National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee notes the information provided in the Government’s report, in particular the adoption of Ministerial Resolutions Nos. 11/2005 of 23 April 2005 and 30/2005 of 25 November 2005 on minimum wage fixing and the establishment of a single pay scale for all occupational categories, respectively.
The Committee notes that, following the most recent adjustments, the national minimum wage has more than doubled and currently stands at 225 pesos (approximately US$10) per month. The Committee also notes the statistics indicating that, for the 11,925 inspections carried out in 2005, 28,989 violations of the labour law were recorded, 775 of which concerned the wage payment system.
With regard to collective bargaining, the Committee notes the Government’s explanations according to which collective labour agreements may contain clauses on payment conditions, possible allowances and wage supplements or other exceptional conditions of work, but may not provide for rates of pay lower than the minimum wage or will be deemed null and void.
The Committee would be grateful if the Government would continue providing general information on how the Convention is being applied, in particular extracts from official reports, statistics on the number of workers covered by the minimum wage system, details of the number and nature of infringements recorded and any other information relating to the application of the Convention in practice.