Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1994, Publicación: 81ª reunión CIT (1994)

Convenio sobre igualdad de remuneración, 1951 (núm. 100) - Irán (República Islámica del) (Ratificación : 1972)

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With reference to its previous direct requests, the Committee notes the information and statistics supplied by the Government in its reports.

1. Regarding section 38 of the 1991 Labour Code, the wording of which has now been clarified as providing for equal wages to be paid to men and women performing work of equal value in a workplace under the same conditions, the Committee notes the Government's statement that this provision ensures equal remuneration for "work of equal value" as required by the Convention. Referring to paragraphs 45 and following and 71 and 72 of its 1986 General Survey on Equal Remuneration, the Committee asks the Government to explain how the principle of the Convention is applied for work of equal value performed in different workplaces.

2. With regard to job classification and assessment systems, the Committee notes the Government's statement that, by virtue of Ministry of Labour Circular 58269, enterprises employing more than 300 persons must prepare and implement job planning, smaller enterprises being bound by the regulations concerning minimum wages, mutual agreements and other statutory criteria on payment of wages. The Committee would appreciate receiving copies of the job planning systems adopted by enterprises under the circular referred to, as well as copies of any mutual agreements or collective agreements which ensure that equal remuneration is paid to men and women workers, using job evaluation as the method of guaranteeing this.

The Committee asks the Government to provide a copy of the job classification plans which, according to the Government's report, are drawn up and applied by Islamic Labour Councils.

3. The Committee notes that, according to the Government, a permanent committee for the classification of jobs has been created and that a copy of the relevant circular has been provided. Since this circular cannot be located, the Committee would appreciate receiving a further copy, as well as up-to-date information on the committee's activities and a description of its coordination with the Islamic Labour Councils referred to above.

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