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Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) - Jordan (Ratification: 1966)

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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

Article 1 of the Convention. Scope of application. Concerning the manner in which the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal “value” is applied to groups of workers excluded from the scope of the Labour Code, and particularly domestic workers and agricultural workers, the Committee notes the Government’s reference in its report to section 8 of the Agricultural Workers Regulation No. 19 of 2021. It notes with interest that section 8 stipulates that the agricultural employer shall ensure “equal remuneration among agricultural workers for each task of equal ’value’ without any discrimination based on sex”. It also notes the Government’s indication that Regulation No. 90/2009 concerning Domestic Workers, Cooks, Gardeners and Similar Categories was amended by Regulation No. 64 of 2020. While including measures to protect wage payment, the Committee notes that the regulation does not address equal remuneration for work of equal “value”. In this regard, the Committee wishes to recall that the principle of the Convention shall apply not only within but also across sectors and thus special attention is needed when determining the value of jobs in sectors which may be traditionally undervalued to ensure that criteria used for the value determination are free from gender bias and that certain skills considered to be “female” are not undervalued. The Committee asks the Government: (i) to indicate how the application of the principle of the Convention is ensured in practice in relation to section 8 of the Agricultural Workers Regulation No. 19 of 2021 and to provide information on any violations brought to the attention of the competent bodies and detected by or reported to the labour inspectors; and (ii) to specify how the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value is applied to domestic workers and how in practice it is ensure that domestic work is not undervalued due to gender stereotypes relating to the tasks performed.
Article 1(b). Equal remuneration for work of equal value. Legislation. The Committee notes the data provided by the Government concerning complaints submitted to the Authority of Wages, including 384 complaints in 2023, although it is unclear whether all these complaints relate to the application of the new section 2 of the Labour Law (Amendments) Act No. 14, 2019 which defines non-discrimination in relation to wages as the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value regardless of gender. The Government also informs about the existence of a platform called “Hemaya” through which complaints can be filed, including on discrimination in wages. To date, no complaints have however been received through this platform. The Committee asks the Government: (i) to provide information on application in practice of section 2 of the Labour Law, including the number and nature of violations detected by or reported to the labour inspectorate, or addressed by the courts; (ii) to raise awareness about section 2 of the Labour Law among government officials, employers and workers and their organizations; and (iii) to enhance the capacity of enforcement authorities, including labour inspectors, tribunals and other competent bodies, as well as workers’ and employers’ organizations, and other relevant actors to identify and address cases of wage discrimination contrary to law, and to provide information on the steps taken in this regard. Finally, the Committee reiterates its request for clarifications on how it is ensured that section 2 of the Labour Law permits a broad comparison, including, but going beyond equal remuneration for “equal”, “the same” or “similar” work, and also encompasses work that is of an entirely different nature, which is nevertheless of equal ”value”.
Articles 1 and 2. Gender pay gap in the private sector (education sector). The Committee notes that the Government informs about legal awareness workshops for female teachers and the signing of a new collective employment contract for workers in private education institutions, which resulted in a standard employment contract for all workers in private schools and kindergartens to be applied starting from the academic year 2024–25. In addition, the Committee notes from the statistics provided by the Government on the distribution of employed persons aged 15 years and above, disaggregated by sex and current main economic activity, that in 2022 the vast majority of Jordanian women (40.7 per cent) worked in education, followed by public administration, defence, and mandatory social insurance (12.8 per cent), whereas, when taking into account also non-Jordanian women, education (30.6 per cent) and household activities (17.9 per cent) were the main activities that women performed. The Committee also notes from the statistics on average wages of the compulsorily insured by sex, nationality and economic activity that, on average, in 2022 women gained 92 per cent of men’s wage. The Committee however notes that in the education sector, where women are largely concentrated, the gap was significantly higher, with women’s average wage amounting to 59 per cent of men’s. The Committee asks the Government: (i) to assess, in cooperation with the social partners, the impact of the application of the standard employment contract for all workers in private schools and kindergartens on the reduction of the gender pay gap in the education sector and to provide information in this regard as well as on the manner in which the principle of the Convention is applied in this standard contract; (ii) to step up its efforts to reduce the gender gap, including beyond the education sector, and to provide precise information on the measures taken to this end, including all measures adopted to tackle the underlying causes of the gender pay gap (such as occupational gender segregation and lower pay in sectors where women predominate as well as ant stereotypes regarding women’s preferences or suitability for certain jobs), and the impacts achieved; and (iii) to continue to provide updated statistical information on the distribution of men and women in the various industries and occupations in the private and public sectors, with their corresponding wage levels.
Application of the principle in the public service. The Committee notes from the statistics provided by the Government that, in 2023, women held 20 per cent of the General Secretary/General Director positions and 33 per cent of Head /unit, Director/office, Head of section positions in the public service. Moreover, the Government indicates that women represent 50 per cent of the employees. While welcoming these statistics, the Committee notes the absence of information on the measures taken to address the occupational gender segregation in the public service. It also refers to its comments on the application of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111). The Committee therefore asks the Government to provide: (i) specific information on the measures taken to address the persistent occupational gender segregation in the public service as a means of promoting equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, and the progress made; and also (ii) statistics on the representation of women in high-level jobs in the public service to help the Committee assess progress over time.
Article 2. Minimum wages. The Committee again asks the Government to provide a copy of: (i) the collective employment contract concluded in the garment industry; and (ii) a list of the salary rates agreed upon with the countries of origin of domestic workers. Recalling that it remains unclear whether domestic workers are covered by the national minimum wage, the Committee also reiterates its request for information on how it is ensured that the elements of payments in kind (such as allowances for accommodation, food, transport, etc.) are fairly and objectively valued.
Article 3. Job evaluation methods. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the decision was made to have the Pay Equity Committee pilot the Gender Pay Gap Measurement Tool (LOGIB). The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the results of the gender pay gap measurement by companies any follow-up actions taken to promote objective job evaluation methods. It also again asks the Government to provide information on: (i) the methods used in determining the job classification and corresponding salary scales in the civil service; and (ii) the measures taken to promote the use of objective job evaluation in the private sector.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

Article 1(a) of the Convention. Additional allowances in the public service. The Committee recalls that section 25(b) of Regulation No. 82 of 2013 concerning the Civil Service provides that a family allowance is granted to a married man and in exceptional cases to a woman (if her husband is incapacitated, or if she supports her children or is divorced and does not receive a child allowance for her children below 18 years of age). It notes the Government’s indication in its report that Civil Service Regulation No. 82 of 2013 was repealed and that section 24 of the Civil Service Regulation No. 9 of 2020, provides that a female employee is entitled to the family allowance if her husband is disabled, if she is the breadwinner of her children, or if she is divorced without a legitimate alimony for her children under the age of 18 years. The Committee requests the Government to amend Regulation No. 9 of 2020 to ensure that women and men are entitled to all allowances, including the family allowance, on an equal basis.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2020, published 109th ILC session (2021)

Article 1 of the Convention. Scope of application.  The Committee recalls its previous comments noting that section 3(b) of the Labour Code, as amended by Act No. 48/2008, provides that agricultural workers, domestic workers, gardeners and cooks are governed by specific regulations. It recalls that Regulation No. 90/2009 governs the situation of domestic workers, cooks, gardeners and similar workers, but that no such regulations have been adopted for agricultural workers. The Committee notes with regret that once again the Government confines itself in its report to reiterating that the Labour Code protects the wages of all workers. The Committee once again recalls that, where specific groups or sectors are governed by special laws or regulations, they should have the same level of rights and protections as other workers, as no provision in the Convention limits its scope with regard to individuals or branches of activity. The Convention applies to “all workers”, and the rule must be that the principle of equal remuneration for men and women shall apply everywhere (2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 658). The Committee once again urges the Government to provide detailed information on the manner in which the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value is applied to groups of workers excluded from the scope of the Labour Code, and particularly domestic workers and agricultural workers.
Articles 1 and 2. Gender pay gap in the private sector.  The Committee recalls the persistent pay gap between men and women, the underlying causes of pay inequality between men and women identified by the study conducted by the National Steering Committee on Pay Equity (NSCPE) and the recommendations emanating from the study, including the need to develop and implement gender-neutral job evaluation methods. The Committee notes the Government’s statement in its report that pay differences between the sexes remain a problem in the labour market, and that the gender pay gap for those with a bachelor’s degree is 41.7 per cent in the private sector and 28.9 per cent in the public sector. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government on the various measures taken to reduce the gender pay gap in the education sector, including the “Stand up with the teacher” campaign, backed up by the National Committee for Pay Equity, in the context of which several awareness-raising activities were undertaken. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government on the distribution of men and women in the various industries and occupations, but notes that the Government has not indicated their corresponding wage levels. The Committee notes that the Government has become a member of the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) launched by the ILO and UN Women in 2017. The Committee encourages the Government to continue taking steps to reduce the gender pay gap in the education sector. It also asks the Government to step up its efforts to address the gender pay gap and its underlying causes and to provide information on the progress achieved in this regard, including on any activities undertaken in cooperation with the social partners or with EPIC. The Committee also reiterates its request to the Government to provide updated statistical information on the distribution of men and women in the various industries and occupations in the private and public sectors, with their corresponding wage levels.
Application of the principle in the public service.  The Committee recalls the persistent occupational gender segregation in the public service and the gender pay gap. It recalls the Government’s previous indication that Regulation No. 3 of 2013 on the selection of civil servants for higher level jobs ensures that appointment to higher level jobs in the public service is made on the basis of competencies and efficiency, irrespective of sex. The Committee notes the Government’s general statement that women occupy senior public roles and that all citizens have the right to compete for senior-level posts whenever they are advertised in the press, irrespective of sex. However, the Committee notes that the Government has once again not provided concrete information to illustrate this statement. The Committee asks the Government to take concrete measures to address the persistent occupational gender segregation in the public service as a means of promoting equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, and to provide detailed information on any progress made in this regard. The Committee once again asks the Government to provide information on: (i) the practical application of Regulation No. 3 of 2013, and particularly its impact in improving women’s representation in higher level jobs in the public service; and (ii) to provide data on the representation of women in high-level jobs in the public service.
Article 2. Minimum wages.  The Committee recalls that the minimum wage for Jordanian workers was raised to JOD220 (USD310) in February 2017, but that the Government had indicated that women migrant domestic workers were entitled to a monthly minimum wage of JOD110 (USD155). Recalling the Government’s previous decision to exclude domestic workers and garment workers in the Qualifying Industrial Zone (QIZ) from the minimum wage, it welcomes the Government’s indication that a collective employment contract has been concluded for workers in the garment industry fixing the minimum wage for workers in the industry at JOD220. The Committee also notes the Government’s statement that, although the minimum wage does not apply to migrant workers, they nevertheless receive a wage equivalent to that of Jordanian workers because they are entitled to allowances for accommodation, food and transport, and that the employer bears the cost of charges for their work visa and travel. The Committee’s considers that the right to additional allowances does not in itself imply that migrant workers receive an equivalent wage to Jordanian workers. With regard to foreign domestic workers, the Government states that the domestic worker’s salary rate is set according to the reciprocal agreement with the Government of the worker’s home State, which can sometimes be much higher than the minimum wage. As an example, the Government indicates that the minimum wage for domestic workers from the Philippines is of USD400.  The Committee asks the Government to provide a copy of: (i) the collective employment contract concluded in the garment industry; and (ii) a reciprocal agreement concluded with the home country of a typical foreign domestic worker, for example the reciprocal agreement concluded with the government of the Philippines, and a list of the salary rates agreed upon with other countries. Further, noting that it is still unclear whether domestic workers are covered by the national minimum wage, the Committee asks the Government to indicate how it is ensured that the elements of payments in kind (such as allowances for accommodation, food, transport, etc.) are fairly and objectively valued.
Article 3. Job evaluation methods.  The Committee recalls that the Strategic Plan 2017–19 included a project to study pay for specific functional posts in the civil service in comparison with the private sector, including the wages of men and women, with the aim of wage harmonization in the public and private sectors. The Committee recalls the Government’s explanations that different criteria are taken into account for this comparison, including the individual worker’s performance evaluation process, and it reminded the Government that objective job evaluation aims to measure the relative value of jobs with varying content on the basis of the work performed and not the worker (2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 696). Noting that the Government has not replied to its previous requests on this subject, the Committee once again asks the Government to provide information on any study undertaken on pay in the civil service, and to indicate the methods used in determining the job classification and corresponding salary scales. The Committee once again asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to promote the use of objective job evaluation in the private sector, as also recommended by the NSCPE legal review in 2013.
Enforcement.  The Committee notes the Government’s indication that labour inspectors have received training on the collective agreement and the unified contract for workers in private schools. It notes however that no further information has been provided with regard to its previous requests. The Committee therefore asks the Government to: (i) take steps to raise awareness among workers, employers and their organizations, as well as labour inspectors and other public officials, of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, and provide information in this respect; and (ii) provide information on any action taken to remedy violations detected by or brought to the attention of labour inspectors regarding unequal remuneration.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2020, published 109th ILC session (2021)

