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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2000, publiée 89ème session CIT (2001)

Convention (n° 81) sur l'inspection du travail, 1947 - Nigéria (Ratification: 1960)

Autre commentaire sur C081

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Referring also to its observation under the Convention, and noting the information contained in the Government’s reports, the Committee requests the Government to provide further information and clarification on the points raised below.

Article 5 of the Convention.  The Committee notes in the Government’s report that the plans were at advanced stage to promote effective cooperation and collaboration between government agencies which have related functions to labour protection. It requests the Government to provide detailed information on any progress made in this regard.

Articles 12, 13 and 15.  The Government indicates that the national legislation is in conformity with the provisions of these Articles of the Convention. Noting that the report contains no more details, the Committee requests the Government to supply detailed information on the manner in which effect is given to these provisions of the Convention, to indicate and send to the ILO copy of any relevant national legislation.

Article 16.  According to the Government’s report, there are programmed annual targets for inspections covering the primary inspections, routine inspections and special inspections. The Committee hopes that the Government will supply further information on how this inspection system actually works as well as information on how the adequate frequency and thoroughness of inspection visits are ensured.

Articles 17 and 18.  Noting that the Government’s report provides only brief information which indicates that there are legal provisions in related national legislation with regard to these Articles of the Convention, the Committee requests the Government to provide copy of any relevant national legislation.

Articles 20 and 21.  The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its 1999 report that arrangements to submit the annual inspection reports to the ILO were at an advanced stage at the time of reporting. Noting that no annual report has been supplied since 1995, the Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to submit annual reports containing all the information on each of the matters listed in Article 21.

Labour inspection and child labour.  In addition, referring also to its 1999 general observation under the Convention, the Committee asks the Government to communicate information concerning any measure tending to increase the role of labour inspectors in gathering information related to the conditions under which children work and to the hazards to which they are exposed as well as in identifying hidden forms of exploitation of children in order to contribute to the formulation of policies, legal measures and labour standards in this area.

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