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Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Ratification: 1997)

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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy and employment measures. The Committee welcomes the detailed information provided by the Government about its employment policy and employment measures, including statistic data, disaggregated by sex, age, and economic sector, on the labour force, employment, unemployment (including long-term unemployment) and underemployment. The Committee also notes the information provided by the Government that the labour market situation in the HKSAR had gradually improved in the period 2021–23 after the COVID-pandemic. In this context, the Committee notes that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate had steadily decreased from 7.2 per cent in December 2020 to 4 per cent in 2021 and stood respectively at 3.3 per cent in 2022, 2.8 (2.9) per cent in 2023 and 2.9 (3.0) per cent in the first quarter of 2024. Regarding underemployment rate, the Committee notes that it decreased from 3.9 per cent in December 2020 to 1.7 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2021 and stood respectively at 1.5 per cent in 2022 and at 1 per cent in 2023 and in the first quarter of 2024. With regard to labour force, the Committee notes the increase after the COVID-pandemic, and it stood at 57 per cent in the first quarter of 2024. The Committee also notes the statistical information, disaggregated by economic sector, according to which the highest number of employed persons is in the public administration, social and personal services (1,140,900), followed by financing, insurance, real estate, professional and business services (847,800); retail, accommodation, and food services (532,000) and construction (350,500). In this context, the Government states that the construction industry continues to be a critical driver of economic development in the HKSAR, employing approximately 10 per cent of the total employed population. Furthermore, the Committee notes the information related to the intention of the Government to expand the HKSAR’s economic capacity with a focus on the development of a more dynamic and diversified economy to generate a greater number of high-quality employment opportunities in the labour market. In this regard, the Government indicates its intention to develop a “headquarters economy” and to attract quality enterprises to establish their headquarters and/ or corporate divisions in the HKSAR. For this purpose, the Government informs about the establishment in 2022 of an Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises. As of May 2024, the Office has engaged more than 200 enterprises, of which around 30 have already landed or expanded in the HKSAR or are about to do it in the near future. In this context, the Government indicates its expectations these companies to invest over 30 billion Hong Kong dollars (approximately US$3.5 billion) in the HKSAR and respectively, to create more than 10,000 job opportunities. In this context, the Committee notes the information related to development projects, among which the Government highlights the development of the Northern Metropolis which serves as an important base for promoting the development of innovation and technology industries. The Government indicates that it expects this project to ultimately evolve into a metropolitan area with an estimated residential population of 2.5 million offering approximately 500,000 job opportunities. Furthermore, with regard to the Working Family Allowance (WFA) Scheme (put in place during the previous reporting period and formerly named as the Low-income Working Family Allowance (LIFA), the Committee notes the detailed information about the rates of the allowances, the number of approved applicants and the amount of funds allocated to the WFA. In this regard, the Government informs that from May 2016, when the Government introduced the LIFA Scheme, to 31 May 2024, around 781 000 applications were approved with allowances exceeding 11.436 billion Hong Kong dollars (approximately US$1.5 billion) disbursed. As at end-May 2024, there have been around 51 000 active households (involving over 171,000 persons) under the WFA Scheme. The Government further informs that the annual payout of WFA increased by over 160 per cent from around 650 million Hong Kong dollars (approximately US$8.2 million) in 2017–18 to 1.713 billion Hong Kong dollars (approximately US$219 million) in 2023–24, which indicates that working families’ awareness of the WFA Scheme has significantly increased. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed updated information, including statistical data disaggregated by sex, age, and economic sector, on the nature, scope and impact of the measures taken to promote full, productive, and freely chosen employment. The Committee also requests the Government to continue to provide up-to-date information about the application of the WFA Scheme.
Education and training policies. The Committee notes the updated information related to the Government’s education and training policies, including vocational training, and retraining of employees. In this regard, the Government informs that in the 2022–23 academic year the Vocational Training Council (VTC) provided about 40,000 study places in its post-secondary three and six level programmes. In addition, the Government refers to the activities of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) which is competent to train local construction personnel, and to enhance promotional and publicity activities to attract especially young people to the industry. The Committee notes that from June 2021 to May 2024 the CIC has trained over 60,000 constructions workers annually through its full-time and part-time training courses and collaborative training schemes for skilled workers. In this regard, the Government provides information related to (i) the launch of a “multi-skilled” training programme in January 2024; (ii) the launch of the “Certificate in Construction and Safety Practice” course in November 2023 to address the growing demand for construction safety officers; (iii) the attained Qualifications Framework accreditation for various courses, providing systematic on-the-job training and education ladder for trainees; (iv) provided career education and career support services for the ethnic minorities (EM) students to enhance their adaptability and soft skills at workplaces; (v) the active collaboration with the industry to enhance training, promotion and recruitment to attract more new entrants and job changers, including female, to join the construction industry; (vi) the CIC’s assistance of graduates from full-time courses in securing job placement and the Committee notes that according to the information in the report in 2023 about 85 per cent of the trainees were successfully placed upon graduation. The Committee further notes the information related to the elements in the CIC’s courses, including “Smart Site Safety System”, “Building Information Modelling”, “Modular Integrated Construction” method and robotic application. In addition, the Government informs about the training programmes at Higher Diploma, Diploma and Certificate levels, offered by the Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA) to more than 4 600 fashion practitioners each year from 2021 to 2023. The Government further refers to the Future skills programmes and activities, offered by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)’s HKPC Academy to equip employees, students, and teachers with digital and personal skills. In this regard, the Committee notes that, according to the provided information, the HKPC Academy has organised from June 2021 to May 2024 more than 2 800 Future Skills related training programmes and activities, attended by more than 100 000 participants. In addition, the Government indicates the number of local education institutions at different levels. With regard to the activities of the Task Force on Vocational Professional Education and Training (VPET), established in 2014 by the Government, the Committee notes that the provided information covers activities from 2014 to 2020 and is not relevant to the reporting period. In this context, the Committee notes that the Government does not provide information in response to its previous comments related to the recommendations of the VPET Task Force and their impact on the improvement and uptake of VPET services. Lastly, the Committee notes the absence of information in the Government’s report on concrete examples related to the participation of social partners in the formulation and implementation, monitoring and review of employment policies and programmes. The Committee therefore reiterates the request to the Government to indicate the manner in which the recommendations of the VPET Task Force are taken into consideration and their impact on the improvement and uptake of VPET services. The Committee also reiterates the request to the to provide concrete examples of the manner in which the opinions and experiences of the social partners are taken into account in the development, implementation, monitoring and review of employment policy measures and programmes.
Employment services. The Government provides detailed information about the activities of the employment services of the Government’s Labour Department (LD). In this regard, the Government informs that during the review period, the LD has received 3,360,597 private sector job vacancies (1,120,199 job vacancies per year on average) and has secured a total of 477,090 placements (159,030 placements per year on average). In addition, the Government refers to the average yearly figures which represented a decrease of 3.8 per cent and an increase of 18.2 per cent respectively over the corresponding period in 2017 to 2021. The Government also informs that the LD have organized large-scale thematic job fairs, including suitable for ethnic minorities (EM), middle-aged and mature persons. In addition, the Government refers to the services provided by the LD in the context of the increased demand of different sectors for manpower since 2023 and the job matching services at the district level for the industries concerned. The LD has also implemented the Work Trial Scheme (WTS), providing job seekers with difficulties in finding jobs with full-time/ part-time work trial opportunities and one-year on -the-job training (OJT) to assist them in mastering job skills and gaining work experiences. Furthermore, the Government informs about employment support services provided by non-governmental organisations during the COVID-pandemic when many workers have faced emotional distress due to different employment situations. According to the provided information, as of March 2024, there were more than 400 work integrated social enterprises listed in the Hong Kong Council of Social Service’s Social Enterprise Directory, which provided job opportunities for vulnerable groups, including women and persons with disabilities. In this context, the Government informs that in 2023–24, over 4,000 companies and organisations were recognised for adoption of employee caring policies, offering 8,000 employment and work experience opportunities to vulnerable groups. The Committee notes however the absence of information in the report in response to its previous comments. The Committee therefore reiterates its request to the Government to provide detailed updated information, including statistical data disaggregated by age, sex, and economic sector, on the nature and scope of the activities of the public employment service. In addition, the Committee reiterates its request to the Government to provide information on the activities of private employment agencies and their collaboration with the public employment services to achieve the optimal operation of the labour market and contribute to the objective of full, productive, and freely chosen employment.
Young persons. The Government provided information related to measures taken to facilitate the entry of the young persons on the labour market. In this regard, the Committee notes that the LD has assisted the young persons through the Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP) and the project “Career Kick-start”. The Committee notes that, from 2020–21 to 2022–23, 4,989 trainees attended pre-employment training and 4,460 trainees were placed into OJT vacancies of various trades and industries. The Government refers to the results of the surveys conducted for trainees in the period 2020–23 which showed that around 60 per cent to 70 per cent of the trainees were in employment at the time of the survey. The Committee also notes the information about the activities of the two Youth Employment Resource Centres (YERCs) under the LD. The YERCs have provided during the reported period one-stop, personalised advisory and support services on employment and self-employment to young people aged between 15 and 29 and from 2021–23 the number of services rendered to young persons was 164,264. In addition, in 2021 the Government launched the pilot Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme (GBAYES) and had implemented it encouraging enterprises with businesses in both the HKSAR and since March 2023 it had implemented it in the Mainland cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). The GBAYES aims to promote employment of eligible Hong Kong young people with bachelor’s degrees or higher ones by enterprises participating in the GBAYES. The Government informs that in accordance with the GBAYES the laws of Hong Kong apply to the labour relations and the minimum monthly salary should be at least 18,000 Hong Kong dollars (approximately US$2,304). In return, the Government provides the enterprises with a monthly allowance of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars (approximately US$1,285) for each young person employed up to 18 months. The pilot Scheme and the 2023 Scheme recorded 1,091 and 718 job offers for young people respectively. The Government informs that it maintained liaison with stakeholders to collect and consider their views, and actively explored appropriate measures to enhance the Scheme. The Committee also notes the information related to a wide range of courses targeting non-employed young persons between 15 and 24 within the framework of the ERB’s Youth Training Programme. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed, up-to-date information, including statistical data disaggregated by age and sex, on the nature and scope of measures taken to promote access to lasting employment for young persons, and the impact of the measures taken. The Committee also requests the Government to provide updated information about the implementation of the Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme.
