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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2019, published 109th ILC session (2021)

Human Resources Development Convention, 1975 (No. 142) - Antigua and Barbuda (Ratification: 2002)

Other comments on C142

Direct Request
  1. 2024
  2. 2019
  3. 2018
  4. 2014
  5. 2013
  6. 2009

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Articles 1 and 5 of the Convention. Formulation and implementation of education and training policies and programmes. Lifelong learning. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the formulation and implementation of vocational training and vocational guidance policies and programmes, as well as on the practical application of the Convention. The Government reports that the National Training Agency (NTA), the entity responsible for implementation of the national vocational education and training policy, inaugurated a draft Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) policy, in conjunction with the ILO. Subsequently, a consultant was engaged by the Ministry of Education to develop the national TVET policy. The consultant used the contents of the draft initiated by the NTA and presented a report to the relevant stakeholders in May 2017. Subsequently, in January 2018, consultations were held in which the consultant presented a draft of the national TVET policy and accompanying action plan to the stakeholders for discussion. Concerns were expressed by the stakeholders regarding responsibility for implementing the policy, given that the tenures of the NTA members were coming to an end in March 2018. The Committee notes that the Minister of Labour was expected to appoint a new NTA board. The Committee notes that the draft policy dated May 2017, communicated together with the Government’s report, sets out the background and objectives of the review of the TVET system between 2017 and 2018, indicating that the main goal of the policy is to provide a framework to strengthen and maintain a quality TVET sector in the country. The situation analysis undertaken in the context of this review revealed a number of challenges, including gender stereotyping in skills development. The Committee notes that this information was used to develop a gender-responsive draft TVET policy and action plan. It further notes that, according to the draft national policy of May 2017, the policy is underpinned by a set of values and principles, including equity, accessibility, responsiveness, sustainability, adaptability, quality, inclusiveness and relevance. To achieve its objectives, the policy is centred on the themes of quality assurance, governance and management, partnership and collaboration, sustainable financing, lifelong learning, training and certification, marketing and promotion and labour market information. In respect of training for the TVET sector, the Government indicates that, in June 2017, technical and vocational training was provided to over 30 (thirty) teachers, conducted by the Ministry of Education and facilitated by specialists from Trinidad and Tobago. The Committee requests the Government to provide information as to whether the members of the NTA board have indeed been appointed as planned. The Committee further requests the Government to provide updated information on the finalization and adoption of the National Technical Vocation and Education policy and to provide a copy once it is adopted. It also requests the Government to communicate updated information on the status and activities of the NTA. The Government is also requested to provide detailed information, including statistics disaggregated by sex and age, on the impact of vocational guidance and training policies and programmes on access to lasting employment. The Committee further requests the Government to indicate the manner in which it is ensured that vocational guidance, training and lifelong learning are available to all young persons and adults, including specific groups of workers that may encounter obstacles in entering or remaining in the labour market, such as women, young persons, older workers, persons with disabilities and the long-term unemployed.
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