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Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) - Zambia (Ratification: 1979)

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Individual Case (CAS) - Discussion: 1995, Publication: 82nd ILC session (1995)

A Government representative of Zambia expressed appreciation for the observations and concern of the Committee of Experts. Whilst the objective of the Zambian Government's policy was promotion of full employment, the trend had been unsatisfactory over recent years, due to various factors. These ranged from a depressed economy to rising population. During the second republic, many parastatal enterprises survived on government subsidies. However, the new Government, installed in 1991, had adopted a policy not to subsidize any parastatal companies. Consequently, some companies had had to go under, in the process throwing many people out of jobs. The thrust of the government effort to create more employment had been to establish an environment in which both local and international investment could thrive. In this connection measures such as trade liberalization, deregulation of the market, strengthening of the financial sector, privatization and public reform programmes had been set up to contribute towards macroeconomic stability, with the objective of expanding the economy and employment opportunities. The effects of these measures would begin to show only later. In the immediate future the effects of the structural adjustment programme and the conditions placed on the financial assistance being provided had exacerbated the unemployment situation and the standard of living generally.

Employment in the formal sector had been contracting; on the other hand, the informal sector had grown. The informal sector was estimated to have accounted for 2.1 million people in 1993 and for 2.3 million people in 1994. In 1993 the public sector, which included the central government, local government and parastatal companies, accounted for 312,000 people, whilst the private sector accounted for 203,000; in 1994 there were 280,000 in the public sector and 202,000 in the private sector.

With regard to the distribution of jobs within the public and private sectors, before 1991, only 20 per cent of the economy was in private hands and 80 per cent was governmentally controlled, either directly or through parastatal companies. The policy of the new Government established in 1991 was to dismantle the large parastatal sector through a privatization programme, but employment continued to be dominated by the public and parastatal sectors. Various social safety nets had been put in place to soften the impact of the effects of structural adjustment. In the Ministry of Community Development, funds had been put aside for the purpose of assisting the poor and vulnerable groups. In the Ministry of Labour and Social Security a safety net had also been established to assist primarily workers who were retrenched or retired, in the form of counselling on self-employment prospects, establishment of small-scale and cottage industries, and resettlement. For the public service employees, a programme existed to assist in an alternative employment search, counsel on self-employment programmes, etc., conducted through specially organized workshops and seminars.

Concerning Article 3 of the Convention, organized labour was consulted through the Tripartite Consultative Labour Council established under the Industrial and Labour Relations Act. On this Council both the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions and the Zambia Federation of Employers were represented. The other consultative body was the National Economic Council which had much wider representation including from trade unions, employment associations, non-governmental organizations, industry and other pressure groups. From time to time other representatives participated in the Council in order to secure maximum cooperation and support.

Concerning action taken as a result of the ILO technical cooperation projects on employment, labour-intensive public works in the area of road rehabilitation had mushroomed, particularly in the rural areas. Discussions were going on with the ILO and the donor agencies to expand these activities.

Lastly, the speaker expressed the Government's wish to work closely with the ILO in fulfilment of the obligations undertaken by ratification of various Conventions including the one under discussion, and to take full advantage of the regional multidisciplinary advisory team in this connection.

The Workers' member thanked the Government representative for his precise statement, which addressed all of the questions raised by the Committee of Experts in their report. During the lengthy discussion on Convention No. 122 in respect of Spain, many of the principal and controversial issues on No. 122 were discussed, and further deliberation on the value and use of the Convention and the precise nature of the Government's responsibilities was not necessary. The Workers noted that this was the first African country discussed concerning Convention No. 122; that most often Committee discussions of cases concerning Convention No. 122 involved industrialized countries; and that it was useful to get a feel for the position in Africa, Asia and South America on the application of Convention No. 122. The Committee of Experts' observation indicated that Zambia had many of the same problems as other countries throughout the world.

The Workers' members took positive note of the existence of a framework for tripartite discussions through the National Economic Advisory Council and the Tripartite Consultative Labour Council, as tripartite consultation was particularly important. The Committee of Experts had noted that these bodies were competent to deal with matters concerning the development and utilization of manpower, but added that the importance of the rural and informal sector areas in the country demanded that workers in these areas should be involved in the tripartite discussions and requested information on the manner in which these workers were consulted on employment policies. The Workers' members pointed out that the Government representative had stated that apart from the tripartite consultation body, the National Economic Advisory Council existed which could include other interested bodies, and therefore asked the Government to confirm that the other interested bodies included representatives of both rural areas and the informal sector.

Paragraph 2 of the Committee of Experts' observation had expressed concern that the Government seemed to be accepting perhaps too calmly the massive disruption which was taking place in the restructuring of the economy. When a country was involved in a structural reorganization of its economy involving a whole series of movements from public sector to private sector work, the Convention demanded that ratifying governments take into account the very poorest in their communities. The Government representative indicated that this was precisely what the Government was trying to do. The Workers' members asked that more positive information be provided in the Government's next report on the measures taken to mitigate the impact that these policies had on the population.

The Workers' members drew attention to the Government representative's statement that many of the ILO technical cooperation projects were taking place in rural areas on public works. The Workers' members particularly welcomed this because so often only public sector projects could alleviate the poverty of some areas in the country and could assist in dealing with the structural transition of privatization and the movement of work from the public to the private sector. The Workers' members asked that in its next report to the Committee of Experts the Government give more details of the practical achievements resulting from the ILO technical cooperation projects.

The Employers' members also expressed appreciation for the information provided by the Government representative, and agreed with most of the points made by the Workers' members. They pointed out that it had been helpful to be able to have a discussion of two different cases on Convention No. 122 because they demonstrated two points quite clearly. First, there were differences in the circumstances of a developing country versus one that was somewhat more developed, and yet, there was some commonality in terms of the overall problems faced. All countries were having to deal with structural adjustment as a result of rapid and constant change throughout the world. Second, specific information as to the results of the various programmes that the Government had engaged in was required in order to have concrete discussion. One of the fundamental differences which distinguished this case from the case discussed earlier related to the very large and apparently growing informal sector, which called for quite different measures than were applicable in the earlier case. All countries sought to mitigate, where possible, the social consequences of structural adjustment, and there were two different examples of the government policies in this area in this case, especially with respect to training and education programmes targeted at ensuring some sort of distribution of the effects of structural adjustment. However, the Employers' members believed that too much emphasis could be placed in that area resulting in labour market rigidities that could result in further unemployment and urged the Government to keep this in mind.

The Workers' member of Zimbabwe stated that this case was a benchmark for Africa. Most African Governments, especially in the southern region, had embarked on the IMF and World Bank structural adjustment programmes, which were put in place primarily to create employment; but in reality, no employment policy had been put into place which promoted job creation. Because the structural adjustments emphasized the monetary side, they emphasized the shedding of excessive labour; consequently in almost all the countries, retrenchment was increasing and no new jobs had been created. The devastating effects of these structural adjustments programmes were destroying the whole fabric of African families and poverty was on the increase. Although consultation was taking place it was limited and needed to be widened, and more emphasis needed to be placed on employment creation. Full employment required both sound monetary and sound industrial relations. Participation by the whole population in the design and implementation of economic structuring and development was a precondition for mobilizing the human and the material resources essential for economic recovery and development which would enhance productivity and ensure that people's initiatives and their moral values largely contributed to the economic approach which was necessary for employment creation. The speaker called upon the Zambian Government to widen its consultation to include rural and informal sector workers and to put in place those policies that would promote employment creation.

The Government representative affirmed that consultations in the formation of policy on human resources went much wider than the employers' and workers' organizations. He took note of the views expressed, thanked all those who spoke on this case and promised to provide in its next report to the Committee of Experts all the information requested.

The Committee welcomed the statement of the Government representative indicating the safeguards taken in the context of structural adjustment to alleviate likely distress on the employment front. The Committee noted that there existed a framework for consultations with the employers and workers in the tripartite Labour Consultation Council and that the National Economic Advisory Council also could be recognized as a forum for consultations. The Committee also wanted the rural and informal sectors to be associated with such consultations. The Committee called for more positive information in its next report on the practical aspects of consultations and consequences of reform, in particular it asked for information on the impact of ILO technical cooperation on rural areas and training programmes for improving the employability of the people. The Committee particularly urged that the targeted programmes should result in the distribution of the fruits of reform amongst the poorer sections so that the objective of Convention No. 122 could really be achieved.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2023, published 112nd ILC session (2024)

