National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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1. Discrimination on the ground of sex. With reference to its previous comments regarding the application in practice of the National Plan for Action (NPA) for the Implementation of the Main Objectives provided for by the Final Document of the UN Beijing Conference, the Committee notes that, according to the Government's report, several activities have been undertaken -- some with the technical cooperation of the Office -- such as the creation of a Pilot Office providing information and advice for women and the signature of a cooperation agreement with the principal trade union confederations with a view to respecting equality of opportunity for women within the National Plan on Redistribution of Manpower; future activities include the drafting of a Bill on equality of opportunity and the creation of a National Agency on Equality of Opportunity. The Committee trusts that the Government will continue to inform it of developments in this area in its next report, in particular supplying a copy of any draft text on the subject of equal employment opportunities.
2. Enforcement of equality provisions. The Committee notes that Parliament recently adopted an Act to create the Advocate of the People (Ombudsman) and appointed a former Supreme Court judge to that office. It also notes that a working group within the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection is currently drawing up a draft Bill on labour inspection aiming at the creation of an independent and efficient inspection body. The Committee requests the Government to inform it, in its next report, of progress in the adoption of the draft law and of the activities of the Advocate of the People in so far as they affect the application of the principle of equality in employment and occupation set out in the Convention.