Other vulnerable groups. The Committee further notes the information related to amendments in 2020 and 2021 to Anti-discrimination ordinances aiming to enhance the protection against discrimination and harassment, including in the employment field. The Government indicates that these anti-discrimination ordinances prohibit discrimination against an employee on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, breastfeeding, disability, family status, and race in the terms and conditions of employment, including promotion, transfer or training, even where there is no employment or employment-like relationship between them. In addition, in the context of its commitment to fostering a harmonious, inclusive, and caring society, the Government provides information about the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), which is competent to implement the antidiscrimination ordinances, to promote the message of equal opportunities, inclusiveness and anti-discrimination through public education and publicity. The EOC has developed Codes of practice to address discrimination in employment and provide practical guidelines to management on procedures and practices for preventing discrimination and other unlawful acts in the workplace. Furthermore, the Government reports that the Labour Department (LD) implements various employment programmes for job seekers who have special needs or face difficulties in accessing employment, such as women, young people, middle-aged and older job seekers, ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities.
Women. With respect to women’s employment, the Committee notes the information related to the possibility of part-time jobs releasing time for taking care of families or other commitments. For this purpose, the Government has informed us that the LD has set up a dedicated webpage on part-time vacancies on its Interactive Employment Service website and organized part-time job fairs. The Committee further notes the Government has partially responded to its previous comments related to measures taken to increase the participation of women in the labour market, including in managerial and decision-making positions in both the public and private sectors.
Elderly and Middle-aged (EPEM). The Government informs that the LD has implemented the Employment Programme for the Elderly and Middle-aged (EPEM) to encourage employers to hire persons aged 40 or above (including women) for full-time or part-time employment and provide them with OJT through the provision of OJT allowance. Under EPEM, employers engaging job seekers aged 60 or above who were unemployed or had left the workforce could receive a maximum OJT allowance of 5,000 Hong Kong dollars (approximately US$642) per month per employee for six to 12 months. For those engaging unemployed job seekers aged 40 to 59, the maximum OJT allowance was 4,000 Hong Kong dollars (approximately US$514) per month per employee for three to six months. The Committee notes that 10,436 placements eligible for joining EPEM were recorded during the review period.
Ethnic minorities. With regard to the activities of the LD, the Government informs that the LD provides services related to the employment needs of ethnic minorities (EM). Starting in 2023, the LD employed more EM as employment assistants and general assistants to help strengthen the promotion and provision of employment services and related support to the EM communities. To further enhance employment support for EM job seekers, the LD launched the Racial Diversity Employment Programme in November 2020 and regularised the Programme in November 2023. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) were commissioned to provide EM job seekers with one-stop employment services under a case management approach. The Government informs that the LD discussed suitable job vacancies and organized large-scale and district-based inclusive job fairs targeting EM job seekers to enhance their employment opportunities. During the review period, the LD organized six inclusive large-scale and 36 district-based job fairs.
Persons with disabilities. The Committee notes that in the context of the anti-discrimination and equal opportunities, the Government refers to measures promoting employment of persons with disabilities by the Labour and Welfare Bureau. In this regard, the Government informs about (i) the Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme with more than 680 participating organizations; (ii) personalized employment services provided by the Government’s LD like Work Orientation and Placement Scheme and Self Help Integrated Placement Services; (iii) comprehensive vocational rehabilitation/training/ employment support services provided by the Social Welfare Department of the Government; (iv) workshops; (v) employment training supported by non-governmental organizations; (vi) Supported Employment “On the Job Training Programme for People with Disabilities” and “Sunnyway – On the Job Training Programme for Young People with Disabilities”, (vii) training programmes and services provided by the Employees Retraining Board to enhance the employability of vulnerable groups.
The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed updated information on the nature and scope of the different measures taken to promote equal access to productive and freely chosen employment for groups in vulnerable situations, particularly ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities. It further reiterates its request to the Government to provide information on measures taken to increase the participation of women in the labour market, including in managerial and decision-making positions in both the public and private sectors. The Committee also requests the Government to provide statistical data on the labour market situation of vulnerable groups in the public and private sectors, disaggregated by sex, age, economic sector and occupation.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2022, published 111st ILC session (2023)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Employment trends and implementation of an active employment policy.. The Committee welcomes the detailed information provided by the Government in its report, including statistics disaggregated by sex, age and economic sector, on the labour force, employment, unemployment (including long-term unemployment) and underemployment. In particular, it notes that the unemployment rate, which had steadily decreased from 2016 to 2018, stood at 2.8 per cent in 2018, but rose to 6.8 per cent in the first quarter of 2021, a decline that the Government attributes to the 2019 economic recession and subsequently to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government notes that total employment shrank by 4.9 per cent in 2020 compared with 2019, with the labour force declining by 2.0 per cent, both being the largest annual declines on record. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government on the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market. The Government refers to various measures implemented to stabilise the labour market and to provide relief to sectors and individuals hard-hit by the pandemic. In this context, the Committee notes that, since March 2021, the labour market situation in the HKSAR has improved. From March to May 2021, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell to 6.0 per cent, and the underemployment rate stood at 3.8 per cent. In this context, the Committee notes with interes the series of active labour market measures implemented by the Government during the reporting period, including the adoption of long-term social and economic development plans in specific sectors (construction and public infrastructures) and measures taken to improve the employment services offered by the Labour Department (LD), such as the organization of large-scale thematic or district-based job fairs and industry-based recruitment centres. The Government further indicates that measures have been taken to ensure that there is work for all who are available for and seeking work, through ensuring the matching of labour supply and demand and encouraging self-reliance through employment. The Government indicates that it has put in place a Working Family Allowance (WFA) Scheme to support lower-income working households who are not on Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) and have long working hours. The WFA Scheme provides allowances at different levels to encourage self-reliance. It also provides a Child Allowance to each eligible child and youth in the household to help alleviate inter-generational poverty. With regard to workers from outside the HKSAR, the Government indicates that, in general, immigrant workers enjoy the same protection under labour legislation as local workers. Migrant domestic workers and other migrant workers mediated from abroad are also protected by a standard employment contract and enjoy free access to all employment services, including free employment consultation and conciliation services. With respect to vocational education and training, the Government indicates that the Vocational Training Council (VTC) provides quality vocational and professional education and training to school leavers and working adults to assist them in acquiring knowledge and skills, encourage lifelong learning and enhance their employability. The VTC also provides comprehensive pre-employment and in-service programmes with internationally recognized qualifications for some 200 000 students every year. The Committee notes that in the 2019–2020 academic year, the VTC provided some 46 000 study places in its post-secondary programmes. The Government also indicates that the Task Force on the Promotion of Vocational Education has been rebranded as Vocational Professional Education and Training (VPET). The Task Force conducted public consultations from May to July 2019 and submitted its report to the Government in January 2020. The report made 18 recommendations, focusing on four areas: enhancing the promotion of VPET in secondary education; enhancing the promotion of VPET in higher education; developing vocational progression pathways; and strengthening future promotion efforts. The Government again refers to the establishment of the Steering Committee on the Promotion of VPET and Qualifications Framework in September 2020, which aims to strengthen coordination of the overall VPET promotion strategy and foster closer industry partnership in this respect. In addition, the Government refers to the activities of the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA) and the Construction Industry Council (CIC), which provide sector-specific training to persons who wish to work in these sectors. For example, the Committee notes that the Construction Industry Council (CIC) provides training to people who wish to join the construction industry at the operative, craftsman, technician and supervisory levels, thereby meeting the workforce demand of the industry. The Committee notes that from 2017 to 2020, the CIC has trained some 70,000 construction workers annually through its full-time and part-time training courses and collaborative training schemes. The Committee nevertheless notes that the Government does not provide any information on the participation of social partners in the formulation and implementation, monitoring and review of employment policies and programmes. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed updated information, including statistical data disaggregated by sex, age and economic sector, on the nature, scope and impact of the measures taken to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment. The Committee further requests the Government to indicate the manner in which the recommendations of the VPET Task Force are taken into consideration and their impact on the improvement and uptake of VPET services. The Government is further requested to provide concrete examples of the manner in which the opinions and experiences of the social partners are taken into account in the development, implementation, monitoring and review of employment policy measures and programmes.
Employment services. The Government indicates that the Labour Department (LD) provides an array of free and comprehensive employment services and liaises with employers in various industries to canvass job vacancies for job seekers with different educational backgrounds and working experiences. The LD also organises job fairs in different locations to expedite the dissemination of employment information. The Government also refers to the Committee on Employment Services under the Labour Advisory Board (LAB), which is comprised of representatives of employers and employees and is responsible for offering advice on the Labour Department’s (LD) employment services. The Committee notes that large-scale thematic job fairs have been organised with the aim of extending the reach of the employment services offered by the LD, including for ethnic minorities, middle-aged and mature job seekers. During the review period, the LD received 4,657,145 job vacancies (1,164,286 job vacancies per year on average) and secured a total of 538 266 placements (134,567 placements per year on average). The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide detailed updated information, including statistical data disaggregated by age, sex and economic sector, on the nature and scope of the activities of the public employment service, as well as on their impact. In addition, it requests the Government to provide information on the activities of private employment agencies and their collaboration with the public employment services in order to achieve the optimal operation of the labour market and contribute to the objective of full, productive and freely chosen employment.
