Visualizar en: Francés - Español
- 150. The complaints are contained in communications received from the National Trade Union Co-ordinating Body (February, 10 April and 4 June 1984), the World Confederation of Labour (21 August 1984), the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (31 October 1984) and the World Federation of Trade Unions (8 November 1984). The Government replied in communications dated 26 November 1984 and 7 February 1985.
- 151. Chile has ratified neither the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No.087), nor the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No.098).
A. The complainant's allegations
A. The complainant's allegations
- 152. The complainants allege that for more than ten years, the Government has denied a great number of trade union officials the right to live in Chile and that they are forced to live in exile. According to the complainants, the officials concerned have not been legally tried and are consequently serving a sentence of indefinite exile which no competent court has pronounced.
- 153. The complainants add that in September 1984, the Ministry of the Interior submitted to the international airlines a list of 4,942 persons (including many trade union officials) forbidden to enter the country, so that the airlines operating in Chile would consult the International Police in Santiago before selling a ticket to any of the persons concerned wishing to fly to Chile. Amongst those officials involved is Héctor Cuevas, National President of the Confederation of Building Workers, who was arbitrarily exiled in 1982.
- 154. The complainants add that recently, the exiled officials' situation has worsened, since the Government has given up the system of issuing periodically lists of Chilean citizens authorised to return to the country. Consequently, every exile has to request individually authorisation to return.
- 155. The list of exiled persons provided by the complainant organisations and information on the latter are attached as an Annex to the present case.
B. The Government's reply
B. The Government's reply
- 156. The Government states that the subject-matter dealt with in the present case is irrelevant to freedom of association and considers that it is outside the Committee's competence. The Government is of the opinion that the Committee has been called upon to examine matters of a clearly political nature or which pertain to the police and adds that it notes with concern that the Committee has accepted to deal with claims of this nature, which detract from its true function and should be referred to other fora or bodies dealing with political issues.
- 157. The Government adds that the exile of those persons mentioned by the complainants is in no way connected with trade union activities or with the fact that any of them might have been a trade union official at some point during his life. With respect to these persons, the Government states that the head of the Trade Union Organisations Branch of the Department of Labour has certified that he compared the list of names with the Branch file of trade union officials and that none of the persons on the list is registered as a practising trade union official; furthermore, there are no records indicating that they might once have been officials (in this respect, the Government encloses a certificate dated 19 December 1984, from the Head of the Trade Union Organisations Branch of the Labour Department).
- 158. The Government claims that many of the persons amongst the 128 names cited by the complainants either held a ministerial position or were municipal authorities, members of parliament or well-known leaders of political parties and that they left the country of their own free will or sought asylum in the embassies accredited to the country.
- 159. According to the Government, many of the persons named in the list had taken an active part in violent political actions aimed at overthrowing the country's democratic structures. Aware of their acts and following the military takeover of 11 September 1973, they sought exile in the foreign embassies accredited to the country. It is for this reason, that several of the persons listed are forbidden to enter the country and must first contact the International Police Department in Santiago before the airlines may sell them a ticket to Chile.
- 160. The Government points out that some of those on the list were tried and sentenced to imprisonment by the courts for having committed offences under the State Security Act No. 12927 of 1958 and under Act No. 17798 of 1972 on arms control. In these circumstances, the prison sentences were commuted to exile, and those concerned consequently left Chile to settle abroad in the country of their choice.
- 161. The Government also states that some of the persons mentioned on the list are, at present, not forbidden to enter the country.
- 162. Finally, the Government provides information, contained in the Annex, on each of the persons mentioned in the complainants' list.
C. The Committee's conclusions
C. The Committee's conclusions
- 163. Before examining the substance of the various aspects of the case, the Committee wishes to point out, concerning the Government's statement that the matters submitted by the complainants are of a political nature and, as such, fall outside the Committee's competence, that the role of the Committee is primarily to examine whether the allegations placed before it are linked or not with the exercise of trade union rights. In the present case, the Committee considers that the allegations before it, as they have been presented by the complainants, would seem to be prima facie within its specific competence and must therefore be examined by it; during this examination, the Committee may, in the light of all the information at its disposal, reach the conclusion that there has been an infringement or restriction of trade union rights or, on the contrary, that the issues involved are indeed unrelated to freedom of association.
