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The Committee notes the detailed information contained in the Government’s first and second reports.
Articles 3 and 7 of the Convention. The Committee notes that the Government has clearly identified the weaknesses in its system of rehabilitation and employment for persons with disabilities, in particular the lack of adequate funding for education and training. The Committee understands the financial difficulties the Government is currently facing during the process of economic restructuring. It recalls, however, the fundamental importance of education and training in the process of rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. It encourages the Government to give high priority to funding for promotion of rehabilitation and employment for these potential workers, to give full effect to the provisions of the Convention.
Article 4. The Government states that special protections against dismissal exist for persons with disabilities. Furthermore, the Law on Social Integration of the Disabled provides that persons with disabilities shall be protected from discrimination of all types. The Committee would appreciate receiving further information on how the Law on Social Integration of the Disabled is enforced, what body monitors compliance and what types of sanctions exist.
Article 5. The Government states that a tripartite commission has been set up under the Lithuanian labour exchange. This commission may make proposals on implementation of policies, and discusses enforcement of law and priority business guidelines. The Government has also established a council for the affairs of the disabled to settle questions related to the disabled. This council includes various ministries, with representation from organizations of persons with disabilities. The Committee would appreciate receiving further information on whether the tripartite commission is consulted on the formulation of policies related to rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities, and whether representatives of disabled persons are included.
Article 8. The Government states that it has increased the number of employment centres in rural areas. The Committee would appreciate receiving further information on the rehabilitation services available in rural areas.