Young persons. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government on measures taken to create job opportunities for young graduates in specific sectors (including the green industry, the innovation and technology industry, the property management industry, the creative industries and the legal profession). The Government also refers to other measures and programmes aimed at young people, including: training allowances and workplace attachment allowances; One-stop Youth Employment Resource Centres providing comprehensive support for young people in career development; the Technology Leaders of Tomorrow development programme for youth; the Employees Retraining Board (ERB); the Youth Training Programme (YTP); and the Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP). The Government indicates that the YTEP provides comprehensive training and employment support to young school leavers aged 15 to 24 with educational attainment at a sub-degree level or below. The Committee notes that, from 2016-2017 to 2019-2020, 8,092 YETP trainees attended pre-employment training and 8,336 trainees were placed into on-the-job training vacancies in various trades and industries. In addition, 1,659 trainees found employment in the open market with the assistance of their case managers. The Committee further notes that, as of 31 May 2021, over 5,600 trainees (aged between 15 and 24) have completed their training under the YTP and 85 per cent of the graduates have either found employment or pursued further studies. The Government also refers to student funds and subsidized education programmes for youth which promote further education and lifelong learning. The Committee notes that, as of 31 May 2021, over 10,000 courses were approved as reimbursable under the Continuing Education Fund and over 870,000 applications for fee reimbursement were received.The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed, up-to-date information, including statistical data disaggregated by age and sex, on the nature and scope of measures taken to promote access to lasting employment for young persons, and the impact of the measures taken.
Other groups vulnerable to decent work deficits. The Government reports that the Labour Department (LD) implements various employment programmes for job seekers who have special needs or face difficulties in accessing employment, such as women, young people, middle-aged and older job seekers, ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities. The Committee notes the specific measures taken by the LD to address the employment needs of ethnic minorities (special counters, resource corners, employment briefings and programmes such as the Employment Services Ambassador Programme for Ethnic Minorities). The LD launched a pilot scheme in September 2020 to encourage persons aged 60 or above who have participated in the LD Employment Programme for the Middle-aged (EPM) to undergo and complete on-the-job training through the provision of a retention allowance. The Government also refers to employment support services provided by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) to assist recipients of social security assistance to secure employment, as well as to training and retraining programmes/services provided by the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) to enhance the employability of groups in vulnerable situations. In respect of persons with disabilities, the Government provides information in relation to general and personalised measures taken to promote labour participation and employment of persons with disabilities, in particular through the promotion of the Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organizations Recognition Scheme (Charter Scheme). The Charter Scheme was initially introduced in 2013 to encourage public and private sectors to promote the employment of persons with disabilities through their participation in the Scheme. The Committee notes that, due to the promotional activities of the Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB), as of 31 May 2021, more than 640 organizations had joined the Charter Scheme. In addition, it notes that various personalised employment services for persons with disabilities were provided by the LD, including the Work Orientation and Placement Scheme, the Self Help Integrated Placement Service, counselling services, retention allowances, comprehensive vocational rehabilitation, training and employment support services. The Government further refers to services provided by the SWD to support the employment of persons with disabilities, such as sheltered workshops and integrated vocational rehabilitation and training services and supported employment, including through the “Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities through Small Enterprise” Project, the “On-the-Job Training Programme for People with Disabilities, the “Sunnyway – On-the-Job Training Programme for Young People with Disabilities” and the “Support Programme for Employees with Disabilities”. The Government is also providing financial support to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) establishing small enterprises/businesses that employ persons with disabilities through the “Enhancing the Employment of Persons with Disabilities through Small Enterprise” Project. With respect to women's employment, the Committee notes that the overall participation rate of women in the labour market is lower than that of men (54.3 per cent for women, compared to 66.2 per cent for men as of 2021). This gap in the labour participation rate was particularly large during this period for the 30-39 age group (95.1 per cent for men and 78.8 per cent for women) and the 40-49 age group (93.6 per cent for men and 73.2 per cent for women). The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed updated information on the nature and scope of the different measures taken to promote equal access to productive and freely chosen employment for groups in vulnerable situations, particularly ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities. It further requests the Government to provide information on measures taken to increase the participation of women in the labour market, including in managerial and decision-making positions in both the public and private sectors.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2018, published 108th ILC session (2019)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Employment trends and implementation of an active employment policy. The Committee notes the Government’s detailed report, including comprehensive statistics on employment and unemployment, disaggregated by sector, age and sex. It also notes the information provided on the role of non-governmental organizations in the provision of employment support services. The Government reports that the objectives of its economic policies are to consolidate the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) pillar industries (trading and logistics, tourism, financial services and business and professional services), while nurturing emerging industries and those in which HKSAR has a comparative advantage, as well as exploring new areas for economic growth. The Government indicates that, while economic growth stagnated from 2014 to 2016, the labour market has remained largely stable, with overall unemployment rates between 3.3 and 3.4 per cent in 2014 and 2016. In the first quarter of 2017, the overall unemployment rate was 3.2 per cent (3.5 per cent for men and 2.8 per cent for women). The Government reports that the general rate of underemployment remained stable (1.6 per cent in 2014, 1.4 per cent in 2015 and 2016 and 1.2 per cent in the first quarter of 2017). Between the fourth quarter of 2014 and the first quarter of 2017, the number of employed persons increased slightly, from 3,772,600 to 3,822,400 in the first quarter of 2017. The Government attributes this increase in part to the introduction of the Statutory Minimum Wage in May 2011, as well as to pay rises introduced in 2013 and 2015, which encouraged persons to enter or return to the labour market. The Committee notes with interest the diverse range of active labour market measures implemented during the reporting period − including the Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme, which helps low income workers reduce their costs in traveling to and from work, encouraging them to secure or stay in employment, the Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organizations Recruitment Scheme, as well as measures to facilitate access to the labour market for workers from outside the HKSAR. The Committee notes that the Low-income Working Family Allowance (LIFA) Scheme, has helped reduce the financial burdens of low-income working families, aiming to encourage self-reliance through employment. The Government indicates that, from May 2016 to May 2017, 55,522 applications for the allowance were received and amounts totalling 635 million Hong Kong dollars (HK) were approved. In addition, the Committee welcomes the Government’s continued focus on fostering lifelong learning and enhancing employability through pre-employment and in-service programmes that serve up to 250,000 students each year. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information, including statistical data disaggregated by sex and age, in relation to employment trends in all sectors of the economy. The Committee further requests the Government to provide information on the impact of the active labour market policies and programmes implemented, including those relevant to the integration of foreign workers into the local labour market. It also requests the Government to continue providing updated information on the measures implemented to promote life-long training and enhance employability, including updated information on the manner and extent to which the social partners and other concerned actors participate in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and review of employment policies and programmes, including vocational education and training programmes.
Employment services. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the Labour Department (LD) received 3,987,362 job vacancies and secured a total of 452,160 placements during the reporting period, representing an increase of 16.3 per cent and a decline of 3.9 per cent respectively over the corresponding period 2011–14. The Committee also notes the LD’s use of synergies between its programmes, observing that, for example, since September 2014, the LD has been implementing the Employment Services Ambassador Programme for Ethnic Minorities, in which trainees of the Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP) who can speak ethnic minority languages are employed as Employment Services Ambassadors at LD job centres or industry-based recruitment centres. As of May 2017, the LD had hired 94 trainees under the programme, which enhances its employment services to ethnic minority jobseekers, while simultaneously enhancing the employability of the young YETP graduates. The Committee invites the Government to continue providing information on the programmes offered by the employment services and their outcomes.
Young persons. The Committee notes that, during the reporting period, the overall unemployment rates of persons aged 15 to 19 and 20 to 29 years were significantly higher than the general unemployment rate. In 2014, unemployment was 11.8 per cent (14.5 per cent for men and 9.2 per cent for women) for persons in the 15 to 19 age bracket and 5.3 per cent (6.1 per cent for men and 4.7 per cent for women) for persons in the 20 to 29 age bracket. The Committee observes that these rates have remained stable, noting that, as of the first quarter of 2017, the overall unemployment rate for persons aged 15 to 19 was 11.7 per cent (13.1 per cent for men and 10.4 per cent for women) and 5.4 per cent for persons aged 20 to 29 years (6.6 per cent for men and 4.4 per cent for women). The Government reports that specific programmes have been implemented in 2014 and 2015, in collaboration with employers, with the objective of easing the transition of young persons from school to work. The YETP provides training and employment support to young school leavers aged 15 to 24 years with basic education or without degrees, and matches employers facing labour shortages with young jobseekers. The Committee also notes the Action S5 programme launched in 2010, provided on the job training opportunities to 466 young persons with low levels of education, emotional or behavioral needs or learning difficulties. The Action S5 programme ended in 2016 and was succeeded by the Career Kick-Start programme in 2017. The Government also refers to the Non-Means-Loan Schemes for tertiary and continuing education students, for which the amount of HK$1.58 billion was approved until 31 May 2017, as well as the Task Force on the Promotion of Vocational Education which made 27 recommendations as part of a three-pronged strategy. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the results of the measures and programmes implemented to promote youth employment, especially in regard to young persons with special needs and in follow-up to the recommendation of the Task Force on Promotion of Vocational Education.
Other groups vulnerable to decent work deficits. The Committee notes the Labour Directorate’s multifaceted approach, which is implemented in collaboration with NGOs and aims to promote the employment of persons with disabilities. Under this approach, the Directorate provides a range of support services, ranging from specific counselling offers via sheltered workplaces, subsidized employment and specific on-the-job training for young persons with disabilities. The Government also reports on the provision of training courses for ethnic minorities, offered in six ethnic minority languages. Additional measures target other groups in vulnerable situations, such as ex-drug abusers, convicts, new arrivals to the HKSAR, as well as the continued provision of specific services for persons receiving social security benefits, for which 5,100 places in training courses were reserved between 2017 and 2018. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed information, including disaggregated statistical information, on measures taken to address the employment needs of groups vulnerable to decent work deficits as well as on the impact of such measures in achieving the objectives of the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2014, published 104th ILC session (2015)

Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Convention. Active labour market policies. Consultation with the social partners. In reply to the previous direct request, the Government indicates in its report that years of infrastructure projects and fiscal stimulus measures have created ample job opportunities resulting in alleviation of the impact of the financial crisis. The Committee notes the detailed statistics provided on employment and unemployment disaggregated by sector, age and sex. The Committee notes that the unemployment rate has stalled with 3.4 per cent in 2011, 3.3 per cent in 2012 and 3.4 per cent in 2013. It also notes that the total employment grew by 2.9 per cent in 2011, 2.4 per cent in 2012 and then increased by 1.8 per cent in 2013. The Government indicates its strategy of supporting enterprises to preserve employment and reports that the spending performance of the Capital Works Programme in 2013–14 reached HK$70 billion increased from HK$62.4 billion in 2012–13, providing continuous employment opportunities for the construction industry. The Committee notes that the Government launched the Work Incentive Transport Subsidy (WITS) Scheme in 2011 to provide transport subsidies to low-income earners to help them secure and stay in employment. The Committee invites the Government to continue providing updated information on the active employment policies and measures and the results thereof. The Committee also invites the Government to include views of the social partners involved in formulating and implementing labour market measures.
Vulnerable groups of workers. The Committee notes that the Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB) launched the Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme in September 2013 to promote the employment of persons with disabilities. Moreover, the Selective Placement Division (SPD) of the Labour Department (LD) further enhanced the Work Orientation and Placement Scheme (WOPS) in June 2013 by introducing a two month work adaptation period of increased financial incentive provided to employers and the ceiling. The Government indicates that the Social Welfare Department (SWD) launched the Support Programme for Employees with Disabilities in June 2013 to provide a one-off subsidy up to HK$20,000 for employers of employees with disabilities for the procurement of assistive devices and workplace modifications. The SWD also launched the Integrated Employment Assistance Programme for Self-reliance (IEAPS) in January 2013 to support able bodied unemployed Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients and single parents and child carers on CSSA. The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) offers vocational trainings to enhance the employability of persons with disabilities, persons who recovered from work injuries, rehabilitated ex-drug abusers and ex-offenders and ethnic minorities. The Committee invites the Government to continue providing information on measures taken to address the employment needs of vulnerable groups of workers.
Employment services. The Committee notes that the Labour Department received 3,428,875 job vacancies and secured a total of 470,400 placements during the reporting period, representing an increase of 65.5 per cent and 10.6 per cent respectively when compared to the corresponding period in 2008-11. The LD further enhanced the Employment Programme for the Middle-aged (EPM) in June 2013 by increasing the upper limit of training allowance. The Government indicates that the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, provides various employment services collaborating with the Government. The Committee invites the Government to continue providing information on the programmes of the employment services and the results of the measures implemented.
Youth employment. The Government indicates that in 2013 the Youth Employment and Training Programme (YEPT) increased the training allowance payable to employers engaging young people in on-the-job training and to trainees completing the one-month attachment and participating in pre-employment training. It also indicates that Youth Employment Resource Centres (YERCs) rendered employment services to 73,758 and 74,850 young people respectively in 2012 and 2013. The Employees Retraining Board launched the Specialized Security Services Training Programme in 2013–14 to train young people in high end property management and security services. The Committee invites the Government to provide information on the results of the measures and programmes implemented to promote youth employment.
Vocational training. In reply to the previous request, the Government provides evaluations of the impact of the measures of the Vocational Training Council (VTC), the Construction Industry Council (CIC), the Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA), the Hong Kong Productivity Council and the ERB’s training services. The Government indicates that the ERB launched the Smart Baby Care Scheme in June 2013 to centrally administer postnatal and child care job vacancies and provide improved postnatal care training. The Committee invites the Government to continue providing information on the measures implemented to promote vocational training and on the consultation with the local authorities and social partners in the implementation of training policies and programmes.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2012, published 102nd ILC session (2013)