Articles 1 to 3 of the Convention. Formulation and implementation of an active employment policy and coordinated with the poverty reduction strategy. Inclusive consultations. The Committee notes with interest the adoption of the Zambia Decent Work Country Programme 2020-22 (DWCP), which was developed with the participation of a broad range of actors, including workers’ and employers’ organizations. The DWCP includes among its key priorities enhancing economic diversification with a view to creating more and better jobs opportunities for all, particularly young persons, women and persons with disabilities, with a focus on key economic sectors and the rural economy. In this regard, it envisages the adoption of measures to improve the policy environment to facilitate pro-employment growth, such as the adoption of the National Employment and Labour Market Policy (NELMP). The Committee further notes that the DWCP Steering Committee, comprising technical experts from the Government, social partners, and other stakeholders, will be responsible for monitoring the timely delivery of DWCP interventions. Moreover, the Government reports that in 2022 K25.7 million (US$1.6m) per constituency were allocated to the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), 60 per cent of which was allocated to community projects related to youth and women economic empowerment; 20 per cent to secondary school and 20 per cent to skills Development Bursaries. With regard to labour market trends, the Committee observes that, according to the 2021 Labour Force Survey (LFS), the labour force participation rate was 36 per cent (44 per cent for men and 28.3 per cent for women), the employment-to-population ratio was 31.5 per cent (39 per cent for men and 24.3 per cent for women), and the unemployment rate was 12.5 per cent (11.4 per cent for men and 14.1 per cent for women). The Committee requests the Government to provide updated information on the status of the adoption of the National Employment and Labour Market Policy (NELMP). It also requests the Government to provide updated information on the nature and the impact of the specific measures adopted within the framework of the Zambia Decent Work Country Programme 2020-22 (DWCP), as well as of all other active labour market measures relevant to the creation of opportunities for decent, productive and sustainable employment. Moreover, the Committee requests the Government to provide up-to-date information illustrating the situation and trends of the active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment, disaggregated by age and sex. Lastly, the Committee requests the Government to provide concrete examples of the manner in which account is taken of the opinions and experiences of the social partners in the development, implementation and review of employment policy measures and programmes and their coordination with other economic and social policies.
Informal economy. The Committee observes that, according to the DWCP, unemployment and underemployment continue to be a major challenge especially among young persons, women, and persons with disabilities, mainly due to inadequate attention to the informal economy. According to the LFS 2021, 65 per cent of the employed were in the informal economy, while only 35 per cent were in the formal economy. The agricultural sector has the highest share of informal employment (89.2 per cent). Recognizing the difficulties associated to the fact that a very large proportion of the labour force in Zambia is employed in the informal economy, the Committee wishes to stress that employment policies play a significant role in promoting transitions from the informal to the formal economy by addressing the factors that drive individuals and enterprises to operate informally. As such, when properly designed and implemented, they can play a catalytic role in accelerating the transition from the informal to the formal economy, leading to more inclusive, productive, and resilient labour markets by creating an enabling environment that encourages formalization, while also providing targeted support to facilitate the transition process. Specific examples showing how employment policies can promote transitions from the informal to the formal economy include measures aimed at: (i) reducing administrative burden and red-tape; (ii) strengthening and extending social protection as a means to enrol enterprises and their workers; (iii) promoting access to finance and business development services, including access to credit and training, as these are often lacking for informal enterprises; (iv) enhancing labour market placement and intermediation and skills development services; (v) raising awareness and promoting formalization; (vi) tailoring policies to specific sectors and occupations as the informal economy is not monolithic, and informalization patterns vary across sectors and occupations; (vii) promoting dialogue and collaboration among all relevant stakeholders for effective policy formulation and implementation; (viii) monitoring and evaluating policy impacts as this is crucial to assess policy effectiveness in promoting transitions from informality to formality. The Committee therefore wishes to draw the Government’s attention to the possibility to mobilize the potential of recently launched ILO tools such as the Employment Policy Design Lab, which was created as a space to showcase approaches, tools and good country practices that can support policymakers develop and implement more effective employment policies compliant with ILO standards in this subject area. In view of the above, the Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information on the nature and the impact of the programmes and measures implemented to facilitate workers’ transition from the informal to the formal economy, particularly in the agricultural sector.In this respect, the Committee also draws the Government’s attention to the comprehensive guidance provided in the Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy Recommendation, 2015 (No. 204).
Promotion of micro, small and medium-sized (MSME) enterprises. The Committee notes that the DWCP envisages the adoption of measures to review the policy, legal and regulatory framework (PLRF) governing the business development arena as it relates to the informal economy, specifically promoting access to affordable finance and productive resources, including titled land, and creating awareness among target groups of the support services available to them for growth-oriented entrepreneurship. The Government reports that, in 2021, the Zambian Development Agency (ZDA) provided entrepreneurship and enterprise development services to 4,079 MSME, which created 6,334 jobs. The Government adds that the ZDA contributed to the formalization of 172 MSME (57 in the agricultural sector), representing a 23.74 per cent increase to the previous year. In addition, the Business Development Services (BDs) provided support to 4,079 MSMEs, 51 per cent of which were owned exclusively by women, 47 per cent by young persons and 2 per cent by persons with disabilities. In addition, grants were provided to 135 projects (45 per cent for women and 19 for young persons) by the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission. The Committee wishes to stress that creating a favourable environment for the emergence of sustainable micro, small and medium sized enterprises represents a key component for effective formalization strategies and decent work and productive employment creation. It therefore requests the Government to continue to provide detailed information on the initiatives taken or envisaged to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and to promote the creation of sustainable jobs through micro and small enterprises. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on the status of the revision of the policy, legal and regulatory framework (PLRF) governing business development.
Article 2.Labour market information. The Committee notes from the DWCP, development planning does not achieve required results for key target groups, especially women and those groups of population in vulnerable situations, because it is not adequately informed by the necessary data that would improve design and targeting. In this context, the DWCP includes among its goals enhancing data collection and reporting on labour market disaggregated data by social groups (gender, rural-urban, persons with disabilities and persons living with HIV) for improved labour market analysis of vulnerable groups. In this regard, it envisages the development of the Labour Market Information System and the strengthening of gender sensitive labour market information data collection. Underlining the importance of a labour market data collection system for informed policy-making and determining the best-suited measures to be adopted to attain the objectives of the Convention and to review the efficiency of those measures regularly, the Committee requests the Government to indicate the measures taken or contemplated to improve the labour market information system and to indicate in particular the manner in which collected data are used to formulate, implement and review employment policy measures. It also requests the Government to provide information on the status of the development of the Labour Market Information System.
Sectoral development strategies. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government regarding the projects implemented in the agricultural, aquaculture, agro-processing and mining sectors to address the disparities in levels of employment among provinces as well as between urban and rural areas. The Government refers, among others, to the implementation of the Cashew Infrastructure Development Project (CIPD) with the financial support of the African Development Bank (ADB) to enhance the cashew industry and contribute to economic growth and food security in the Western province. The CIPD will generate approximately 6,000 full time jobs (3,000 of which will be for women in rural areas and 1,000 for young persons), particularly farmers and processors. The Government also refers to the implementation of the Aquaculture Enterprise Development Project, which is aimed at enhancing production and productivity in the aquaculture subsector to promote economic diversification, food security and sustainable employment generation in Siavonga, Chipepo, Bangwelu, Kasempa, Rufunsa and Mungwi. The Government reports that, in the framework of the project, 40,500 have been employed in the aquaculture subsector, 50 per cent of which are women. Other projects implemented include the Zambia Mining and Environmental Remediation Improvement Project (ZMERIP) (2017-22) funded by the World Bank (WB), which includes a subcomponent “Livelihood Program” aimed to provide access to income generation and environmentally safe livelihoods for women and unemployed youth living in areas that were affected by past mining activities. The ZMERIP targets the communities living in Chingola, Kabwe, Kitwe and Mufulira municipalities. Lastly, the Government reports that, according to the monitoring on the performance of MSEME carried out by ZDA in 2021, the manufacturing sector created the highest number of jobs, followed by the agriculture and mining sectors. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the nature and the impact of the measures taken to promote productive employment and improve the quantity and quality of employment opportunities in the rural, manufacturing, mining and other growth sectors. Noting with regret the absence of information requested in this regard, the Committee also reiterates once again that the Government provide information on the involvement of representatives of persons working in the sectors in the development and implementation of sectoral policies and strategies.
Impact of HIV and AIDS workplace wellness policies. The Committee notes that the Government refers to the continuation of the implementation of the National Aids Strategic Framework (NASF) 2017-2021, which provides a framework for the implementation of evidence-based HIV and AIDS programmes. The Government also indicates the establishment of the legal obligation for employers to adopt a HIV/AIDS policy to provide support and protection to workers living with HIV. The Government adds that, as a result, less cases of discrimination of employees in the workplace due to their HIV status have been recorded.
Education and vocational training. Youth employment. The Committee notes from the 2021 LFS report that, in 2021, 2,033,232 young persons aged 15 to 35 years were in employment (43.2 per cent in the informal sector). Of the total employed young persons, 62.4 per cent were men and 37.6 per cent women. The Committee also that notes that employed young persons whose highest level of education attained was secondary (grades 8–12) had the highest percentage share at 59.6 per cent, while those with no education or that attended up until the nursery had the lowest share of the employed young persons (0.1 per cent). The Committee notes that the DWCP envisages the adoption of measures to improve the development of skills with a view to increasing productivity and employability among young persons, especially in the informal economy, key economic sectors and rural areas. In particular, it envisages the revision of the Apprenticeship Act of 1964 to align it to the labour market dynamics and of the Action Plan on youth empowerment programmes. The Committee notes, nonetheless, the Government’s indication that challenges in the Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training (TEVET) system remain, including high rates of dropouts, the absence of enough learning opportunities, the low participation of the private sector in the provision of TEVET, the mismatch between the technology in the TEVET institutions and the one used in the industry and the slow review of the curricula to match the fast-changing technology. In this respect, the Government indicates that measures have taken to increase access to and participation in TEVET, such as the construction of new trades training institutes (TTIS) and youth resource centers, the introduction of the two-tier system to increase access to skills training and equip secondary school learners with practical skills acquisition and lifelong learning with a view to enhancing their employability. Moreover, a training levy was introduced to promote the participation of the private sector in the provision of TEVET. The Government also indicates the implementation of the Youth Skills Empowerment Programme, which provides entrepreneurship skills to young people to enable them to participate in Constituency Development Fund (CDF) projects. The Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information, including disaggregated statistical data, on the nature and extent of the activities undertaken by TEVET and on their impact. It reiterates its requests to the Government to continue to provide updated information on the measures taken to update and enhance the vocational education, guidance and training system in order to ensure that education and training courses are designed and delivered to meet the demand on the labour market for skills in the various economic sectors. Finally, in the absence of the information requested in this regard, the Committee once again asks the Government to indicate whether the social partners and representatives of groups affected were consulted with regard to updating and enhancing of the vocational education, guidance and training system.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2019, published 109th ILC session (2021)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Active employment policy and poverty reduction strategy. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the impact of the different plans implemented in order to achieve full, productive and freely chosen employment, as well as information on the impact of the activities related to employment promotion carried out under the Zambia Decent Work Country Programme (ZDWCP). The Government reports on some of the major achievements of the ZDWCP, which include: preparation of the draft revised National Employment and Labour Market Policy, which is currently pending at the Cabinet approval stage; adoption of amendments to the National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) and the Employment Act, to change the retirement age and prohibit the casualization of labour, respectively; the launch of the youth employment policy and action plan by the President; the preparation of a report on green jobs in the building industry; and increased awareness of workers’ rights among employers, particularly in the formal sector. The Government adds that the full implementation of the ZDWCP was hampered by challenges that included inadequate budgetary and technical resources, weak inter- and intra-institutional coordination and collaboration, weak monitoring and evaluation systems, and a weakened national economy. The Committee reiterates its request that the Government provide detailed information on the impact of the different plans implemented with the aim of achieving full, productive and freely chosen employment in Zambia. It also reiterates its request that the Government provide information on the impact of the activities relevant to the promotion of employment taken in the framework of the ZDWCP. In addition, noting the Government’s description of the challenges encountered in implementing the Decent Work Country Programme, the Committee invites the Government to indicate the manner in which these challenges are being addressed, with a view to enhancing results achieved under the Programme.
Labour market information. The Committee welcomes the detailed statistics derived from the 2017 Labour Force Survey (LFS) and supplied by the Government in response to its previous comments. The Government reports that in 2017, the economically active population of Zambia was estimated at 5,049,059 persons: 2,759,098 men (55 per cent) and 2,289,961 women (45 per cent). The Committee notes that three-quarters of employed persons – 75.9 per cent – were in the informal economy, while 24.1 per cent were in formal employment. It further notes that, according to the 2017 LFS results, the overall unemployment rate reached 41.2 per cent in 2017, a sharp increase compared with the 7.9 per cent unemployment rate of 2012 indicated in the Government’s 2015 report. The Government adds that unemployment rates are significantly higher among women (48.8 per cent) compared with men (34.8 per cent). The Committee further notes disparities in employment between urban and rural areas. In 2017, urban areas had a significantly higher unemployment rate than rural areas (50.8 per cent compared to 32.2 per cent, respectively). Regional disparities are also significant, ranging from the highest unemployment rate (67.4 per cent) in Western province to the lowest unemployment rate in Lusaka Province (29.1 per cent). The Committee requests the Government to continue to communicate updated statistical data, disaggregated by age, sex and region, as well as other relevant data concerning the size and distribution of the labour force, the extent of unemployment and underemployment in the country, as well as the size and distribution of the informal economy. The Committee further requests the Government to provide information on measures taken or envisaged to address the disparities in levels of employment among the provinces as well as between rural and urban areas. The Committee further requests the Government to provide detailed information on active labour market measures taken or envisaged to promote women’s access to the labour market, particularly to employment in the formal sector.
Sectoral development strategies. The Committee once again requests the Government to provide information on the impact of the measures taken to promote productive employment and improve the quantity and quality of employment opportunities in the rural, manufacturing, mining and other growth sectors. It also reiterates its previous request that the Government provide information on the involvement of representatives of persons working in the sectors in the development and implementation of sectoral policies and strategies.
Impact of HIV and AIDS workplace wellness policies. The Committee welcomes the information provided by the Government on the development and implementation of HIV and AIDS workplace wellness policies and their impact on employment generation. The Government reports that 1,956 labour inspections were conducted in Zambia in 2017. The inspections concerned 30,000 employees and showed that many of the enterprises inspected had an HIV workplace policy or programme in place that championed HIV and AIDS wellness. The Committee notes with interest that the inspections have shown a reduction in incidents of HIV-related employment discrimination. The Committee considers that such policies, particularly where they are aligned with the principles of the HIV and AIDS Recommendation, 2010 (No. 200), can effectively address non-discrimination, voluntary HIV testing, safe working environment, awareness and sensitization, and access to treatment. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide information regarding the impact of HIV workplace policies and their contribution to employee well-being.
Education and vocational training. Youth employment. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that, according to the 2017 LFS, the unemployment rate among young persons stood at 48.6 per cent as of 2017, with higher rates of youth unemployment recorded in urban areas (56.8 per cent) than in rural areas (40.9 per cent). In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to supply disaggregated data on the number of young persons who had obtained lasting employment following their participation in training programmes. It further requested the Government to provide updated information on the measures taken, in consultation with the social partners, to enhance the education and training system with the aim of ensuring that education and training courses meet the demand on the labour market for skills in the various economic sectors. The Government reports that information on the number of young persons who obtained lasting employment following their participation in training programmes is not yet available, as the study intended to provide this information was not carried out due to resource limitations. The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government regarding the establishment in 2005 of the Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA), which is tasked with the responsibility of developing a system of technical education, vocational and entrepreneurship training designed to satisfy the requirements of the labour market. The Government indicates that the new curricula developed has led to an increase in new skills, but that challenges remain in its implementation, including lack of infrastructure, machinery and equipment. According to the report, 11,364 young persons were enrolled in such training programmes in 2018. The Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information, including disaggregated statistical data, on the nature and extent of the activities undertaken by TEVETA and on their impact. It further requests the Government to continue to provide updated information on the measures taken, in consultation with the social partners and representatives of groups affected by such measures, to update and enhance the vocational education, guidance and training system in order to ensure that education and training courses are designed and delivered to meet the demand on the labour market for skills in the various economic sectors.
