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The Committee notes with regret that the Government's report has not been received for the third year in succession. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:
1. The Committee notes the Government's report. The Government refers to the Organic Bill put forward by the Ministry of the Civil Service and Labour, which sets out the nature and duties of the General Directorate of Employment and Vocational Training which, among other responsibilities, has the task of implementing a number of important aspects of the Convention. The Committee hopes that the Government will indicate in its next report the legislative developments that have occurred and the progress that has been achieved, taking into account the developments in social and economic conditions in order to promote the application of the Convention in its broadest sense. It requests the Government to refer to its previous comments concerning the application of Articles 3 to 8 of the Convention.
2. The Committee requests the Government to supply a copy of the Constitution of the INAFOR, which was referred to but not attached to its previous report.