The Committee notes the detailed information provided by the Government in its report covering the period ending May 2011 and the Government replies to the 2010 direct request.
Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Active labour market measures. The Committee notes that pursuant to the Chief Executive’s 2008–09 policy address, the Task Force on Economic Challenges was established and had its last meeting in June 2009 to monitor and assess the impact of the financial crisis on local and global markets. In reply to the previous direct request, the Government also indicates that the Social Welfare Department (SWD) commissions NGOs to continue helping comprehensive social security assistance (CSSA) single parents and childcarers under the phase of the New Dawn Project. The Committee also notes that the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) offers employment support services to people in need, including, but not limited to, the elderly and single parents. It established enterprises to provide more job opportunities for the disadvantaged. In addition, the Government indicates that it has incorporated the recommendations for the development of six industries where the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, has advantages. The relevant measures are being gradually implemented. The Government further indicates that it seeks to promote economic growth through infrastructural development, in which ten significant infrastructure projects are being gradually implemented. The general trend suggests that there has been a sustained increase in employment and a decrease in unemployment between 2009 and the first quarter of 2011. The number of employed persons rose from 3,480,700 in 2009 to 3,577,300 in 2011. The unemployment rate fell from 5.1 per cent in 2009 to 3.4 per cent in 2011. The Committee notes that the Government introduced measures to mitigate the impact of the financial crisis in terms of benefitting many enterprises and preserving jobs particularly in the small and medium-sized enterprises. The Immigration Department and the Labour Department (LD) introduced measures to tackle illegal employment in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. The Committee invites the Government to provide an evaluation of the infrastructure projects and other measures implemented to generate employment, and views of the social partners involved in implementing an active employment policy. It would also welcome information on the situation, level and trends in employment and unemployment disaggregated by sector, age and gender.
Strengthening employment services. The Committee notes that the LD received 1,456,122 job vacancies and 290,934 placements during the reporting period, representing an increase from 2007–09. The Government indicates that employment information is disseminated through job fairs, where jobseekers and recruiters can meet. In June 2010, the LD established a dedicated recruitment centre for the retail industry. During the reporting period, the LD continued to operate the Employment Programme for the Middle-Aged (EPM) and the Work Trial Scheme (WTS) to help targeted jobseekers settle into employment. The LD enhanced the EPM in June 2009 by increasing training allowance payable to participating employers and by extending the subsidy period for deserving cases. Since the inception of the EPM in May 2003 and of the WTS in June 2005 up until 31 May 2011, the EPM placed 51,593 people into employment while 3,518 jobseekers with special difficulties found employment in work trials under the WTS. For jobseekers to obtain job vacancy information, the LD installed vacancy search terminals linked to the LD’s vacancy database in the NGOs that provide placement services to the public in remote districts in the third quarter of 2010. The Committee notes that in December 2010, the LD launched the two-year Pilot Employment Navigator Programme to encourage the unemployed to settle and sustain employment by providing a cash incentive (5,000 Hong Kong dollars (HKD)) to those who find employment successfully and remain in employment after receiving consultation services. The Committee also notes that as at 31 May 2011, 2,469 jobseekers enrolled in this programme. The Committee invites the Government to continue providing information on the activities of the public employment services and on the enrolment of jobseekers and their success in finding employment. The Committee also invites the Government to include an evaluation of the abovementioned programmes and schemes in its report.
Youth employment. The Committee notes that measures are being taken to respond to the needs of young workers who have difficulties in finding lasting employment. The Government indicates that the SWD is continuing to implement the Support for Self-reliance Scheme and the Integrated Employment Assistance Scheme. Other measures include the two-year extension of the Special Training and Enhancement Programme (STEP) from 1 October 2009, the integration and enhancement of the Youth Work Experience and Training Scheme (YWETS) and the Youth Pre-employment Training Programme (YPTP) by the LD, the special programme for young people with acute employment difficulties, the One-Stop Youth Employment Resource Centres and temporary jobs for young people. The Committee invites the Government to provide an evaluation of the results obtained from these employment programmes and services to assist youth in gaining sustainable employment.
Vulnerable categories of workers. The Committee notes the measures adopted by the Selective Placement Division (SPD) of the LD to enhance opportunities for persons with disabilities. The Government indicates that the LD enhanced the Work Orientation and Placement Scheme since June 2009 by increasing the financial incentive provided to employers, the ceiling, the maximum payment period and the amount of pre-employment training allowance paid to jobseekers with disabilities. The Government also indicates that the SWD provides a full range of employment programmes and services for persons with disabilities, including the vocational rehabilitation services. The Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation) assists the vocational rehabilitation services units to develop their marketing and business strategies to further enhance employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. As of May 2011, under the Sheltered Workshops and Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services, 35 sheltered workshops were carried out providing 5,133 places and the 25 integration vocational rehabilitation service centres provided 4,023 training places. The Committee notes that the Employment Retraining Board (ERB) offered 47 training courses for persons with disabilities. The Committee also notes that placement-tied and non-placement-tied courses are offered to ethnic minorities in order to assist them in finding employment through appropriate training and employment services. The Committee invites the Government to continue providing information on measures taken to encourage persons with disabilities and those who belong to ethnic minorities into sustainable employment.
Vocational training and education policies. The Committee notes that the Vocational Training Council (VTC) provides vocational training and education to school leavers and working adults to acquire values, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and enhanced employability. It also provides a range of pre employment and in-service programmes with internationally recognised qualifications. In September 2010, it launched a new programme, the Enhanced Construction Manpower Training Scheme, where additional 3,000 training places of full-time short courses were provided for three years for selected trades at an increased training subsidy to train more skilled workers to meet the manpower demand after the start of the infrastructure projects. The Committee also notes that the Clothing Industry Training Authority offers part-time and full-time courses on the clothing industry and fashion design. Since April 2011, it has been assisting the ERB to deliver retraining programmes in clothing manufacturing, apparel retailing and fashion disciplines. The Government indicates that the ERB adopts a proactive approach in developing new courses and services in response to the changes in the labour market while consulting the stakeholders and other social partners. In particular, the ERB is working towards modernizing and professionalizing some trading occupations, such as domestic helpers and post-natal care helpers. It also set up 20 Industry Consultative Networks with members comprising representatives of employers, workers, and professional associations of different industries. The Government further indicates that courses on self employed skills were enhanced in April 2010 as the Certificate of Entrepreneurship and the Module Certificate in Internet Business Start-up (Operation and Marketing). In April 2011, a new part-time course for self employed training was introduced, which is known as the Module Certificate in Small Business Start-up. The Committee invites the Government to provide an evaluation of the impact of the measures taken on training and education to improve employability. It would also welcome information on how the local authorities and social partners participate in the design and implementation of training policies and programmes.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2010, published 100th ILC session (2011)

