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Labour Statistics Convention, 1985 (No. 160) - San Marino (Ratification: 1988)

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Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2024, published 113rd ILC session (2025)

The Committee notes with concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
Articles 7 and 8. Employment, underemployment and underemployment statistics. Statistics of the structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Committee welcomes the information provided by the Government in response to its previous comments, initially made in 2012. It notes that the statistical data on the labour force (previously referred to as the “economically active” population), employment, unemployment and other indicators of labour underutilization have been communicated to ILOSTAT. The latest data available is from 2019 and the official estimates are provided by the San Marino Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. The Committee nevertheless notes that the data provided is derived from administrative data and not from labour force surveys (LFS), as no LFS have to date been carried out in San Marino. In this context, the Committee recalls that pursuant to the latest standards, including the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (resolution I), adopted by the 19th ICLS in October 2013, such statistical data should be captured through household surveys. In relation to Article 8, the Government notes that the statistics on the labour force on administrative records of the Office of Active Labour Policies and the Office of Economic Activities are not derived from the population census. The data is collected by the Office of Statistics on a monthly basis. The Committee notes that the Government provides definitions of employment and unemployment, and information on the methodology used for compiling the data in accordance with Articles 7 and 8. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide updated statistical data to the Office related to the labour force, employment, unemployment and underemployment, and to provide information on measures taken to undertake a household survey, as contemplated under the Convention. In this respect, the Committee reminds the Government may avail itself of technical assistance from the Office, should it so wish. The Committee further requests the Government to provide information on any developments with regard to the implementation of the Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (resolution I), adopted by the 19th ICLS in October 2013.
Articles 9 and 10. Current statistics of average earnings and hours of work. Statistics of time rates of wages and normal hours of work. Statistics of wage structure and distribution. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that data under Articles 9 and 10 are not currently compiled, with the exception of data under Article 9(1). The Government adds that, while annual data on average earnings is available by economic activity, it is not yet broken down by sex. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government on the methodologies used to compile the statistics. The Government indicates that data on hours actually worked is not available but that, based on the availability of the administrative records, the Office of Statistics may be able to provide annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked, broken down by sex, in the near future. Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet disaggregated by sex, but that the Government may be in a position to provide this information in the near future, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps to this end and keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field. In addition, noting that the Government’s report provides no information in response to its previous point concerning the application of Article 9(2), the Committee reiterates its request that the Government ensure that statistics covered by these provisions are regularly transmitted to the Committee and to keep it informed of any progress made in this regard. In addition, noting that the Government’s report provides no information in response to its previous comment on the application of Article 10, the Committee once again requests the Government to take the necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep it informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. Statistics of labour cost. In response to the Committee’s previous comments, the Government indicates that the Office of Statistics publishes the statistics of labour cost on an annual basis on its website. The Government points out that in relation to the manufacturing sector, the four main groups are currently included; however, it is not currently possible to provide these statistics for a greater number of groups. The methodologies established for producing the statistics on average cost and employee services are published on the National Summary Data Page. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide statistical data of labour cost to the Office, as well as other methodological information.
Article 12. Consumer price indices. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government regarding the methodology utilized to collect information on consumer price indices (CPI), which are calculated taking families and workers as references. CPI data are collected monthly through the website of the Office for Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics. The latest CPI data available to the ILO is from 2017. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide updated statistical data and methodological information on consumer price indices to the Office.
Article 13. Statistics of household income and expenditures. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are published regularly by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication “Survey on consumption and San Marino family lifestyles”. The Committee nevertheless notes that no information is available in the cited publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee invites the Government to: (i) consult the representative organizations of employers and workers on the concepts, definitions and methodology used (in accordance with Article 3); and (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics (as required under Article 6).
Article 14. Statistics of occupational injuries. The Government indicates that it collects data on occupational injuries on an administrative basis by the Institute for Social Security and relies on injured workers attending the emergency department of the state hospital. The Office of Statistics publishes data on occupational injuries in the Economic Statistics Report annually. The data come from the Health Authority and are taken from the records of the only emergency department in the country. The Committee notes that the official estimates of the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics, covering all branches of economic activity, last provided data on occupational injuries to the ILO in 2015. In addition, the methodological information available is incomplete, as the concepts and definitions used in the statistics have not been communicated to the ILO Department of Statistics. The Committee reiterates its request that the Government provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on more detailed statistics as these become available.
Article 15. Statistics of industrial disputes. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked by economic activity) were provided, the Committee once again invites the Government to communicate this data, in accordance with Article 5 of the Convention.
The Committee expects that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2023, published 112nd ILC session (2024)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
Articles 7 and 8. Employment, underemployment and underemployment statistics. Statistics of the structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Committee welcomes the information provided by the Government in response to its previous comments, initially made in 2012. It notes that the statistical data on the labour force (previously referred to as the “economically active” population), employment, unemployment and other indicators of labour underutilization have been communicated to ILOSTAT. The latest data available is from 2019 and the official estimates are provided by the San Marino Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. The Committee nevertheless notes that the data provided is derived from administrative data and not from labour force surveys (LFS), as no LFS have to date been carried out in San Marino. In this context, the Committee recalls that pursuant to the latest standards, including the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (resolution I), adopted by the 19th ICLS in October 2013, such statistical data should be captured through household surveys. In relation to Article 8, the Government notes that the statistics on the labour force on administrative records of the Office of Active Labour Policies and the Office of Economic Activities are not derived from the population census. The data is collected by the Office of Statistics on a monthly basis. The Committee notes that the Government provides definitions of employment and unemployment, and information on the methodology used for compiling the data in accordance with Articles 7 and 8. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide updated statistical data to the Office related to the labour force, employment, unemployment and underemployment, and to provide information on measures taken to undertake a household survey, as contemplated under the Convention. In this respect, the Committee reminds the Government may avail itself of technical assistance from the Office, should it so wish. The Committee further requests the Government to provide information on any developments with regard to the implementation of the Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (resolution I), adopted by the 19th ICLS in October 2013.
Articles 9 and 10. Current statistics of average earnings and hours of work. Statistics of time rates of wages and normal hours of work. Statistics of wage structure and distribution. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that data under Articles 9 and 10 are not currently compiled, with the exception of data under Article 9(1). The Government adds that, while annual data on average earnings is available by economic activity, it is not yet broken down by sex. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government on the methodologies used to compile the statistics. The Government indicates that data on hours actually worked is not available but that, based on the availability of the administrative records, the Office of Statistics may be able to provide annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked, broken down by sex, in the near future. Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet disaggregated by sex, but that the Government may be in a position to provide this information in the near future, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps to this end and keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field. In addition, noting that the Government’s report provides no information in response to its previous point concerning the application of Article 9(2), the Committee reiterates its request that the Government ensure that statistics covered by these provisions are regularly transmitted to the Committee and to keep it informed of any progress made in this regard. In addition, noting that the Government’s report provides no information in response to its previous comment on the application of Article 10, the Committee once again requests the Government to take the necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep it informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. Statistics of labour cost. In response to the Committee’s previous comments, the Government indicates that the Office of Statistics publishes the statistics of labour cost on an annual basis on its website. The Government points out that in relation to the manufacturing sector, the four main groups are currently included; however, it is not currently possible to provide these statistics for a greater number of groups. The methodologies established for producing the statistics on average cost and employee services are published on the National Summary Data Page. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide statistical data of labour cost to the Office, as well as other methodological information.
Article 12. Consumer price indices. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government regarding the methodology utilized to collect information on consumer price indices (CPI), which are calculated taking families and workers as references. CPI data are collected monthly through the website of the Office for Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics. The latest CPI data available to the ILO is from 2017. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide updated statistical data and methodological information on consumer price indices to the Office.
Article 13. Statistics of household income and expenditures. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are published regularly by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication “Survey on consumption and San Marino family lifestyles”. The Committee nevertheless notes that no information is available in the cited publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee invites the Government to: (i) consult the representative organizations of employers and workers on the concepts, definitions and methodology used (in accordance with Article 3); and (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics (as required under Article 6).
Article 14. Statistics of occupational injuries. The Government indicates that it collects data on occupational injuries on an administrative basis by the Institute for Social Security and relies on injured workers attending the emergency department of the state hospital. The Office of Statistics publishes data on occupational injuries in the Economic Statistics Report annually. The data come from the Health Authority and are taken from the records of the only emergency department in the country. The Committee notes that the official estimates of the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics, covering all branches of economic activity, last provided data on occupational injuries to the ILO in 2015. In addition, the methodological information available is incomplete, as the concepts and definitions used in the statistics have not been communicated to the ILO Department of Statistics. The Committee reiterates its request that the Government provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on more detailed statistics as these become available.
Article 15. Statistics of industrial disputes. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked by economic activity) were provided, the Committee once again invites the Government to communicate this data, in accordance with Article 5 of the Convention.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2021, published 110th ILC session (2022)

