Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2022, Publicación: 111ª reunión CIT (2023)

Convenio sobre la readaptación profesional y el empleo (personas inválidas), 1983 (núm. 159) - Uganda (Ratificación : 1990)

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  1. 2006

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The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments.
Articles 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 of the Convention. Implementation of a national policy on vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. The Government indicates in its report the adoption of the Community-based Rehabilitation Program (CBRP) for equalization of opportunities, rehabilitation and inclusion of persons with disabilities in their communities. The Government adds that it has developed guidelines and allocated resources to enable the implementation of the CBRP in 26 districts. In addition, special grants have been provided to support income-generating activities for people with disabilities. About 200 young persons with disabilities have been equipped with vocational skills on a yearly basis to enhance their employability, and inclusive schools for persons with disabilities with specially trained teachers to manage their learning needs have been established in the different regions. The Committee nevertheless notes, that in its concluding observations, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) expressed concern that there are few employment opportunities open for persons with disabilities, in particular for young men and women with disabilities, as well noting concern at the dismissal of persons who acquire an impairment in the course of their employment. The CRPD also noted the delay in the enactment of the Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2014, and the lack of provisions to ensure persons with disabilities have equal pay for work of equal value (CRPD/C/UGA/CO/1, 12 May 2016, paragraphs 4 and 52).The Committee once again requests the Government to provide information on the results achieved through the implementation of the National Policy on Disability and the National Plan of Action on Disability. It also requests the Government to communicate information on the results of the implementation of the CBRP and on developments regarding the status of the Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2014. In light of the observations made by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Committee requests the Government to supply information on the measures taken to provide protection against dismissal for persons who acquire an impairment in the course of their employment, to take the necessary steps to ensure the effective participation of persons with disabilities in the labour market and to ensure that they receive equal pay for work of equal value. The Government is further requested to transmit specific practical information on the application of the Convention, such as statistical data disaggregated by age and gender, extracts from reports and studies on matters covered by the Convention.
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