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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2021, published 110th ILC session (2022)

Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) - Uruguay (Ratification: 1989)

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Articles 2(2)(b) and 3 of the Convention. Wage boards and objective job evaluation. The Committee previously requested the Government to provide information on the specific measures taken with a view to the establishment of a mechanism for the objective evaluation of jobs with a gender perspective that enables a comparison to be made of different jobs in the public sector and to promote such evaluation in the private sector. In this respect, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that, from the analysis of the total number of salaried workers (private and public) and their average hourly wage income (taking into account main and secondary work), it can be noted that the wage income gap between men and women increased in 2019 in favour of men, reaching 3.7 per cent. The Government states that an increase in the gap in 2020 can be expected in view of the global health crisis generated by COVID-19, which affects women more than men. The Government adds that contractual clauses on gender (for example, care, equality of opportunity and treatment, gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health, sexual harassment, special leave based on gender, etc.) are included in collective bargaining agreements on the wage boards, and that a steady increase in such clauses has been observed (in 2018, 140 out of 189 bargaining tables included these clauses). The Committee notes this information. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the current method for the promotion of objective evaluation of jobs, in conformity with Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee reminds the Government of the possibility of availing itself of the technical assistance of the Office in this regard.
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