National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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Further to its previous observation, the Committee notes with satisfaction that, contrary to the statement in the report to the effect that no legislative or regulatory measure has been adopted for applying the provisions of the Convention, an important Decree was adopted on 8 January 2002 providing for the active involvement of labour inspectors in both research and reporting of cases of child labour and in the procedure for placing the children concerned under protection. The organization of a workshop in 2003 to train trainers of labour inspectors for combating the trafficking and exploitation of children and of a seminar for strengthening the capacities of labour inspectors in this area are measures which, from the Committee’s point of view, bear witness to the Government’s real determination to make the necessary efforts to put the relevant legal provisions into practice.
The Committee also notes with interest that, in the context of the country’s economic and financial difficulties, practical measures have nevertheless been taken since 1999 to overcome the inadequate quality and numbers of inspection staff, particularly in the form of training at the Administrative Career Training School (EPCA) for non-permanent employees of the central labour administration having a certain seniority, in order to incorporate them in the inspection staff as labour controllers.
The Committee is addressing a request concerning certain points directly to the Government.