Article 1(a) of the Convention. Additional allowances in the public service. The Committee recalls that section 25(b) of Regulation No. 82 of 2013 concerning the Civil Service provides that a family allowance is granted to a married man and in exceptional cases to a woman (if her husband is incapacitated, or if she supports her children or is divorced and does not receive a child allowance for her children below 18 years of age), which constitutes direct discrimination with respect to remuneration contrary to the Convention (see the General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, 2012, paragraph 693). The Committee notes the Government’s indication, in its report, that the family allowance does not discriminate on the basis of sex but is paid to the “breadwinner” of the family, whether male or female. In that regard, it wishes to point out to the possibility of allowing both spouses to choose who would benefit from such allowances, rather than starting from the principle that they should systematically be paid to the main “breadwinner”, and only in exceptional situations to the other spouse. The Committee recalls that it has been raising this issue since 2001, and it asks the Government to clarify whether the wording of section 25(b) of Regulation No. 82 of 2013, expressly grants the family allowance to the main “breadwinner”, whether male or female. If the provision presumes that the man is the “breadwinner” and that women are entitled to the family allowance in exceptional circumstances only, the Committee urges the Government to take steps without delay to amend the Regulation and to ensure that women and men are entitled to all allowances, including the family allowance, on an equal basis. The Government is asked to provide a copy of Regulation No. 82 of 2013.
Article 1(b). Equal remuneration for work of equal value. Legislation.  Since 2001, the Committee has been drawing the Government’s attention to the need to give full legislative expression to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. It previously welcomed the recommendations of the legal review undertaken by the National Steering Committee for Pay Equity (NSCPE) and the July 2013 workshop to amend the provisions of the Labour Code of 1996, and its related Interim Act of 2010, recommending equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value - “including work of a different type”, and made reference to the use of objective job evaluation methods to determine whether jobs are of equal value. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that section 2 of the Labour Code has been amended to include the concept of wage discrimination based on sex. The Government indicates that a penalty of up to 1,500 Jordanian dinars (JOD) can be imposed for violations of the provision. The Committee notes with satisfaction that section 2 of the Labour Code (Amendments) Act No. 14, 2019, defines non-discrimination in relation to wages as the application of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value regardless of gender. The Committee requests the government: (i) to provide information on the application of section 2 of the Labour Code (Amendments) Act No. 14, 2019, in practice, including on the number and nature of violations found by the labour inspectors; and (ii) to indicate how it is ensured that it permits a broad comparison, including, but going beyond equal remuneration for “equal”, “the same” or “similar” work, and also encompasses work that is of an entirely different nature, which is nevertheless of equal value.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2017, published 107th ILC session (2018)

Gender pay gap in the private sector. The Committee recalls the persistent pay gap between men and women, particularly in the private education sector, where the gender pay gap stood at 41.6 per cent in 2013 in private schools and at 23.1 per cent in private universities. The Committee also noted the underlying causes of pay inequality between men and women identified by the study conducted by the National Steering Committee on Pay Equity (NSCPE) and the recommendations emanating from the study, including the need to develop and implement gender-neutral job evaluation methods. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government on the media campaign on teachers’ rights, including equal pay, and inspection campaigns in private schools on the implementation of the standard contract and the minimum wage. The Committee recalls that minimum wages can be an important means of achieving the objective of the Convention. The Committee notes with interest that a collective agreement for the private education sector was signed in February 2017 by the General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions (GFJTU) and the Association of Private School Owners under the supervision of the Ministry of Labour, which mandates a Unified Contract for all private school teachers, providing 37,000 teachers with basic rights in terms of the minimum wage and social security coverage. The Committee encourages the Government to continue taking steps to address the gender pay gap and its underlying causes, in cooperation with the social partners, and asks the Government to provide information in this regard. The Committee also reiterates its request to the Government to provide updated statistical information on the distribution of men and women in the various industries and occupations in the private and public sectors, with their corresponding wage levels.
Scope of application. The Committee recalls its previous comments noting that no regulations had been adopted pursuant to section 3(b) of the Labour Code for agricultural workers, and that Regulation No. 90/2009 governs the situation of domestic workers, cooks, gardeners and similar workers. Noting that no further information has been provided on this point, the Committee once again recalls that where specific groups or sectors are governed by special laws or regulations, they should have the same level of rights and protections as other workers. The Committee urges the Government to provide detailed information on the manner in which the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value is applied to groups of workers excluded from the scope of the Labour Code, and particularly domestic workers and agricultural workers.
Application of the principle in the public service. Recalling its previous comments concerning persistent gender segregation in the public service and the gender pay gap, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that Civil Service Regulation No. 82 of 2013 applies the principle of equal pay for work of equal value and that the findings of a comparative study on civil service salaries found there was no gender pay gap in the civil service. The Government adds that section 41(a) of the Regulation reaffirms that appointment to civil service posts shall take place in accordance with the requirements of the classification system in a manner that ensures the recruitment of the best qualified candidates on the basis of merit, eligibility, transparency, justice and equality of opportunity, without discrimination and irrespective of gender. Recalling that pay inequalities may arise due to occupational segregation of women into certain lower paid occupations and sectors of the public service, the Committee once again asks the Government to provide information on the measures taken, and the results achieved, to address persistent occupational gender segregation in the public service as a means of promoting equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. Noting that no information has been provided on the practical application of Regulation No. 3 of 2013 on the selection of civil servants for higher level jobs, previously mentioned by the Government, the Committee asks the Government for this information, and particularly on its impact in improving women’s representation in higher level jobs in the public service.
Job evaluation methods. The Government indicates that the Strategic Plan 2017–19 includes a project to study pay for specific functional posts in the civil service in comparison with the private sector. The aim of the study is to develop critical indicators on wage harmonization in the public and private sectors in order to retain essential skills, and will include a comparison of the wages between men and women in the private and public sectors. While noting the Government’s explanations that the job description and instructions are designed to clarify functional goals and tasks, conditions of appointment and the knowledge, skills and capacities required for the job, without discrimination based on sex, the Committee also notes that it refers to an individual performance evaluation process, which is aimed at evaluating the performance of individual workers. The Committee recalls that objective job evaluation aims to measure the relative value of jobs with varying content on the basis of the work performed. Objective job evaluation is concerned with evaluating the job and not the worker (see General Survey of 2012 on the fundamental Conventions, paragraph 696). The Committee draws the Government’s attention to paragraphs 700–703 of the 2012 General Survey and recalls that the NSCPE legal review refers to the importance of using objective job evaluation methods free from gender bias. The Committee asks the Government to ensure that any study on pay in the civil service gives attention to the use of objective job evaluation to determine whether jobs performed by men and women are of equal value, and to provide information on the outcome of the study. It is also requested to indicate any other measures taken to use objective job evaluation methods in determining the job classification and corresponding salary scales in the public service. The Committee asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to promote the use of objective job evaluation in the private sector, as recommended also by the NSCPE legal review in 2013.
Minimum wages. The Committee recalls the recommendation in the NSCPE legal review to add to section 52 of the Labour Law a new subsection providing that “In fulfilling its mandate, the Tripartite Committee shall seek to promote equality between men and women, and to ensure equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value” (Towards Pay Equity: A legal review of Jordanian national legislation, pages 2 and 7). It also recalls the recommendation of the Minimum Wage Committee that the general minimum wage be raised from 150 Jordanian dinars (JOD) to JOD180–JOD200, based on the examination of cost of living and economic performance indicators. The Committee notes that the minimum wage for Jordanian workers has been raised to JOD220. The Committee recalls that the Government had previously indicated that women migrant domestic workers were entitled to a monthly minimum wage of JOD110. Noting that the Government’s report does not contain information with regard to garment workers in the Qualifying Industrial Zone (QIZ) and domestic workers, the Committee once again requests the Government to indicate how in practice it is ensured that the principle of the Convention applies to QIZ workers and domestic workers. It is also requested to clarify whether domestic workers are covered by the national minimum wage and whether any differences exist between Jordanian and foreign domestic workers and, if so, the reasons for this difference The Committee also asks the Government to indicate how in practice it is ensured, in the context of a minimum wage setting process, that domestic work is not undervalued due to gender stereotypes relating to the tasks performed.
Enforcement. The Committee welcomes the information provided by the Government on the continued efforts to raise awareness among the general public, employers and their organizations, as well as government officials, of pay equity issues. Noting the very positive results of the campaign on equal pay targeting the education sector, the Committee encourages the Government to continue taking steps to raise awareness among workers, employers and their organizations, as well as labour inspectors and other public officials, of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, and to provide information in this respect. It is also requested to provide information on any action taken to remedy violations detected by or brought to the attention of labour inspectors regarding unequal remuneration.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2017, published 107th ILC session (2018)