Articles 7 and 8. Employment, underemployment and underemployment statistics. Statistics of the structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Committee welcomes the information provided by the Government in response to its previous comments, initially made in 2012. It notes that the statistical data on the labour force (previously referred to as the “economically active” population), employment, unemployment and other indicators of labour underutilization have been communicated to ILOSTAT. The latest data available is from 2019 and the official estimates are provided by the San Marino Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. The Committee nevertheless notes that the data provided is derived from administrative data and not from labour force surveys (LFS), as no LFS have to date been carried out in San Marino. In this context, the Committee recalls that pursuant to the latest standards, including the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (resolution I), adopted by the 19th ICLS in October 2013, such statistical data should be captured through household surveys. In relation to Article 8, the Government notes that the statistics on the labour force on administrative records of the Office of Active Labour Policies and the Office of Economic Activities are not derived from the population census. The data is collected by the Office of Statistics on a monthly basis. The Committee notes that the Government provides definitions of employment and unemployment, and information on the methodology used for compiling the data in accordance with Articles 7 and 8. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide updated statistical data to the Office related to the labour force, employment, unemployment and underemployment, and to provide information on measures taken to undertake a household survey, as contemplated under the Convention. In this respect, the Committee reminds the Government may avail itself of technical assistance from the Office, should it so wish. The Committee further requests the Government to provide information on any developments with regard to the implementation of the Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (resolution I), adopted by the 19th ICLS in October 2013.
Articles 9 and 10. Current statistics of average earnings and hours of work. Statistics of time rates of wages and normal hours of work. Statistics of wage structure and distribution. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that data under Articles 9 and 10 are not currently compiled, with the exception of data under Article 9(1). The Government adds that, while annual data on average earnings is available by economic activity, it is not yet broken down by sex. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government on the methodologies used to compile the statistics. The Government indicates that data on hours actually worked is not available but that, based on the availability of the administrative records, the Office of Statistics may be able to provide annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked, broken down by sex, in the near future. Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet disaggregated by sex, but that the Government may be in a position to provide this information in the near future, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps to this end and keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field. In addition, noting that the Government’s report provides no information in response to its previous point concerning the application of Article 9(2), the Committee reiterates its request that the Government ensure that statistics covered by these provisions are regularly transmitted to the Committee and to keep it informed of any progress made in this regard. In addition, noting that the Government’s report provides no information in response to its previous comment on the application of Article 10, the Committee once again requests the Government to take the necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep it informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. Statistics of labour cost. In response to the Committee’s previous comments, the Government indicates that the Office of Statistics publishes the statistics of labour cost on an annual basis on its website. The Government points out that in relation to the manufacturing sector, the four main groups are currently included; however, it is not currently possible to provide these statistics for a greater number of groups. The methodologies established for producing the statistics on average cost and employee services are published on the National Summary Data Page. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide statistical data of labour cost to the Office, as well as other methodological information.
Article 12. Consumer price indices. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government regarding the methodology utilized to collect information on consumer price indices (CPI), which are calculated taking families and workers as references. CPI data are collected monthly through the website of the Office for Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics. The latest CPI data available to the ILO is from 2017. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide updated statistical data and methodological information on consumer price indices to the Office.
Article 13. Statistics of household income and expenditures. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are published regularly by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication “Survey on consumption and San Marino family lifestyles”. The Committee nevertheless notes that no information is available in the cited publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics.  The Committee invites the Government to: (i) consult the representative organizations of employers and workers on the concepts, definitions and methodology used (in accordance with Article 3); and (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics (as required under Article 6).
Article 14. Statistics of occupational injuries. The Government indicates that it collects data on occupational injuries on an administrative basis by the Institute for Social Security and relies on injured workers attending the emergency department of the state hospital. The Office of Statistics publishes data on occupational injuries in the Economic Statistics Report annually. The data come from the Health Authority and are taken from the records of the only emergency department in the country. The Committee notes that the official estimates of the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics, covering all branches of economic activity, last provided data on occupational injuries to the ILO in 2015. In addition, the methodological information available is incomplete, as the concepts and definitions used in the statistics have not been communicated to the ILO Department of Statistics. The Committee reiterates its request that the Government provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on more detailed statistics as these become available.
Article 15. Statistics of industrial disputes. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked by economic activity) were provided, the Committee once again invites the Government to communicate this data, in accordance with Article 5 of the Convention.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2019, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee notes with deep concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments. The Committee informs the Government that, if it has not supplied replies to the points raised by 1 September 2020, then it may proceed with the examination of the application of the Convention on the basis of the information at its disposal at its next session.
Legislation. The Committee requests the Government to indicate any new legal provision relating to matters covered by the Convention and international standards used in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methods used in the collection, compilation and publication of the statistics required thereby.
Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the application of the latest international standards and to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (that is, Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.
Article 7. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the concepts, definitions and methodology used to produce the official estimates of labour force, employment and unemployment in San Marino.
Article 8. The Committee invites the Government to provide methodological information on the concepts and definitions relating to the register-based labour force statistics in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention be provided to the ILO.
Article 9(1). Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet broken down by sex, the Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to this end and to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field.
Article 9(2). The Committee asks the Government to ensure that statistics covered by these provisions are regularly transmitted to the ILO.
Article 10. The Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. The Committee notes that no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components. It therefore asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics for more than four groups in manufacturing, and to communicate these to the ILO as soon as practicable, in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee also asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile statistics of average compensation of employees in pursuance of Article 6.
Article 12. The Committee invites the Government to provide the methodological information on the new consumer price indices (CPI) (base December 2002 = 100) in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention.
Article 13. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are regularly published by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication, Survey on the consumption and the San Marino families life style. However, no information is available in this publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee invites the Government to:
  • (i) indicate whether the representative organizations of employers and workers that were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used were designed (in accordance with Article 3); and
  • (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics as required under Article 6.
Article 14. The Committee requests the Government to provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries.
Article 15. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked, by economic activity) were provided, the Committee invites the Government to communicate data in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee expects that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2018, published 108th ILC session (2019)

