Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1999, Publicación: 88ª reunión CIT (2000)

Convenio sobre igualdad de remuneración, 1951 (núm. 100) - Polinesia Francesa

Otros comentarios sobre C100

  1. 1992

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The Government's report contains detailed information concerning the progression in the minimum wage (SMIC) and in wages in various sectors of activity. The numerous collective agreements appended to the report contain salary scales and classifications according to professional category. The French Polynesian Institute of Statistics has also issued extensive data which is appended to the report. In accordance with section 18 of Act No. 86-845 of 17 July 1986 relating to the general principles of the right to work and to the organization and functioning of the labour inspectorate and industrial tribunals, these collective agreements establish wage scales according to professional category based on objective criteria, capacities resulting from experience acquired, responsibilities and intellectual or physical demands.

The Committee notes with interest that the Government's report contains full responses to the issues raised in the Committee's 1997 direct request. The Committee hopes that the Government will continue to provide information concerning the promotion of equality between men and women in French Polynesia.

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