the penalties for the violation of these provisions in practice.
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