- 164. The Committee notes that, in the present case, the complainants have alleged the forced exile of 128 trade union officials and trade unionists. The Committee also notes that the case of one of them, Héctor Cuevas, has already been examined by the Committee. (See, for example, 226th Report, Case No. 1170, paras. 348-387, 230th Report, para. 21 and 233rd Report, para. 26.) In those cases, the Committee requested the Government to take as rapidly as possible the measures necessary to allow Héctor Cuevas to return to the country.
- 165. In reply to the allegations, the Government has basically stated: (1) that some of the persons mentioned by the complainants (22) are not forbidden to enter the country; (2) that a further 86 persons held or were candidates for political positions, were political activists or took part in violent political actions; (3) that 20 persons were tried and sentenced by the courts for having violated the State Security Act and the Act on arms control and that their prison sentences were commuted to exile; and (4) that, with the exception of Héctor Cuevas, there are no records showing that the persons mentioned by the complainants have been trade union officials. The complainants, on the other hand, explicitly stated that practically most of the persons concerned were trade union officials, mentioning in the majority of cases the trade union organisation or branch of activity to which they belonged.
- 166. The Committee therefore notes that there exists a contradiction between the allegations and the Government's reply concerning the trade union status of the exiled persons referred to. The Committee would also like to point out that some of the actions penalised by the State Security Act (which served as grounds for sentencing several persons mentioned by the complainants, whose prison sentences were commuted to that of exile), might possibly, in the case of some of the persons mentioned by the complainants, be related to the exercise of trade union rights; indeed, this Act specifically contains provisions concerning action such as: the disruption or suspension of services such as electricity and water; work stoppages or strikes in the public sector or in public utility services or in production, transport and commercial activities, carried out without compliance to the law, and resulting in breaches of the peace; disturbances in public utility service or in those which must continue functioning by law; and damage to any of the essential industries.
- 167. In view of the previous conclusions and since it does not have sufficient information at its disposal to arrive at a separate decision on each of the persons who remain in exile, the Committee recalls the principle that forced exile of trade union leaders and unionists constitutes a serious infringement of human rights and trade union rights since it weakens the trade union movement as a whole (See, for example, 230th Report, Case No. 1170 (Chile), para. 21.) when it is deprived of its leaders. It considers that any measures taken to enable those persons still in exile to return to the country could contribute towards establishing an atmosphere more favourable for the exercise of civil and trade union rights. The Committee expresses its serious concern at the contradiction between the complainants'allegations and the Government's reply as regards the trade union status or functions of the exiled persons. It regrets that the Government has not supplied more detailed information on the basis of which the Committee might determine whether their exile was in any way connected with their trade union status or functions. The Committee would appreciate any further information that the Government or the complainants may have to communicate regarding this question.
The Committee's recommendations
The Committee's recommendations
- 168. In these circumstances, the Committee recommends the Governing Body to approve this report and, in particular, the following conclusions:
- (a) The Committee recalls the principle that the forced exile of trade union leaders and unionists constitutes a serious infringement of human rights and trade union rights since it weakens the trade union movement as a whole when it is deprived of its leaders.
- (b) The Committee considers that any measures taken to enable the persons mentioned to return to the country could contribute towards establishing an atmosphere more favourable for the exercise of civil and trade union rights.
- (c) The Committee expresses its serious concern at the contradiction between the complainants' allegations and the Government's reply as regards the trade union status or functions of the exiled persons. It regrets that the Government has not supplied more detailed information on the basis of which the Committee might determine whether their exile was in any way connected with their trade union status or functions. The Committee would appreciate any further information that the Government or the complainants may have to communicate regarding this question.
- (According to the Government, the persons in the list numbered from 1 to 86 were either candidates for or held political positions, or were political activists.)
- Information Information provided
- provided by by the Government
- the complainants
- 1. Allende Miranda, National CUT Parliamentary member
- Fidelma Larg leader for the First District
- of Santiago, 7th
- Constituency. Included
- in the list of
- nationals forbidden
- to enter the country.
- 2. Andrade Vera, President of Parliamentary member for
- Carlos the Valparaiso the Sixth Constituency
- Teachers' (Valparaiso, Isla de
- Association Pascua, Quillota).