Promotion of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The Government reports that the Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry (MCTI) has identified a number of business constraints and challenges which affect the ability of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to develop their potential for economic development, equitable wealth distribution and poverty alleviation. These obstacles include: limited access to markets, lack of appropriate technology, machinery and equipment, as well as suitable business financing solutions and inadequate infrastructure, such as roads and telecommunication facilities. Additional limitations encountered by the MSME sector include limited technical and management skills, operating premises that are inadequate and unsuitable to facilitate enterprise growth, inadequate regulatory systems and excessive competition from the unregulated importation of cheap products. In response to these challenges, the Government developed an MSME Development Policy in consultation with stakeholders, which provides guidance on all activities and development efforts related to MSMEs. The MCTI, through the Zambia Development Agency, has developed programmes aimed at supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), focusing on three pillars: capacity, access and operating environments. MSME registration with the Zambia Development Agency guarantees access to programme support services. The Committee welcomes the information provided by the Government regarding the Skills Development and Entrepreneurship Project – Support to Women and Youth (SDEP–SWY), a project jointly financed by the African Development Bank and the Government, which supports job creation, gender equality and poverty reduction among women and youth through promoting skills development and entrepreneurship. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide updated and detailed information on measures taken to support the establishment of MSMEs and on their results in terms of generating employment, including for specific groups, such as women and young persons. It further requests the Government to provide information on the content and impact of the MSME Development Policy, particularly information on measures taken to promote and support entrepreneurship among women, young persons and other groups in situations of vulnerability.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2015, published 105th ILC session (2016)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Active employment policy and poverty reduction strategy. The Government indicates in its report that the 2005 National Employment and Labour Market Policy (NELMP), with its focus on creating adequate and quality jobs under conditions ensuring adequate income and protection of workers’ basic rights, was undergoing a review together with the National Youth Policy. The adjusted aim of the 2005 NELMP would focus on full, productive, freely chosen and decent work, and would be reflected in the Revised Sixth National Development Plan (2013–16) (RSNDP), the Industrialization and Job Creation Strategy (2012–17) (IJCS), as well as the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (2015–17) (MTEF). The Committee notes that a direct result of the policy review was the establishment of the Youth Development Fund to serve as a catalyst for employment and wealth creation for youth wanting to become entrepreneurs and create employment for themselves and others. Moreover, the Government is implementing a four-year programme with the ILO and the Swedish Government to support the creation of decent jobs for young people and improve food security for low-income communities in rural areas. The Government states that the re-establishment of the Public Employment Exchange services in all provincial centres will particularly help young people in identifying job opportunities. With regard to the link between labour market information and employment policy formulation, the Government refers to the skills demand audit enabling a tailoring of the curriculum. In addition, the collection of data, reported monthly from all ministries and provinces, as well as the information provided by private employment agencies, enabled the measurement of the job creation rate in order to verify whether the Government’s target of creating 1,000,000 jobs was on course. Since October 2011, over 400,000 jobs have been created. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the impact of the different plans implemented in order to achieve full, productive and freely chosen employment. Please also provide information on the impact of the activities related to employment promotion carried out under the Decent Work Country Programme.
Labour market information. The Government provides updated labour market data based on the 2012 Labour Force Survey which estimated the economically active population at 5,845,250; equivalent to a labour force participation rate of 74.6 per cent. The total unemployment rate was 7.9 per cent, with 15.3 per cent in urban and 3.1 per cent in rural areas. Urban unemployment continued to be higher for women, with 18.7 per cent, compared to 12.7 per cent for men. Unemployment among the 20–24 age group was measured at 16.3 per cent. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide updated statistical data, disaggregated by age and sex, and other relevant data concerning the size and distribution of the labour force, the extent of unemployment and underemployment, as well as the level of employment in the informal economy. The Committee also requests the Government to continue to provide information on the development of HIV and AIDS workplace policies and their effects on employment generation.
Sectoral development strategies. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the impact of the measures taken to promote productive employment and improve the quantity and quality of employment opportunities in the rural, manufacturing, mining and other growth sectors. Please also provide information on the involvement of representatives of those working in the specific sectors in the development and implementation of employment policies.
Education and vocational training. Youth employment. The Government states that the secondary and tertiary curriculums have been revised to meet the labour market demand for skills in various economic sectors. The Ministry through the Department of Vocational Education and Training has continued to implement a two-tier vocational training system from grade 10 in four pilot institutions. In addition, a draft curriculum for Teacher Education and Training has been designed to equip secondary school teachers with technical and vocational skills in the manufacturing and construction sectors. The Government also provides information on the challenges for its training programmes, such as inadequate funding, lack of text-teaching materials and resource centres, lack of machinery, equipment and hand tools and dilapidated infrastructure. In general terms, 6.8 per cent of the population aged 15 years and older received skills training, of which 38.2 per cent were in rural areas; and men received skills training at a rate of 71.8 per cent compared to 28.2 per cent for women. For men, the highest number of skills training received was courses relating to bricklaying and construction (64,488 persons); while for women, it was tailoring and designing (39,618 persons). The Committee requests the Government to supply disaggregated data on young people obtaining lasting employment following their participation in training programmes. It further requests the Government to provide updated information on the measures taken, in consultation with the social partners, to enhance the education and training system to ensure that education and training courses satisfy and are aligned with the demand on the labour market for skills in the various economic sectors.
Promotion of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The Government indicates that during the 2008–11 period, a total of 1,445 projects were approved for an approximate total value of US$26,690. Under the new implementation strategy (2013–16), the Government indicates that it is systematically supporting the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprise value chains in designated industrial clusters in each province of Zambia, together with networks of business development service providers. Some 30 per cent of the empowerment services are foreseen for women. In addition, targeted citizens, including women, receive special support in order to succeed in project implementation. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on measures taken to support the establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises and on their results in terms of generating employment. Please also include information on the impact of measures taken to promote women’s entrepreneurship.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2013, published 103rd ILC session (2014)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Active employment policy and poverty reduction strategy. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in September 2013 which includes detailed information in reply to its 2012 direct request. The Government indicates that the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) 2011–15 has been aligned with its current policy direction. It adds that the services of the Public Employment Exchange Programme have integrated an automated jobs portal which links jobseekers and employers online. In reply to the previous comments, the Government indicates that under the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP), the Ministry of Labour and Social Security was in a support role. The Ministry now assumes a more central role under the SNDP and is part of the Economic and Advisory Committee at the Cabinet Office. According to the preliminary results of the 2012 Labour Force Survey (LFS), the economically active population was estimated at 5,386,118, of which 55.8 per cent were in the agriculture sector. Of all employed persons in the country, 88.7 per cent had jobs in the informal economy. In 2012, Zambia’s unemployment rate was measured at 7.9 per cent, with 15.3 per cent in urban areas and 3.1 per cent in rural areas. Urban unemployment was higher for women, with 18.7 per cent, compared to 12.7 per cent for men. The Committee invites the Government to provide in its next report information on the impact of the active labour market measures taken to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment, particularly within the framework of the SNDP. It also invites the Government to provide further information on the Public Employment Exchange Programme and how it links labour market information to employment policy decision-making. It would also welcome information on the impact of the employment promotion activities carried out under the Decent Work Country Programme. Please also continue to include updated statistical data disaggregated by age and sex, and other relevant data concerning the size and distribution of the labour force, the nature and extent of unemployment and underemployment and trends therein.
Sectoral development strategies. The Government indicates that, in order to address infrastructure deficiencies in the agriculture sector, the agriculture budget allocation was increased by 6.1 per cent in 2012, with the bulk of the funding going to the Farmer Input Support Programme and crop purchases for the strategic food reserve. It adds that, in collaboration with the private sector and cooperating partners, it has promoted and strengthened cooperatives and farmer organizations as a vehicle for agricultural development. With respect to the mining sector, and to enhance the contribution of the sector to GDP, the Government will continue to facilitate the opening of new mines, promote small-scale mining and industry development. With respect to the manufacturing sector, the Government reports a 7 per cent increase in employment opportunities during the first six months of 2013. The Government indicates that the aim is to facilitate the upscaling of the sector towards higher value added and upgrade capacity in the provision of related services. The Committee invites the Government to provide information in its next report on the impact of the measures taken to promote productive employment and improve the quantity and quality of employment opportunities in the rural, manufacturing, mining and other growth sectors. Please also provide information on the involvement of representatives of those working in the specific sectors in the development and implementation of employment policies.
Measures for workers infected with HIV. The Government indicates that the National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Policy is the guiding document in the development of HIV and AIDS workplace policies. It adds that it takes into consideration the effects of HIV and AIDS on employment generation through an approach that encompasses the promotion of preventive, curative and supportive interventions. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide information on the development of HIV and AIDS workplace policies and their effects on employment generation.
Youth employment. The Government indicates in its report that it will provide further information on this issue in due course. The Committee requests the Government to supply in its next report disaggregated data on young persons obtaining lasting employment following their participation in training programmes.
Education and vocational training. The Government indicates that a new education curriculum has been developed and will be implemented as of January 2014. In order to align education and training with labour market demand for the different economic sectors, the following measures have been taken: reorientation of the secondary school curriculum to incorporate life skills, entrepreneurship education, information and communications technology and other social, economic developments; and the establishment of two career pathways at secondary schools, an academic path and a vocational and technical path. The Committee invites the Government to provide in its next report information on the measures taken, in consultation with the social partners, to enhance the education and training system to ensure that education and training courses satisfy and are aligned with labour market demand for skills in the various economic sectors.
Promotion of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises. Women’s entrepreneurship. The Government indicates that, following the launch of the Micro-, Small, Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) Policy in 2010, it has been supporting the sector through a number of initiatives, including the Business Development Services. It adds that more efforts will continue to be made to assist MSMEs in their transition in developing into larger enterprises. With respect to women’s entrepreneurship, the Committee notes that the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) has developed various programmes for youth and women aimed at addressing the skills gap and knowledge needed to undertake business activities. Measures targeting women include the Women Entrepreneurship Development for Gender Equality (WEDGE) Programme and the Preferential Procurement Programme. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report information on measures taken to support the establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises and their results in terms of generating employment. It also invites the Government to include information on the impact of measures taken to promote women’s entrepreneurship.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2012, published 102nd ILC session (2013)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Active employment policy and poverty reduction strategy. The Committee notes the replies provided by the Government in September 2011 to its 2010 observation. The Government indicates that it adopted a multidimensional approach to job creation and poverty reduction through the broader policy framework provided by the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) for the period 2011–15. The SNDP’s goal is to achieve sustained economic growth and to reduce poverty. Through the SNDP, the Government will seek to implement measures aimed at enabling an environment for job creation by targeting employment generation in both rural and urban areas. Given the strategic importance of employment in national development, the Government resolved to mainstream employment within the macroeconomic policy framework. The Committee also notes the measures envisaged by the Government in the framework of the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2007–11. These aim, inter alia, to promote employment through labour market measures targeting the informal sector, promote social dialogue, enhance the capacity of employers’ and workers’ organizations to participate effectively in macroeconomic issues, strengthen the regulatory and legislative framework for employment policies, promote productivity and improve working conditions for migrant workers. The Government indicates that the social partners have been involved in consultations on employment policies through the Employment and Labour Sector Advisory Group (ELSAG), the Tripartite Consultation Labour Council (TCLC), the National Social Security Reform Implementation Committee and the Technical Committee on Labour Market Information System. The Committee invites the Government to provide in its next report information on the impact of the active labour market measures taken to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment, particularly within the framework of the Sixth National Development Plan. It also requests the Government to provide information on how employment is being mainstreamed in its macroeconomic policy framework. Please also provide information on the impact of the employment promotion activities carried out under the DWCP.
Sectoral development strategies. Rural sector. The Government indicates that all plans for economic sectors have been designed in a manner meant to maximize employment creation and poverty reduction. The Committee notes that 80 per cent of the rural population is involved in agricultural activities. The Government has prioritized budgetary support to the rural sector. The Government’s strategy to promote full employment in the rural sector focuses on supporting smallholder and out-grower schemes, developing a more efficient input and output marketing system and encouraging the formation of viable farmer organizations and cooperatives. Some 683 billion Zambian kwacha (ZMK) were earmarked for this sector in 2011 and ZMK766.4 billion in 2012 (approximately US$126.7 million and US$142 million, respectively) to promote capacity building and to provide incentives to farmers, thereby resulting in increased exports with high foreign exchange earning potential. The Government indicates that investment and job creation in agriculture are also promoted through creating synergies between large and small-scale producers through institutional arrangements including out-grower schemes like the Zambia Sugar and Kaleya Smallholder Scheme, and through opening up farm blocks such as the Nansanga farming block in the Central Province. The Committee invites the Government to provide information on the impact of the measures taken to promote productive employment and improve the quantity and quality of employment opportunities in the rural sector. It would also welcome receiving information on the involvement of representatives of those working in the rural sector on the development and implementation of rural employment policies.
Manufacturing sector. The Committee notes that the manufacturing sector’s contribution to total employment increased from 1.3 per cent in 2005 to 3.2 per cent in 2008. The Government hopes to continue attracting Foreign Direct Investment in the sector by providing an appropriate legal framework to safeguard foreign and local investment and by enhancing the provision of tax and other incentives. The Committee invites the Government to provide information on the impact of the contribution of the manufacturing sector to employment generation.
Mining sector. The Committee notes that the mining sector constitutes a major part of GDP growth (9 per cent), foreign exchange (70.3 per cent) and formal employment (8.5 per cent). According to the DWCP, the mining sector was badly hit by the global crisis to the extent that almost 10,000 jobs were lost. The Government indicates that in order to create employment in this sector, it has encouraged foreign investment and has established new large- and small-scale mines. The increased investment in the mining sector led to an increase in copper production by 17.7 per cent in 2010. The Committee invites the Government to provide information on the impact of the extractive industries to employment generation.
Article 2. Collection and use of employment data. The Government recalls that the country has a system of collecting, analysing, collating and using employment data. But, this system is not fully developed. The Central Statistics Office undertakes quarterly employment inquiries. The Committee notes that one of the priorities of the DWCP is to create public awareness on labour and employment matters and to enhance decision making. In this regard, the Government has started the process of strengthening the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS) labour market information system (LMIS) to ensure the availability of reliable and relevant information and user-friendly dissemination of this data. The Committee notes that according to the 2008 Labour Force Survey (LFS), out of the 5,003,871 economically active persons aged over 15 years representing 75 per cent of the working age population, 4,606,846 were reported to be employed (68.6 per cent); 4,095,508 persons (89 per cent) were in the informal economy while 511,338 (11 per cent) were in formal employment. The unemployment rate was 7.9 per cent (397,000 persons) with higher rates in urban areas (18 per cent). The Committee invites the Government to report on the measures taken to improve the LMIS and to enhance the mechanisms to link labour market information to employment policy decision making. It also requests the Government to include in its next report updated statistical data disaggregated by age and sex, and other relevant data concerning the size and distribution of the labour force, the nature and extent of unemployment and underemployment and trends therein.
Measures for workers infected with HIV. The Government recalls that HIV and AIDS pose a major challenge to achieving infrastructural and human development in the country with a prevalence rate of 14.3 per cent in 2010 (decreased from 16.9 per cent in 2005). The Government indicates that the labour market practice has been that employers develop workplace policies based on the ILO code of practice on HIV/AIDS. A study conducted in 2010 indicated that over 500 organizations adopted HIV/AIDS workplace policies. It was envisaged that 520 organizations would have policy frameworks by 2012. The Government indicates that it included a proposed chapter on HIV/AIDS in the Employment Act, which encourages all enterprises to respond effectively to HIV/AIDS in the workplace. The Government is also involved in developing a national HIV/AIDS workplace policy, which is expected to be concluded by the end of 2012. The Committee invites the Government to provide further information on the development of the national HIV/AIDS workplace policy and how it takes into consideration the effects of HIV and AIDS on employment generation.
Youth employment. The Government indicates that a total of 15,566 young persons were trained against the target of 6,000. Some 79,043 young persons were trained in leadership skills. The Government further reports that it provided over ZMK5 billion (approximately US$927,000) in its 2010 budget for the Youth Development Fund, which is aimed at financing youth entrepreneurship initiatives. The Committee notes that according to the 2008 LFS, 14 per cent of the youth labour force (1,479,527 persons) was unemployed. It also notes that one of the priorities of the DWCP is providing more and better jobs for the youth. The Committee requests the Government to supply in its next report disaggregated data on young persons obtaining lasting employment following their participation in training programmes.
Education and vocational training. The Government indicates that education and skills development play a critical role in employment creation and socio-economic development. According to the 2008 LFS, 7.1 per cent of the employed persons (326,651 persons) and 3.4 per cent of the unemployed persons received skills training. In total, 75.8 per cent of the trainees were male while 24.2 per cent were female. The Committee invites the Government to provide in its next report information on the measures taken, in consultation with the social partners, to enhance the education and training system to ensure that education and training courses satisfy and are aligned with the labour market demand for skills in the various economic sectors.
Promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises and women’s entrepreneurship. The Government indicates that it is in the process of developing an appropriate policy framework for promoting small and medium-sized enterprises. Key strategies implemented for this purpose include the enactment of the Citizens Economic Empowerment Act, the establishment of the Empowerment Fund under the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC), the constitution of the Youth Development Fund and capacity building for women entrepreneurs. The Government reports on the implementation of activities that promote and strengthen local trade preference and reservation schemes in public procurement. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report information on measures taken to support the establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises and their results in terms of stimulating employment. It also invites the Government to include information on the impact of measures taken to promote women’s entrepreneurship.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2010, published 100th ILC session (2011)

Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Active employment policy and poverty reduction strategy. The Committee notes the replies provided by the Government in August 2009 to its 2008 observation. The Committee recalls that the Government formulated the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) for the period 2006 to 2010. The Committee notes that in the report provided on the Social Policy (Basic Aims and Standards) Convention, 1962 (No. 117), the Government explained that  the decision to develop a National Development Plan was to enhance national ownership as FNDP was considered “home grown” because it was not driven by donor agencies. The National Development Plan also included other sectors which were integral parts of poverty reduction strategy such as governance and public safety. The Government indicates that since the life span of the FNDP will end in 2010, the process of formulating a Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) has commenced. The Committee invites the Government to supply a report on Convention No. 122 containing detailed information on the principal policies pursued and measures taken with a view to ensuring that there is work for all who are available for and seeking work, including particular reference to policies and measures implemented under the National Development Plan.

Measures for workers infected with HIV. The Government indicates in its report that it has adopted policy measures to resolve challenges associated with HIV and AIDS in the workplace and to ensure that there is work for all who are available for and seeking work. The Government also states that workers’ representative organs are encouraged to play a leading role in the fight against HIV and AIDS.  The Committee also notes with interest various Government efforts envisaged to encourage the development of HIV and AIDS policies at the workplace which includes: workplace-based HIV and AIDS prevention and care programmes throughout the country; ensuring protection from harassment and discrimination for HIV-positive employees; proscribing compulsory HIV and AIDS testing at places of work; integrating HIV and AIDS support services in collective bargaining; and facilitating the establishment of voluntary counselling and testing facilities to enable employees to know their status. The Committee recalls that the Conference adopted the HIV and AIDS Recommendation, 2010 (No. 200), which invites Members to promote the retention in work and recruitment of persons living with HIV. Members should consider extending support through periods of employment and unemployment, including, where necessary, income-generating opportunities for persons living with HIV, or persons affected with HIV or AIDS (Paragraph 22 of Recommendation No. 200). The Committee would welcome receiving further information on the implementation of its HIV/AIDS policy and how it takes into consideration the effects of HIV and AIDS on employment generation.

Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Government indicates in its report that it celebrates consultations with those working in the rural and informal sectors through initiatives such as the Private Sector Development Programme (PSD), which engages the private sector to help identify legislation that impedes rural and informal business. During the formulation of the National Employment and Labour Market Policy, the Government embarked on nation-wide consultations with their social partners. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report further explanation on the participation of social partners in ongoing decision-making for national employment policy and poverty reduction strategy as well as the involvement of the Tripartite Consultative Labour Council and the National Employment and Labour Sector Advisory Group in this process. The Committee would also welcome more indications of the involvement of representatives for those working in the rural sector and the informal sector in the consultations required by the Convention.

Youth employment. The Government indicates that in response to youth employment challenges, strategies have been incorporated into the National Employment and Labour Market Policy to increase youth access to practical skills training and employment. These efforts include the promotion of specialized skilled trades through various youth skills training centres. The Committee notes the inter-governmental collaboration and efforts to support societal integration of especially vulnerable groups such as orphans and street children. The Committee asks the Government to report on the impact of the measures and programmes implemented to respond to the employment needs of young workers along with an assessment of their success for increasing their employment opportunities and participation.

Education and vocational training. The Government indicates that training of vulnerable groups is addressed through inter-governmental collaboration between the Ministry of Science Technology and Vocational Training and the Ministry of Gender and Women in Development. Women have been most affected by the erosion in employment opportunities, especially in the formal sector. Programmes targeting women and other vulnerable groups are being undertaken by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to facilitate and enhance accessibility to employment and to reduce the gender imbalance in employment. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report the impact of training measures taken to meet the needs for productive employment of vulnerable groups of workers and specifically for women and older people.

Article 2. Collection and use of employment data. In its reply to the previous observation, the Government indicates that it has developed and strengthened the Labour Market Information System (LMIS). A Labour Market Information Steering Committee has been established. The last Labour Force Survey (LFS) was conducted in 2008 as a follow-up to the 2005 LFS. The Committee notes that a database comprising all key Labour Market Indicators (including the Decent Work and Millennium Development Goals Employment Indicators) has been put in place. The Government also intends to improve quality and availability of labour market information through collaborative efforts between the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the Central Statistics Office. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide information on the implementation and success of the employment measures adopted from the collaboration of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the Central Statistics Office. In this respect, the Committee stresses the importance of compiling and analysing statistical data and trends as a basis for deciding measures of employment policy. The Committee intends to follow up on progress made for the development of labour market information systems, for the purposes of ensuring that policy-makers have up-to-date and accurate information to guide their decisions (see paragraphs 69–70 of the 2010 General Survey on employment instruments). The Committee therefore requests the Government to describe the measures taken to collect and analyse statistical data disaggregated by age and gender, and other data concerning the size and distribution of the labour force, the nature and extent of unemployment and underemployment and trends therein, as a basis for deciding on measures of employment policy.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2008, published 98th ILC session (2009)

1. Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Active employment policy and poverty reduction strategy. In reply to the 2006 observation, the Government indicates in the reports received in September 2007 and March 2008 that the comprehensive National Employment and Labour Market Policy was officially launched in 2006. The Government also adopted the Fifth National Development Plan in which it incorporated the Decent Work Agenda to address issues related to employment promotion, and which takes into account the concerns raised under the Convention regarding the need to ensure work for those seeking it. It further asserts that the integration of the employment strategy into the National Development Plan is essential. Nevertheless, according to the Government, the issues linked to poverty reduction and economic growth in the National Development Plan, such as employment creation and maintaining labour standards at places of work, have not yet been adequately addressed. The average population growth between 1990 and 2000 was 2.3 per cent. The country’s unemployment rate has worsened due to the disparity between the rate at which the economy can absorb the increasing labour force, and the faster rate at which the population continues to grow. As a result of this mismatch, and according to Zambia’s Central Statistics Office (CSO), only 10 per cent of workers are employed in the formal sector, while 68 per cent are employed in the informal sector. The Government also indicates that the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which still remains a major challenge in the labour market, has continued to have a negative impact on labour productivity and national economic development. The Government proposes to reduce the spread and impact of HIV/AIDS on workers and employers through interventions and through facilitating the formulation of policies at the workplace, through educating workers on the relevant legal provisions and the dangers and effects of HIV and AIDS, as well as through the formulation of legislative measures to protect infected workers, and by awareness-raising and sensitization programmes. The Committee requests the Government to provide further information on the implementation of its HIV/AIDS policy and how it takes into consideration the effects of HIV and AIDS on employment generation. The Committee hopes that the Government will supply a report containing detailed information on the principal policies pursued and measures taken with a view to ensuring that there is work for all who are available for and seeking work, including particular reference to policies and measures implemented under the National Development Plan. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on how Zambia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy contributes to the creation of productive employment in the context of a coordinated economic and social policy.

2. Article 3. Participation of the social partners. The Committee notes from the Government’s report that the social partners are consulted through the Tripartite Consultative Council and were involved in the drafting of the National Employment and Labour Market Policy. The Committee notes this approach with interest and asks the Government to continue to provide information on the participation of the social partners in the ongoing decision-making, review and implementation processes in relation to its national employment policy and poverty reduction strategy. It further asks the Government to provide information on consultations with representatives of other sectors of the economically active population, such as those working in the rural sector and the informal economy.

3. Youth employment. The Committee notes that young people constitute 70 per cent of the 4.7 million workforce in Zambia. In its report, the Government indicates that a National Youth Policy (2005) and various youth development programmes have been introduced within the national employment policy to promote skills development and work opportunities for the young. Combating youth unemployment serves various economic and non-economic goals; it helps avoid delinquency, prepares youth for future leadership, allows the youth to feel useful and supports retirees. The Ministry of Sports, Youth and Child Development has created a fund for the development and sustainability of the youth small-scale enterprises. The Government is asked to provide further information on the implementation of these measures and programmes aimed at the employment needs of young workers along with an assessment of their success in increasing their employment opportunities.

4. Education and vocational training. The Committee notes from the Government’s report that it is developing a strategic plan aimed at addressing issues of equity, access, quality and relevance of basic education and training in the country. The strategic plan also focuses on building infrastructure for training purposes. The Committee further notes that this strategic plan will support skills training in the informal sector in response to the current labour market demands given that informal sector work is the source of livelihood for some 80 per cent of the working population. The Government further indicates that the Ministry of Science, Technology and Vocational Training has developed a Disability Policy, which was drafted in 2006 and adopted and launched in 2007, to address the training needs of people with disabilities, in an effort to comply with the provisions of Convention No. 159, which was also ratified by Zambia. The Government is asked to provide further information on the implementation of the strategic plan aimed at addressing issues of equity, access, quality and relevance of education and training in the country, as well as specific information on the measures taken under the strategic plan to meet the training needs of other particular categories of workers, such as women, older workers and workers with disabilities.

5. Article 2. Collection and use of employment data. In its reply to the Committee’s earlier request for information, and within the framework of the Employment and Labour section of Zambia’s Second PRSP, the Government indicated its intention to adopt a Labour Market Management Information System (LMMIS) with the objective of creating public awareness on labour and employment matters and enhancing decision-making, which would include strategies for achieving the aforementioned objectives. The Government indicated that it had identified more than 30 indicators, including all ILO key labour market indicators, and that it was installing the LMIS database which was expected to be operational in September 2007. The Committee requests the Government to provide additional information, in the next report, on the development and implementation of the Labour Market Management Information System and its impact on the national employment policy.

6. The Committee notes from the Government’s report that the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the Central Statistics Office have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding to manage the LMIS together by sharing resources and conducting national labour force surveys. The Government highlights that it has put in place an Employment and Labour Sector Advisory Group (ELSAG) to advise on the implementation of employment programmes identified under the National Development Plan. Further to its previous request for specific information on how data are used in the creation of employment policies, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that the main ELSAG Committee is split into various subcommittees, including a subcommittee on Labour Market Information (LMI). The LMI subcommittee meets to discuss survey results and presents its findings to the main ELSAG Committee which then makes the appropriate policy recommendations to the Government. The Committee recalls that good data can be used to assess the impact of policy measures and to make adjustments as necessary. They are an essential element for the decision and review of measures to be adopted for attainment of the objectives of the Convention, in accordance with Article 2 (paragraph 104 of the General Survey of 2004 on promoting employment). The Committee therefore notes with interest the approach pursued by the Government and requests further information on the implementation, and successes, of the employment measures adopted resulting from the collaboration of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the Central Statistics Office.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2006, published 96th ILC session (2007)

1. Implementation of an active employment policy. In reply to the 2003 observation, the Committee notes that the Government indicates in its report received in May 2006 that a comprehensive National Employment and Labour Strategy has been drafted. It further notes that during the period reviewed there was a slight decrease in formal sector employment (from 416,804 jobs in 2003 to 416,228 jobs in 2004), which the Government attributes to the downsizing of public sector employment. With respect to poverty reduction, Zambia’s Second PRSP Implementation Progress Report (July 2003 to June 2004) indicates that under the Peri-Urban Self-Help Programme, the Government planned a number of infrastructure projects applying labour-based techniques to build the capacity of vulnerable communities and provide jobs to counteract the country’s high unemployment. It also notes that HIV/AIDS threatens the country’s capacity-building efforts because it strikes the educated and uneducated, skilled and unskilled alike. The long periods of illness affecting workers have translated into severe losses in economic productivity. The Committee trusts that the Government will supply a report containing detailed information on the principal policies pursued and measures taken with a view to ensuring that there is work for all who are available for and seeking work, with particular reference to policies and measures implemented under the national labour policy. Please also continue to provide information on how Zambia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy contributes to the creation of productive employment in the context of a coordinated economic and social policy. Furthermore, the Committee asks the Government to specify how its policy takes into consideration the effects of HIV/AIDS on employment generation (Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention).

2. The Committee recalls the Government’s expectation that an ILO Project on Strengthening Labour Administration (SLASA) covering Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi and Zambia, may extend its assistance in the area of developing a comprehensive labour market information system. It adds that a draft national labour policy is being discussed with the social partners and will soon be submitted before Cabinet. Please provide information in the next report on the development of a labour market information system and the adoption of a national labour policy.

3. Youth employment. The Committee notes from the ILO Report of the Southern African Sub-Regional Conference on Youth Employment (2005) that young people constitute 70 per cent of the 4.7 million person workforce in Zambia. Economic decline, an inadequate education system along with  HIV/AIDS have all contributed to youth unemployment in the country. In response, the Government’s National Youth Policy (2005) and various youth development programmes have been introduced to promote skills development and work opportunities for the young. The Government is asked to provide further information on the implementation of these measures along with an assessment of their success in increasing employment opportunities for young workers.

4. Education and vocational training. The Committee notes from the Government’s report that, among the factors leading to low employment levels in Zambia, is the similarly low level of investment in education and training. It notes that, in response, the Government intends to introduce an education and training reform programme to improve access, quality and equity of basic education and training in the country. The Committee further notes that this programme will support skills training in the informal sector in response to the current labour market demands given that informal sector work is the source of livelihood for some 80 per cent of the working population. The Government is asked to provide details in its next report on the development and implementation of this reform programme. Please also provide specific information on the measures taken under this programme to meet the training needs of particular categories of workers, such as women, young people, older workers and workers with disabilities.

