Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2008, Publicación: 98ª reunión CIT (2009)

Convenio sobre la inspección del trabajo, 1947 (núm. 81) - Barbados (Ratificación : 1967)

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Articles 3 and 16 of the Convention. Inspection of workplaces. Noting that discussions, in which labour and safety and health officers are participating, are taking place on the integrated approach to workplace inspections, the Committee requests the Government to supply information on the results of such discussions, on any measures taken or envisaged to implement this approach at the workplace level and its impact on the work of inspection officers.

Article 5(a). Cooperation between the labour inspection system and the judicial system. The Committee notes that, according to the Government, it is envisaged that cooperation between the inspectorate and the judicial system will be strengthened within the framework of the legislative reform. With reference to its 2007 general observation, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would keep the Office informed of any development in this regard. It further requests it to indicate in its next report the number of cases of violation of labour legislation brought before the courts and the outcome of such procedures.

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