Article 1(a) of the Convention. Additional allowances in the public service. The Committee recalls its previous comments that the limitations on women’s access to family allowances pursuant to section 2 of Civil Service Regulation No. 30 of 2007 and the difference in allowance, based on sex, constitutes direct discrimination with respect to remuneration contrary to the Convention (see the General Survey on the fundamental Conventions, 2012, paragraph 693). The Committee recalls that the legal review, Towards Pay Equity: A Legal Review of Jordanian National Legislation (2013) carried out by the National Steering Committee for Pay Equity (NSCPE) recommended amendments to the Civil Service Regulation, including section 25. The Committee notes the adoption of Regulation No. 82 of 2013 concerning Civil Service which repeals the Civil Service Regulation No. 30 of 2007. The Committee notes that section 25(b) of the new Regulation concerning the Civil Service, as amended in 2014 by Regulation No. 96, continues to provide that the family allowance is granted to a married man and in exceptional cases to a woman, if her husband is incapacitated, or if she supports her children or is divorced and does not receive a child allowance for her children below 18 years of age. The Committee notes that the Government indicates that the new Civil Service Regulation applies the principle of equal pay for work of equal value to all civil service employees, irrespective of gender, but recognizes that section 25(b) constitutes a difference in wages between men and women. In light of the recommendations made by the NSCPE legal review, the Committee urges the Government to take steps without delay to amend Civil Service Regulation No. 82 of 2013 to ensure that women and men are entitled to all allowances, including the family allowance, on an equal basis, and to provide information on the progress made to this end.
Article 1(b). Equal remuneration for work of equal value. Legislation. Since 2001, the Committee has been drawing the Government’s attention to the need to give full legislative expression to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. In its previous observation, the Committee welcomed the recommendations of the legal review undertaken by the NSCPE and the July 2013 workshop to amend the provisions of the Labour Law of 1996, and its related Interim Act of 2010. The recommended amendments provided for equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value “including work of a different type”, and made reference to the use of objective job evaluation methods to determine whether jobs are of equal value. While noting the information provided by the Government regarding the further work undertaken by the NSCPE, and on the system of job description and classification in the public sector, the Committee notes that no steps appear to have been taken to amend the Labour Law of 1996 and the Interim Act of 2010. The Committee is addressing the issues related to the promotion of job evaluation methods in the public and private sector in its direct request. The Committee urges the Government to take the necessary steps to give full legislative expression to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. The Committee also reiterates its request to the Government to provide information on any measures taken or envisaged to promote objective job evaluation methods in the public and private sectors.
The Committee is raising other points in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2013, published 103rd ILC session (2014)

Gender pay gap. The committee notes the detailed information provided by the Government on the measures taken to address the persistent pay gap between men and women. It notes, in particular, the study on the gender pay gap in the private education sector commissioned by the National Steering Committee for Pay Equity (NSCPE), in collaboration with the ILO, which was published in 2013. The study shows that, although women represent 88 per cent of workers in private schools, the gender pay gap remains as high as 41.6 per cent. In private universities, where skills requirements are higher and competition more prominent, women represent 30 per cent of the labour force, and the gender pay gap stands at 23.1 per cent. The study also indicates that some of the underlying causes of pay inequality include a lack of policy and regulatory framework incorporating the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, negative stereotypes regarding women’s professional abilities and aspirations, limited participation in workers’ organizations and limited access to vocational training. With regard to the recommendations emanating from the study, the Committee notes, inter alia, the need to develop and implement gender-neutral job evaluation methods in order to ensure gender equality in the determination of remuneration. The Committee encourages the Government to continue to take steps to address the gender pay gap and its underlying causes, in cooperation with the social partners, and to provide information in this regard. The Committee also asks the Government to provide updated statistical information on the distribution of men and women in the various industries and occupations in the private and public sectors, with their corresponding wage levels.
Scope of application. Recalling its previous comments regarding section 3(b) of the Labour Code, which provides that agricultural workers, domestic workers, gardeners and cooks will be governed by specific regulations, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that the regulations on agricultural workers have not yet been issued. With respect to domestic workers, cooks, gardeners and similar workers regulated pursuant to Regulation No. 90/2009, the Committee notes the information provided by the Government on complaints filed by domestic workers, including through embassies of countries of origin. The Committee also notes the Government’s indication that female domestic workers are entitled to a monthly minimum wage of 110 Jordanian dinars (JOD). Recalling that member States are to ensure the application of the principle of the Convention to all workers, and that where specific groups or sectors are governed by special laws or regulations, they should have the same level of rights and protections as other workers, the Committee asks the Government to provide detailed information on the manner in which the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value is applied to the groups of workers excluded from the scope of the Labour Code. Please also indicate how in practice it is ensured, in the context of a minimum wage setting process, that domestic work is not undervalued due to gender stereotypes relating to the tasks performed.
Application of the principle in the public service. Recalling its previous comments regarding the persistent gender segregation in the public service, the Committee notes that the Government states that the Civil Service Regulations guarantee equal opportunities and treatment for men and women, with regard to conditions of employment and occupation. The Committee also notes the Government’s indication that Regulation No. 3 of 2013, on the selection of civil servants for higher level jobs has recently been promulgated, and that pursuant to the new regulation, appointment to higher level jobs in the public service is made on the basis of competencies and efficiency, regardless of sex. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the impact of the measures taken to address the persistent occupational gender segregation in the public service, with respect to promoting equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of Regulation No. 3 of 2013 and the results achieved in improving women’s representation in higher level jobs in the public service.
Minimum wages. With regard to its previous comments on the importance of minimum wages as a means of promoting the application of the principle of the Convention, the Committee notes the Government’s reference to the NSCPE legal review, which states that the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value is not taken into consideration in the minimum wage fixing process and recommends adding to section 52 of the Labour Law a new subsection providing that “In fulfilling its mandate, the Tripartite Committee shall seek to promote equality between men and women, and to ensure equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value.” (Towards Pay Equity: A Legal Review of Jordanian National Legislation, pages 2 and 7). The Committee also notes the information provided by the Government on the study on minimum wages undertaken by the Minimum Wage Committee. In its conclusions, the Minimum Wage Committee proposes that the general minimum wage be raised from JOD150 to JOD180–200, based on the examination of indicators of cost of living and economic performance. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on any follow-up action given to the recommendations of the Minimum Wage Committee, and on its impact on the remuneration of women and men respectively. With regard to sectoral minimum wages, the Committee requests the Government to take proactive measures to ensure that the principle of the Convention is applied in the minimum wage setting mechanisms and that the rates fixed are free from gender bias, and to provide information on the progress made in this regard. Noting that the Government’s report contains no information with regard to garment workers in the Qualifying Industrial Zone (QIZ) and domestic workers, the Committee once again requests the Government to indicate how in practice it is ensured that the principle of the Convention applies to QIZ workers and domestic workers.
Parts III and IV of the report form. Enforcement. The Committee welcomes the various initiatives undertaken by the Government to raise awareness among the general public, employers and their organizations, as well as government officials, of pay equity issues. The Committee notes, in particular, that a number of capacity-building workshops for labour inspectors were held, with the support of the ILO, and provided specific training on equal remuneration and non-discrimination. The Committee encourages the Government to continue to take steps to raise awareness among workers, employers and their organizations, as well as labour inspectors and other public officials of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, and to provide information in this respect. Please provide information on any action taken to remedy violations detected by or brought to the attention of labour inspectors regarding unequal remuneration.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2013, published 103rd ILC session (2014)

