Article 3(3) of the Convention. Compulsory leave after confinement.
Article 4(3). Medical benefits.
Article 6. Protection against dismissal.
Application of the Convention in practice.
A. General provisions
Occupational safety and health and its promotional framework (Conventions Nos 155
and 187)
I. Action at the national level
Article 2(3) of Convention No. 187.
Periodic consideration of measures that could be taken to ratify relevant OSH
Article 4 of Convention No. 155 and Article 3
of Convention No. 187. National policy.
Articles 5(d) and 15 of
Convention No. 155. Coordination between various authorities and bodies.
Establishment of a central body. Communication and cooperation at the national
Article 6 of Convention
No. 155. Functions and responsibilities of public authorities.
Article 8 of Convention No. 155 and
Article 4(1)(a) and (2) of Convention No. 187. Periodic review of the national
system and national legislation.
Article 9 of
Convention No. 155 and Article 4(2)(c) of Convention No. 187. Mechanisms for
ensuring compliance with national legislation.
Article 11(a) of
Convention No. 155. Design, construction and layout of undertakings;
commencement and alteration of operations; technical equipment and procedures.
Article 11(b) and (f) of Convention
No. 155. Determination of work processes and of substances and agents the
exposure to which is to be prohibited, limited or made subject to authorization
or control. Systems to examine chemical, physical and biological agents.
Article 11(c) of
Convention No. 155 and Article 4(3)(f) and (g) of Convention No. 187.
Notification of occupational accidents and diseases and production of annual
statistics. Collection and analysis of data on occupational injuries and
diseases. Collaboration with relevant insurance or social security schemes.
Application in practice.
Article 11(e) of Convention No. 155.
Annual publication of information on measures taken in pursuance of the national
policy on OSH.
Article 4(3)(a) of Convention No. 187. National
tripartite advisory body.
Article 4(3)(h) of
Convention No. 187. Support mechanisms for micro-enterprises, small and
medium-sized enterprises and the informal economy.
Article 5 of Convention No.
187. National programme.
I. Action at the level of the undertaking
Article 13 of Convention No.
155. Protection from undue consequences related to removal from imminent and
serious danger.
Article 17 of Convention No. 155.
Collaboration between two or more undertakings.
Article 19(f) of Convention No. 155.
Return to a work situation where there is continuing imminent and serious
A. Protection against specific risks
Benzene Convention, 1971 (No. 136)
Article 4 of the Convention.
Prohibition of the use of benzene and of products containing benzene as a
solvent or diluent, except where the process is carried out in an enclosed
system or where there are other equally safe methods of work. Application in
Article 6(2) and (3). Measurement of
the concentration of benzene in the air of places of employment.
Legislative developments.
Minimum wage
Article 1(1) of Convention No. 131. Coverage of the minimum
wage system.
Articles 3 and 4. Criteria for the
determination of minimum wages. Operation of the minimum wage fixing machinery.
Article 5. Enforcement.
Informal economy.
Protection of wages
Article 2 of Convention No. 95. Protection of wages
of all persons to whom wages are paid or payable.
Article 7(2). Works
Article 8(1). Deductions
from wages.
Article 12. Regular payment of wages.
Article 14(b). Wage
Protection of Workers’ Claims (Employer’s Insolvency)
Articles 5, 6 and
8 of Convention No. 173. Application to business rescue proceedings.
Article 8(1). Rank of
privilege in situations of winding-up and receivership.