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Further to its previous comments concerning Articles 6 and 8, paragraph 1(c), the Committee notes the information communicated by the Government in its most recent report. The Government has again referred to the possibility of carrying out a study to determine, by industry and by occupation, the permanent and temporary exceptions which may be allowed to the normal hours of work. The Government has added that it will not fail to consult previously the organisations of employers and workers concerned in such cases.
The Committee trusts that the Government will carry out this study in the near future and/or that it will issue the necessary regulations, after consultations with the organisations of employers and workers, to determine the permissible exceptions to the normal hours of work. The Committee recalls that such regulations should fix the maximum additional hours which may be permitted in each case (Article 6) and that the Convention provides for the employer to keep a record of all additional hours worked (Article 8, paragraph 1(c)).