Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 1995, Publicación: 82ª reunión CIT (1995)

Convenio sobre el trabajo subterráneo (mujeres), 1935 (núm. 45) - República Dominicana (Ratificación : 1957)

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  1. 1995
  2. 1994
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  1. 2023
  2. 2011
  3. 2005
  4. 1998

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The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its report.

In its previous comments the Committee noted the promulgation of the Labour Code (Act No. 16-92 of May 1992) which does not establish that women may not be employed in underground work. The Government indicates in its report that it is engaged in the necessary formalities, including consultation with the most representative organizations of employers and workers, to denounce the Convention.

The Committee notes this information and recalls paragraph 142 of its General Survey of 1988 on equality in employment and occupation, which states that elimination of the protection afforded to women cannot be deemed the only measure necessary in order to promote equality in employment and occupation. Other measures can be taken to satisfy the requirements of the promotion of equality.

The Committee asks the Government to indicate the measures taken to ensure that national legislation and practice are consistent with its commitments made by ratifying the Convention.

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