National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:
1. Discrimination on the basis of sex. The Committee notes from the Government’s report that continuing efforts are being made to provide better employment opportunities for women through the various training courses organized by the National Employment Agency, including in professions traditionally dominated by men, such as, inter alia, computer programmer, accountant, electronic computer operator or sales assistant. The Committee notes that in 2000 the percentage of women participating in employment-guaranteed training courses slightly decreased to 68 per cent from 73.7 per cent in 1999 and the percentage of female participants in business start-up training courses increased from 86.7 to 89 per cent. The Government is invited to continue to provide information on the vocational training provided by the National Employment Service, including information on the number of women participating in the different courses, including those concerning occupations traditionally taken up by men.
2. The Committee notes from the comments by the Turkish Confederation of Employers’ Associations (TISK) that the functions of the Turkish Labour Institute (IŞKUR) have been extended to implement active and passive labour force policies and that in its restructured form IŞKUR will be able to take measures to strengthen the position of women in the labour market. Please provide information on the activities of IŞKUR aiming at the promotion of gender equality in employment and occupation.
3. The Committee understands that the Grand National Assembly has adopted amendments to the Constitution and Civil Code in respect to equality between the two sexes. Please provide further details on these legislative changes and on their application in practice in the field of employment. Noting the Government’s statement that it spares no effort to pursue the review of the Labour Code within the framework of tripartite consultations, the Committee asks the Government to provide information on the status of the review in respect to section 17(1)(a) which entitles an employer to terminate a female worker’s contract without notice at the end of the paid maternity leave period, and to provide copies of any amendment adopted.
4. In respect of the Committee’s previous comments on the issue of appointment of women to higher administrative jobs and the Committee’s request for statistical data on the distribution of men and women in the different posts and at the different levels of administration, the Committee notes that the Government is unable to provide such data. It notes that the statistical information disaggregated by sex and level of employment is an important tool in order to assess the situations of vertical occupational segregation, to design and implement appropriate measures to promote women’s access to high-level jobs, and to evaluate their impact. The Committee therefore asks the Government to indicate whether it intends to collect such statistical data in the future and to provide any other information on measures taken or envisaged to enhance women’s access to higher level jobs in public administration, including positive action.
5. The 1979 discipline rules pertaining to the police force. The Committee notes that from the Government’s report that additional section 11 of the Security Organization Act No. 3201 of 1937, which constitutes the basis for subsection 33 of section 8 of the 1979 discipline rules, was amended on 21 April 2001. When the amendment has been reflected in subsection 33, members of the police force will be allowed to be founding members of foundations under the Civil Code and take part in their administrative bodies. The Government is requested to provide the text of any amendments to the discipline rules, once adopted. Noting that the Government has submitted copies of decisions of the administrative courts and the Council of State interpreting subsections 31-33 of section 8 of the discipline rules, the Committee will return to this matter when translations of the decisions become available.