The Committee notes with deep concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments initially made in 2012.
Legislation. The Committee requests the Government to indicate any new legal provision relating to matters covered by the Convention and international standards used in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methods used in the collection, compilation and publication of the statistics required thereby.
Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the application of the latest international standards and to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (that is, Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.
Article 7. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the concepts, definitions and methodology used to produce the official estimates of labour force, employment and unemployment in San Marino.
Article 8. The Committee invites the Government to provide methodological information on the concepts and definitions relating to the register-based labour force statistics in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention be provided to the ILO.
Article 9(1). Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet broken down by sex, the Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to this end and to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field.
Article 9(2). The Committee asks the Government to ensure that statistics covered by these provisions are regularly transmitted to the ILO.
Article 10. The Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. The Committee notes that no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components. It therefore asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics for more than four groups in manufacturing, and to communicate these to the ILO as soon as practicable, in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee also asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile statistics of average compensation of employees in pursuance of Article 6.
Article 12. The Committee invites the Government to provide the methodological information on the new consumer price indices (CPI) (base December 2002 = 100) in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention.
Article 13. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are regularly published by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication, Survey on the consumption and the San Marino families life style. However, no information is available in this publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee invites the Government to:
  • (i) indicate whether the representative organizations of employers and workers that were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used were designed (in accordance with Article 3); and
  • (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics as required under Article 6.
Article 14. The Committee requests the Government to provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries.
Article 15. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked, by economic activity) were provided, the Committee invites the Government to communicate data in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee expects that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2017, published 107th ILC session (2018)

The Committee notes with deep concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments initially made in 2012.
Legislation. The Committee requests the Government to indicate any new legal provision relating to matters covered by the Convention and international standards used in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methods used in the collection, compilation and publication of the statistics required thereby.
Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the application of the latest international standards and to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (that is, Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.
Article 7. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the concepts, definitions and methodology used to produce the official estimates of labour force, employment and unemployment in San Marino.
Article 8. The Committee invites the Government to provide methodological information on the concepts and definitions relating to the register-based labour force statistics in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention be provided to the ILO.
Article 9(1). Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet broken down by sex, the Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to this end and to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field.
Article 9(2). The Committee asks the Government to ensure that statistics covered by these provisions are regularly transmitted to the ILO.
Article 10. The Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. The Committee notes that no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components. It therefore asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics for more than four groups in manufacturing, and to communicate these to the ILO as soon as practicable, in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee also asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile statistics of average compensation of employees in pursuance of Article 6.
Article 12. The Committee invites the Government to provide the methodological information on the new consumer price indices (CPI) (base December 2002 = 100) in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention.
Article 13. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are regularly published by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication, Survey on the consumption and the San Marino families life style. However, no information is available in this publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee invites the Government to:
  • (i) indicate whether the representative organizations of employers and workers that were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used were designed (in accordance with Article 3); and
  • (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics as required under Article 6.
Article 14. The Committee requests the Government to provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries.
Article 15. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked, by economic activity) were provided, the Committee invites the Government to communicate data in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee expects that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2016, published 106th ILC session (2017)

