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The Committee notes the information provided in the Government’s brief report received in June 2003.
1. Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. With reference to the Committee’s previous comments, the Government indicates that, with the support of the ILO, it has initiated a process of formulating a National Employment Policy (NEP) to combat poverty, the second phase of which provides for the preparation of a document encompassing the following aspects: the compilation of labour market statistics; sensitive groups (women, unemployed graduates, unskilled young persons, persons with disabilities); the framework for the promotion of employment (an employment information system, a system of access to employment, legislative, legal and organizational systems, a system to finance employment). The Committee notes this information and would be grateful if the Government would continue to keep it informed of any progress achieved in the implementation of this policy, as well as its impact in terms of employment promotion.
2. The Committee also notes the decision by the Council of Ministers of 14 May 2003 to adopt the complete draft of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). This draft document envisages, in the context of measures to combat poverty, improving the dynamism of the private sector and, in particular, sectors with a high employment potential, such as industrial free trade zones (EFZ). The Committee notes the information provided on the employment promotion project included in the PRSP and would be grateful if the Government would provide information in its next report on any difficulties encountered in the achievement of the employment objectives established in the PRSP in the context of a coordinated economic and social policy.
3. Article 3. The Government explains that representatives of the social partners participate in the work of the National Employment Council, which plays an advisory role in the context of the new National Employment Policy and the detailed strategic framework to combat poverty. However, it explains that it is not in a position to provide more detailed information on this subject for the period under consideration. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would refer in its next report to specific examples of consultations held with the representatives of the persons affected, bearing in mind that the consultations envisaged by the instruments should be held both with regard to the formulation of the employment policy and its implementation.
4. Part V of the report form. Finally, the Committee notes the information provided by the Government on the technical assistance project on employment policy carried out in collaboration with the ILO. It would be grateful if the Government would continue to provide information on the action taken as a consequence, with an indication, where appropriate, of any factors which may have prevented or delayed such action. The Committee hopes that the assistance and advice provided in the context of this project will make it possible not only to promote the application of the Convention, but will also contribute to assisting the Government in the provision of information for the preparation of its report.