5. Collection and use of employment data. The Committee notes from the Government’s report that the Central Statistics Office (CSO) usually conducts surveys on information pertaining to the nature and extent of unemployment and underemployment. It also notes that since 2005, the Department of Labour has worked closely with the CSO on these surveys. The Committee asks the Government to specify how these data are used to determine and review employment policies (Article 2).

6. Participation of the social partners. The Committee notes from the Government’s report that the social partners are consulted through the Tripartite Consultative Council and were involved in the drafting of the National Employment and Labour Market Policy. The Committee asks the Government to provide more detailed information on the participation of the social partners in the ongoing decision-making and review of its national employment policy. Please also provide information on consultations with representatives of other sectors of the economically active population, such as those working in the rural sector and the informal economy (Article 3).

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2005, published 95th ILC session (2006)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its 2003 observation, which read as follows:

1. Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. The Committee notes the Government’s brief report received in October 2003 indicating that the period under review was characterized by increased formal sector employment and by increases in nominal earnings. Formal employment increased by 1.5 per cent, going from 487,340 jobs to 494,457 jobs, mainly in the private sector. This increase was a result of the increase in production, especially in manufacturing, and in wholesale and retail trade. The informal economy continued to grow in line with the growth of the labour force (mostly in the agricultural sector). In the previous comments addressed directly to the Government on the application of the Convention, the Committee already noted that it can be determined that most of those working in the informal economy can be classified as poor. Poverty is more prevalent in rural areas than in urban areas (83 per cent and 56 per cent, respectively, according to data included in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, April 2002) but it has risen faster in urban areas lately due to failing industries and rising unemployment. Most of the rural poor are small-scale farmers, followed by medium-scale farmers.

2. The Government also states that it is expected that an ILO Project on Strengthening Labour Administration (SLASA) covering Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi and Zambia, may extend its assistance in the area of developing a comprehensive labour market information system. It adds that a draft national labour policy is being discussed with the social partners and will soon be submitted before Cabinet.

3. The Committee would appreciate receiving indications on the progress achieved to have a better knowledge of the situation, level and trends of employment, unemployment and underemployment. It trusts that the Government will supply a report containing detailed information on the principal policies pursued and measures taken with a view to ensuring that there is work for all who are available for and seeking work, with particular reference to policies and measures implemented under the national labour policy mentioned above. Please also indicate how the statistical data collected have been used as a basis for deciding on measures of employment policy, within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy.

4. In its previous comment, the Committee noted that HIV/AIDS threatens the country’s capacity-building efforts because it strikes the educated and skilled as well as the uneducated. The long periods of illness of the skilled personnel wherein employment has translated into severe loss in economic productivity (as mentioned in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper). The Committee would be grateful if the Government would specify the efforts made to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on employment. Please also provide information on the measures taken in order to meet the employment and training needs of particular categories of workers such as women, young people, older workers and workers with disabilities.

5. Article 3. The Committee again requests the Government to provide details with regard to the consultations concerning employment policy. The Committee points out that this important provision of the Convention requires the involvement in consultations of government authorities and of representatives of the persons affected by the employment policy measures to be taken. The aim of the consultations is to take fully into account their experience and views and secure their full cooperation in formulating and implementing the employment policy. Representatives of the persons affected must include representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations and also representatives of sectors of the economically active population such as the rural sector and the informal economy. In view of the importance of the informal economy, the Committee would appreciate receiving in the next report information on any consultations envisaged with representatives of the rural sector and of the informal economy on the matters covered by the Convention.

6. The preparation of the next report, which is due in 2004, including information requested in this observation, will certainly provide the Government and the social partners with an opportunity to evaluate the progress made towards the achievement of the objective of full and productive employment of the Convention. The Committee reminds the Government that the technical assistance of the Office is available to comply with the reporting obligations and for the implementation of an active employment policy in the sense of the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2004, published 93rd ILC session (2005)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its 2003 observation which read as follows:

1. Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. The Committee notes the Government’s brief report received in October 2003 indicating that the period under review was characterized by increased formal sector employment and by increases in nominal earnings. Formal employment increased by 1.5 per cent, going from 487,340 jobs to 494,457 jobs, mainly in the private sector. This increase was a result of the increase in production, especially in manufacturing, and in wholesale and retail trade. The informal economy continued to grow in line with the growth of the labour force (mostly in the agricultural sector). In the previous comments addressed directly to the Government on the application of the Convention, the Committee already noted that it can be determined that most of those working in the informal economy can be classified as poor. Poverty is more prevalent in rural areas than in urban areas (83 per cent and 56 per cent, respectively, according to data included in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, April 2002) but it has risen faster in urban areas lately due to failing industries and rising unemployment. Most of the rural poor are small-scale farmers, followed by medium-scale farmers.

2. The Government also states that it is expected that an ILO Project on Strengthening Labour Administration (SLASA) covering Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi and Zambia, may extend its assistance in the area of developing a comprehensive labour market information system. It adds that a draft national labour policy is being discussed with the social partners and will soon be submitted before Cabinet.

3. The Committee would appreciate receiving indications on the progress achieved to have a better knowledge of the situation, level and trends of employment, unemployment and underemployment. It trusts that the Government will supply a report containing detailed information on the principal policies pursued and measures taken with a view to ensuring that there is work for all who are available for and seeking work, with particular reference to policies and measures implemented under the national labour policy mentioned above. Please also indicate how the statistical data collected have been used as a basis for deciding on measures of employment policy, within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy.

4. In its previous comment, the Committee noted that HIV/AIDS threatens the country’s capacity-building efforts because it strikes the educated and skilled as well as the uneducated. The long periods of illness of the skilled personnel wherein employment has translated into severe loss in economic productivity (as mentioned in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper). The Committee would be grateful if the Government would specify the efforts made to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on employment. Please also provide information on the measures taken in order to meet the employment and training needs of particular categories of workers such as women, young people, older workers and workers with disabilities.

5. Article 3. The Committee again requests the Government to provide details with regard to the consultations concerning employment policy. The Committee points out that this important provision of the Convention requires the involvement in consultations of government authorities and of representatives of the persons affected by the employment policy measures to be taken. The aim of the consultations is to take fully into account their experience and views and secure their full cooperation in formulating and implementing the employment policy. Representatives of the persons affected must include representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations and also representatives of sectors of the economically active population such as the rural sector and the informal economy. In view of the importance of the informal economy, the Committee would appreciate receiving in the next report information on any consultations envisaged with representatives of the rural sector and of the informal economy on the matters covered by the Convention.

6. The preparation of the next report, which is due in 2004, including information requested in this observation, will certainly provide the Government and the social partners with an opportunity to evaluate the progress made towards the achievement of the objective of full and productive employment of the Convention. The Committee reminds the Government that the technical assistance of the Office is available to comply with the reporting obligations and for the implementation of an active employment policy in the sense of the Convention.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2003, published 92nd ILC session (2004)

1. Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. The Committee notes the Government’s brief report received in October 2003 indicating that the period under review was characterized by increased formal sector employment and by increases in nominal earnings. Formal employment increased by 1.5 per cent, going from 487,340 jobs to 494,457 jobs, mainly in the private sector. This increase was a result of the increase in production, especially in manufacturing, and in wholesale and retail trade. The informal economy continued to grow in line with the growth of the labour force (mostly in the agricultural sector). In the previous comments addressed directly to the Government on the application of the Convention, the Committee already noted that it can be determined that most of those working in the informal economy can be classified as poor. Poverty is more prevalent in rural areas than in urban areas (83 per cent and 56 per cent, respectively, according to data included in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, April 2002) but it has risen faster in urban areas lately due to failing industries and rising unemployment. Most of the rural poor are small-scale farmers, followed by medium-scale farmers.

2. The Government also states that it is expected that an ILO Project on Strengthening Labour Administration (SLASA) covering Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi and Zambia, may extend its assistance in the area of developing a comprehensive labour market information system. It adds that a draft national labour policy is being discussed with the social partners and will soon be submitted before Cabinet.

3. The Committee would appreciate receiving indications on the progress achieved to have a better knowledge of the situation, level and trends of employment, unemployment and underemployment. It trusts that the Government will supply a report containing detailed information on the principal policies pursued and measures taken with a view to ensuring that there is work for all who are available for and seeking work, with particular reference to policies and measures implemented under the national labour policy mentioned above. Please also indicate how the statistical data collected have been used as a basis for deciding on measures of employment policy, within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy.

4. In its previous comment, the Committee noted that HIV/AIDS threatens the country’s capacity-building efforts because it strikes the educated and skilled as well as the uneducated. The long periods of illness of the skilled personnel wherein employment has translated into severe loss in economic productivity (as mentioned in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper). The Committee would be grateful if the Government would specify the efforts made to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on employment. Please also provide information on the measures taken in order to meet the employment and training needs of particular categories of workers such as women, young people, older workers and workers with disabilities.

5. Article 3. The Committee again requests the Government to provide details with regard to the consultations concerning employment policy. The Committee points out that this important provision of the Convention requires the involvement in consultations of government authorities and of representatives of the persons affected by the employment policy measures to be taken. The aim of the consultations is to take fully into account their experience and views and secure their full cooperation in formulating and implementing the employment policy. Representatives of the persons affected must include representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations and also representatives of sectors of the economically active population such as the rural sector and the informal economy. In view of the importance of the informal economy, the Committee would appreciate receiving in the next report information on any consultations envisaged with representatives of the rural sector and of the informal economy on the matters covered by the Convention.

6. The preparation of the next report, which is due in 2004, including information requested in this observation, will certainly provide the Government and the social partners with an opportunity to evaluate the progress made towards the achievement of the objective of full and productive employment of the Convention. The Committee reminds the Government that the technical assistance of the Office is available to comply with the reporting obligations and for the implementation of an active employment policy in the sense of the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2002, published 91st ILC session (2003)

The Committee notes the Government’s report received in October 2001.

1. Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. The Government indicates in its report that a draft national labour policy was formulated in October 2000 which envisages improving the productive capacity of the economy in order to create improved employment opportunities. It also aims to establish an appropriate legal framework for the operation of the labour market, which will provide an environment suitable for both local and foreign investors. The Government explains that employment in the formal sector has been declining over the years from 75 per cent in 1975 to 10.3 per cent in 2000. The number of workers engaged in informal sector activities was approximately 3.6 million in 1999, representing 79 per cent of the total labour force. The Committee notes that from the information provided, it can be determined that most of those living in the informal economy can be classified as poor. Poverty is more prevalent in rural areas than in urban areas (83 per cent and 56 per cent, respectively, according to data included in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, April 2002) but it has risen faster in urban areas lately due to failing industries and rising unemployment. Most of the rural poor are small-scale farmers, followed by medium-scale farmers. The Committee would appreciate receiving a detailed report containing the information requested in the report form on the principal policies pursued and measures taken with a view to ensuring that there is work for all who are available for and seeking work, with particular reference to policies and measures implemented under the national labour policy mentioned above.

