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The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in reply to the previous direct request and in particular that concerning the application of the following Articles of the Convention: Article 13, paragraphs 2, 3, 5 and 6, and Article 32, paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 35 and Article 36, paragraph 3.
The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide additional information on the following points:
Article 13, paragraph 4, of the Convention. The Committee notes that the Cuban Standard NC 19-02-01, which largely gives effect to Article 13 of the Convention does not contain any provision for the designation of an authorised person in conformity with this paragraph of the Convention. Please indicate the measures taken to ensure that only an authorised person removes guards and safety devices on machinery.
The Committee notes from the Government's report that Technical Regulations on Occupational Safety and Health for the Work of Loading and Unloading on Ships, Warehouses and Docks also contain provisions which may correspond to Article 13 of the Convention and requests the Government to supply copy of such relevant regulations with the next report.
Article 18, paragraphs 2 and 5. Please indicate the measures taken to ensure the application of these provisions of the Convention and supply copies of the relevant regulations to which the Government referred in the report.
Article 26, paragraph 16. The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government concerning the designation of competent authorities and the establishment of the Cuban Shipping Register in conformity with paragraph 1(a) of this Article. Please indicate how acceptance, or recognition is given to other member States who have ratified the Convention, in accordance with Article 26, paragraph 1(b) of the Convention.
Article 28. According to the Government's statement, this Article (which provides that every ship must carry rigging plans and any other relevant information necessary to permit the safer rigging of its derricks) is applied by the Regulations on Technical Operation of Shipping. The Committee notes this statement and requests the Government to supply a copy of the relevant regulations with the next report.
Article 31, paragraph 1. The Committee notes that no provisions in Cuban Standards NC 19-03-03 or NC 91:33 provide for the layout or operation of the freight container terminal as required by the Convention. Please indicate the measures taken to ensure the safety of workers in this regard.
Article 32, paragraph 3. Please indicate the specific provisions which apply this paragraph of the above Article of the Convention.
Article 38, paragraph 2. The Committee notes the Government's statement that this provision (under which only a person who is at least 18 years of age and possesses the necessary aptitude and experience may operate lifting appliances) is applied by the Regulation on Technical Operation of Employment for Loading and Unloading in Docks; it requests the Government to supply a copy of the relevant regulations with the next report.