National Steering Committee for Pay Equity. The Committee welcomes the Government’s indication that the National Steering Committee for Pay Equity (NSCPE) was granted permanent and official status pursuant to a ministerial decree of 15 May 2013. The Committee also notes the detailed information provided by the Government regarding the activities carried out by the NSCPE and its subcommittees, including the recently established media and promotion subcommittee. It notes, in particular, the legal review which was conducted by the NSCPE, with the support of the ILO, and aimed at identifying and documenting the legal and practical obstacles hindering the achievement of pay equity in Jordan, and providing recommendations (Towards pay equity: A legal review of Jordanian national legislation, 2013). In this regard, the Committee notes that an action plan was prepared in order to implement the study’s recommendations for improvement at legislative level, and that a workshop was organized in July 2013 by the Ministry of Labour, the NSCPE and the National Committee on Child Labour, in collaboration with the ILO, in order to discuss specific amendments to the Labour Law, 1996, and its related Interim Act of 2010, prior to their consideration by Parliament. The Committee notes further that initiatives were organized by the media and promotion subcommittee with a view to raising awareness of pay and employment equity issues, including through mass media and a recently developed pay equity website. The Committee asks the Government to continue to provide information on the work of the NSCPE and its subcommittees, including with regard to initiatives to raise awareness of equal remuneration between men and women for work of equal value among workers, employers and their organizations, as well as the general public, and the impact of such measures.
Article 1(a) of the Convention. Additional allowances in the public service. Recalling its previous comments with regard to the limitations on women’s access to family allowance pursuant to section 2 of the Civil Service Regulations No. 30 of 2007, the Committee considers that a difference in allowances, based on sex, is direct discrimination with respect to remuneration and contrary to the Convention (see General Survey on fundamental Conventions, 2012, paragraph 693). The Committee also notes that the NSCPE legal review recommends amendments to the Civil Service Regulations, including section 25 (Towards pay equity: A legal review of Jordanian national legislation, page 12). The Committee asks the Government to amend the Civil Service Regulations No. 30 of 2007 to ensure that women and men are entitled to all allowances, including family allowance, on an equal basis.
Article 1(b). Equal remuneration for work of equal value. For a number of years, the Committee has been drawing the Government’s attention to the need to give full legislative expression to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. In this regard, the Committee notes the Government’s reference to findings of the NSCPE legal review, as well as the recommendations of the July 2013 workshop, which confirm the importance of such provisions. The Committee welcomes the amendments proposed in the NSCPE legal review, which provide for equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value “including work of a different type”, and makes reference to the use of objective job evaluation methods to determine if jobs are of equal value. The Committee urges the Government to take the necessary steps to give full legislative expression to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. The Committee also asks the Government to provide information on any measures taken or envisaged to promote objective job evaluation methods in the public and private sectors.
The Committee is raising other points in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2011, published 101st ILC session (2012)

Gender pay gap. The Committee notes the statistics provided by the Government which confirm the continuing gender pay gap at all skills levels, as previously noted, especially in the private sector, which was as high as 44 per cent compared to 24 per cent in the public sector in 2009. The Committee notes that in the private sector, female professionals in high administrative posts earned 39 per cent less than male professionals, female handicrafts workers earned 44 per cent less than male workers and in primary occupations, they earned 20 per cent less than male professionals. The Committee previously noted that in 2009, female professionals in the education sector earned one third less than male professionals; in the health/social work sector they earned 38 per cent less than male professionals, while in manufacturing, female professionals earned 24 per cent less than male professionals. The Committee asks the Government to provide detailed information on measures taken with a view to reducing the gender pay gap in the private and public sectors, including by the National Steering Committee for Pay Equity. Please also provide up-to-date statistical data on the distribution of men and women in the various industries and occupations in the private and public sectors, with their corresponding wage levels.
Scope of application. The Committee recalls that section 3(b) of the Labour Code, amended by Act No. 48/2008 provides that agricultural workers, domestic workers, gardeners and cooks will be governed by specific regulations. With respect to agricultural workers, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that a draft regulation is being discussed with all the stakeholders. The Committee notes that the Government refers to section 4 of Regulation No. 90/2009 on domestic workers, cooks, gardeners and similar workers, providing for decent work including the right to proper accommodation, though no information on the application in practice of Regulation No. 90/2009 is provided. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on any development regarding the adoption of the draft regulation on agricultural workers. The Committee also asks the Government to provide information on the application in practice of Regulation No. 90/2009, including section 4, with respect to wages, benefits and allowances, and to indicate whether domestic workers have filed any complaints in this regard, and the outcome thereof.
Article 2 of the Convention. Application of the principle in the public service. The Committee recalls its previous comments noting that despite an increase in the total number of women recruited, occupational segregation of women into lower paying occupations in the public service remains an issue. The Committee notes from the statistics provided by the Government that women continue to be under-represented in the civil service, especially at higher levels, such as in leading posts where they account for only 10.1 per cent of workers at this level, and in supervisory posts, where they represent 37.9 per cent. The Committee also notes that the majority of female workers in supervisory posts (60.45 per cent) are concentrated in the education sector. With respect to promotions, the Committee notes that in 2010, 219 female workers benefited from discretionary promotions, compared to 259 male workers, and 331 female workers benefited from mandatory promotion, as opposed to 292 male workers. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that section 4 of the Civil Service Regulations provides for the adoption of practical measures aimed at promoting equality of opportunity between all civil servants and that the Civil Service Office (Diwan) issued instructions on the selection of civil servants. The Committee asks the Government to indicate the specific measures taken or envisaged, including by the Civil Service Office (Diwan), to improve the proportion of women in higher level jobs in the public service, and to promote equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. Please provide a copy of the instructions issued on the selection of civil servants. The Committee also asks the Government to continue providing up-to-date statistical data on the distribution of men and women in various grades and to indicate their corresponding salary levels in the public service.
Minimum wage. The Committee previously noted the decision of the Government to exclude domestic workers and garment workers in the Qualifying Industrial Zone (QIZ) from the minimum wage which had increased in 2009 from 110 Jordanian dinars (JOD) to JOD150 per month. With respect to female domestic workers, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that they are covered by Order No. 4761 relating to the minimum wage, and that pursuant to section 2 of Order No. 110, they enjoy a minimum wage of JOD200. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the Tripartite Committee for Labour Affairs and Workers sets minimum wages by region and occupation, based on indicators such as the cost of living, socio-economic and political developments in the region. The Government further indicates that the Tripartite Committee has examined minimum wages and conditions for workers in the education sector, a majority of whom are women. The Committee recalls that minimum wages are an important means of promoting the application of the principle of the Convention, and that special attention is needed in setting sectoral minimum wages to ensure that the rates fixed are free from gender bias and in particular that certain skills considered to be “female” are not undervalued. The Committee again asks the Government to indicate the measures taken or envisaged to ensure that the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value applies to all categories of workers, and more particularly with regard to QIZ workers. The Committee also asks the Government to indicate how in practice it is ensured that the rates fixed for sectoral minimum wages are free from gender bias, including with respect to the education sector. The Committee asks the Government to provide further information on the activities organized by the Tripartite Committee for Labour Affairs and Regions, and to indicate how the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value is applied in minimum wage setting mechanisms. Please also provide up-to-date information on the various minimum wage levels, and provide a copy of Order No. 110 and Order No. 4761.
Part V of the report form. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that a study was undertaken on wage disparities by the national Tripartite Committee. The Committee asks the Government to provide a summary of the findings, and any conclusions or recommendations of the study on wage disparities undertaken by the national Tripartite Committee and to provide information on any follow-up thereto.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2011, published 101st ILC session (2012)

National Steering Committee for Pay Equity. The Committee notes with interest the official launching of the Jordanian National Steering Committee for Pay Equity in July 2011. The Committee notes that the National Steering Committee for Pay Equity (NSCPE) is co-chaired by the Ministry of Labour and the Jordanian National Commission for Women, and includes representatives of workers’ and employers’ organizations, as well as of civil society organizations. The Committee notes that the NSCPE’s mandate is to promote cooperation among its members in implementing a pay equity national action plan and to coordinate activities aimed at achieving pay equity for work of equal value. In this regard, two subcommittees have already been established, namely a legal subcommittee focusing on enhancing policies and legislation for equal pay and on making recommendations regarding legislative amendments; and a research subcommittee focusing on conducting in-depth research on pay-based discrimination to inform policy and programmes. The Committee asks the Government to provide information concerning the measures taken by the NSCPE to develop and implement a pay equity action plan, including specific information on the work of the various subcommittees. The Committee welcomes the initial focus on addressing legislation, and asks the Government to provide the NSCPE with all the necessary support to carry out its mandate.
Article 1(a) of the Convention. Additional allowances in the public service. The Committee recalls that section 25(b) of the Civil Service Regulations No. 30 of 2007 provides that a male public service official is entitled to a family allowance regardless of whether or not his wife works in a governmental institution, and that a female public service official is entitled to such an allowance only if she is the “breadwinner” or if her husband is deceased or has a disability. The Committee had expressed concern that under the legislation female public servants would in practice be disadvantaged with respect to family allowances. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that there have been no amendments to the Civil Service Regulations, and that the Government will provide information on any revisions or amendments. The Committee notes that no information is provided on the practical application of section 25(b) of the regulations. The Committee asks the Government to take the opportunity afforded as a result of the legislative review being undertaken by the NSCPE to review and revise the provisions of the Civil Service Regulations No. 30 of 2007 so as to ensure that female public service officials are treated on an equal basis with male public service officials with regard to all allowances, including family allowances, and to continue to provide information in this regard.
Article 1(b). Work of equal value. The Committee notes that for a number of years it has been pointing out that the provisions of the Constitution do not give full legislative expression to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. The Committee recalls that section 23(ii)(a) of the Constitution provides that workers shall receive wages commensurate with the quantity and quality of the work, and that the Labour Code does not include any provisions of particular relevance to the principle of the Convention. The Committee notes that although the Labour Code was amended in 2010 (Act No. 26/2010), the opportunity was not taken to include a provision incorporating the principle of the Convention. The Committee urges the Government to work closely with the NSCPE to develop appropriate amendments to the Labour Code or to draft other legislation, with a view to giving full legislative expression to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, without further delay. The Committee asks the Government to ensure that such legislation covers not only situations where men and women are performing the same or similar work, but also where they carry out work that is of an entirely different nature but is nevertheless of equal value. The Committee further asks the Government to indicate how in practice it is ensured that the criteria used to determine levels of earnings are free from gender bias.
The Committee is raising other points in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2010, published 100th ILC session (2011)

Gender pay gap. The Committee notes the policy brief on pay equity in Jordan prepared by the ILO, in partnership with the Jordanian National Commission for Women in 2010, and the policy paper on “Female labour force participation in Jordan”, submitted to the Economic and Social Council. Both documents confirm a continuing gender pay gap at all skills levels, especially in the private sector where the gender pay gap for professionals is as high as 44 per cent compared to 24 per cent in the public sector. In 2009, female professionals in the education sector earned one-third less than male professionals; in the health/social work sector they earned 38 per cent less than male professionals, while in manufacturing, female professionals earned 24 per cent less than male professionals. Gender inequalities also appear to exist with respect to non-wage benefits. The Committee notes with interest that a tripartite policy round table on pay equity was held in March 2010 which endorsed a number of recommendations, including the establishment of a national tripartite committee on pay equity charged with the development of a national action plan. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the measures taken to follow up on the recommendations of the round table on pay equity with a view to reducing the gender pay gap in the private and public sectors. Please also provide updated statistical data on the distribution of men and women in the various industries and occupations in the private and public sectors, with their corresponding wage levels.

