Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2016, Publicación: 106ª reunión CIT (2017)

Convenio sobre el seguro de enfermedad (industria), 1927 (núm. 24) - Argelia (Ratificación : 1962)

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Article 3(1) of the Convention, in conjunction with Article 2(1). Sickness insurance coverage of apprentices. The Committee understands from the report, that apprentices are covered by the sickness insurance to the extent that their contributions are paid from the State budget. The Committee recalls that pursuant to section 1(3) of Decree No. 85-33 of 9 February 1985 as amended by Decree No. 92-274 of 6 July 1992, apprentices who earn less than half of the monthly minimum wage are not entitled to cash payments guaranteed by the social security system in the event of incapacity for work. The Committee asks the Government to confirm that sickness insurance contributions in respect of an apprentice whose remuneration is less than half of the guaranteed minimum wage are also paid from the State budget.
Conclusions and recommendations of the Standards Review Mechanism. The Committee notes that, at its 328th Session in October 2016, the Governing Body of the ILO adopted the conclusions and recommendations formulated by the Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group (SRM TWG), recalling that Conventions Nos 24, 42 and 44 to which Algeria is party are outdated and charging the Office with follow-up work aimed at encouraging States party only to this Convention to ratify the Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention, 1969 (No. 130), and/or the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102), and accept the obligations in its Parts II and III, as these represent the most up-to-date instruments in this subject area. The Committee reminds the Government of the availability of ILO technical assistance in this regard.
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