National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee notes the information supplied in the Government's report, including the information concerning homeworkers, as well as the comments made by the Italian Confederation of Commerce and Tourism and the Italian Union of Labour on the application of the Convention, which were communicated with the report.
The Committee notes, in particular, that the wage indexing system called "scala mobile (the sliding scale)" has been suspended since May 1992 and that the protocol on incomes policy, the fight against inflation and labour costs signed on 31 July 1992 by the Government and the social partners, noting this suspension, lays down an across-the-board wage supplement.
The Committee requests the Government to continue supplying information on the development in this respect as well as on the results, in general, of the application of the minimum wage fixing machinery, including, for example, the approximate numbers of workers covered, the minimum rates of wages fixed, and the more important of the other conditions, if any, established relevant to the minimum rates, in accordance with Article 5 of the Convention.