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NORMLEX Home > Reports requested and replies to CEACR comments: C030 - Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930 (No. 30)

Reports requested and replies to CEACR comments: C030 - Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930 (No. 30)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Ghana1973RegularReceived (pdf, 43kb)
Guatemala1961RegularReceived (pdf, 43kb)
Iraq1962RegularRequested (pdf, 43kb)
Israel1951RegularRequested (pdf, 43kb)
Kuwait1961RegularReceived (pdf, 43kb)
Syrian Arab Republic1960Out of cycle (Not received last year)Direct Request 2023 Requested (pdf, 43kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Argentina1950Regular (pdf, 43kb)
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)1973Regular (pdf, 43kb)
Bulgaria1932Regular (pdf, 43kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Uruguay1933Regular (pdf, 43kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Lebanon1977RegularDirect Request 2022 (pdf, 43kb)
Luxembourg1958RegularDirect Request 2021 (pdf, 43kb)
Mexico1934RegularDirect Request 2021 (pdf, 43kb)
Morocco1974Regular (pdf, 43kb)
Mozambique1977RegularDirect Request 2021 (pdf, 43kb)
Nicaragua1934RegularObservation 2022; Direct Request 2022 (pdf, 43kb)
Norway1953RegularDirect Request 2021 (pdf, 43kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Chile1935RegularObservation 2023; Direct Request 2023 (pdf, 43kb)
Colombia1969RegularObservation 2022 (pdf, 43kb)
Cuba1936RegularDirect Request 2023 (pdf, 43kb)
Egypt1960RegularDirect Request 2023 (pdf, 43kb)
Equatorial Guinea1985RegularDirect Request 2022 (pdf, 43kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Panama1959RegularObservation 2023 (pdf, 43kb)
Paraguay1966RegularObservation 2023 (pdf, 43kb)
Saudi Arabia1978Regular (pdf, 43kb)
Spain1932Regular (pdf, 43kb)
Syrian Arab Republic1960RegularDirect Request 2023 (pdf, 43kb)
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