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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2007, published 97th ILC session (2008)

Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) - Lithuania (Ratification: 2004)

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The Committee takes note of the detailed and comprehensive information provided by the Government in its first report received in October 2006.

1. Article 1 of the Convention. Employment trends and active labour market measures. The Committee takes note that the employment rate was 61.1 per cent in 2003, increasing to 62.6 per cent in 2005, and that the unemployment rate, harmonized amongst 15–64‑year‑olds, was 12.4 per cent in 2003, falling to 8.2 per cent in 2005. Further to Lithuania’s accession to the European Union in 2004, the Government implemented its National Reform Programme, which serves to identify national priorities to be implemented at the macroeconomic level, microeconomic level, and with respect to employment policy. The priority goals for Lithuania’s employment policy are to: (i) attract and retain in employment a large number of people and to ensure high-quality and safe employment through modernization of the labour market and social security systems; (ii) improve the adaptability of workers and enterprises; and (iii) to reduce structural unemployment through increased investment in human resources. The Committee notes that the National Reform Programme establishes employment targets until 2010 and intermediate targets for 2005–08, providing, inter alia, for a 68.8 per cent rate of employment of residents aged from 15 to 64, in 2010. The Committee requests the Government to continue to supply information on the active employment policies pursued, and results thereof, to ensure: (a) there is work for all who are available for and seeking work; (b) such work is as productive as possible; (c) there is freedom of choice of employment and that each worker shall have the fullest possible opportunity to qualify for and use his skills.

2. The Committee notes that one of the priorities of Lithuania’s regional policy is an evenly distributed territorial economic development. To this end, the Strategy of Lithuanian Regional Policy until 2013 seeks to increase territorial social inclusion so that the average standard of living in every county, estimated on the basis of annual income per capita is not less than 75 per cent of annual income per capita for the whole country, and that the unemployment level of every county does not rise by more than 35 per cent above the average national level of unemployment. The Committee requests that the Government continue to provide information on specific activities undertaken with a view to promoting employment in disadvantaged regions, including information on steps taken to promote labour mobility.

3. The Government reports that active labour market policy measures have been developed, and better links between the education system and the labour market is being pursued, so as to address the employment situation of young people. In this regard, the Lithuanian Labour Exchange was developing special measures for young persons and that, in 2000–05, local labour exchanges offered services to 299,800 young unemployed persons from the ages of 16 to 25, and that there were six youth labour centres in Lithuania. The Government also reports on particular programmes which have been designed to increase the rate of employment for those over 55 years of age, and to provide opportunities for them to remain in the workforce longer. The Government is requested to continue to keep the Committee apprised of measures it has taken aimed at finding lasting employment for young workers entering into the labour market and for older workers to keep them in the active labour market.

4. Educational and training policies. The Committee notes that the National Reform Programme (2005–08) provides for the updating and development of the educational, training and curricula content; the adoption of professional development standards, vocational training programmes tailored to the needs of the national economy and to conduct their expert evaluation; development of a single and transparent national qualifications system; development of teachers and lecturers, and assessment of educational institutions. The Government also reports that a system for quality assurance of national vocational training is being developed, so as to ensure that vocational training is tailored to address the needs of the economy, and to facilitate the training of high-calibre employees. The Committee refers to its 2004 direct request with respect to Convention No. 142 and requests that the Government continue to provide information, in its next report, on the application of Convention No. 122, on its vocational training activities, including on the participation in adult and lifelong learning activities, with particular regard to young and older workers, women workers and low-skilled workers.

5. Article 2. Decision-taking and reviewing procedures. The Government reports that the Schedule for the Structure of the Implementation and Monitoring of the National Lisbon Strategy provides for the formation of four multistakeholder task forces to monitor and evaluate the implementation and development of the National Reform Programme, with respect to macroeconomic policy, scientific research and experimental development and innovations, business competition, employment promotion and investment in human capital. The Committee requests that the Government provide more information in its next report on the deliberations of and results of activities undertaken by the aforementioned task forces with respect to the implementation of the National Reform Programme, and other such active employment policies designed to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment.

6. Article 3. Participation of social partners. The Committee notes that social partners represent their interest in the implementation of employment support policy through the Tripartite Council of Lithuania, and tripartite commissions of institutions under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour which are tasked with implementing employment policy, i.e. the Lithuanian Labour Exchange and the Lithuanian Labour Market Training Authority. The Committee asks the Government to provide more information in its next report on the specific tasks and/or responsibilities of social partners in the development and implementation of an active employment policy.

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