The Committee notes with deep concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
Legislation. The Committee requests the Government to indicate any new legal provision relating to matters covered by the Convention and international standards used in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methods used in the collection, compilation and publication of the statistics required thereby.
Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the application of the latest international standards and to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (that is, Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.
Article 7. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the concepts, definitions and methodology used to produce the official estimates of labour force, employment and unemployment in San Marino.
Article 8. The Committee invites the Government to provide methodological information on the concepts and definitions relating to the register-based labour force statistics in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention be provided to the ILO.
Article 9(1). Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet broken down by sex, the Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to this end and to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field.
Article 9(2). The Committee asks the Government to ensure that statistics covered by these provisions are regularly transmitted to the ILO.
Article 10. The Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. The Committee notes that no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components. It therefore asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics for more than four groups in manufacturing, and to communicate these to the ILO as soon as practicable, in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee also asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile statistics of average compensation of employees in pursuance of Article 6.
Article 12. The Committee invites the Government to provide the methodological information on the new consumer price indices (CPI) (base December 2002=100) in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention.
Article 13. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are regularly published by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication, Survey on the consumption and the San Marino families life style. However, no information is available in this publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee invites the Government to:
  • (i) indicate whether the representative organizations of employers and workers that were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used were designed (in accordance with Article 3); and
  • (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics as required under Article 6.
Article 14. The Committee requests the Government to provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries.
Article 15. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked, by economic activity) were provided, the Committee invites the Government to communicate data in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.
The Committee expects that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2015, published 105th ILC session (2016)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It expresses concern in this respect. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
Legislation. The Committee requests the Government to indicate any new legal provision relating to matters covered by the Convention and international standards used in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methods used in the collection, compilation and publication of the statistics required thereby.
Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the application of the latest international standards and to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (that is, Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.
Article 7. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the concepts, definitions and methodology used to produce the official estimates of labour force, employment and unemployment in San Marino.
Article 8. The Committee invites the Government to provide methodological information on the concepts and definitions relating to the register-based labour force statistics in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention be provided to the ILO.
Article 9(1). Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet broken down by sex, the Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to this end and to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field.
Article 9(2). The Committee asks the Government to ensure that statistics covered by these provisions are regularly transmitted to the ILO.
Article 10. The Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. The Committee notes that no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components. It therefore asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics for more than four groups in manufacturing, and to communicate these to the ILO as soon as practicable, in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee also asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile statistics of average compensation of employees in pursuance of Article 6.
Article 12. The Committee invites the Government to provide the methodological information on the new consumer price indices (CPI) (base December 2002=100) in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention.
Article 13. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are regularly published by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication, Survey on the consumption and the San Marino families life style. However, no information is available in this publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee invites the Government to:
  • (i) indicate whether the representative organizations of employers and workers that were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used were designed (in accordance with Article 3); and
  • (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics as required under Article 6.
Article 14. The Committee requests the Government to provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries.
Article 15. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked, by economic activity) were provided, the Committee invites the Government to communicate data in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2014, published 104th ILC session (2015)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its previous comments.
Part I of the report form. Legislation. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate any new legal provision relating to matters covered by the Convention and international standards used in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methods used in the collection, compilation and publication of the statistics required thereby.
Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the application of the latest international standards and to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (that is, Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.
Article 7. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the concepts, definitions and methodology used to produce the official estimates of labour force, employment and unemployment in San Marino.
Article 8. The Committee invites the Government to provide methodological information on the concepts and definitions relating to the register-based labour force statistics in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention be provided to the ILO.
Article 9(1). Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet broken down by sex, the Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to this end and to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field.
Article 9(2). The Committee asks the Government to ensure that statistics covered by these provisions are regularly transmitted to the ILO.
Article 10. The Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. The Committee notes that no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components. It therefore asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics for more than four groups in manufacturing, and to communicate these to the ILO as soon as practicable, in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee also asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile statistics of average compensation of employees in pursuance of Article 6.
Article 12. The Committee invites the Government to provide the methodological information on the new consumer price indices (CPI) (base December 2002=100) in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention.
Article 13. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are regularly published by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication, Survey on the consumption and the San Marino families life style. However, no information is available in this publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee invites the Government to:
  • (i) indicate whether the representative organizations of employers and workers that were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used were designed (in accordance with Article 3); and
  • (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics as required under Article 6.
Article 14. The Committee requests the Government to provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries.
Article 15. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked, by economic activity) were provided, the Committee invites the Government to communicate data in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2013, published 103rd ILC session (2014)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its 2012 observation, which read as follows:
The Committee notes that the Government provided its last report for the period ending in 2006. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments, which read as follows:
Part I of the report form. Legislation. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate any new legal provision relating to matters covered by the Convention and international standards used in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methods used in the collection, compilation and publication of the statistics required thereby.
Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the application of the latest international standards and to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (that is, Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.
Article 7. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the concepts, definitions and methodology used to produce the official estimates of labour force, employment and unemployment in San Marino.
Article 8. The Committee invites the Government to provide methodological information on the concepts and definitions relating to the register-based labour force statistics in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention be provided to the ILO.
Article 9(1). Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet broken down by sex, the Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to this end and to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field.
Article 9(2). The Committee asks the Government to ensure that statistics covered by these provisions are regularly transmitted to the ILO.
Article 10. The Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. The Committee notes that no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components. It therefore asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics for more than four groups in manufacturing, and to communicate these to the ILO as soon as practicable, in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee also asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile statistics of average compensation of employees in pursuance of Article 6.
Article 12. The Committee invites the Government to provide the methodological information on the new consumer price indices (CPI) (base December 2002=100) in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention.
Article 13. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are regularly published by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication, Survey on the consumption and the San Marino families life style. However, no information is available in this publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee invites the Government to:
  • (i) indicate whether the representative organizations of employers and workers that were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used were designed (in accordance with Article 3); and
  • (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics as required under Article 6.
Article 14. The Committee requests the Government to provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries.
Article 15. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked, by economic activity) were provided, the Committee invites the Government to communicate data in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2012, published 102nd ILC session (2013)