- Member of the Central
- Committee of a political
- Party. Included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 3. Aravena Navarrete, CUT official, Candidate for
- Pedro Isnaldo Santiago parliamentary elections
- in 1973. Included in the
- list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 4. Araneda Briones, National leader Senator (Parliamentary)
- Ernesto of the Building for the Eight
- Workers' Constituency (Provinces
- Association of Bío-Bío, Malleco
- and Cautín). Included
- in the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 5. Alarcón CUT official; Member of paramilitary
- Barrientos, Magallanes groups.
- Francisco 1971: stood as town
- councillor for
- for Punta Arenas.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 6. Abarca Lanten, Trade union Belonged to the "HO CHI
- Alvaro official MIN Section" of the So-
- cialist Party. Received
- paramilitary training;
- organised the "Santiago"
- Committee (Cordón).
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden
- to enter the country.
- 7. Aedo Feliú, Trade union In 1971, stood as can-
- Joaquín Arturo official didate for town
- councillor. In 1973,
- arrested for belonging
- to the extremist group
- "Comando Ibieta B.".
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden
- to enter the country.
- 8. Caro Hidalgo, Trade union Stood as candidate for
- Raúl official the Socialist Party.
- Included the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 9. Baltra Moreno, CUT national Official for the muni-
- Mireya Elba leader - cipality of Santiago,
- Refused permis- parliamentary member for
- sion to return the Eighth Constituency
- to the country (Melipilla,San Antonio
- in a note and Maipo). Leading
- dated 20 member of the Central
- January 1984 Committee of a political
- party. Minister
- of Labour and Social
- Affairs under President
- Allende's Government.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 10. Carrillo Vásquez, Trade union In 1973, presided over
- Manuel official the "El Salto" Committee
- (Cordón). Included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter
- the country.
- 11. Cartagena Rojas, Trade union Included in the list of
- José official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 12. Castillo Alvarez, Trade union In 1973, mayor of the
- Hernán official municipality of Machalí
- under President
- Allende's Government.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 13. Castillo Guiñez, Trade union Included in the list of
- Adriana del official nationals forbidden to
- Carmen enter the country.
- 14. Castillo Trade union Political activist.
- Iribarren, official Included in the list of
- Ramón nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 15. Cofré Ceresoli, Trade union Included in the list of
- Raúl Marcelo official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 16. Cornejo Faúndez, Trade union Political activist,
- Pedro official included in the list of
- nationals forbidden
- to enter the country.
- 17. Cortés Marín, Trade union In 1973 requested the
- Carlos Patricio official Embassy of Argentina for
- asylum and left for this
- country. Included in the
- list of nationals
- forbidden to enter
- the country.
- 18. Corvalán Trade union Included in the list of
- Fernández, official nationals forbidden to
- Luis enter the country.
- 19. Cruz Alvares, Trade union Included in the list of
- Oscar official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 20. Cruz Salas, Trade union Included in the list of
- Luis Alberto official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 21. Cuevas Salvador President of Constant information has
- Héctor Hugo the Confedera- been provided on this
- tion of Buil- person within the
- ding Workers framework of Case No.
- 1170 and in telexes to
- the Director-General.
- The courts have rejected
- all the actions for
- amparo (protection of
- constitutional rights)
- submitted on his behalf.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden
- to enter the country.
- 22. Cabrera Hernández, Official of the In 1971, was a deputy
- César Filomeno Lota municipal delegate of a
- Mineworkers' political party in the
- Union southern city of Lota.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden
- to enter the country.
- 23. Cárdenas Ardiles, CUT youth Included in the list of
- Iván Wilson leader nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 24. Calderón Aránguiz, CUT national Member of the central
- Rolando official committee of a political
- party. In 1971 was
- Minister of Agriculture
- under President
- Allende's Government.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 25. Cortés Días, Official of Minister of Housing and
- Carlos Humberto Petroleum Town Planning under
- Workers' Union, President Allende's
- Concepción Government. Leader of a
- political party. Died
- from a hemiplegia attack
- on 10 September 1971.
