National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee takes note of the Government's reports as well as the legislative texts attached.
Further to its previous direct request, the Committee notes the Government's statement that, under section 113(2) of the Labour Code of 1994, no woman, whatever her age, may be employed in mines even in casual work.
The Committee notes that Decree No. 23/CP of 18 April 1996, and Circular No. 03/LDTBXH-TT of 13 January 1997, attached to the report, provide for measures to be taken by enterprises in order to transfer female workers engaged in prohibited works, including underground work, to suitable employment, and that such measures contain, among other things, the collection of statistics, and setting up of a project to transfer such workers to other suitable work. Noting also the Government's indication that the application of these provisions of national legislation is step by step, the Committee asks the Government to provide information on the application in practice of the Convention, including the number of female workers actually working underground in mines, and the number of those who have so far been transferred to other work in accordance with the above provisions.