The Committee notes that the Government provided its last report for the period ending in 2006. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments, which read as follows:
Part I of the report form. Legislation. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate any new legal provision relating to matters covered by the Convention and international standards used in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methods used in the collection, compilation and publication of the statistics required thereby.
Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the application of the latest international standards and to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.
Article 7. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the concepts, definitions and methodology used to produce the official estimates of labour force, employment and unemployment in San Marino.
Article 8. The Committee invites the Government to provide methodological information on the concepts and definitions relating to the register-based labour force statistics in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention be provided to the ILO.
Article 9(1). Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet broken down by sex, the Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to this end and to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field.
Article 9(2). The Committee asks the Government to ensure that statistics covered by these provisions are regularly transmitted to the ILO.
Article 10. The Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. The Committee notes that no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components. It therefore asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics for more than four groups in manufacturing, and to communicate these to the ILO as soon as practicable, in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee also asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile statistics of average compensation of employees in pursuance of Article 6.
Article 12. The Committee invites the Government to provide the methodological information on the new consumer price indices (CPI) (base December 2002=100) in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention.
Article 13. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are regularly published by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication, Survey on the consumption and the San Marino families life style. However, no information is available in this publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee invites the Government to:
  • (i) indicate whether the representative organizations of employers and workers that were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used were designed (in accordance with Article 3); and
  • (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics as required under Article 6.
Article 14. The Committee requests the Government to provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries.
Article 15. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked, by economic activity) were provided, the Committee invites the Government to communicate data in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the future.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2011, published 101st ILC session (2012)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:
Part I of the report form. Legislation. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate any new legal provision relating to matters covered by the Convention and international standards used in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methods used in the collection, compilation and publication of the statistics required thereby.
Article 2 of the Convention. Referring to its previous comments, the Committee asks once again the Government to provide the ILO with information on the application of the latest international standards and to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.
Article 7. The Committee requests the Government to provide the ILO with the concepts, definitions and methodology used to produce the official estimates of labour force, employment and unemployment in San Marino.
Article 8. According to the report, the detailed demographic statistics are obtained from the population administrative registers, and not from the population census. The report provides an example of a model family in San Marino with a detailed composition of a model family’s budget and some other useful information. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would insure that methodological information on the concepts and definitions relating to the register-based labour force statistics in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention be provided to the ILO.
Article 9(1). Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet broken down by sex, the Committee once again asks it to take necessary steps to this end and to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field.
Article 9(2). The Committee notes the communication in 2006 of statistics on prevailing monthly wage rates and normal hours by occupation, derived from collective agreements, for publication in the ILO October Inquiry, the latest data referring to 2005. The Committee welcomes the progress made with regard to this Article and asks the Government to ensure that these statistics are regularly transmitted to the ILO.
Article 10. The Committee notes with concern that this Article has not yet been applied. There is no mention in the report of statistics on wage structure and distribution in the report, nor other information, on the composition of earnings and hours of work and on the distribution of employees by levels of earnings and hours of work. The Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this field.
Article 11. The Committee notes that no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components. It therefore asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics for more than four groups in manufacturing, and to communicate these to the ILO as soon as practicable, in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.
The Committee also asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile statistics of average compensation of employees in pursuance of Article 6.
Article 12. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide the ILO with the methodological information on the new consumer price indices (CPI) (base December 2002=100) in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention.
Article 13. The Government indicates that it provides some data relating to 2004 and illustrating the living standard conditions of the households in the country. However, the report does not specify the source of information. No response has been received to the ILO questionnaire on household income and expenditure statistics 2005, or to the ILO methodological questionnaire on the household income and expenditure survey. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are regularly published by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication, Survey on the consumption and the San Marino families life style available at pubblicazioni.html, and that summary statistics is available at However, no information is available in this publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would:
  • (i) indicate whether the representative organizations of employers and workers that were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used were designed (in accordance with Article 3); and
  • (ii) communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics as required under Article 6.
Article 14. The Committee notes that the Government’s report provides statistical data and analysis on the number of occupational injuries by branch of economic activity in 2000 and 2004, and on suspected work-related diseases for 2004. Annual data on occupational injuries covering all branches of economic activity have been provided to the ILO for publication in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics. However, as the concepts and definitions used in the statistics have not been provided to the ILO, the methodological information available is incomplete. The Committee requests the Government to provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries.
Article 15. The Committee notes that no information is given in the report regarding this Article. However, the following series of data were received for publication in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics (the most recent statistics received refer to 2005): (i) strikes and lockouts by economic activity; (ii) strikes and lockouts: workers involved, by economic activity; and (iii) strikes and lockouts: days not worked, by economic activity. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked, by economic activity) were provided, the Committee hopes that the Government will not fail to fulfil its obligation under this Article to communicate data regularly to the ILO in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2010, published 100th ILC session (2011)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

Part I of the report form. Legislation. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate any new legal provision relating to matters covered by the Convention and international standards used in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methods used in the collection, compilation and publication of the statistics required thereby.

Article 2 of the Convention.Referring to its previous comments, the Committee asks once again the Government to provide the ILO with information on the application of the latest international standards and to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.

Article 7.The Committee requests the Government to provide the ILO with the concepts, definitions and methodology used to produce the official estimates of labour force, employment and unemployment in San Marino.

Article 8. According to the report, the detailed demographic statistics are obtained from the population administrative registers, and not from the population census. The report provides an example of a model family in San Marino with a detailed composition of a model family’s budget and some other useful information. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would insure that methodological information on the concepts and definitions relating to the register-based labour force statistics in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention be provided to the ILO.

Article 9, paragraph 1. Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet broken down by sex, the Committee once again asks it to take necessary steps to this end and to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field.

Article 9, paragraph 2. The Committee notes the communication in 2006 of statistics on prevailing monthly wage rates and normal hours by occupation, derived from collective agreements, for publication in the ILO October Inquiry, the latest data referring to 2005. The Committee welcomes the progress made with regard to this Article and asks the Government to ensure that these statistics are regularly transmitted to the ILO.

Article 10. The Committee notes with concern that this Article has not yet been applied. There is no mention in the report of statistics on wage structure and distribution in the report, nor other information, on the composition of earnings and hours of work and on the distribution of employees by levels of earnings and hours of work. The Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this field.

Article 11. The Committee notes that no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components. It therefore asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics for more than four groups in manufacturing, and to communicate these to the ILO as soon as practicable, in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.

The Committee also asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile statistics of average compensation of employees in pursuance of Article 6.

Article 12. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide the ILO with the methodological information on the new consumer price indices (CPI) (base December 2002=100) in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention.

Article 13. The Government indicates that it provides some data relating to 2004 and illustrating the living standard conditions of the households in the country. However, the report does not specify the source of information. No response has been received to the ILO questionnaire on household income and expenditure statistics 2005, or to the ILO methodological questionnaire on the household income and expenditure survey. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are regularly published by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication, Survey on the consumption and the San Marino families life style available at
pubblicazioni.html, and that summary statistics is available at However, no information is available in this publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would:

(i)    indicate whether the representative organizations of employers and workers that were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used were designed (in accordance with Article 3); and

(ii)   communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics as required under Article 6.

Article 14. The Committee notes that the Government’s report provides statistical data and analysis on the number of occupational injuries by branch of economic activity in 2000 and 2004, and on suspected work-related diseases for 2004. Annual data on occupational injuries covering all branches of economic activity have been provided to the ILO for publication in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics. However, as the concepts and definitions used in the statistics have not been provided to the ILO, the methodological information available is incomplete. The Committee requests the Government to provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries.

Article 15. The Committee notes that no information is given in the report regarding this Article. However, the following series of data were received for publication in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics (the most recent statistics received refer to 2005): (i) strikes and lockouts by economic activity; (ii) strikes and lockouts: workers involved, by economic activity; and (iii) strikes and lockouts: days not worked, by economic activity. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked, by economic activity) were provided, the Committee hopes that the Government will not fail to fulfil its obligation under this Article to communicate data regularly to the ILO in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2009, published 99th ILC session (2010)

Part I of the report form.  Legislation.The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate any new legal provision relating to matters covered by the Convention and international standards used in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methods used in the collection, compilation and publication of the statistics required thereby.