- 26. Del Canto CUT national Stood for member of
- Riquelme, leader Parliament (was not
- Hernán Marcelino elected). Member of the
- central committee of a
- political party. In
- 1972, was Minister of
- the Interior and
- Secretary-General of the
- Government. Included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 27. De la Fuente National Section secretary of a
- Muñoz, Oscar del official, political party.
- Tránsito Ranquil Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden
- to enter the country.
- 28. Fuentealba Medina, An official in Member of Parliament.
- Luis Antonio Lota, former Member of the central
- member of committee of a political
- Parliament party. Included in the
- list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 29. Figueroa Valdivia, CUT official, Regional secretary of a
- Uldaricio Manuel Valdivia and political party in
- national Valdivia. Included in
- official of the the list of nationals
- Railwaymen's forbidden to enter the
- Union country.
- 30. Flores Morales, CUT national Included in the list of
- Víctor Aurelio leader nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 31. Caldámez Gaete, Official in In 1972, official of the
- Luis Humberto Building Quilpué Municipal
- Workers' Union "Commando" of a politi-
- (civil works cal party. Included in
- section) the list of nationals
- Valparaíso forbidden to enter
- the country.
- 32. Gómez Cerda, Official of Member of the central
- Carlos Copperworkers' committee of a political
- Confederation party. Governor of
- Chañaral. Included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 33. Gómez Cerda, SUTE and CUS Included in the list of
- Francisco Nemesio official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 34. González Ramírez, Provincial Stood as candidate for
- Mario Nelson official town councillor in
- Ranquil Buín. Included in the
- list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 35. González Malverde, CUT youth Included in the list of
- Víctor Hugo official, nationals forbidden to
- Valdivia enter the country.
- 36. Godoy Godoy, Trade union Minister of Labour under
- Jorge René official President Allende's
- Government. Member of
- the central committee
- of a political party.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 37. González Selanio, Trade union Included in the list of
- Víctor Horacio official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 38. Gutiérrez Trade union Included in the list of
- Gutiérrez, official nationals forbidden to
- Rodolfo Hernán enter the country.
- 39. Huenuman García, National Member of Parliament for
- Rosendo official the 21st Constituency
- (Temuco, Lautaro,
- Imperial, Pitrufquén and
- Valdivia). Member of the
- central committee of a
- political party. Inclu-
- ded in list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 40. Manríquez Bustos, Trade union In 1972 stood as a can-
- Ulises official didate for a political
- party in elections for
- the 24th Constituency.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 41. Meneses Sandoval, Trade union Included in the list of
- Emilio Heriberto official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 42. Miranda Martínez, Trade union Included in the list of
- Jorge official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 43. Morales Garfias, Trade union Was Under Secretary of
- Hernán Andrés official Transport under
- President Allende's
- Government. Included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 44. Muñoz Bahamondez, Trade union Member of the central
- Manuel official committee of a political
- party. Town councillor
- in Puente Alto. Included
- in the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 45. Medina Sánchez, Official of the Member of the central
- Marco Enrique Association of committee of a political
- Madeco Workers party. Included in the
- list of nationals
- forbidden to enter
- the country.
- 46. Merino Arenas, Health official Included in the list of
- Mario Gilberto nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 47. Mason Zenteno, Building Included in the list of
- Orlando Germán workers' nationals forbidden to
- official enter the country.
- 48. Martínez Molina, National Member of the central
- Héctor Fidel official, committee of a political
- Ranquel party. Included in the
- list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 49. Muñoz Vergara, CUT national Included in the list of
- Agustín official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 50. Moraga Fuentealba, National Councillor for the muni-
- Orlando Martín official of the cipality of Machalí.
- Copperworkers' Included in the list of
- Union, nationals forbidden to
- El Teniente enter the country.
- 51. Muñoz González, CUT official, Mayor of Los Angeles.
- Luis Sabino Aconcagua Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 52. Marcelli Ojeda, CUT regional Included in the list of
- Ricardo Hernán official for nationals forbidden to
- Magallanes enter the country.
- 53. Morales Abarzúa, ANEF official Deputy for the Radical
- Carlos Enrique Party for the First
- District of Santiago. In
- 1972, was President of
- the Radical Party. In-
- cluded in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 54. Morales Bordones, Official of the Included in the list of
- Jorge Ventanas nationals forbidden to
- Foundry enter the country.
