Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2022, Publicación: 111ª reunión CIT (2023)

Convenio sobre la abolición del trabajo forzoso, 1957 (núm. 105) - Azerbaiyán (Ratificación : 2000)

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  2. 2021
  3. 2017
  4. 2015

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Article 1(c) of the Convention. Disciplinary sanctions applicable to public officials. The Committee takes note of the information regarding the court decisions handed down under section 314.1 of the Criminal Code provided by the Government in its reply. The Committee observes however that the provided examples of the court decisions do not describe the facts pursuant to which the court decisions were handed down. The Committee therefore requests the Government to continue to supply information on the application of section 314.1 of the Criminal Code, providing in particular, a brief description of the offences and legal reasoning of convictions handed down as well as the penalties imposed, in order to enable the Committee to ascertain the scope of this provision and its compatibility with the Convention.
Article 1(d). Sanctions for participating in strikes. The Committee takes notes of the examples of the court decisions handed down under section 233 of the Criminal Code provided by the Government.
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