Information System on International Labour Standards
NORMLEX Home > Country profiles > Portugal


ILO Member: Member since 28.06.1919 - ILO Region: Europe - Correspondence language for the ILO: English, French

National labour law

Country situation on reporting obligations

Regular reporting (Art. 22/35)
Comments adopted by the CEACR
General survey reporting (Art. 19)
  1. Sessions submitted
    31-56, 58-72, 74-92, 94-96, 99-101, 103, 104, 106, 108, 111
  2. Sessions not submitted

Examination by the supervisory bodies

Comments of the Committee of Experts (CEACR)
  1. Observation on the application of a Convention: C001, C081, C129, C155, C176, C187
  2. Direct request on the application of a Convention: C012, C014, C017, C018, C019, C045, C081, C102, C106, C115, C120, C127, C129, C131, C132, C138, C139, C148, C150, C155, C162, C171, C176, C182, C183, C184, MLC, 2006, C187
Reports examined by the CEACR without adopting comments
  1. Reports examined by the CEACR without adopting comments: C095, C105, C173, C175
Discussion at the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards (CAS)

    Observations made by employers' and workers' organizations (Art. 23)

    Complaints procedures

    Freedom of Association cases
    1. Closed: 35
    Representations (Art. 24)
    1. Pending: 1
    2. Closed: 8
    Complaints/Commissions of Inquiry (Art 26)
    1. Closed: 1
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