Article 2 of the Convention. Referring to its previous comments, the Committee asks once again the Government to provide the ILO with information on the application of the latest international standards and to specify, for each Article of the Convention for which the obligations were accepted (i.e. Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15), which standards and guidelines are followed.

Article 7. The Committee requests the Government to provide the ILO with the concepts, definitions and methodology used to produce the official estimates of labour force, employment and unemployment in San Marino.

Article 8. According to the report, the detailed demographic statistics are obtained from the population administrative registers, and not from the population census. The report provides an example of a model family in San Marino with a detailed composition of a model family’s budget and some other useful information. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would insure that methodological information on the concepts and definitions relating to the register-based labour force statistics in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention be provided to the ILO.

Article 9, paragraph 1.Noting that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet broken down by sex, the Committee once again asks it to take necessary steps to this end and to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this field.

Article 9, paragraph 2. The Committee notes with interest the communication in 2006 of statistics on prevailing monthly wage rates and normal hours by occupation, derived from collective agreements, for publication in the ILO October Inquiry, the latest data referring to 2005. The Committee welcomes the progress made with regard to this Article and asks the Government to ensure that these statistics are regularly transmitted to the ILO.

Article 10. The Committee notes with concern that this Article has not yet been applied. There is no mention in the report of statistics on wage structure and distribution in the report, nor other information, on the composition of earnings and hours of work and on the distribution of employees by levels of earnings and hours of work. The Committee asks the Government to take necessary steps to give effect to this provision and to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this field.

Article 11. The Committee notes that no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components. It therefore asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics for more than four groups in manufacturing, and to communicate these to the ILO as soon as practicable, in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.

The Committee also asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile statistics of average compensation of employees in pursuance of Article 6.

Article 12. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide the ILO with the methodological information on the new consumer price indices (CPI) (base December 2002=100) in pursuance of Article 6 of this Convention.

Article 13. The Government indicates that it provides some data relating to 2004 and illustrating the living standard conditions of the households in the country. However, the report does not specify the source of information. No response has been received to the ILO questionnaire on household income and expenditure statistics 2005, or to the ILO methodological questionnaire on the household income and expenditure survey. The Committee notes that detailed statistics on household expenditures are regularly published by the Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics in the annual publication, Survey on the consumption and the San Marino families life style available at, and that summary statistics is available at However, no information is available in this publication about the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would:

(i)    indicate whether the representative organizations of employers and workers that were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methodology used were designed (in accordance with Article 3); and

(ii)   communicate a detailed description of the sources, concepts, definition and methodology used in collecting and compiling household income and expenditure statistics as required under Article 6.

Article 14. The Committee notes that the Government’s report provides statistical data and analysis on the number of occupational injuries by branch of economic activity in 2000 and 2004, and on suspected work-related diseases for 2004. Annual data on occupational injuries covering all branches of economic activity have been provided to the ILO for publication in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics. However, as the concepts and definitions used in the statistics have not been provided to the ILO, the methodological information available is incomplete. The Committee requests the Government to provide more comprehensive information about the statistical system, with particular reference to the concepts and definitions used for statistics on occupational injuries.

Article 15. The Committee notes that no information is given in the report regarding this Article. However, the following series of data were received for publication in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics (the most recent statistics received refer to 2005): (i) strikes and lockouts by economic activity; (ii) strikes and lockouts: workers involved, by economic activity; and (iii) strikes and lockouts: days not worked, by economic activity. As no data on strike and lockout (rates of days not worked, by economic activity) were provided, the Committee hopes that the Government will not fail to fulfil its obligation under this Article to communicate data regularly to the ILO in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2006, published 96th ILC session (2007)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee asks the Government to provide further information on the following points.

Article 6. The Committee asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile: (i) the statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked (Article 9, paragraph 1); (ii) the future statistics of average wage rates and normal hours of work on the basis of collective agreements (Article 9, paragraph 2); and (iii) the statistics of average compensation of employees (Article 11). It would also be very useful if the Centro Elaborazione Dati e Statistica could communicate to the ILO methodological information on the new CPI series base 1995=100 (Article 12).

Article 8. The Committee notes that, according to the information available in the ILO, census data have been replaced by data derived from population registers. It asks the Government to inform it of the major developments of this new statistical population programme.

Article 9. As regards Article 9, paragraph 1, the Committee notes that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet disaggregated by sex, due to practical difficulties. It notes, however, the Government’s indication that this may be rectified when administrative and computerized procedures allow for it. The Committee asks the Government to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this regard.

As regards Article 9, paragraph 2, the Committee notes that the Government envisages compiling statistics of hourly pay and normal working hours on the basis of collective agreements which will be disaggregated by economic activity, although it appears that they will not be compiled by occupation or occupational group. The Committee asks the Government whether such classification is possible on the basis of collective agreements, and, if so, it encourages the Government to compile the statistics, covered by this Article, by economic activity and occupation or occupational group.

Article 10. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that at present it is not possible to compile data on the composition of earnings and hours of work and on the distribution of employees by levels of earnings and hours of work. The Committee asks the Government to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this regard.

Article 11. The Committee notes that the statistics on compensation of employees cover all important branches of economic activity, while no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components (wages and salaries, and employers’ social security expenditure). It asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics, and, if so, to publish this information and communicate it to the ILO as soon as practicable (in accordance with Article 5).

Article 13. The Committee notes that in 1997 and 1998, household expenditure, income and saving surveys were carried out. It asks the Government to provide information on the 1999 survey as required under Articles 2, 3, 5 and 6.

Article 14. In the absence of new information in the Government’s report concerning statistics of occupational injuries, in response to the previous direct request, the Committee again asks the Government to indicate in accordance with Article 2, whether the latest standards and guidelines have been followed and, if not, the reasons for departures from them, for example: (i) why separate statistics are not produced for fatal injuries and injuries with temporary or permanent disability; and (ii) whether information is available regarding the number of workdays lost as a result of occupational injury. Please also indicate, in accordance with Article 5, the frequency of publication of these statistics. The Committee asks once again for a detailed description of the statistics, especially regarding the source and coverage of the data and the concepts, definitions and methodology used.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2005, published 95th ILC session (2006)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee asks the Government to provide further information on the following points.

