Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 1995, Publicación: 82ª reunión CIT (1995)

Convenio sobre el servicio del empleo, 1948 (núm. 88) - Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de) (Ratificación : 1977)

Otros comentarios sobre C088

  1. 2011
  2. 2006
  3. 2004
  4. 2002
  5. 2000
  6. 1998
  7. 1995
Solicitud directa
  1. 2016
  2. 1990

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With reference to its earlier comments, the Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its report, and in particular, the compilation of texts governing the status of public officials, including Decree No. 11049 of 1973 requested under Article 9 of the Convention.

Articles 1-5. The Government states in its report that the intention to establish an overall employment service in the form set out in these Articles, as indicated in its earlier report, has not yet been put into practice. The Government indicates that the main reasons for it are the lack of resources and the policy of stabilization and structural adjustment of the economy. It further states, nevertheless, that a possibility to create such an employment service could appear as a result of measures aiming at the political, economic and social stability, and due to the restructuring at the governmental level. The Committee therefore reiterates its hope that the Government will be able to supply in its next report, information on the extent to which effect has been given to the above Articles of the Convention, with particular emphasis on the creation of a network of local and, where appropriate, regional offices, as well as the arrangements made through advisory committees for the cooperation of representatives of employers and workers in the organization and operation of the employment service and in the development of the employment service policy.

Articles 6, 7 and 8. The Committee notes the Government's indications concerning the activities of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Labour aimed at the promotion of the employment and placement of workers. It asks the Government to continue to supply information on efforts being made to expand the functions of employment service, indicating, in particular, measures taken to facilitate specialization by occupations and by industries and to meet adequately the needs of particular categories of applicants for employment, such as disabled persons and juveniles, in accordance with these Articles. Please also furnish statistical information on the number of applications of employment received, the number of vacancies notified and the number of persons placed in employment, as required under Part IV of the report form.

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