- Workers' Union,
- Valparaíso.
- 55. Meneses Aranda, CUT official Included in the list of
- Luis Emiliano (gave up his foreigners forbidden to
- nationality) enter the country.
- 56. Muñoz Gallardo, Trade union Included in the list of
- Luis Orlando official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 57. Muñoz Orellana, Trade union In 1971, stood as candi-
- Luis official date for political par-
- ties in elections to the
- National Council of
- Journalists. Included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 58. Navarrete López, Trade union Included in the list of
- Luis official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 59. Navarro Castro, CUT national Included in the list of
- Mario Alberto official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 60. Olivares Toro, Official of the Included in the list of
- Luis A. Provincial nationals forbidden to
- Union of enter the country.
- Workers in the
- Food Industry
- 61. Oyarze Aguilar, Matarifes Included in the list of
- Rubén Enrique official, nationals forbidden to
- Magallanes enter the country.
- 62. Oyarce Jara, National Member of Parliament.
- José del Carmen official of Member of the central
- Railwaymen's committee of a political
- Union. Refused party. Minister of
- permission to Labour under President
- return to the Allende's Government.
- country in a Included in list of
- note dated nationals forbidden to
- 18 January 1983 enter the country.
- 63. Parada Palavicini, Trade union In 1970 was member of
- Gabriel Arturo official the central committee of
- a political party.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden
- to enter the country.
- 64. Pastén Pastén, CUT official In 1971, stood as
- Francisco Arnoldo Vallenar candidate for town
- councillor. Included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 65. Pérez Santibáñez, S.N.S. official Dismissed from the
- Ramón Joaquín National Health Service
- for political acti-
- vities. Included in the
- list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 66. Perucci Molvin, - Included in the list of
- Leonardo Raniero nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 67. Pizarro López, Official of Included in the list of
- Luiz Alberto SUMAR Textile nationals forbidden to
- Workers' enter the country.
- Union
- 68. Plaza Plaza, Trade union In 1971, was member of
- René official the political committee
- of a political party. In
- 1973, was a member of a
- central committee of the
- party.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 69. Puebla Maturana, Trade union Included in the list of
- Carlos official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 70. Robles Robles, Official of In 1969/1973 was deputy
- Hugo Saltpetre for the constituencies:
- Workers' Union Tocopilla, El Loa and
- Taltal. Included in the
- list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 71. Rodríguez Moya, Trade union Included in the list of
- Edmundo Andrés official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 72. Rodríguez Viveros, CUS provincial In 1973, adviser to a
- Coralis Adelina official, political party. Inclu-
- Santiago ded in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 73. Rojas Cuellar, CUT national Member of the executive
- Eduardo Antonio official - committee of a political
- Refused party. Included in the
- permission to list of nationals
- return to the forbidden to enter
- country in a the country.
- note dated 29
- November 1983.
- 74. Rojas Jorquera, Official of the Included in the list of
- Pedro Vicente municipal nationals forbidden to
- Segundo workers' union, enter the country.
- Tocopilla.
- Refused
- permission to
- re-enter the
- country in a
- note dated 30
- December 1983
- 75. Salomón Román, Trade union In 1971, was
- José official town
- councillor for
- Valparaíso. Included
- in the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 76. Sánchez Flores, Trade union Included in the list of
- Benito official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 77. Sepúlveda Carmona, Founder of the Regional secretary of a
- Andrés CTCH and the political party.
- CUT Forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 78. Silva Espinoza, CUT official, Included in the list of
- Guido Antonio San Miguel nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 79. Soto Parra, CUT official, Included in the list of
- Jorge Alfredo Valdivia nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 80. Tello Arancibia, Official in the Included in the list of
- Pedro Segundo Metalworkers' nationals forbidden to
- Union enter the country.
- 81. Ugarte Gómez, Official of the Included in the list of
- Ricardo Augusto Telephone nationals forbidden to
- Workers' Union enter the country.
- 82. Vargas Fernández, CUT national Candidate for town coun-
- Bernardo del leader cillor for Chañaral.
- Carmen Included in the list
- of nationals forbidden
- to enter the country.
- 83. Vargas Puebla, Founder member Included in the list of
- Juan Diógenes and official of nationals forbidden to
- the CUT enter the country.
