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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 1990, publiée 77ème session CIT (1990)

Convention (n° 129) sur l'inspection du travail (agriculture), 1969 - Roumanie (Ratification: 1975)

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Articles 20(c), 26 and 27 of the Convention. See comments under Convention No. 81, as follows:

The Committee notes with regret that the Government's report supplied in October 1989 contains no reply to previous comments. It must therefore repeat its comments, which read as follows:

Article 15(c) of the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the provisions under which labour protection inspectors and specialised inspectors from the supervision corps of the various ministries must treat as absolutely confidential the source of any complaint bringing to their notice a defect or breach of legal provisions and must give no intimation to the employer or his representative that a visit of inspection has been made in consequence of the receipt of such a complaint. Articles 20 and 21 of the Convention. The Committee must again stress the importance it attaches to well drawn up annual inspection reports which enable the practical results of labour inspection activities to be assessed at both national and international levels. It therefore trusts that the Government will not fail to take the necessary measures to ensure that, in future, reports containing precise information on all the points listed under Article 21 of the Convention are published and communicated to the ILO within the period specified by Article 20.

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