The Committee notes with interest the detailed information provided by the Government in its report covering the period ending in May 2009 and the replies to the 2008 direct request.

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Employment trends. The Government reports that, in 2007, the labour market continued to show encouraging performance and the economy expanded at an above-trend pace. During this year, the unemployment rate dropped to 4 per cent and 3.4 per cent, respectively, in the third and fourth quarters of the year, while the underemployment rate went down to 2.2 per cent and 2.1 per cent in the two quarters, respectively. Total employment also continued to grow strongly in both quarters by 1.7 per cent. These favourable trends continued during the first half of 2008. The unemployment rate further decreased to 3.2 per cent in June and August 2008, the lowest level in the last ten years. Since September 2008, the rapid deterioration in the business environment following the abrupt escalation of the global financial crisis led to weakened demand for labour towards the end of 2008. In 2009, the labour market conditions worsened and unemployment stood at 5.2 per cent in the first quarter. In the first quarter of 2009, total labour force increased by 1.1 per cent, whereas total employment recorded a 0.8 per cent contraction over the preceding year to 3,510,000 workers. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report information on the impact of the measures mentioned to generate employment. The Committee also requests the Government to continue to provide information on the situation, level and trends in employment and unemployment disaggregated by sector, age and gender.

Measures taken in response to the global crisis. The Committee notes that the Government is tackling the challenges of the global financial crisis and its contagious effects in various economic sectors. The Government reports that it is stepping up its efforts to stabilize the financial system, support enterprises and preserve employment. In 2008, the Task Force on Economic Challenges (TFEC) was established to monitor and assess the impact of the financial crisis on local and global markets, and to provide timely evaluation of its impact on the economy and major industries of the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong. In December 2008, the Government announced measures to tackle the economic slowdown, including the creation of over 60,000 jobs through expediting infrastructure projects, advancing recruitment of civil servants and creating temporary and other jobs. In total, the measures identified by the TFEC and announced by the Government were expected to create over 122,000 jobs and internship opportunities. The Committee also notes that greater emphasis will be placed on the construction sector and on young workers, the hardest hit from the sectoral and age bracket perspectives. Besides creating jobs directly, the measures will also provide training and job opportunities specifically to those in need, including young people, graduates, women, the middle-aged and people with disabilities. The Committee invites the Government to provide in its next report information on the participation of the social partners in the design and implementation of an active employment policy to overcome the negative effects of the crisis.

Strengthening employment services. The Committee notes that the Labour Department received 1,251,678 job vacancies and achieved a total of 278,566 placements, representing an increase of 29.3 per cent and 15.9 per cent respectively, over the corresponding period in 2005–07. The Committee also notes that the Labour Department organizes large-scale job fairs at different locations within the territory to respond to the recruitment needs of employers and to offer more convenient services to jobseekers. The Labour Department also launched the Work Trial Scheme in June 2005 to enhance the employability of jobseekers who have special difficulties finding employment. As of May 2009, 2,542 jobseekers were placed into work trials. The Committee invites the Government to report on the contribution made by the public employment services in order to achieve full employment.

Youth employment. The Committee notes that the Labour Department is concerned with boosting the employability of young people and is implementing different programmes and services, including setting up One-stop Youth Employment Resource Centres to provide comprehensive support for young people in career development. The Committee also notes that the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) has expanded their target audience and now offers their services to residents aged 15 and above with education at the sub-degree level or below in order to enhance their employability by upgrading their skills and improving their competitiveness. The Committee invites the Government to include information on the impact of the measures taken to respond to the needs of young workers who have difficulties in finding lasting employment.

Vulnerable categories of workers. The Committee notes that the Selective Placement Division (SPD) of the Labour Department provides personalized employment services, including basic skills assessment, vocational guidance and job-matching services to people with disabilities. The SPD also organizes public education and publicity activities to promote community acceptance of people with disabilities and to enhance their employment opportunities. As of May 2009, 5,300 jobseekers with disabilities had participated in the Self-Help Integrated Placement Service, which was launched in 2000 to encourage and to help them be more proactive and independent in their job search. To this end, the service, inter alia, equips them with the necessary knowledge on the job market situation, job search channels and interviewing techniques. The programme made a total of 16,490 self-initiated job applications. The Committee also notes the results of other programmes and services provided by the Social Welfare Department, including the Sheltered Workshops and Integrated Vocational Service, Supported Employment, Small Enterprise Project, the Job Training Programme for People with Disabilities and the On-the-Job Training Programme for Young People with Disabilities. The ERB is also offering a wide range of generic skills training to enhance employability of trainees with disabilities and trainees who recovered from industrial accidents. The Government reports that the Vocational Training Council (VTC), which aims to cater to the specific needs of ethnic minorities, has been organizing various types of vocational education and training courses for them. Further, within the Vocational Development Programme, there is a specific modality of Ethnic Minority Project. The Committee notes that the ERB is providing training courses to assist ethnic minorities in Hong Kong to gain working opportunities through appropriate training and employment services. In 2008 and 2009, the ERB reserved 2,000 training places per year to offer vocational training for ethnic minorities. The Construction Industry Council (CIC) trainee recruitment programmes have also been extended to ethnic minorities. The Labour Department launched the Employment Programme for the Middle-aged to assist the unemployed, aged 40 or above, to secure employment through the provision of a training allowance to encourage employers to hire them. Between 2003 and 2009, the Programme placed 43,952 persons into employment. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide information on the impact and results regarding access to productive employment for persons with disabilities and ethnic minorities.

