Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2022, Publicación: 111ª reunión CIT (2023)

Convenio sobre el trabajo forzoso, 1930 (núm. 29) - Saint Kitts y Nevis (Ratificación : 2000)

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  1. 2022

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Article 25 of the Convention. Penal sanctions for the exaction of forced or compulsory labour. With regard to the existence of legislative provisions establishing penal sanctions for of the imposition of forced labour, the Government indicates that the National Tripartite Committee in charge of drafting the Labour Code is debating the introduction of provisions into the Labour Code establishing sanctions for the imposition of forced or compulsory labour. The Committee notes this information and observes that section 3 of the Trafficking in Persons (Prevention) Act, 2008 provides for a penalty of up to 20-years imprisonment or a fine, or both, for trafficking in persons. Recalling the importance that forced labour practices be punishable with adequate and dissuasive penal sanctions, the Committee requests the Government to indicate if cases of trafficking, as well as other forms of forced labour, have been investigated and prosecuted under section 3 of the Trafficking in Persons (Prevention) Act, 2008 or under any other provision of the criminal legislation.
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