2. The Committee asks the Government to supply a copy of the Labour Market Policy document mentioned in its report, or any other text defining an active policy designed to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment. The Committee notes that the document covers HIV/AIDS and the labour market and that AIDS threatens the country’s capacity-building efforts principally because it strikes the educated and skilled as well as the uneducated. The long periods of illness of the skilled personnel in employment has translated into severe loss in economic productivity (as mentioned in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper). The Committee would be grateful if the Government would specify the efforts made to reduce the negative impact of HIV/AIDS on employment.

3. The Government refers in its report to education and training sector reform programmes in order to improve access, quality and equity in basic education and training in Zambia. The Government intends to support measures aimed at increasing women’s participation in technical education, vocational education and entrepreneurship training. Please provide information on the measures taken in order to meet the needs of particular categories of workers such as women, young people, older workers and disabled workers. Please also report on the measures taken to coordinate education and training policies with prospective employment opportunities.

4. The Government states that it wishes to establish a comprehensive labour market information system and is working in consultation with the ILO Area Office on this subject. The Committee would appreciate receiving information on the situation, level and trends of employment, unemployment and underemployment in the country, both in the aggregate and as they affect particular categories of workers such as women, young persons, older workers and disabled workers. Please also indicate how the statistical data collected has been used as a basis for deciding on measures of employment policy, within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy.

5. Article 3. The Government mentions in its report the Tripartite Consultative Labour Council which will participate in policy development and implementation at all stages to enhance consensus building. The Committee requests the Government to provide the details requested in the report form with regard to the consultations concerning employment policies held by the Tripartite Consultative Labour Council. The Committee points out that this important provision of the Convention requires the involvement in consultations of Government authorities and of representatives of the persons affected by the employment policy measures to be taken. The aim of the consultations is to take fully into account their experience and views and secure their full cooperation in formulating and implementing the employment policy. Representatives of the persons affected must include representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations and also representatives of sectors of the economically active population such as the rural and informal sectors. In view of the importance of the informal economy, the Committee would appreciate receiving in the next report information on any consultations envisaged with representatives of the rural and informal sectors on the matters covered by the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2000, published 89th ILC session (2001)

The Committee again notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its previous comments which read as follows:

1.  Please provide information on any progress, in particular with ILO technical assistance, in establishing a labour market information system.

2.  The Government refers in general terms to measures to soften the negative impact of structural adjustment on the most affected groups of the population and to assist and counsel retrenched workers. With reference to its previous observation, the Committee notes the absence of more precise information on the exact nature and scope of social measures taken to accompany the structural adjustment policy. The Government sets out briefly the objectives of the Investment Act, 1991, and the Privatization Act, 1992. The Committee notes that studies have been commissioned to assess the impact of privatization on employment, and asks the Government to provide the conclusions of these studies as soon as they are available. It trusts that the Government will keep in close contact with the ILO in order to conclude these studies and consider what measures are needed in the light of the objectives of the Convention.

3.  The Committee expressed concern in its previous observation at the difficulties apparently encountered in devising and applying an employment policy within the meaning of the Convention. It trusts that, perhaps in cooperation with the competent units of the ILO, the Government will in its next report be able to provide the information required by the report form on the measures adopted within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy in order to promote, as a major goal, a policy in keeping with Article 1 of the Convention. In addition, it asks the Government to provide detailed information on consultations held in practice with representatives of the persons affected concerning employment policies implemented, indicating the views of those consulted and the manner in which they were taken into account in accordance with Article 3. The Committee recalls, as did the Conference Committee, that representatives of workers in the rural and informal sectors should be associated in such consultations.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1999, published 88th ILC session (2000)

The Committee notes with regret that the Government's report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its previous observation which read as follows:

1. Please provide information on any progress, in particular with ILO technical assistance, in establishing a labour market information system. 2. The Government refers in general terms to measures to soften the negative impact of structural adjustment on the most affected groups of the population and to assist and counsel retrenched workers. With reference to its previous observation, the Committee notes the absence of more precise information on the exact nature and scope of social measures taken to accompany the structural adjustment policy. The Government sets out briefly the objectives of the Investment Act, 1991, and the Privatization Act, 1992. The Committee notes that studies have been commissioned to assess the impact of privatization on employment, and asks the Government to provide the conclusions of these studies as soon as they are available. It trusts that the Government will keep in close contact with the ILO in order to conclude these studies and consider what measures are needed in the light of the objectives of the Convention. 3. The Committee expressed concern in its previous observation at the difficulties apparently encountered in devising and applying an employment policy within the meaning of the Convention. It trusts that, perhaps in cooperation with the competent units of the ILO, the Government will in its next report be able to provide the information required by the report form on the measures adopted within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy in order to promote, as a major goal, a policy in keeping with Article 1 of the Convention. In addition, it asks the Government to provide detailed information on consultations held in practice with representatives of the persons affected concerning employment policies implemented, indicating the views of those consulted and the manner in which they were taken into account in accordance with Article 3. The Committee recalls, as did the Conference Committee, that representatives of workers in the rural and informal sectors should be associated in such consultations.

The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the very near future.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1998, published 87th ILC session (1999)

The Committee notes that the Government's report contains no reply to previous comments. It must therefore repeat its previous observation which read as follows:

1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending in June 1996, and the discussion that took place in the Conference Committee at its June 1995 Session. It notes that, in its explanations to the Conference Committee and in its report, the Government states that it is endeavouring to promote job creation by establishing an environment conducive to local and foreign investment and that, since 1991, measures have therefore been taken to liberalize trade, deregulate markets, strengthen the financial sector and privatize state enterprises. The Government considers, however, that the effects of this structural adjustment programme will begin to show only in the coming years and that, for the time being, the programme's impact on employment and living standards is negative. The statistics provided by the Government show that employment in the formal sector declined during the period in question, owing largely to the reduction in public sector employment. The informal sector, on the other hand, has grown, having absorbed part of the increase in the active population, and now accounts for almost 85 per cent of total employment. In this context, the Committee notes, from the World Bank's report on Zambia published in August 1996, the hardship that the structural adjustment programme has created for workers in the informal sector, leading to a deterioration in the potential of human resources. In view of the objective of full, productive and freely chosen employment described in Article 1 of the Convention, which the Government fully acknowledges, and of the need for an adequate information base, in order to determine and implement such measures as may be appropriate under national conditions (see under Article 2 in the report form adopted by the Governing Body), the Committee asks the Government to continue to provide available statistical data on the situation and trends in employment. The Committee would be grateful for information on any progress, in particular with ILO technical assistance, in establishing a labour market information system. 2. The Government refers in general terms to measures to soften the negative impact of structural adjustment on the most affected groups of the population and to assist and counsel retrenched workers. With reference to its previous observation, the Committee notes the absence of more precise information on the exact nature and scope of social measures taken to accompany the structural adjustment policy. The Government sets out briefly the objectives of the Investment Act, 1991 and the Privatization Act, 1992. The Committee notes that studies have been commissioned to assess the impact of privatization on employment, and asks the Government to provide the conclusions of these studies as soon as they are available. It trusts that the Government will keep in close contact with the ILO in order to conclude these studies and consider what measures are needed in the light of the objectives of the Convention. 3. The Committee expressed concern in its previous observation at the difficulties apparently encountered in devising and applying an employment policy within the meaning of the Convention. It trusts that, perhaps in cooperation with the competent units of the ILO, the Government will in its next report be able to provide the information required by the report form on the measures adopted within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy in order to promote, as a major goal, a policy in keeping with Article 1 of the Convention. In addition, it asks the Government to provide detailed information on consultations held in practice with representatives of the persons affected concerning employment policies implemented, indicating the views of those consulted and the manner in which they were taken into account in accordance with Article 3. The Committee recalls, as did the Conference Committee, that representatives of workers in the rural and informal sectors should be associated in such consultations.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1996, published 85th ILC session (1997)

1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending in June 1996, and the discussion that took place in the Conference Committee at its June 1995 Session. It notes that, in its explanations to the Conference Committee and in its report, the Government states that it is endeavouring to promote job creation by establishing an environment conducive to local and foreign investment and that, since 1991, measures have therefore been taken to liberalize trade, deregulate markets, strengthen the financial sector and privatize state enterprises. The Government considers, however, that the effects of this structural adjustment programme will begin to show only in the coming years and that, for the time being, the programme's impact on employment and living standards is negative. The statistics provided by the Government show that employment in the formal sector declined during the period in question, owing largely to the reduction in public sector employment. The informal sector, on the other hand, has grown, having absorbed part of the increase in the active population, and now accounts for almost 85 per cent of total employment.

In this context, the Committee notes, from the World Bank's report on Zambia published in August 1996, the hardship that the structural adjustment programme has created for workers in the informal sector, leading to a deterioration in the potential of human resources. In view of the objective of full, productive and freely chosen employment described in Article 1 of the Convention, which the Government fully acknowledges, and of the need for an adequate information base, in order to determine and implement such measures as may be appropriate under national conditions (see under Article 2 in the report form adopted by the Governing Body), the Committee asks the Government to continue to provide available statistical data on the situation and trends in employment. The Committee would be grateful for information on any progress, in particular with ILO technical assistance, in establishing a labour market information system.

2. The Government refers in general terms to measures to soften the negative impact of structural adjustment on the most affected groups of the population and to assist and counsel retrenched workers. With reference to its previous observation, the Committee notes the absence of more precise information on the exact nature and scope of social measures taken to accompany the structural adjustment policy. The Government sets out briefly the objectives of the Investment Act, 1991 and the Privatization Act, 1992. The Committee notes that studies have been commissioned to assess the impact of privatization on employment, and asks the Government to provide the conclusions of these studies as soon as they are available. It trusts that the Government will keep in close contact with the ILO in order to conclude these studies and consider what measures are needed in the light of the objectives of the Convention.

3. The Committee expressed concern in its previous observation at the difficulties apparently encountered in devising and applying an employment policy within the meaning of the Convention. It trusts that, perhaps in cooperation with the competent units of the ILO, the Government will in its next report be able to provide the information required by the report form on the measures adopted within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy in order to promote, as a major goal, a policy in keeping with Article 1 of the Convention. In addition, it asks the Government to provide detailed information on consultations held in practice with representatives of the persons affected concerning employment policies implemented, indicating the views of those consulted and the manner in which they were taken into account in accordance with Article 3. The Committee recalls, as did the Conference Committee, that representatives of workers in the rural and informal sectors should be associated in such consultations.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1995, published 82nd ILC session (1995)

1. The Committee notes the Government's report for the period ending June 1994, which contains general information in answer to its previous observation. The Government states in the report that it is fully committed to ensuring the right to work by means of a strategy seeking first to stabilize the economy and then to stimulate growth. However, it recognizes that the economic recovery programme will cause further hardship for the people in the short term. The Government considers that this is nonetheless unavoidable and that bold measures will have to be taken in order to ensure a better future. The report contains indications, in this connection, of the direction followed by macroeconomic policy during the period: priority was given to bringing down inflation and lifting exchange controls so as to promote foreign investment and exports. The Committee notes, however, that the Government does not indicate to what extent the economic growth objectives (a rate of 4 per cent was set, in real terms, for GDP in 1994) have been or are being attained. The report also refers, in the context of structural reforms, to the 1991 Investment Act and the 1992 Privatization Act, but does not indicate how their implementation has affected production and employment. Although the Government refers to programmes for job creation, combating unemployment among young people, training for employment and promoting small enterprises and self-employment, it provides no information in the report on the nature and scope of these programmes and their objectives, nor does it give any evaluation of the results of these initiatives.

