National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee takes note of the Government's last report on the application of the Convention and the information contained in it in reply to its previous direct request. The Committee requests the Government in its next report to provide additional information on the following points.
Article 8, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Convention. The Government is requested to indicate the results of any consultations and, where applicable, any measures taken or planned with regard to granting compensatory leave of at least 24 hours in cases of temporary exemptions for the reasons set out in the first paragraph of this Article.
Article 11. The Committee, noting the intentions expressed by the Government, trusts that it will be able to provide a list of categories of persons and establishments covered by the special rules concerning weekly rest by virtue of section 20 of the Labour Ordinance of 1952, and to provide information on the circumstances in which temporary exemptions may be granted under the terms of sections 7 and 10 of this Ordinance.