Vocational training and education policies. The Committee notes the training programmes within the Manpower Development Scheme operated by the ERB. Until May 2009, over 300 types of courses were offered through the training bodies at over 340 centres. The overall average placement rate for the trainees of the training programmes was around 80 per cent for the reporting period. The Committee notes that the ERB also offered 15 self-employment training courses between June 2007 and December 2008 and that, of the 403 trainees who completed these courses, 160 started their own business, 143 have been preparing for business start-up, 78 were employed while 22 chose to further their studies. The Government reports that the VTC provided some 46,500 study places for its post-secondary 3 and 5 level courses in the 2008–09 academic year. In line with the Government's policy to alleviate poverty and to foster harmony in the community, the VTC will continue to provide vocational education and training programmes to the target groups including the non-engaged youths, ethnic minorities, unemployed adults and people with disabilities and learning difficulties. The Committee also notes that the CIC continues to train young people and displaced workers who wish to join the construction industry at the operative, craftsman, technician and supervisory levels. The CIC is responding to the expected strong demand for skills training as unemployment has started to rise and there are ten infrastructure projects planned in the coming decade. The Committee also notes the training programmes offered by the Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA) and the Hong Kong Productivity Council, who organized about 1,000 training programmes. Please continue to provide information on the measures taken to encourage workers to participate in training programs so that they strengthen their ability to adapt to changing market demands, increase their employability and entrepreneurship. The Committee also invites the Government to provide information on how training and education policies are coordinated with the employment policy.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2008, published 98th ILC session (2009)

normal'>(notification: 1997)

1. Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. The Committee notes the detailed information provided by the Government in its report in response to the 2006 direct request. The Committee notes that total employment increased by 2.5 per cent with a total of 3.46 million persons at the end of 2006. The unemployment rate has been progressively decreasing in the last five years and for the first quarter of 2007, unemployment was at 4.3 percent, which is the lowest level in the last eight years. The underemployment rate stood at 2.2 per cent, which implies another moderate decline from previous years. The Committee notes that the Government will continue to assign budget allocations for infrastructure projects over the next few years creating 37,000 job opportunities in the construction sector which has been the sector most drastically affected by unemployment. The Committee requests the Government to continue to supply information on the active employment policies pursued, and results thereof, to ensure the achievements of the aims of the Convention.

2. Measures to meet needs of particular categories of workers. The Committee notes the different measures to improve employability, self discipline and motivation to work of special categories of persons, including young workers aged between 15 and 24. The Government reports that the Social Welfare Department continues to implement the Support for Self-reliance Scheme to assist unemployed persons, including work-focused and sector-specific training, counselling services, job attachment, job matching as well as a one-off return-to-work incentive to help unemployed persons secure and sustain employment. Among the initiatives taken by the national authorities to promote the employability of people with disabilities, the Committee notes that, in October 2005, the Social Welfare Department along with non-governmental organizations launched the Sunnyway Programme to enhance employability of young people aged between 15 and 24 with disabilities or early signs of mental illness. The Government also informs on a small enterprise project by which assistance is provided to non-governmental organizations to create and run small businesses in order to employ people with disabilities. The Committee further notes the initiative to help single parents and childcarers to enhance their capacity for self-help, integrate them into society and achieve self-help through engagement in work. The Committee asks the Government to continue to report on the measures taken to encourage employers to create or offer job opportunities for people with disabilities and to increase employment prospects of young workers. Recalling the Committee’s previous comments, the Committee notes that some atypical forms of employment provides outcomes on workers’ employment opportunities and accommodate preferences and needs of special categories of workers, such as women, young people, people with disabilities and older workers. It asks the Government to continue to inform on the measures taken to ensure that atypical forms of employment do not increase the risk of employment insecurity or limit the possibilities of workers’ professional development. Please also provide in the next report relevant statistics on the employment situation of special categories of workers, including their participation in full- and part-time employment, disaggregated by age and sex, and other data on the situation, level and terms of employment.

3. Vocational training. The Committee notes the efforts of the Vocational Training Council, the Clothing Industry Authority and the Hong Kong Productivity Council to provide training programmes to upgrade knowledge and skills in different business sectors. The Committee asks the Government to continue to report on its vocational training activities, including lifelong learning activities and continuous training, in particular regarding young and older workers, women workers and low-skilled workers.

4. Article 3. Consultation of the social partners. The Committee notes that the Employment Retraining Board (ERB), comprising representatives of employers and workers as well as the Government and other individuals related to vocational training adjusts its strategies and adopts different approaches to meet the employment opportunities of the changing labour market. The Government also indicates that, as a result, a number of traditional occupations have become modernized and professionalized, which has therefore stimulated market demand for services relating to these occupations. The Committee also notes how the ERB has set up over ten Trade Advisory Committees to improve the content of its courses and ensure that training can meet the needs of both employers and trainees. Please continue to inform on the consultations with employers’ and workers’ representatives to improve existing initiatives and execute ones which can respond to swift market changes while enabling workers to develop their fullest potential.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2006, published 96th ILC session (2007)

In relation with its 2004 direct request, the Committee notes the comprehensive information provided by the Government in its report for the period ending May 2005. The ILO Subregional Office in Bangkok has also brought to the Committee’s attention additional information concerning the application of the Convention.

1. General economic policies. The Committee notes that, over the past decade, the total number of employed persons in the Special Administrative Region has grown by an average of 1.3 per cent per year and that, according to the general household survey conducted by the Census and Statistics Department, there were 3,586,300 people in the labour force in 2005 of whom 3,385,500 were employed and 200,700 were unemployed. Another 98,700 were counted as underemployed. Unemployment rates were lower at higher levels of educational attainment: tertiary (3.2 per cent), upper secondary (5 per cent) and lower secondary or below (8.5 per cent). Teenagers had much higher rates of unemployment (21.9 per cent) than average (5.6 per cent). The Committee notes that, in order to address the specific difficulties faced by these groups, the Government has introduced labour market measures which together with a recovery of the economy, have resulted in a decrease in the youth unemployment rate from 15 per cent in 2003 to 9.2 per cent in February 2005. The Committee asks the Government to continue to provide information on the policies and programmes introduced and their results in placing youth in employment. Please also provide information on the measures taken to stimulate employment opportunities for people with disabilities, including methods of engaging employer involvement and the process of making vocational training more flexible and market responsive for this particular vulnerable category of workers.

2. Implementation of employment policies. The Committee notes that the Government has introduced a number of steps to ease unemployment, among which are the strengthening of the employment services offered by the Labour Department, enhancing vocational training and employee retraining, and promoting continuing education. The Committee understands that in 2005 the unemployment rate averaged 2.8 per cent, down from 3.3 per cent in 2004. The Committee requests the Government to include in its next report information on the measures taken to avoid the risk of developing labour market segmentation, particularly in view of the increase in atypical forms of employment. In the Committee’s view, measures to promote full employment should allow the Government to create an environment that is conducive to the generation of productive and lasting employment in conditions that are socially adequate for all concerned. It asks the Government to report on the manner in which the measures adopted by Government-sponsored programmes are contributing to the generation of productive employment and improving employment security for workers.

3. Prevention of discrimination. The Committee understands that research conducted by the Equal Opportunities Commission points to complaints about discrimination on the basis of sex. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the progress made in reducing discrimination against women in recruitment and reducing labour market segmentation in order to ensure the fullest possible opportunities for each worker to qualify for and to use her or his skills and endowments in a job for which she or he is well suited, without discrimination (Article 1, paragraph 2, of the Convention).

4. Consultation of representatives of the persons affected. The Committee notes from the Government’s report that consultations regarding employment policies are held with representatives of workers and employers. The Labour Advisory Board, and others, are involved in the formulation of employment and training policies, and include representatives of persons affected, including workers and employers. Please continue to provide information on the way in which consultation with the groups affected through the boards described in the report has been successful in meeting the employment challenges faced by the Special Administrative Region in responding to rapid changes in the global economy (Article 3).

