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The Committee notes the Government’s report on the application of the Convention for the period ending 1 September 1998 as well as the attached legislation in the Slovak language. It notes that the report provides information on the application of some but not all Articles of the Convention, does not contain the required statistical data, and does not identify in all cases the relevant provisions of the legislation in force. The Committee recalls in this respect that in its previous direct requests of 1995 and 1998 it has already asked the Government to provide detailed information and statistical data, as required by the report form on the Convention adopted by the Governing Body of the ILO, with respect to each Article of the Convention. Indeed, it would greatly facilitate the task of examining the national legislation and translating its provisions into one of the working languages of the Committee if the Government’s report would identify and explain the content of those legislative provisions, as amended by later regulations, as the case may be, which are relevant to the application of each Article of the Convention. The Committee would therefore once again ask the Government to make such an effort in its next report presenting it in the form required by the Governing Body. It would also like the Government to supply a copy of Act No. 54/1956 of the Collection of Laws on Sickness Insurance, as amended by later regulations, to which it extensively refers in its report.
[The Government is asked to report in 2001.]