Scope of application. The Committee notes the adoption of Act No. 48/2008 amending the Labour Code, section 3(b) of which provides for the drafting of regulations that set forth the terms of agricultural workers, domestic workers, gardeners and cooks. The Committee notes Regulation No. 90/2009 of 1 October 2009 regarding domestic workers, cooks, gardeners and similar workers issues pursuant to section 3(b) of the Labour Code. The Committee requests the Government to provide copies of any regulations adopted concerning agricultural workers pursuant to section 3(b), as well as information on the application in practice of Regulation No. 90/2009, particularly with respect to remuneration.

Article 1(a) of the Convention. Additional allowances in the public service. The Committee recalls its previous concerns with regard to section 25(b) of the Civil Service Regulations No. 30 of 2007, pursuant to which a female employee shall only be entitled to a family allowance if she is the “breadwinner” or if her husband is deceased or has a disability. The Committee notes that the Government continues to state that the rationale behind section 25(b) is related to the specific duties and responsibilities imposed on the husband in Jordanian society. It also notes the Government’s indication that the status of breadwinner is given by the religious courts in accordance with Islamic law and traditions governing Jordanian society. The Committee must again express its concern that under the legislation, female public servants will in practice be disadvantaged with respect to their entitlement to family allowances. It draws the attention of the Government to the possibility of allowing both spouses to choose who would be the beneficiary of family allowances, rather than starting from the principle that they should systematically be paid to the father and, in exceptional cases, to the mother if she can demonstrate that she is the breadwinner or is bringing up her children. The Committee asks the Government to indicate the measures taken or envisaged to review the provisions of the civil service regulations of 2007 so as to ensure that female public officials are treated on an equal basis with male public officials with regard to family allowances, and to keep the Committee informed of the progress made in this regard. Please also provide information on the practical application of section 25(b) of the regulations, including any obstacles encountered by female public officials to be recognized as “the breadwinner” for the purpose of receiving family allowances.

Article 2. Application of the principle in the public service. The Committee recalls that despite an increase in the total number of recruitment of women, occupational segregation of women in lower-paying occupations in the public service remains an issue. The Government, however, continues to state that the principle of equal remuneration for men and women is applied through the public service regulations, that women in the public service are not recruited in lower-paid categories and that recruitment is not based on gender. The Committee is nevertheless still lacking information demonstrating how the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value is ensured in the public service in practice. The Government also fails to provide information on any steps taken to determine the reasons for the occupational segregation of women into lower-paying occupations and positions without promotion opportunities leading to higher pay. The Committee asks the Government to provide up-to-date statistical information on the distribution of men and women in various grades and corresponding salary levels of the public service, as well as verifiable information on how the principle of equal remuneration between men and women for work of equal value is being implemented in practice. Please also indicate any steps taken to determine the underlying causes of the occupational segregation of women in the public service.

Minimum wage. The Committee notes the Government’s decision of 2008 to increase the minimum wage from 110 Jordanian dinars (JOD) to JOD150 per month, which came into effect in January 2009. However, the Committee understands that garment workers in the Qualifying Industrial Zone (QIZ) and domestic workers, a large majority of whom are women, are excluded from the new minimum wage. The Committee, recalling that the minimum wage is an important means of promoting the application of the principle of the Convention, asks the Government to indicate the reasons for excluding domestic workers and QIZ workers from the minimum wage. Please also indicate the measures taken to ensure that the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value also applies to these categories of workers.

Part V of the report form.The Committee reiterates its request to the Government to provide information on the practical application of the Convention, in particular any pay reviews or studies, to identify and eliminate disparities in remuneration which may exist in practice between men and women in the private and public sectors.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2010, published 100th ILC session (2011)

Article 1(b) of the Convention. Work of equal value. The Committee recalls that article 23(ii)(a) of the Constitution provides that all workers shall receive wages appropriate to the quantity and quality of the work, which is more restrictive than the principle contained in Article 1(b) of the Convention. It also recalls that the Labour Code, while defining the terms “wages” and “worker”, does not include a provision expressly providing for equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. The Committee notes that the Labour Code was amended in 2008 (Act No. 48/2008) but that no provisions were included concerning equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. For a number of years, the Committee has been drawing the attention of the Government to the fact that the provisions in the Constitution and the Labour Code are inadequate to ensure the full application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, and may hinder progress in eradicating gender-based pay discrimination. Moreover, while criteria such as quality and quantity may be used to determine the level of earnings, the use of only these criteria may have the effect of impeding an objective evaluation of the work performed by men and women on the basis of a wider range of criteria, free from gender bias. This is crucial in order to eliminate effectively the discriminatory undervaluation of jobs traditionally performed by women. The Committee once again refers to its general observation of 2006 and urges the Government to take immediate steps to give full legislative expression to the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. Such provisions should cover situations where men and women are performing the same or similar work as well as situations where they carry out work that is of an entirely different nature but is nevertheless of equal value.

The Committee is raising other points in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2007, published 97th ILC session (2008)

1. Article 1 of the Convention. Additional allowances in the public service. The Committee notes that, under the new Civil Service Regulations No. 30 of 2007, a male public service official is entitled to a family allowance regardless whether or not his wife works in a governmental institution, and that a female public official is entitled to such an allowance if she is the “breadwinner” regardless whether her husband is employed. The Committee further notes the Government’s explanations that the Civil Service Regulations are based on the customs, habits and values of the Jordanian society which impose on the husband a set of duties and financial obligations towards his family, including in the case of divorce. Therefore, these additional responsibilities give him the priority to receive the family allowance as long as he is charged with the financial and living responsibilities and obligations of the members of the family. While the Committee considers that the new Civil Service Regulations of 2007 are a further step towards achieving equality between men and women, it remains concerned that the legislation will continue to reinforce stereotypes on the roles of men and women in society and the labour market and will, in practice, disadvantage female public servants with respect to their entitlement to family allowances. The Committee asks the Government to give serious consideration to reviewing the provisions of the Civil Service Regulations of 2007 so as to ensure that, in law and in practice, female public officials are treated on an equal basis with male public officials with regard to family allowances, and to keep the Committee informed of the progress made in this regard. The Government is also requested to supply information on the practical application of the provisions of the Civil Service Regulations of 2007 concerning the entitlement to family allowances, including any obstacles encountered by female public officials to be recognized as the “breadwinner” for the purpose of receiving such allowances.

2. Article 2. Application of the principle in the public service. The Committee recalls its previous comments regarding the vertical segregation by sex in the public service and its effects on disparities in remuneration between men and women. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that the legislation does not provide for any difference in the remuneration of men and women employed in the public service and that their recruitment is balanced with an increase in favour of women over the past two years. The Committee notes that in 2006 and 2007, the percentage of women recruited reached 55 per cent and 52 per cent respectively of the total number of recruitments, in particular in special technical positions filled by university graduates. The Committee wishes to point out that although overall the female share of the total number of recruitments may have increased, due to continuing attitudes along with stereotypical assumptions regarding women’s aspirations, preferences, capabilities and “suitability” for certain jobs, they may still continue to be employed in job categories that are less remunerated and which have fewer career opportunities. The Committee therefore asks the Government to continue to look into the underlying causes of the vertical gender segregation of the public sector and its impact on disparities in remuneration between men and women, and to keep it informed of the progress made in this regard. The Committee also refers to its comments on the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111).

3. Wage gap in the private sector. The Committee notes from the statistics provided by the Government with respect to the occupational grouping of legislators, senior officials and managers, that the wage levels of women as compared to men increased from 48 per cent in 2000 to 85.5 per cent in 2002, then declined drastically to 52.6 per cent in 2003. Wage differentials remain significant for professionals (with women’s wage levels being 48.1 per cent of men’s in 2003), and clerks (with women’s levels being 69.7 per cent of men’s in 2003). On the other hand, a decrease in wage level differentials between men and women can be noted in the occupational grouping of technicians and associate professionals (with women’s wage levels being 81.6 per cent of men’s). In addition, the statistics show that the labour market continues to be highly segregated with women concentrated in the occupational groupings of professionals, technicians and associate professionals, and clerks. The Committee notes that the Government has taken a number of measures in the area of vocational training as a means of increasing women’s employment opportunities and as such reducing existing disparities in remuneration between men and women. It notes in particular the efforts to increase the capacity of vocational training institutes to provide training for women and girls and to promote their participation in a wider range of vocational training courses, including those traditionally offered to male students, as well as the vocational awareness-raising and guidance campaign. The Committee asks the Government to indicate the concrete impact of these activities on reducing the disparities in remuneration between men and women. It also draws the attention of the Government to its comments on the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111).

4. Minimum wage. The Committee recalls its previous comments concerning the exclusion of domestic workers, gardeners, cooks and agricultural workers from the application of the minimum wage. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that draft amendments to the provisions of Labour Code No. 8 of 1996 have been submitted to the Council of Ministers proposing that workers in the agricultural sector and domestic work sector be governed by the provisions of the Labour Code as well as its implementing instructions, regulations and decisions. The Committee hopes that the draft amendments will take due account of the requirements of the Convention, and asks the Government to provide the text of the amended provisions, once adopted, as well as any implementing instructions, regulations or decisions relevant to workers in the agricultural and the domestic work sectors.