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2004, published 93rd ILC session (2005)

The Committee notes the detailed information provided by the Government in its report for the period ending in May 2003. On the basis also of analyses and statistical information available to the Office and transmitted by specialists in the field, the Committee notes that after reaching 8.3 per cent at the end of June, the unemployment rate declined to 6.9 per cent at the end of 2004, a rate which nevertheless remains high for the administrative region. The Committee notes the active labour market policy measures aimed at meeting the specific needs of certain categories of workers, such as young people, disabled persons and single parents. It notes in particular the measures taken to promote the pursuit of studies by young people and to enhance their employability and their placement in employment, in particular by the implementation of the Juvenile Work Experience and Training Plan which the Government describes in its report on the application of Convention No. 142. Please continue to provide detailed information on the results obtained by these measures. In more general terms, the Committee requests the Government to describe the manner in which education policy and initial and ongoing training policy are coordinated with employment prospects in the context of rapid change in the sectoral distribution of job vacancies.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2002, published 91st ILC session (2003)

The Committee notes the detailed information provided in the Government’s comprehensive report received in August 2002. It notes that as a result of more extensive corporate downsizing and lay-offs following the economic downturn, labour demand slackened markedly over 2001 and labour supply continued to rise. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose from 4.5 per cent in the first semester of 2001 to 7 per cent in the first quarter of 2002 (affecting some 109,300 workers). The report includes information on the efforts made to tackle unemployment by creating more job opportunities and by enhancing training and retraining so as to improve the employability of the workforce. The Committee would like to continue to receive information on the actions taken by the Labour Department, the Vocational Training Council, the Employees’ Retraining Board - in consultation with the representatives of the persons affected and in particular, representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations - to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2000, published 89th ILC session (2001)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention.  The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s detailed report. The Government states that unemployment peaked at 6.3 per cent in 1999, dropping to 5.5 per cent in the first quarter of 2000. Unemployment is highest among youth; underemployment is highest among youth and older workers. The underemployment rate has also decreased recently, from 3.2 per cent in the third quarter of 1999 to 2.8 per cent in the first quarter of 2000.

The various policies used to promote employment include low taxation, promoting entrepreneurship, improved job matching through various education and training programmes, and computerized employment services. The Government has established targeted programmes for women, single parents, youth, older workers and the disabled. The Government has established a Task Force on Employment, comprised of the Financial Secretary, the Secretary for Works, the Secretary of Education and Manpower, the Secretary of Trade and Industry, and worker and employer representatives. The Government aims to create 140,000 jobs in 2000-01.

The Committee notes with interest the policies and programmes established by the Government, and would appreciate continuing to receive information on their impact on employment promotion.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1999, published 88th ILC session (2000)

The Committee notes the detailed information contained in the Government's first report. The Government indicates that the unemployment rate for 1998 was 3.5 per cent and underemployment was 1.9 per cent, despite recent financial difficulties in the region.

Article 1 of the Convention. The Committee notes that the Government's overall policy is to create full, productive and freely chosen employment. Specific policies to achieve this end include: creating a favourable environment for investment, in part by simplifying the tax structure and lowering rates; improving banking supervision; facilitating industrial and trade activities; providing an adequate infrastructure; and encouraging technology transfers. The Government has established specific programmes for youth, older workers, single parents, new immigrants, and people with disabilities. To facilitate a balance between the types of labour supplied and demanded, the Employment Retraining Board works with the Labour Department to identify areas of training with high labour market demand. The Government has also commissioned a review of the Employment Retraining Service (ERS) in 1996. The three key recommendations from that study were: that the ERS should focus more on retraining workers above the age of 30 with only secondary education, and those employed workers needing basic skills; that the ERS should create integrated, job-intensive training courses to equip retrainees with basic skills; and that training should be provided to new arrivals. The Committee would appreciate being kept informed of the Government's progress in implementing these recommendations.

Article 2. The Government states that coordination of economic and social policy is ensured because the Executive and Legislative Councils decide on all policy and legislative issues for the territory. The Government Secretary is comprised of policy secretaries from all bureaux, including the Financial Secretary who is responsible for fiscal, economic and trade policies. It also created in 1998 a Task Force on Employment, led by the Financial Secretary, which undertook new initiatives such as establishing the Employment Information and Promotion Programme. The Committee notes this information and asks to be kept informed of how the Government ensures that the measures taken to promote economic development or other economic and social objectives receive due consideration, at both the planning and the implementation stages. It would also appreciate more information on how the principal measures of employment policy are decided on and kept under periodical review within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1996, published 85th ILC session (1997)

The Committee notes the Government's report which, as usual, contains comprehensive and detailed information. The Committee notes that there was a slowing down of the growth of employment during the period in question, whilst unemployment rose to a rate of 3.5 per cent at the end of 1995. The Government indicates that having unfilled job vacancies and growing unemployment at the same time shows there is still a mismatch between supply and demand in job skills. The Committee notes that vocational training and the selective management of immigration are the two main instruments for intervening in the labour market. It notes in particular that vocational retraining has been stepped up - with the participation of the tripartite Employees' Retraining Board - and that a study is being conducted of the effectiveness of the employees' retraining schemes. The Committee would be grateful if, in its next report, the Government would provide the results of this review, and describe the effects of these schemes on the promotion of full, productive and freely chosen employment within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention. More generally, with reference to Article 2 of the Convention, it asks the Government to indicate any new measures taken within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy in order to combat the growth in unemployment. Please continue also to supply information concerning the consultations held in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1995, published 83rd ILC session (1996)

The Committee notes the full and detailed information provided by the Government in its report for the period ending June 1994. It notes that, with an unemployment rate of 1.9 per cent and an underemployment rate of 1.7 per cent during the first quarter of 1994, the Government considers that the objectives of its policy of promoting full, productive and freely chosen employment are being achieved. The tensions on the labour market are a result of a mismatch between the supply and demand for skills, which the Government intends to remedy, particularly through the measures set out in the Employees' Retraining Ordinance, 1992. The Committee requests the Government to continue supplying information on the training policy pursued in coordination with employment prospects. Noting the information concerning migration provided in reply to its previous request, the Committee requests the Government to supply all available statistical data on this subject.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1994, published 81st ILC session (1994)

The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending June 1992 and the enclosed documentation, and expresses its appreciation of their content and detail. It notes that employment dropped slightly in the first quarter of 1992 as compared to the previous period and that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, which stood at 1.4 per cent in the first quarter of 1990, reached 2.4 per cent in the first quarter of 1992 (a 0.6 percentage increase as compared to the first quarter of 1991). Although unemployment increased during the period, the Government considers that the objectives of its policy to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment have for the most part been attained, and by and large this seems to be the case.

Referring to the Committee's previous direct request, the Government indicates that in order to prevent sectoral imbalances between labour supply and demand, in June 1992 it introduced a Bill to establish an Employees' Retraining Board to identify particular occupations that have high vacancy rates and to ensure, in cooperation with training bodies, that workers can train for or adapt to such occupations. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide a copy of the Bill as soon as it has been enacted, together with information on the activities of the Employees' Retraining Board. It would also be grateful if in its future reports the Government would provide information on worker migration and how it is managed within the framework of the employment policy.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1992, published 79th ILC session (1992)

The Committee takes note of the Government's report for the period ending June 1990 and the attached documentation. It notes with interest that, according to the Government, the low unemployment rate - an estimated 1.4 per cent in the first quarter of 1990 - is tantamount to a situation of full employment.

The Committee notes the information on the tensions that have emerged in the labour market. Excess labour demand in relation to supply is reflected in the emergence of sectoral shortages of semi-skilled and unskilled labour to which the Government intends to respond with measures to lift certain restrictions on women's working hours, improve remuneration and working conditions so as to encourage new entrants to the labour market, offset the emigration of skilled workers by a greater training effort, and promote automation and increase productivity.

The Committee would be grateful if, in its next report, the Government would describe the measures taken or envisaged to match labour supply and demand on an occupational basis and to make work as productive as possible. It also notes the information on developments in vocational training contained in the report on the application of Convention No. 142 and asks the Government to continue to supply information on measures to coordinate education and training policies with prospective employment opportunities.

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