Article 6. The Committee asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile: (i) the statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked (Article 9, paragraph 1); (ii) the future statistics of average wage rates and normal hours of work on the basis of collective agreements (Article 9, paragraph 2); and (iii) the statistics of average compensation of employees (Article 11). It would also be very useful if the Centro Elaborazione Dati e Statistica could communicate to the ILO methodological information on the new CPI series base 1995=100 (Article 12).

Article 8. The Committee notes that, according to the information available in the ILO, census data have been replaced by data derived from population registers. It asks the Government to inform it of the major developments of this new statistical population programme.

Article 9. As regards Article 9, paragraph 1, the Committee notes that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet disaggregated by sex, due to practical difficulties. It notes, however, the Government’s indication that this may be rectified when administrative and computerized procedures allow for it. The Committee asks the Government to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this regard.

As regards Article 9, paragraph 2, the Committee notes that the Government envisages compiling statistics of hourly pay and normal working hours on the basis of collective agreements which will be disaggregated by economic activity, although it appears that they will not be compiled by occupation or occupational group. The Committee asks the Government whether such classification is possible on the basis of collective agreements, and, if so, it encourages the Government to compile the statistics, covered by this Article, by economic activity and occupation or occupational group.

Article 10. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that at present it is not possible to compile data on the composition of earnings and hours of work and on the distribution of employees by levels of earnings and hours of work. The Committee asks the Government to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this regard.

Article 11. The Committee notes that the statistics on compensation of employees cover all important branches of economic activity, while no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components (wages and salaries, and employers’ social security expenditure). It asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics, and, if so, to publish this information and communicate it to the ILO as soon as practicable (in accordance with Article 5).

Article 13. The Committee notes that in 1997 and 1998, household expenditure, income and saving surveys were carried out. It asks the Government to provide information on the 1999 survey as required under Articles 2, 3, 5 and 6.

Article 14. In the absence of new information in the Government’s report concerning statistics of occupational injuries, in response to the previous direct request, the Committee again asks the Government to indicate in accordance with Article 2, whether the latest standards and guidelines have been followed and, if not, the reasons for departures from them, for example: (i) why separate statistics are not produced for fatal injuries and injuries with temporary or permanent disability; and (ii) whether information is available regarding the number of workdays lost as a result of occupational injury. Please also indicate, in accordance with Article 5, the frequency of publication of these statistics. The Committee asks once again for a detailed description of the statistics, especially regarding the source and coverage of the data and the concepts, definitions and methodology used.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2000, published 89th ILC session (2001)

The Committee notes the Government’s report and, in particular, the information supplied in reply to the previous request concerning Article 7 of the Convention. It asks the Government to provide further information on the following points.

Article 6.  The Committee asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, definitions and methods adopted to compile: (i) the statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked (Article 9, paragraph 1); (ii) the future statistics of average wage rates and normal hours of work on the basis of collective agreements (Article 9, paragraph 2); and (iii) the statistics of average compensation of employees (Article 11). It would also be very useful if the Centro Elaborazione Dati e Statistica could communicate to the ILO methodological information on the new CPI series base 1995=100 (Article 12).

Article 8.  The Committee notes that, according to the information available in the ILO, census data have been replaced by data derived from population registers. It asks the Government to inform it of the major developments of this new statistical population programme.

Article 9.  As regards Article 9, paragraph 1, the Committee notes that the annual statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not yet disaggregated by sex, due to practical difficulties. It notes, however, the Government’s indication that this may be rectified when administrative and computerized procedures allow for it. The Committee asks the Government to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this regard.

As regards Article 9, paragraph 2, the Committee notes that the Government envisages compiling statistics of hourly pay and normal working hours on the basis of collective agreements which will be disaggregated by economic activity, although it appears that they will not be compiled by occupation or occupational group. The Committee asks the Government whether such classification is possible on the basis of collective agreements, and, if so, it encourages the Government to compile the statistics, covered by this Article, by economic activity and occupation or occupational group.

Article 10.  The Committee notes the Government’s indication that at present it is not possible to compile data on the composition of earnings and hours of work and on the distribution of employees by levels of earnings and hours of work. The Committee asks the Government to keep the ILO informed of any future developments in this regard.

Article 11.  The Committee notes that the statistics on compensation of employees cover all important branches of economic activity, while no information is available on the structure of compensation of employees by major components (wages and salaries, and employers’ social security expenditure). It asks the Government whether it is possible to compile such statistics, and, if so, to publish this information and communicate it to the ILO as soon as practicable (in accordance with Article 5).

Article 13.  The Committee notes that in 1997 and 1998, household expenditure, income and saving surveys were carried out. It asks the Government to provide information on the 1999 survey as required under Articles 2, 3, 5 and 6.

Article 14.  In the absence of new information in the Government’s report concerning statistics of occupational injuries, in response to the previous direct request, the Committee again asks the Government to indicate in accordance with Article 2, whether the latest standards and guidelines have been followed and, if not, the reasons for departures from them, for example: (i) why separate statistics are not produced for fatal injuries and injuries with temporary or permanent disability; and (ii) whether information is available regarding the number of workdays lost as a result of occupational injury. Please also indicate, in accordance with Article 5, the frequency of publication of these statistics. The Committee asks once again for a detailed description of the statistics, especially regarding the source and coverage of the data and the concepts, definitions and methodology used.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1995, published 83rd ILC session (1996)

The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in reply to its previous request, in particular, concerning Articles 2 (regarding Article 7), and 3 of the Convention, and requests the Government to supply further information on the following points.

Article 7. Please communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, scope and coverage of statistics of the economically active population, employment and unemployment, in accordance with Article 6.

Articles 9 and 11. Please indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO information on the methodology followed to compile the statistics of average earnings and hours of work, and of the statistics of compensation of employees, as well as information on the concepts and definition used, in accordance with Article 6.

Article 9, paragraph 1. The Committee notes that statistics of average earnings and hours actually worked are not compiled by sex. The Government's report indicates that in San Marino there is no difference by sex in wage rates, hours and duration of work. The Committee points out that earnings actually paid may nevertheless differ between men and women, due to a number of reasons, such as hours actually worked, seniority, level of qualification. It also recalls that Recommendation No. 170 indicates that these statistics should be classified at least according to branch of economic activity and sex (paragraph 3(2)). The Committee therefore asks the Government to state the reasons for not following this guideline as regards sex, in accordance with Article 2.

Article 9, paragraph 2. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate the reasons why statistics of time rate of wages and normal hours of work are not compiled.