2. The Committee must express concern at the Government's statement that its stabilization policy brings adverse repercussions for the population, without specifying exactly what measures have been taken to soften their impact on those most affected. The World Bank considers that the initial effects of structural adjustment are an increase in unemployment and a drop in living standards among the poorer strata of the population. For this reason, the Committee asks the Government to indicate in its next report the measures taken to evaluate the effect on employment of adjustment policies and to mitigate their social repercussions so as to ensure that the social costs and benefits are fairly distributed. It hopes that the next report will provide further information showing the pursuit "as a major goal" of an active policy designed to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment (Article 1 of the Convention), together with a full description of the measures taken for this purpose, "within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy", as well as to collect and analyse statistical and other data concerning the active population, unemployment and underemployment (Article 2). The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide available information on the situation and trends in employment, with particular reference to the size and role of the informal sector and the distribution of jobs between the public and private sectors.

3. With regard to the effect given to the provisions of Article 3 of the Convention, the Government stresses its attachment to freedom of association and collective bargaining and indicates that consultations are held through the National Economic Advisory Council and the Tripartite Consultative Labour Council set up by the Industrial and Labour Relations Act, No. 27 of 1993. The Committee notes that under section 83 of the above Act, the Tripartite Consultative Labour Council, on which employers' and workers' organizations are represented, is competent to deal with other matters concerning the development and utilization of manpower, as well as any other matters submitted to it by the Government. The Committee recalls that consultations with representatives of the persons affected by the employment policies provided for in the Convention should aim at securing their cooperation in formulating and enlisting support for those policies, and should cover all aspects of economic policy which affect employment. Furthermore, given their importance in the working population, workers in the rural and informal sectors should be associated with these consultations. The Committee cannot emphasize sufficiently the importance of this provision of the Convention, and would be grateful if the Government would state the manner in which all representatives of all the persons affected by the measures to be taken are consulted on employment policies, "with a view to taking fully into account their experience and views and securing their full cooperation in formulating and enlisting support for such policies".

4. Lastly, the Committee asks the Government to indicate the action taken as a result of ILO technical cooperation projects concerning employment (Part V of the report form).

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1993, published 80th ILC session (1993)

1. Further to its previous observation, the Committee took note of the Government's report, which contains brief indications in reply to the request which had been addressed to it directly.

2. The Government has stated that the Fourth National Development Plan 1989-93 has been revised. The Committee notes however that the report does not include the required information on the employment objectives set at this time. It also notes that the report mentions measures to reduce the number of personnel employed in the public sector. The report also indicates that privatization measures should, in the end, favour the creation of jobs which continue for the moment to be impeded by such factors as the weight of external debt, the lack of foreign currency and the devaluation of the national currency. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate in its next report how account is taken, when adopting global development policy measures and in particular adjustment measures, of the effect of these measures on employment (Article 1, paragraph 3, of the Convention). It recalls that under Article 2 the measures to be taken in order to attain employment objectives should be placed "within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy".

3. The Committee notes with concern that the Government has reported the negative impact of the unfavourable economic situation on youth training programmes, and the reduction of public spending on education in a context in which the rapid growth of the economically active population results in the growth of unemployment for urban youth. It hopes that the Government will soon report that measures have been taken to coordinate policies for education and training with prospective employment opportunities, in order to ensure that young persons have access to an appropriate job after they have completed school and been trained, and to build a workforce with the necessary qualifications for the implementation of the economic policy. Some suggestions concerning education and training related to youth employment, which the Government may consider to be appropriate, may be found in Part III of the Employment Policy (Supplementary Provisions) Recommendation, 1984 (No. 169).

4. The Committee notes that the report does not contain the information requested on the effect given to Article 3. It trusts that the Government will indicate in its next report how the representatives of the persons affected by the measures to be taken, in particular representatives of employers and workers, but also representatives of other sectors of the economically active population such as persons working in the rural and informal sectors, are consulted on employment policy and take part in its implementation.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1991, published 78th ILC session (1991)

1. The Committee refers to its observation and would be grateful if the Government would provide additional information on the following points.

2. The Committee takes note of the measures that have been taken or are contemplated to improve management and planning capacity in the public service (heavy increase in salaries, improved conditions of work, job evaluation). It also notes that the project to establish a public Employment Service is being actively pursued. It asks the Government to provide additional information on wages and employment policy in the public and semi-public sector. Please indicate also whether the public Employment Service has been organised and, if so, state its role (particularly in the formal sector) in matching manpower supply and demand in the various occupations and the different regions.

3. The Committee notes with interest that Youth Training Programmes have been implemented by the major institutions and organisations involved in Youth Development in the country in accordance with the objectives and strategies of the Interim National Development Plan (INDP) for 1987-88. It also notes the areas covered by these Programmes and that 10,703 young people benefited from the programmes in 1989, 4,646 of whom were involved in production units. Please continue to provide information on the implementation of the Youth Training Programmes coming under the INDP (particularly Chapter 5) or, as appropriate, provided for in the FNDP, and indicate the share of vocational training in education curricula.

4. With reference to its previous direct request, the Committee notes that in its next report the Government will furnish an evaluation of regional development policies and improvements in infrastructure carried out as part of the Interim National Development Plan (INDP).

5. With reference to point 3 of its observation concerning the tourism policy, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate the measures that have been taken or are envisaged to promote handicrafts, or more generally, small industries or technologies that use local raw materials, and their effects on employment and training.

6. The Committee notes that the self-help approach to agriculture has been successful in increasing production, and that many young men and women have found employment in this sector. Please give detailed information, as far as is possible, on the impact of such an approach in terms of production, employment and income.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1991, published 78th ILC session (1991)

1. The Committee takes note of the information contained in the Government's report. In its previous observation, the Committee note the decision taken in 1987 to abandon the IMF restructuring programme owing to its negative economic and social effects, and to prepare, within the framework of the Interim National Development Plan (INDP) a new economic recovery programme based on the country's own resources. In its report for the period 1989-90, the Government indicates that it has laid down employment objectives and strategies within the ambit of the Fourth National Development Plan (FNDP) for 1989-93, but that the achievements during the period under review have been somewhat limited. The reasons given by the Government concern the macro-economic measures implemented in the context of the Fourth Plan and their serious effects on employment and training. The Government draws attention to the wage rises following the deregulation of prices as factors that have affected employment and investment levels.

2. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide additional information on: (i) the employment objectives laid down in the Fourth Plan (1989-93), indicating to what extent they are in the process of being attained and the particular difficulties encountered in this respect; (ii) the main policies pursued and measures taken, with particular reference to overall and sectoral development policies, labour market policies and education and training policies; and (iii) the situation, level and trends of employment, unemployment and underemployment (Article 1 of the Convention).

3. With regard to sectoral development policies, the Government's report indicates that the tourism sector is receiving high priority, in particular because it has great potential in terms of generating employment opportunities and bringing in foreign exchange earnings. These features were pointed out by the Committee in its General Survey on the Instruments concerning Human Resource Development, which, in the context of ILO technical co-operation projects which are gaining considerable importance in this sector, points out that the decisive element in such projects is the training component. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide information on the attainment of the objectives referred to in the report, particularly as concerns employment and training.

4. In its previous observation, the Committee noted with interest the social partners' participation in the definition of objectives and strategies for the Fourth National Development Plan, and the improvement in formal consultations with workers and employers in the context of the Industrial Relations Act. The Committee hopes that the next report will contain information on co-operation with the representatives of the persons affected, as required by Article 3 of the Convention, particularly as regards implementation of the employment policy.

5. Furthermore, a direct request is being addressed to the Government on a number of other points concerning the application of the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1989, published 76th ILC session (1989)

1. The Committee refers to its observation. It has noted in particular the continuing efforts made by the Government to compile statistics on the development of employment in each formal sector of the economy. It hopes that the next report will contain all available information as to the extent to which employment objectives in the 1987-88 Interim National Development Plan (INDP) and the aims of the Convention have been met. Please provide a copy of the Fourth National Development Plan when it becomes available.

2. The Committee notes that the INDP (Chapter II) aims to improve management and planning capacity in the public service by making conditions of service competitive and carrying out institutional reforms. It hopes such measures will take account of the role to be played (particularly in the formal sector) by a public employment service which is able to assist in the matching of labour supply and demand in the various occupations and regions and, by studying the labour market and compiling statistics, advise on measures (such as vocational guidance and training) to adjust manpower resources to the needs of the economy. Please include details of developments in this regard in the next report.

3. The Committee has noted the macro-economic policies laid down by the INDP and the extent to which they take account of employment considerations (in particular by giving priority to labour-intensive methods and the development of agriculture, as referred to in the observation). It hopes the next report will include available information on the impact of investment, exchange, trade, prices and incomes, and debt-related measures on employment.

4. Please provide available information (such as numbers of people who undergo training) as to the fulfilment of youth training programmes referred to in the INDP (especially Chapter V); and how far any vocational training is included in school curricula.

5. Please indicate how far the regional investment planned in Chapter VI of the INDP has led to the diversification of activities aimed at in Chapters II and III and employment generation.

6. Please indicate the progress made and the effects on employment as regards the improvements in infrastructure planned in Chapters II and III of the INDP.

7. Please indicate which traditional industries (e.g. mining, manufacturing, tourism) have been promoted as a priority, and which new ones have been created, with the consequent effect on employment.

8. Please indicate how far the self-help approach to agriculture has been successful in increasing production and generating employment.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1989, published 76th ILC session (1989)

1. Further to its previous comments, the Committee has noted the information in the Government's report, and the policies and objectives laid down in the 1987-88 Interim National Development Plan (INDP). It notes that in May 1987 it was decided to abandon the IMF restructuring programme due to its negative effects on the overall performance of the economy in 1985-86 (involving serious unemployment and underemployment, particularly among the young in urban areas), and the INDP is consequently aimed at formulating a New Economic Recovery Programme based on the country's own resources. The Committee notes with interest the efforts made in co-operation with the ILO's Southern African Team for Employment Promotion (SATEP) to devise policies in line with the Convention's aims of full, productive and freely chosen employment. It notes in particular the emphasis placed on employment in the rural sector under the land settlement and "village service" schemes, based on a "self-help" approach. The Committee hopes the next report will include further information on these and other matters raised in a direct request.

2. Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee notes with interest that the social partners took part in the Employment Committee which has been drawing up employment objectives and strategies for the Fourth National Development Plan. The Government has referred to improving formal consultation of employers and workers through the Industrial Relations Act and promoting participatory democracy: the INDP has also outlined discussion procedures at village and higher levels relating to production targets and their achievement. The Committee hopes these consultations will cover employment policies in terms of the Convention, and that the next report will include further information.

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