National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee notes the brief information contained in the Government's report. It hopes that the Government's next report will be sufficiently full to enable the Committee to make a better assessment of the application of the Convention in the country and that it will contain information on the situation, level and trends of employment, unemployment and underemployment, both in the aggregate and as they affect particular categories of workers such as women, young persons, older workers and disabled workers. It also requests the Government to refer in its next report to the following points, certain of which have already been raised in previous direct requests.
1. In the first place, the Committee would once again be grateful if the Government would indicate the extent to which the objectives set out in the 1988-92 Plan, or in development programmes, have been or are being achieved, and state whether special difficulties have been encountered in attaining the objectives and how far they have been overcome (Article 1 of the Convention). Please describe the procedures adopted to ensure that the effects on employment of measures taken to promote economic development and other economic and social objectives receive due consideration (Article 2).
2. The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government concerning measures to encourage investment in employment-generating sectors, particularly for small and medium enterprises, which should contribute to the creation of new jobs and account for 65 per cent of total employment, or in favour of young investors (by the provision of preferential loans). It would be grateful if the Government would continue supplying information in this respect and, more generally, on the creation of productive employment as a result of the legislative measures that have been taken to encourage investment in handicrafts, industry, tourism, the maritime sector, construction and mining, as referred to in the previous direct request. Please also supply information on the impact on employment of the measures taken in the context of tax, monetary, trade, wages and rural development policies.
3. The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government concerning labour-intensive projects undertaken by the "National Promotion", which are intended to assist in the creation of the equivalent, in working days, of 70,000 jobs annually. It requests the Government to supply further information in its next report on how far the jobs that are created correspond to the criteria set out in Article 1, paragraph 2 (productive employment, freely chosen employment, etc.).
4. Although it notes that the Government is planning to take measures to establish a special scheme to adapt vocational training to the needs of private enterprises, the Committee notes that the Government's report does not contain the detailed information that was requested previously on the formulation and implementation of measures to co-ordinate the vocational training policy with employment prospects. It would be grateful if the Government would supply the information that is available on the achievement of objectives in this context, including extracts of reports, studies and inquiries, statistical data, etc.
5. The Committee notes with regret that the Government's report does not contain a reply to its previous requests concerning the consultation of representatives of persons affected by the measures taken under the employment policy. It hopes that the Government's next report will contain this information, particularly as regards the representatives of employers' and workers' organisations (especially through the Higher Planning Council), and representatives of other sectors of the active population, such as persons working in the rural sector and the informal sector (Article 3).
6. The Committee recalls its interest in any report, study, inquiry, statistical data, etc., which enables it to gain a better appreciation of the effect given in practice to the Convention. It would be grateful if the Government would supply a copy or relevant extracts of the Indicative Plan for Economic and Social Development, 1988-1992 (Part VI of the report form).