5. Part V of the report form. The Committee asks the Government to continue to provide information on the practical application of the Convention, in particular any pay reviews or studies, to identify and eliminate disparities in remuneration which may exist in practice between men and women in the private and public sectors.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2007, published 97th ILC session (2008)

1. Article 1 of the Convention. Work of equal value. The Committee recalls its previous observation in which it had noted that the narrow formulation of section 23(ii)(a) of the Constitution, which specifies that all workers shall receive wages appropriate to the quantity and quality of the work achieved, and the provisions in the Labour Code did not ensure the application of the principle set out in the Convention. The Committee emphasized that while objective criteria such as quality and quantity of work may be used to determine the level of earnings, it was important that the use of such criteria did not have the effect of impeding the full application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. The Committee notes that the only measures taken by the Government to ensure the application of this principle is a promotion and awareness-raising campaign on the importance of applying the provisions of the Convention. 

2. The Committee notes from the statistics provided by the Government on the distribution of men and women by occupation and wage level for the years 2000–03 that the differences in wage levels between men and women remained significant in 2003, and that the labour market is highly segregated. The Committee, therefore, recalls its general observation of 2006 on this Convention which states that “historical attitudes towards the role of women in society, along with stereotypical assumptions regarding women’s aspirations, preferences, capabilities and ‘suitability’ for certain jobs, have contributed to occupational sex segregation in the labour market…”. In order to address such occupational segregation, where men and women often perform different jobs, under different conditions, and even in different establishments, the concept of “work of equal value” is essential, as it permits a broad scope of comparison. The observation underscores that “comparing the value of the work …, which may involve different types of qualifications, skills, responsibilities or working conditions but which is nevertheless work of equal value overall, is essential in order to eliminate pay discrimination which results from the failure to recognize the value of work performed by men and women free from gender bias”. Therefore, legal provisions that are narrower than the principle as laid down in the Convention “hinder progress in eradicating gender-based pay discrimination against women at work”. The Committee urges the Government to take the necessary steps to amend its legislation so as to provide not only for equal remuneration for equal, the same or similar work, but also to prohibit pay discrimination that occurs in situations where men and women perform different work that is nevertheless of equal value.

The Committee is raising other points in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2006, published 96th ILC session (2007)

1. Article 1(b) of the Convention. Application of the principle to additional allowances in the public service. With reference to its previous comments on section 35(a) and (c) of the Civil Service Regulations 2002 concerning the payment of family allowances, the Committee notes the Government’s statement that new draft Civil Service Regulations are being discussed before the Civil Service Council, which would entitle a female public official to a family allowance if she is the “breadwinner” in the family, or if her husband is dead or disabled. The Committee must point out that it remains unclear whether under the new legislation female public officials would be entitled to family allowances for their husband and their children, on an equal basis with male public officials, even when their husband is able to work. The Committee encourages the Government to consider the possibility of allowing both spouses to choose which of them would be the beneficiary of family allowances, rather than starting from the principle that they should systematically be paid to the father and, in exceptional cases, to the mother if she can demonstrate that she is the breadwinner or is bringing up her children alone. The Committee asks the Government to
re-evaluate the current wording of the draft legislation in light of the requirements of the Convention, and keep the Committee informed on any developments in this regard.

2. Article 2. Application of the principle in the public sector. The Committee thanks the Government for the 2005 statistics by occupational category, and the distribution of men and women in different categories covered by the Civil Retirement Act and the Social Security Act. It notes however that women continue to be disproportionately employed in Category 4 (administration) positions, while men dominate Category 1 (supervisory) and Category 2 (technical specialist) positions. The Committee recalls that vertical occupational segregation of men and women is an underlying cause of pay differentials between men and women and that measures to promote women into higher wage categories are an important means to implement the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to evaluate the underlying causes of the existing vertical segregation and their effect on disparities in remuneration between men and women in the public sector, and to report on the results achieved. It also draws the Government’s attention in this regard to its comments on the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111).

3. Application of the principle in the private sector. Vocational training as a means to reduce pay differentials. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government that half as many women as men participated in the National Project for Training. The Committee asks the Government to indicate whether and how this project is helping to reduce the existing pay gap between men and women, both by increasing employment opportunities in a wider range of sectors of activities and occupations and by increasing women’s access to jobs of responsibility. Please also refer to the Committee’s comments on Convention No. 111.

4. Minimum wage. The Committee notes the adoption of the Government Order determining minimum wages and its applicability nationwide to all workers who are covered by the Labour Code. The Committee further notes that section 3 of the Labour Code precludes its applicability to “government and municipal officials; an employer’s family members working without remuneration in his undertakings; domestic servants, gardeners, cooks and the like; and agricultural workers”. Given the importance of minimum wages in promoting the application of the principle of the Convention, the Committee asks the Government to indicate whether it has the intention to set minimum wages for domestic workers, gardeners, cooks and agricultural workers. Please also provide information demonstrating how the application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value is ensured for these workers, in law and in practice.

5. Part V of the report form. Information on practical application and statistics. The Committee asks the Government to provide up to date statistics disaggregated by sex, on the distribution of men and women, according to occupation and remuneration levels, in the various areas of the private sector, in order for the Committee to assess how the principle of the Convention is applied to wages above the minimum wage. The Committee also asks the Government to provide practical information on the measures taken or envisaged, including pay reviews or studies, to identify and eliminate wage disparities which may exist in practice between men and women in the labour market.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2006, published 96th ILC session (2007)

Article 1(b) of the Convention. Work of equal value in national legislation. In previous comments the Committee had noted that section 23(ii)(a) of the Constitution, which specifies that all workers shall receive wages appropriate to the quantity and quality of the work achieved, was inadequate for the application of the principle of the Convention. The Committee notes that the Government indicates in its report that the current legislation is based on the principles that the value of the wages shall be subject to the quantity of the work and the manner in which it is performed, and that equality is established in accordance with the value of the work performed regardless of the gender of the person performing it. The Government further states that the definition of wages in the Labour Code and the fact that the Labour Code defines “worker” as “any person male or female, who performs work for remuneration” reiterate these principles. Noting the explanations given by the Government, the Committee must emphasize however that the narrow formulation of section 23(ii)(a) of the Constitution and the provisions in the Labour Code do not ensure the application of the principle set out in the Convention. While objective criteria such as quality and quantity of work may be used to determine the level of earnings, it is important that the use of such criteria does not have the effect of impeding the full application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. The Committee must underscore the importance of ensuring that women who undertake different work from men but work that is nevertheless of equal value based on objective job evaluation criteria, such as responsibility, skill, effort and working conditions, are paid equal remuneration. Having noted previously the significant wage gap between men and women, especially in the private sector, and the fact that the labour market is highly sex‑segregated, the Committee asks the Government to provide information with its next report on the legislative or other regulatory measures which have been taken or are envisaged to ensure the full implementation of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value.

The Committee is raising other points in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2003, published 92nd ILC session (2004)

The Committee notes the Government’s report and the attached legislation.

1. Further to its previous comments concerning the enactment of equal pay legislation, the Committee notes the Government’s explanations with regard to the legal provisions guaranteeing equality between men and women, and in particular that article 23(ii)(a) of the Constitution specifies that all workers shall receive wages appropriate to the quantity and quality of work achieved. It wishes to remind the Government that these legal provisions are inadequate for the application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value. The Committee has pointed out on several occasions that, while there is no general obligation to adopt legislation setting forth this principle under the terms of the Convention, doing so is one of the most effective means of ensuring its application. It therefore asks the Government to consider including the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value in the national legislation.

2. The Committee notes the promulgation of the Civil Service Act No. 55 of 2002. With regard to its previous comments concerning the duality of section 11 (family allowances) of the system of standardized allowances in the public service, the Committee notes that section 35(a) still provides that allowances will be paid to the "wife and children" of public officials. While noting that section 35(d) states that a female public servant shall receive allowances for her children when the father of her children is dead or if he is incapacitated, the Committee asks the Government to clarify whether female employees who are the main breadwinner are entitled to family allowances for their husband and children, even if their husband is able to work. The Committee encourages the Government to amend the current wording of this provision, when the occasion for a revision arises.

3. With regard to its previous comments concerning the differences in wage rates between women and men and the low participation rate of women in the labour market, the Committee notes the Government’s statement that it is currently carrying out a national training programme which provides an opportunity for the increased participation of women in the labour market by training them in certain occupations required by the labour market (i.e. computer applications, industrial needs, tailoring, sales and hairdressing). The Committee asks the Government to continue to provide information on any measures taken and implemented to improve the access of women to the labour market and to indicate whether and how these measures are helping to reduce the existing pay gap between men and women both by increasing employment opportunities in a wider range of sectors of activities and occupations, and in jobs of responsibility.

4. With regard to the public sector, the Committee notes the Government’s statement that a new classification approach was adopted and that a system for classifying and categorizing public sector jobs was set down so as to cover all the certified jobs within an area in conformity with instructions on classifying and describing government jobs. Noting also that the Government states that due account was taken of gender equality, the Committee asks the Government to provide with its next report a copy of the new classification system. In this regard, the Committee notes that section 26(a) of the Public Service Act No. 55 indicates the wages for categories 1 to 3 according to step and grade, and the wages for category 4, according to grade, step and branch of activity, and asks the Government to supply statistical data on the distribution of male and female employees in the corresponding wages scales for categories 1 to 4.

5. With regard to the determination of wages in the private sector, the Committee notes the information provided by the Government that the Council of Ministers decided, on 7 August 2002, to set down minimum wages for workers. In this respect, the Committee recalls the importance of minimum wages in promoting the application of the principle of equal remuneration set out in the Convention, and asks the Government to indicate in its next report whether these are nationwide minimum wages or sector-based minimum wages and to provide copies of any texts.

6. The Committee once again hopes the Government will be in a position to supply statistical data in accordance with its general observation of 1998.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2001, published 90th ILC session (2002)

The Committee notes the Government’s report.

1. The Committee notes the statistics contained in the "1998 Employment survey of enterprises employing at least five persons". It notes that the average wage rates for men and women are relatively close in certain governorates. However, in most areas the wage rates of women generally remain lower than those of men, with this difference rising to 60 per cent in certain governorates, particularly in the private sector. The Committee also notes from these statistics that the participation rate of women on the labour market remains low. It would be grateful if the Government would provide information in future reports on the measures taken and the programmes implemented to promote the principle set out in the Convention and the access of women to the labour market and to positions of responsibility.

2. Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes that section 59 of the Labour Code respecting the determination of overtime rates applies to both men and women, in the same way as section 2 of the Labour Code respecting remuneration. Noting that section 8 of Chapter 1 of the Jordanian National Charter provides that men and women are equal before the law, the Committee asks the Government to provide information on its intention to include in national legislation the obligation to pay equal wages remuneration to men and women work of equal value, as set out in the Convention.

3. With reference to its previous comments, the Committee notes the Government’s statement in its report that the family allowance provided for in section 11 of the system of standardized allowances in the public service, granted to "the wife and children" of public officials, is an allowance intended for the family breadwinner, which may be granted to the spouse (man or woman) of a public official who is responsible for the family. The Committee suggests that the current wording of this provision be amended to reflect this duality.

4. The Committee notes the Government’s indications in its report that enterprises in the private sector establish individually and freely their rules governing remuneration, according to their needs and the nature of the work. The Government indicates that the rules do not contain discrimination on the basis of sex. The Committee wishes to draw the Government’s attention to the fact that, where wages are determined on the basis of market rates, these rates may reflect the historical discrimination existing on the labour market, resulting from sexist prejudices or stereotypes giving rise to an under-evaluation of the jobs principally occupied by women. For this reason, it is recommended that systems for the evaluation of jobs in which women predominate be established, to compare them with those in which men are prevalent with a view to identifying and correcting cases of wage discrimination. Furthermore, even where the State does not intervene directly in the determination of wages, it is nevertheless bound, in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention, to ensure the application of the principle of equal remuneration, particularly where it has the legal power to do so by virtue of the Constitution or laws. The Committee therefore asks the Government to provide practical information on the methods used for the appraisal of jobs and on the measures which have been taken or are envisaged to identify and eliminate wage disparities which may exist in practice between men and women on the labour market, as well as on the general measures taken to promote equality of opportunity and treatment in employment and occupation.

5. Noting that certain laws and regulations applicable to the public service are currently being revised, the Committee asks the Government to continue providing information on reforms which have an incidence on the application of the Convention. The Committee also notes the Government’s statement that the study on the evaluation of standards and programmes for the implementation of job classification systems in the public service is still under way in a specialized commission. It asks the Government to provide information in future reports on the results of this study.

6. The Committee asks the Government to continue providing information on the supervisory activities of the labour inspectorate in this field.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1998, published 87th ILC session (1999)

The Committee notes the Government's report in reply to its previous comments, and the attached documentation.

1. The Committee refers to its previous comments on section 2 of the Labour Code of 1996 concerning the exclusion of "overtime wage" from the definition of remuneration. In its report, the Government indicates that the definition of remuneration is used to calculate work-related entitlements (such as the end-of-service allowance or the indemnity for annual leave not taken by the worker). While the Committee notes this explanation, its concern lies in the manner in which the Government ensures that men and women are paid an equal "overtime wage". The Committee must therefore repeat its previous request to provide more detailed information in this regard, for example, by providing illustrations of the pay slips for overtime hours of establishments employing male and female workers in work of equal value. With regard to other bonuses and allowances paid to workers as a supplement to their wages, the Government points out that the principle of the Convention is effectively applied through periodical labour inspection visits. The Committee refers to its point 3 on labour inspection.

2. With respect to allowances paid in the civil service under the Standards Allowance Scheme, the Committee notes that section 11 of the Scheme provides a family allowance for the "wife and the children" of the worker. Noting also the Government's statement in its previous report that some of the civil service laws and regulations concerning equality are under review, the Committee hopes that the Government will consider amendment of section 11 so as to ensure payment of family allowances to both men and women workers in conformity with the Convention. Please also provide information on the results of the civil service reform which have an impact on the application of the Convention.

3. In reply to the previous direct request concerning the status of the Jordanian National Charter, the Committee notes that the Charter follows the Jordanian Constitution in status and is higher in status than the other laws. The Committee recalls that it had pointed out that the equality provision in the Charter, read in conjunction with section 2 of the 1996 Labour Code, could constitute a basis for appropriate legislation granting the labour inspectorate the authority to conduct enforcement activities to ensure the application in practice of equal remuneration between men and women for work of equal value. In this connection, the Committee refers to its previous comments under Convention No. 111 and notes that the Government has already taken steps in this direction. Notably, the Ministry of Labour has established a new department responsible for women working in the Ministry. It appointed nine female labour inspectors to enforce the implementation of the provisions of the Labour Code relevant to women workers and to provide women with consultative services. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide information on any activities undertaken by the new department and by the labour inspectors concerning the application of the Convention, including information on the incidence of wage discrimination detected and the action taken to redress any such occurrence.

4. With regard to sections 4 and 5 of the Public Service Regulations (No. 1 of 1988), the Committee has, for many years, requested the Government to indicate the methods and criteria used by the Council of Ministers in establishing job classification plans, and by the separate departments in conducting an objective appraisal of posts. In its previous direct request, the Committee had noted a wage gap of around 25 per cent in the public sector between the wage rates for men and women. The Committee notes that the Government's report again gives no information on the practical application of sections 4 and 5 of the Civil Service Regulations; nor does it provide any further details on the Government's efforts to reduce the wage gap between men and women in the public sector. The Committee must therefore repeat its previous request to the Government to indicate the methods and criteria used by the Council of Ministers and the separate departments in establishing job classification plans and conducting an objective appraisal of posts, respectively. Please also supply information on the measures taken or contemplated to reduce the wage gap between men and women in the public sector.

5. The Committee notes that the amendment to the Social Security Act No. 30, proposed by the Legal Committee of the National Commission of Women, has not yet been adopted. The Committee hopes that progress will soon be made in this regard and requests the Government to supply a copy of the amended legislation, once adopted.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1996, published 85th ILC session (1997)

The Committee notes the Government's report in reply to its previous comments, and the attached tables.

1. Observing that the Government's previous reports referred to the general legislation on equality, the Committee notes with interest that section 2 of the new Labour Code, adopted by Law No. 8 of 1996, introduces non-discrimination specifically on the grounds of sex. The term "worker" now means "any male or female who provides work in exchange for a wage, for an employer and under that person's orders, including minors and any person during a period of trial or qualification". The Committee welcomes this information, which confers upon section 45 (respecting wages) of the Labour Code a specific scope with regard to the application of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value.

2. However, the Committee also notes that section 2 of the new Code gives a definition of the term "remuneration" which excludes "the wage due to the worker arising out of overtime work". The Committee wishes to recall that it emphasized in paragraph 14 of its 1986 General Survey on equal remuneration that, in accordance with Article 1(a) of the Convention, the term "remuneration" includes the ordinary, basic or minimum wage or salary and any other emoluments whatsoever payable directly or indirectly, whether in cash or in kind, by the employer to the worker and arising out of the worker's employment. This definition, which is couched in the broadest possible terms, seeks to ensure that equality is not limited to the basic or ordinary wage, nor in any other way restricted according to semantic distinctions. In view of the fact that section 59 of the Code deals specifically with the terms and conditions of the use of overtime hours and their remuneration, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide with its next report illustrations of the pay slips for overtime hours of establishments employing male and female workers in work of equal value and if it would indicate in general terms the manner in which the principle of equal remuneration is applied to men and women workers for work of equal value with regard to the various bonuses and allowances paid to workers as a supplement to their wage.

3. The Committee notes the information supplied in the report to the effect that the principle of equality before the law without distinction based on sex, among other grounds, is set out in Chapter I, paragraph 8 of the National Charter under the terms of which "Jordanians of both sexes shall be equal before the law, without discrimination between them as to their duties and their rights on the basis of race, language or religion". The Committee requests the Government to supply a copy of this text with its next report and to indicate the position that it occupies in the hierarchy of the instruments of internal law. The Committee accords particular importance to such a provision, in conjunction with the new definition of the term "worker", in support of the implementation in practice of measures to give effect to the principle of equal remuneration for workers of both sexes for work of equal value. These two provisions could constitute the basis of appropriate legal provisions permitting an effective control over the application of the law in this field by the labour inspection services.

4. The Committee recalls that, in accordance with Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Convention, "each Member shall, by means appropriate to the methods in operation for determining rates of remuneration, promote and, in so far as is consistent with such methods, ensure the application to all workers" of the principle set out in the Convention. In this respect, the Committee notes that of the many tables attached to the report concerning the levels of remuneration of the various categories of workers in the different activities and sectors, only one (table No. 6 concerning the principle activities in the public sector) shows the distribution by sex. It shows a difference in the average wage rates of around 25 per cent to the detriment of women. The Committee requests the Government to provide information in its next report on the methods adopted to undertake an objective appraisal of jobs on the basis of the work to be performed. It also requests the Government to indicate the measures that have been taken or are envisaged to reduce the gap between the wage rates of men and women, particularly in the sector covered by the above statistical table.

5. It has been reported by the National Commission for Women that one of the notable results of its national strategy is the adoption of regulations respecting social protection that introduce the right for women employees to include in their insurance, in the same way as men, their children under 18 years of age, as well as their spouse if he is an invalid and is not already covered in his personal capacity. The Committee welcomes this measure, which undoubtedly constitutes considerable progress in the application of the Convention. It would be grateful if the Government would supply information on this matter and provide a copy of the respective texts with its next report.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1995, published 82nd ILC session (1995)

The Committee notes the Government's brief report.

1. The Committee notes that the Government reports that a new Labour Code should be adopted very shortly and it asks the Government to provide a copy of the Code once it has been promulgated.

2. Further to its previous comments, the Committee recalls that section 4 of the Public Service Regulations (No. 1, 1988) provides that the Council of Ministers is empowered to establish a job classification plan for the entire public service and that section 5 requires each distinct service to establish an objective appraisal of its posts (describing the obligations and duties of such posts, and the qualifications and experience required to hold them). While noting the Government's statement in its report that each ministry or public establishment has its own regulations pursuant to the Public Service Regulations, the Committee again asks the Government to indicate in its next report the methods and criteria used by the Council of Minsters in establishing job classification plans and by the various departments in conducting an objective appraisal of posts, and to provide copies of the regulations in force.

