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1. Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes the information provided in the Government's report and the attached documentation which includes the grading and salary scale and the rates of allowances and charges determined for public service employees in Appendices II and III, respectively, of the Tokelau Public Service (TPS) Manual. The Committee also notes the information contained in the classification list (List of Permanent TPS Staff as at 19 May 1992). The Committee requests the Government to furnish a copy of the guidelines for setting starting salaries and processing annual salary increments when they become available.
2. Noting that the above-mentioned Public Service Manual is to be further reviewed following the changes to the political institutions which are currently under way, the Committee requests the Government to provide information relevant to the application of the Convention both on any amendments made to the Manual and on any restructuring of the public service that occurs as a result of these political changes.