Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1990, Publicación: 77ª reunión CIT (1990)

Convenio sobre la política del empleo, 1964 (núm. 122) - Madagascar (Ratificación : 1966)

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The Committee refers to its observation and hopes that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:

The Committee refers to its observation and to information available to the Office. The Committee notes that the 1986-90 Development Plan established three major objectives: food self-sufficiency, increased exports, and an improved standard of living for the population. Among the economic policies set out in order to achieve these objectives, the Committee notes: (a) a slowing down in State recruitment reducing the growth in the actual number of State officials to 2 per cent annually as from 1987; and (b) the promotion of highly labour-intensive activities, particularly in the sectors of small and medium industry in construction and road building. In addition, one of the targets of social policies is to obtain efficiency in teaching through the training of teachers, the increasing of necessary teaching materials, and the establishment of adequate vocational training for the needs of the country.

The Committee hopes that a detailed report will be supplied for the Committee at its next session, and that the report will contain full information on these new policies and, more generally, on the implementation of the objectives of the Convention, with reference to the questions contained in the report form. Please also supply information on the following points which were mentioned in the previous request:

1. Please indicate the extent to which the targets set forth in Act No. 81-036 of 16 December 1981, which outlines the major objectives of the Second Plan (1982-87), have been attained.

2. The Committee noted that, in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 81-036, measures were taken to improve methods of assessing and selecting investments in the public and private sectors. Please supply fuller information concerning these measures and indicate the type of investment projects selected and the extent to which they have created new jobs.

3. The Committee noted that the mechanisms for the collection and analysis of statistical data on employment trends were unsatisfactory, and that the ten decentralised services of the Directorate of Employment and Manpower only covered urban centres. The Committee would be grateful to be kept informed of any new provisions adopted in the field of data collection.

4. Please describe the effect on the employment market of the project carried out in collaboration with the Office (MAG/82/005), concerning the development of Madagascan craftwork.

5. The Committee notes that project MAG/85/011, to support the organisation responsible for further training and vocational training, and project MAG/85/001, concerning the functional and vocational rehabilitation of the disabled, are currently being carried out. In the next report please supply information concerning the progress of these programmes and of any other assistance projects received by the Government within the framework of the World Employment Programme and other ILO technical co-operation projects (point V of the report form).

6. Please supply details concerning the measures taken to regulate the intake of students into university within the framework of the co-ordination of education and training policies with employment prospects.

7. Article 3 of the Convention. The Committee noted that the Decree to have been issued under section 37 of Act No. 77-002 had not been enacted. Please describe the consultations held with representatives of employers' and workers' organisations and other persons concerned (such as rural populations or those in the informal sector) with regard to employment policy.

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