3. The Committee notes the Government's general statement that the Labour Code makes no distinction between men's and women's wages. The Committee points out that it has no information enabling it to ascertain how the principle of equal remuneration laid down in the national legislation is applied in practice. The Committee therefore urges the Government to provide recent information in its next report, concerning:

(i) the salaries and indemnities paid in the public service (under the provisions of Chapter V of the Public Service Regulations), with an indication of the percentage of men and women employed at different levels;

(ii) the texts of collective, or other, agreements fixing wage levels in the various sectors of activity, if possible, with an indication of the percentage of women covered by these agreements and the percentage of men and women employed at different levels;

(iii) statistics of the minimum wage rates and actual average earnings of men and women, if possible broken down by occupation, branch of activity, seniority and skill level, and information on the percentage of women in the various occupations and sectors;

(iv) information on the measures taken to ensure supervision of the application of the provisions governing equal pay, and particularly on the activities of the labour inspectorate (infringements recorded, penalties imposed) and on relevant court decisions.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1994, published 81st ILC session (1994)

The Committee notes the Government's last report received in August 1993.

1. Further to its previous comments on the new Labour Code, the Committee notes that the examination of the draft new Code has been completed by the Legislative Council and that it was to be submitted to the National Council after the Parliamentary elections of 8 November 1993 for urgent examination. The Committee hopes that the Code will be adopted in the very near future and that the Government will provide a copy of the text as soon as it has been promulgated.

2. With regard to section 4 of the Public Service Regulations (No. 1, 1988) under which the Council of Ministers is empowered to establish a job classification plan for the entire public service, and section 5 which requires each distinct service to establish an objective appraisal of its posts (describing the obligations and responsibilities of such posts, and the qualifications and experience required to hold them), the Committee again asks the Government to indicate in its next report the methods and criteria used by the Council of Ministers in establishing job classification plans and by the various departments in conducting an objective appraisal of posts.

3. The Committee notes the information concerning minimum wages, and in particular that their fixation is deliberately left to the law of supply and demand. The Committee asks the Government to provide statistics on minimum wage rates and on average actual earnings of men and women broken down, if possible, by occupation, sector of activity, seniority and level of qualifications, as well as information on the corresponding percentage of women.

4. So that it may ascertain how the principle of equal remuneration laid down in the national legislation is applied in practice, the Committee asks the Government to provide recent information in its next report, concerning:

(i) the salaries and indemnities paid in the public service (under the provisions of Chapter V of the Public Service Regulations), with an indication of the percentage of men and women employed at different levels;

(ii) the texts of collective, or other agreements, fixing wage levels in the various sectors of activity, indicating, if possible, the percentage of women covered by these agreements and the distribution of men and women employed at different levels.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1993, published 80th ILC session (1993)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

1. With reference to its previous comments, the Committee notes that the new Labour Code has not yet been adopted. The Committee requests the Government to keep it informed of the progress achieved and to forward a copy of the new Labour Code when it is adopted.

2. The Committee notes with interest the Public Service Regulations, No. 1 of 1988, which do not appear to treat male and female civil servants differently with respect to remuneration. The Committee notes, however, that section 2 of the Regulations defines "salary" as "the basic monthly salary to which a civil servant is entitled as consideration for the carrying out of his obligations; it does not include any type of allowance or indemnity". Referring to Article 1(a) of the Convention, according to which remuneration includes the ordinary, basic or minimum wage or salary and any additional emoluments whatsoever payable directly or indirectly, whether in cash or in kind, by the employer to the worker and arising out of the worker's employment, the Committee requests the Government to include in its next report information on the way the equal remuneration principle is applied in practice to any allowances or indemnities payable to civil servants under the Regulations.

3. The Committee notes with interest that section 4 of the Regulations empowers the Council of Ministers to establish a job classification plan for the entire public service, and that section 5 of the Regulations requires each distinct service to establish an objective appraisal of each of its posts, describing the obligations and responsibilities of such posts, and the qualifications and experiences needed to occupy them. It requests the Government to indicate in its next report the methods and criteria used in the establishment of job classification plans by the Council of Ministers and of objective appraisals of posts by distinct services.

4. The Committee notes that the Government is currently studying the question of fixing minimum wages in a particular region, and that a minimum wage system is beginning to be applied to drivers in the port of Akaba. The Committee requests the Government to continue to supply information on the fixing of minimum wages and to furnish with its next report copies of any recently concluded collective agreements that fix minimum wages.

5. The Committee notes with interest the results of an inspection of the Jordan Spinning and Weaving Company, namely that starting salaries in that company are equal for men and women workers, and that annual wage increases based on the starting salary are applied equally to men and women workers. The Committee requests the Government to continue to supply information on any measures taken to promote the application of the equal remuneration principle to all workers in the private sector, and on investigatory or remedial action by the labour authorities concerning the principle of equal remuneration to men and women workers for work of equal value, as well as information on decisions by courts and tribunals on the application of the equal remuneration principle.

6. The Committee requests the Government to include with its next report any available information on the wages of men and of women generally and in different occupations, with special attention to occupations in which there is a high proportion of women workers.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1992, published 79th ILC session (1992)

The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its report.

1. With reference to its previous comments, the Committee notes that the new Labour Code has not yet been adopted. The Committee requests the Government to keep it informed of the progress achieved and to forward a copy of the new Labour Code when it is adopted.

2. The Committee notes with interest the Public Service Regulations, No. 1 of 1988, which do not appear to treat male and female civil servants differently with respect to remuneration. The Committee notes, however, that section 2 of the Regulations defines "salary" as "the basic monthly salary to which a civil servant is entitled as consideration for the carrying out of his obligations; it does not include any type of allowance or indemnity". Referring to Article 1(a) of the Convention, according to which remuneration includes the ordinary, basic or minimum wage or salary and any additional emoluments whatsoever payable directly or indirectly, whether in cash or in kind, by the employer to the worker and arising out of the worker's employment, the Committee requests the Government to include in its next report information on the way the equal remuneration principle is applied in practice to any allowances or indemnities payable to civil servants under the Regulations.

3. The Committee notes with interest that section 4 of the Regulations empowers the Council of Ministers to establish a job classification plan for the entire public service, and that section 5 of the Regulations requires each distinct service to establish an objective appraisal of each of its posts, describing the obligations and responsibilities of such posts, and the qualifications and experiences needed to occupy them. It requests the Government to indicate in its next report the methods and criteria used in the establishment of job classification plans by the Council of Ministers and of objective appraisals of posts by distinct services.

4. The Committee notes that the Government is currently studying the question of fixing minimum wages in a particular region, and that a minimum wage system is beginning to be applied to drivers in the port of Akaba. The Committee requests the Government to continue to supply information on the fixing of minimum wages and to furnish with its next report copies of any recently concluded collective agreements that fix minimum wages.

5. The Committee notes with interest the results of an inspection of the Jordan Spinning and Weaving Company, namely that starting salaries in that company are equal for men and women workers, and that annual wage increases based on the starting salary are applied equally to men and women workers. The Committee requests the Government to continue to supply information on any measures taken to promote the application of the equal remuneration principle to all workers in the private sector, and on investigatory or remedial action by the labour authorities concerning the principle of equal remuneration to men and women workers for work of equal value, as well as information on decisions by courts and tribunals on the application of the equal remuneration principle.

6. The Committee requests the Government to include with its next report any available information on the wages of men and of women generally and in different occupations, with special attention to occupations in which there is a high proportion of women workers.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1990, published 77th ILC session (1990)

The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its report.

1. With reference to its previous comments, the Committee notes that the new Labour Code has not yet been adopted. The Committee requests the Government to keep it informed of the progress achieved and to forward a copy of the new Labour Code when it is adopted.

2. The Committee notes with interest the Public Service Regulations, No. 1 of 1988, which do not appear to treat male and female civil servants differently with respect to remuneration. The Committee notes, however, that section 2 of the Regulations defines "salary" as "the basic monthly salary to which a civil servant is entitled as consideration for the carrying out of his obligations; it does not include any type of allowance or indemnity". Referring to Article 1(a) of the Convention, according to which remuneration includes the ordinary, basic or minimum wage or salary and any additional emoluments whatsoever payable directly or indirectly, whether in cash or in kind, by the employer to the worker and arising out of the worker's employment, the Committee requests the Government to include in its next report information on the way the equal remuneration principle is applied in practice to any allowances or indemnities payable to civil servants under the Regulations.

3. The Committee notes with interest that section 4 of the Regulations empowers the Council of Ministers to establish a job classification plan for the entire public service, and that section 5 of the Regulations requires each distinct service to establish an objective appraisal of each of its posts, describing the obligations and responsibilities of such posts, and the qualifications and experiences needed to occupy them. It requests the Government to indicate in its next report the methods and criteria used in the establishment of job classification plans by the Council of Ministers and of objective appraisals of posts by distinct services.

4. The Committee notes that the Government is currently studying the question of fixing minimum wages in a particular region, and that a minimum wage system is beginning to be applied to drivers in the port of Akaba. The Committee requests the Government to continue to supply information on the fixing of minimum wages and to furnish with its next report copies of any recently concluded collective agreements that fix minimum wages.

5. The Committee notes with interest the results of an inspection of the Jordan Spinning and Weaving Company, namely that starting salaries in that company are equal for men and women workers, and that annual wage increases based on the starting salary are applied equally to men and women workers. The Committee requests the Government to continue to supply information on any measures taken to promote the application of the equal remuneration principle to all workers in the private sector, and on investigatory or remedial action by the labour authorities concerning the principle of equal remuneration to men and women workers for work of equal value, as well as information on decisions by courts and tribunals on the application of the equal remuneration principle.

6. The Committee requests the Government to include with its next report any available information on the wages of men and of women generally and in different occupations, with special attention to occupations in which there is a high proportion of women workers.

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