Article 10. Please state whether measures are taken or envisaged to compile, produce and publish statistics in conformity with this Article of the Convention, i.e. statistics on the composition of earnings (for time worked, for time not worked, bonuses and allowances, etc.) and hours of work (normal and overtime hours); and on the distribution of employees according to levels of earnings and hours of work.

Article 11. Please indicate the measures taken or envisaged to extend the scope of statistics of compensation of employees, which are at present limited to six major groups of manufacturing, to other important major groups or branches of economic activity. The Committee would also draw the Government's attention to the requirement under this Article that, where possible, these statistics should be consistent with data on paid employment, average earnings and hours actually worked.

Article 13. The Committee notes that no specific survey of household income and expenditure is conducted but that, according to the report, it is planned to carry out such a survey. It asks the Government to continue to supply information on any measures taken to collect, compile and publish the statistics in accordance with this Article.

Article 14. The Committee notes that the publication of statistics of occupational injuries has been resumed but that no differentiation is made in these statistics as to the gravity and consequence of the injuries. It asks the Government to indicate, in accordance with Article 2, whether the latest standards and guidelines have been followed and the reasons for departures from them: for example, why separate statistics are not produced for fatal injuries and injuries with temporary or permanent disability; whether information is available regarding the number of workdays lost as a result of occupational injury. Please also indicate, in accordance with Article 5, the periodicity of the publication of these statistics, which appeared most recently in a separate appendix to a 1993 issue of the Bulletin of Statistics. Finally, please communicate to the ILO a detailed description of the statistics, especially regarding the source and coverage of the data and the concepts, definitions and methodology used.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1994, published 81st ILC session (1994)

The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in reply to its previous request, in particular concerning Articles 8 and 15 of the Convention and the attached copies of legislation which applies the provision of the Convention.

Article 2. The Committee again requests the Government to state, for each of the Articles of Part II of the Convention, the international standards and guidelines followed and the reasons for any departure from them. For example, regarding Article 7, please indicate the extent to which account is taken of the resolution on statistics of the economically active population, employment and unemployment, adopted by the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) in 1982, and of International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) 1968 and 1988, the Classification of Status in Employment and UN classifications (ISIC-68 or ISIC Rev.2).

Article 3. The Committee notes the Government's indication in the report that the demands of the workers' and employers' organizations are borne in mind when drawing up labour statistics. It requests the Government to specify the manner in which such organizations are consulted in designing or revising the concept, definitions and methodology used for each of the Articles of Part II.

Article 7. The Committee requests the Government to communicate to the ILO specific methodological information on the concepts, scope and coverage of statistics of the economically active population, employment and unemployment, in accordance with Article 6.

Articles 9 and 11. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the measures taken to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO information on the methodology followed to compile the statistics of average earnings and hours of work, and those of compensation of employees, in accordance with Article 6.

Article 9, paragraph 2. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the reasons why statistics of time rates of wages and normal hours of work are not compiled.

Article 10. Having no evidence that statistics of wage structure and distribution are compiled, the Committee asks the Government to state whether measures are taken or considered to compile, produce and publish statistics on the composition of earnings and the distribution of employees according to levels of earnings and hours of work.

Article 11. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the measures taken or contemplated to extend the scope of statistics of compensation of employees, which are at present limited to six major groups of manufacturing, to other important major groups or branches of economic activity.

Article 13. Noting the Government's indications in the report that statistics are not compiled on household expenditure and household income, the Committee asks it to state whether it is contemplating, at a future date, the collection, compilation and publication of such statistics.

Article 14. The Committee notes that statistics on occupational injuries are in the process of compilation, and hopes that they will soon be published and communicated to the ILO. It also requests the Government to communicate to the ILO a detailed description of the source, concepts, definitions and methodology used, in accordance with Article 6.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1992, published 79th ILC session (1992)

The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its first report. It asks the Government to provide information on the following points:

Point I of the report form. Please give a list of the laws and regulations etc., which apply the provisions of the Convention.

Article 2 of the Convention. The Committee notes the Government's indication in its report that the international standards and guidelines are complied with, and requests the Government to state, for each of the Articles of Part II of the Convention, the standards and guidelines followed and the reasons for any departures from them.

Article 3. The Committee notes the Government's statement that the tables in the official statistics bulletin have been jointly prepared and submitted to the representative organisations of employers and workers. Please supply further information on the manner in which the organisations of employers and workers were consulted in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methodology used, for each of the Articles of Part II.

Article 6. The Committee asks the Government to indicate the steps taken or contemplated to produce, publish and communicate to the ILO methodological information on the statistics covered by the Convention.

Article 7. Please state the coverage of the current statistics of employment and unemployment, and the extent to which they reflect the economically active population. The Committee notes that these current statistics are published as "official estimates" and asks the Government to state what is meant by this expression and to indicate the source(s) of the statistics, in accordance with Article 5.

Article 8. The Committee notes that a population census was carried out on 30 November 1976. Please indicate, in accordance with Article 5, the name and other reference information concerning the publication of its results, and the dates of any earlier or planned future censuses.

Article 9, paragraph 1. Please indicate the source(s) of the current statistics of average earnings and hours of work and what is meant by "official estimates", in accordance with Article 5.

Article 9, paragraph 2. Please state whether statistics of time rates of wages and normal hours of work are compiled, and, if not, please state the reasons.

Article 10. The Government states in its report that the statistics covered by this Article appear annually in a table in the "Bulletin of Statistics". However, no such statistics appear to be available in the ILO. The Committee notes this information and requests the Government to communicate to the ILO the published statistics of wage structure and distribution in accordance with Article 5.

Article 11. The Committee notes that the statistics of compensation of employees are limited to manufacturing and asks the Government to supply information on steps taken or contemplated to extend the scope of these statistics to other important branches of economic activity, to indicate whether data on employment and hours of work consistent with those on compensation of employees are compiled, and to state the source(s) of the statistics of compensation of employees and what is meant by "official estimates" (Article 5).

Article 13. Please state whether statistics are compiled on household expenditure and household income.

Article 14, paragraph 1. The Committee notes the Government's indication in the report that the compilation and publication of statistics of occupational injuries which have been suspended since 1984 will be resumed in 1991, and requests the Government to state its coverage, the source of the data and the reference information of their publication.

Article 14, paragraph 2. Please state whether statistics are compiled on occupational diseases.

Article 15. Please provide information on the coverage of the statistics of industrial disputes and on the source of the statistics in accordance with Article 5, and on the organisation responsible for collecting, compiling and publishing the statistics of industrial disputes (point III of the report form).

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