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The Committee notes the information supplied in the Government's report and requests the Government to provide supplementary information on the following points:
1. Article 13, paragraph 4, of the Convention. With respect to its previous comments, the Committee notes that the Government indicates that two people are authorized to remove the guards and safety devices when this is necessary for work or to carry out cleaning, adjustment or repairs: the ship's captain, after assessing the situation and taking all security measures required, and the director of the dock installations, after prior consultation with the various specialists, and after taking measures ensuring compliance with what has been agreed. The Government adds that this situation will be given legal force in the Dock Maritime Union resolution on the matter which is being prepared, and in the "Regulations on Health, Safety and Protection for Dock Work" which is at present under discussion with employers and trade unions. The Committee trusts that the two texts mentioned will be adopted in the near future and requests the Government to supply copies of them once they have been promulgated.
2. With reference to its previous comments on the application of Articles 18(2) and 4, 28, 31(1), 32(3) and 38(2), the Committee notes that, because instructions are dispersed and of various types, the Government has indicated its intention to bring together the various standards and legal bases in the text of the "Regulations on Health, Safety and Protection for Dock Work". The Committee hopes that this text will contain provisions to the effect that hatch covers handled with the aid of a lifting appliance shall be fitted with readily accessible and suitable attachments for securing the slings or other lifting gear (Article 18(2)); that only an authorized person shall be permitted to open or close power-operated installations of the ship such as a door in the hull of a ship, a ramp, a retractible car deck or similar equipment (Article 18(4)); every ship shall carry rigging plans (Article 28); every freight container terminal shall be so operated as to ensure the safety of the workers (Article 31(1)); if receptacles or containers of dangerous substances are broken or damaged to a dangerous extent, dock work shall be stopped and the workers removed to a safe place (Article 32(3)); a lifting appliance or other cargo-handling appliance shall be operated only by a person who is at least 18 years of age and who possesses the necessary aptitudes and experience (Article 38(2)).