National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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Part II of the Convention. 1. The Committee notes the Government’s report and the documentation attached thereto. Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes that Act No. 21/AN/83/1re L of 3 February 1983 to organize the central administration of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare has been repealed by Act 75/AN/004e L to organize the Ministry of Employment and National Solidarity. It also notes that the provisions of Act No. 140/97/3e L of 23 September 1997 amending the Labour Code of 1952 are aimed at facilitating recruitment and eliminating administrative procedures deemed to be superfluous.
2. The Committee notes that fee-charging employment agencies are still not authorized, and asks the Government to provide information on the practical effect given to the prohibition of fee-charging agencies. Please state in particular whether any exceptions to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Convention have been granted, in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 1. If so, please provide information on the number of agencies covered by these exceptions and the scope of their activities, the reasons for the exception and the measures adopted by the competent authority to supervise the activity of such agencies (Article 9).
3. Furthermore, in view of the fact that the National Employment Service has only a limited incidence of placement (only 14 job offers recorded a year) and that fee-charging agencies are prohibited, the Committee hopes to receive information on the type of entity that acts as an intermediary between jobseekers and employers in search of workers.