- 84. Vildósola Romero, Trade union Included in the list of
- Boris official nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 85. Yáñez Yáñez, CUT national Stood for member of Par-
- Rodemil Antonio official liament under President
- Allende's Government.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden
- to enter the country.
- 86. Zuljevic Lovrin, Official of the In 1970/1971, was
- Leopoldo Felipe Customs supervisor of customs
- Workers' Union workers. Included in the
- list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 87. Acevedo Montero, National Finance Secretary of a
- Jorge official of political party, in the
- petroleum Viña del Mar section.
- workers Is not included either
- in the list of nationals
- or of foreigners
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 88. Alfaro Alfaro, Trade union Is not included either
- Luis Edmundo official in list of nationals or
- in the list of
- foreigners forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 89. Alegría del Canto, Official of the Is not at present
- Juan Carlos Davis Trade forbidden to enter the
- Union country.
- 90. Briones Delgado, Building Is authorised to return
- Martín Guillermo workers' union to the country.
- official
- 91. Campusano, National Is authorised to return
- José Agustín official of the to the country.
- Peasant Farmers'
- Confederation,
- Ranqueil. Was
- prevented from
- remaining in the
- country when he
- returned, in
- February 1984, in
- spite of the fact
- that the Consulate
- in Amsterdam had
- assured him that
- nothing stood in
- the way of his
- returning to his
- home country.
- 92. Cárdenas Gómez, National CUT Is not included either
- Humberto Segundo official, in the list of nationals
- Valdivia or in the list of
- foreigners forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 93. Chávez, Henríquez, Petrol Workers' Is not included either
- José Marís Union official, in the list of nationals
- Concepción or in the list of
- foreigners forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 94. Díaz Uribe, Official or the Is authorised to enter
- Luis Bernardo Bakers' Union the country.
- 95. Gómez Aránguiz, CUS official Is not included either
- Naldo in the list of nationals
- or foreigners forbidden
- to enter the country.
- 96. Guadalupe Gómez, CUT official, Is authorised to return
- José Valparaíso to the country.
- 97. Gac Arancibia, National Is not included either
- Jorge Hilario official of in the list of nationals
- Maritime or in the list of
- Workers foreigners refused
- permission to enter the
- country.
- 98. González Saavedra, Official of the Is authorised to return
- Claudio Daniel Petrochemical to the country.
- Workers' Union
- 99. León, Hugo Official of the Is not included either
- Metalworkers' in the list of nationals
- Union or in the list of
- foreigners forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 100. Morales Aguirre, National CUS Is authorised to enter
- Polidoro Segundo health official the country.
- 101. Mitchell Cortés, National Is authorised to return
- Horacio Alberto official of the to the country.
- Copperworkers'
- Confederation
- 102. Moraga Fuentealba, National Is not included either
- Etiel Dagoberto official of the in the list of nationals
- Copperworkers' or in the list of
- Union, foreigners forbidden to
- El Teniente enter the country.
- 103. Martínez Quezada, Official of the Is authorised to return
- Jorge Domingo Municipal to country.
- Employees' Union.
- 104. Núñez Sepúlveda, Official of the Is authorised to enter
- Carlos Ricardo Postal and the country.
- Telegraph Wor-
- kers' Association
- 105. Rojas, Juan Trade union Is not included in the
- Bautista official list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 106. Tapia Zepeda, Official of the Is not included either
- Arturo Segundo Copperworkers' in the list of nationals
- Confederation or in the list of
- foreigners forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 107. Villavicencio Official of the Is not included either
- Peña, Segundo Petroleum in the list of nationals
- Workers' Union or in the list of
- foreigners forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 108. Verdugo, Gálvez, - In 1971, spokesman for
- Aldo Sergio the Executive Committee
- Gabriel of the Radical Party. Is
- not included either in
- the list of nationals or
- in the list of
- foreigners forbidden to
- enter the country.
- (According to the Government, the following persons were tried and sentenced
- by the courts for infringing the State Security Act No. 12927 of 1958 and the
- Act No. 17798 of 1972 on arms control. The prison sentences of these persons
- were commuted to that of exile and they settled in the country of their
- choice.)
