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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2007, published 97th ILC session (2008)

Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) - Libya (Ratification: 1961)

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1. Article 3(e). Access of women to vocational training and placement services. Further to its observation, the Committee notes that section 2 of Decision No. 258, 1989, of the General People’s Committee relating to the rehabilitation and training of Libyan women, provides that all workplaces are obliged to employ women who have been referred to them by the employment offices. Section 3 provides for the establishment of employment units in municipalities responsible for the supply of job opportunities to women, and section 4 entrusts the General People’s Committee for Manpower, Training and Employment to formulate a specific training programme for women. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the practical effect given to these provisions, and their impact on improving the position of women in the labour market. Please also provide statistical information on women’s participation in training in various fields of study, and the measures taken to ensure that women are offered a wide range of job opportunities at all levels, including in sectors in which they are currently absent or under-represented.

2.Cooperation with the social partners. The Committee asks the Government to indicate the manner in which it is cooperating with the workers’ and employers’ organizations in promoting the acceptance and observance of equality of opportunity and treatment in employment and occupation with respect to all the grounds contained in the Convention.

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