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Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2011, published 101st ILC session (2012)

Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) - Morocco (Ratification: 1979)

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Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. The Committee notes the Government’s report sent in September 2010 containing information on the points raised in the observation of 2009. The Government indicates that cooperation between the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills (ANAPEC) and the various administrations takes place via the steering and monitoring bodies set up at national and regional level. The Committee invites the Government to provide a detailed evaluation of employment policies in its next report, as it would like to be able to examine the active and effective policies which help to achieve full employment. The Committee recalls that it already expressed the wish in its previous observation to be able to examine the monetary, budgetary and trade policies that are contributing “within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy” to the attainment of the objectives of full employment set out in the Convention.
Labour market programmes. The Committee notes the information sent by the Government on the resources mobilized in the context of three major programmes relating to training and job placement (Idmaj), employability (Taehil) and enterprise creation (Moukawalati). The Committee hopes that the Government will be able to include an evaluation in its next report of the number of jobs created by these three programmes, establishing the ratio of jobs created during a given period in relation to the total active population, the total population of working age and the number of persons who are underemployed. The evaluation of the impact of these programmes should incorporate data disaggregated by sex.
Women’s employment. The Government provides information in its report on the many measures taken to advance the participation of women in the labour market. The Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training has embarked on a policy of gender mainstreaming. The Committee notes that in 2007–08 women accounted for 43 per cent of persons who completed vocational training. The Government indicates that women continue to predominate in sectors leading to traditionally female occupations and remain very much in the minority in sectors where new investment has occurred. However, in the sectors of information technology and communication, hotels and tourism, there is a growing trend towards parity. The Committee invites the Government to continue to send information on the progress made in ensuring the participation of women in the labour market. It hopes that the next report will contain up-to-date information enabling an evaluation of the extent to which the adopted initiatives have ensured free choice of employment, giving workers the fullest possible opportunity to acquire and use the necessary qualifications, in accordance with Article 1(2)(c) of the Convention.
Employment promotion in small and medium-sized enterprises. In its previous observation the Committee expressed the wish to examine information on the amount of financing allocated to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the number of beneficiary enterprises and the economic sectors concerned. The Committee invites the Government to provide information in its next report on the measures adopted “in order to create an environment conducive to the growth and development of small and medium-sized enterprises” (see Paragraph 5 of the Job Creation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Recommendation, 1998 (No. 189)).
Article 3. Participation of the social partners in policy formulation and implementation. In its report the Government again describes the functions of the Higher National Council and regional and local councils for the promotion of employment. It also mentions that the social partners participate in the implementation of employment promotion measures through participation in the study committee preparing the ANAPEC development plans. The Committee invites the Government to provide further information on the consultations held with the social partners on the matters covered by the Convention as well as on the role of the Higher National Council and regional and local councils for the promotion of employment. It also requests the Government to supply information on the consultations held with the most vulnerable categories of the population, and particularly with representatives of workers in rural areas and in the informal economy, with a view to securing their cooperation in formulating and implementing employment policy programmes and measures.
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