- 109. Ahumada Tello, Trade union In 1972, was governor of
- Vital official Los Andes. Was tried and
- sentenced for having
- infringed Act No. 17798
- of 1972 on arms control
- and his prison sentence
- was commuted to one of
- exile. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 110. Aránguiz Gómez, Trade union In 1973, sought asylum
- Naldo official in the Embassy of Vene-
- zuela, later travelling
- to Cuba. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 111. Asencio Rain, Trade union In 1975, was sentenced
- Juan official to imprisonment for
- having infringed Acts
- Nos. 12927 and 17798.
- In 1977, his prison
- sentence was commuted
- to one of exile. Is
- included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 112. Contreras Aravena, Trade union Organising secretary of
- Luis Humberto official a political party.
- Received a prison
- sentence for having
- infringed the State
- Security Act No. 12927
- of 1958. His sentence
- was commuted to exile.
- Included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 113. Gómez Toledo, Trade union Sentenced to prison for
- Andrés official having infringed Act
- No. 12927 of 1958. His
- prison sentence was
- commuted to exile. Town
- councillor for
- Llanquihue. Included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 114. Gordillo Trade union In 1976, his prison
- Hitshfeld, official sentence was commuted to
- Iván R. exile. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 115. Lara Bustamante, Trade union Member of the central
- Adolfo official committee of a political
- party. In Case No. 4-74,
- was condemned to prison
- for having infringed
- section 6(a), (c) and
- (d) of Act No. 12927. In
- 1975, his prison sen-
- tence was commuted to
- exile. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 116. Mora Briones, Trade union In 1973, was sentenced,
- Miguel official under Case No. 3/73, to
- prison. In 1976, his
- prison sentence was
- commuted to exile. Is
- included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 117. Morales Morán, Trade union In 1977, his prison
- Héctor Isaías official sentence was commuted to
- exile. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 118. Ortega González, Trade union In 1971, was Regional
- Manuel Guillermo official Sectary of Curicó for a
- political party. Was
- sentenced to prison
- for having infringed
- Acts Nos. 12927 and
- 17798. This was commuted
- to exile. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 119. Ponce Montecinos, Trade union Found guilty of having
- Lorenzo Segundo official infringed Act No. 17798
- of 1972 on arms control.
- His sentence was
- commuted to exile. Is
- included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 120. Retamal Hernández, Trade union Was condemned to 14
- Oscar official years' imprisonment for
- having infringed Acts
- Nos. 12927 and 17798.
- This sentence was
- commuted to exile. Is
- included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 121. Rivera Vergara, Trade union Is not included in the
- Raúl official list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country. This person
- must be Rivera Vargas,
- Raúl Aurelio: his
- prison sentence was
- commuted to exile. He is
- included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 122. Soto Avendaño, Trade union Found guilty of infrin-
- Jorge official ging Act No. 17798 of
- 1972, on arms control,
- he was sentenced to
- imprisonment. In 1976,
- this was commuted to
- exile. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 123. Soto Leyton, Trade union Was sentenced to
- Juan official imprisonment for having
- infringed Act No. 12927.
- In 1976, this was com-
- muted to exile. Is
- included in the list of
- nationals forbidden to
- enter the country.
- 124. Soto Pérez, Trade union Was sentenced to impri-
- Luis Guillermo official sonment for having
- infringed Acts Nos.
- 12927 and 17798. In
- 1976, this was commuted
- to exile. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 125. Toro Valdebenito, Trade union In 1975 his prison
- Arturo official sentence was commuted to
- exile. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 126. Ugarte Gómez, Trade union Found guilty of having
- Ricardo Augusto official infringed Act No. 17798
- of 1972 on arms control,
- he was sentenced to
- imprisonment. In 1976
- this was commuted to
- exile. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 127. Videla Moya, Trade union Is member of the central
- Lautaro Robin official committee of a political
- party. In 1973, was
- Regional Secretary of
- the party in Valparaíso.
- In 1976, his prison sen-
- tence was commuted to
- exile. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.
- 128. Villarroel Pérez, Trade union Is a member of a para-
- Rigoberto Alamiro official military cell of a
- violent political party.
- He was sentenced to
- prison for having
- infringed Act No. 17798.
- This was commuted to
- exile. Is included in
- the list of nationals
- forbidden to enter the
- country.