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Consultation procedures. The Committee notes the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention received in February 2009. The Government states that, following its ratification of the Convention, procedures have not yet been established to ensure effective consultations within the parameters set out in the Convention. The Government also expresses its intention to engage the social partners in specific consultations to determine the procedures to give effect to the Convention. It also refers to the Industrial Relation Advisory Committee, a tripartite body which provides advice to the Minister on all matters pertaining to industrial relations generally, and, more specifically, on the operation of labour legislation. The Committee refers to Article 2 of the Convention and invites the Government to establish, with the participation of the social partners, procedures which ensure conducting effective consultations on the matters relating to the activities of the Organization set out in Article 5(2). The Government is also requested to ensure that employers and workers are represented on an equal footing on bodies in which such consultations are held (Article 3(2)).
Consultations required by the Convention. The Committee refers to the observations that it has been making for many years on the failure to submit the instruments adopted by the Conference to the House of Assembly and it hopes that the Government’s next report will contain relevant information on the prior tripartite consultations held on this subject (Article 5(1)(b)). The Committee also invites the Government to provide detailed information in its next report on the content and outcome of the tripartite consultations held on each of the other matters relating to international labour standards covered by Article 5(1).
Financing of training. Administrative support. The Committee requests the Government to provide information in its next report on the manner in which it intends to assume responsibility for the administrative support of the consultation procedures covered by the Convention (Article 4(1)). The Committee hopes that the Government will report on the arrangements made, possibly with ILO assistance, for the financing of any necessary training of participants in consultation procedures (Article 4(2)).