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The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its 2002 direct request, which read as follows:
Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention. Please provide further information on measures taken to ensure that policies and programmes concerning vocational guidance and training are comprehensive and coordinated, indicating in particular, the way in which effective coordination is assured and the manner in which the policies and programmes are linked with employment and the public employment service.
Article 1, paragraphs 2 to 5. Please describe in greater detail the existing machinery for the development of comprehensive and coordinated policies and programmes of vocational guidance and vocational training, indicating, in particular for minorities, the way in which effective coordination is assured and the manner in which the policies and programmes are linked with employment and the public employment service. See also comments made on the implementation of Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111).
Article 2. Please provide further information on measures taken to ensure that the systems of general, technical and vocational education are open, flexible and complementary.
Article 3, paragraph 1. The Committee notes the establishment of a vocational guidance centre. Please provide further information on measures taken or contemplated to extend the number and location of centres to meet the needs of the larger population, including people with disabilities.
Article 3, paragraph 2. The Committee notes the information provided on the content of vocational guidance. It requests further details on whether guidance also includes information on conditions of work, safety and hygiene at work, and other aspects of working life.
Article 3, paragraph 3. Please state whether for effective vocational guidance purposes, information is included on collective agreements and the rights and obligations of all concerned under labour law.
Article 4. Please indicate the measures which ensure systems of vocational training adapted to the changing requirements of individuals throughout their life or those of the economy and which could cover fields of economic activity not previously within their scope.
Article 5. The Government refers in its report to tripartite agreements for the use of the funds that are available to the public employment service to provide suitable employment to jobseekers. It also mentions quadripartite agreements involving the employment services, unemployed citizens, teaching establishments and employers. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would describe in its next report any formal procedures or consultative machinery which have been instituted to facilitate cooperation of workers’ and employers’ organizations, and, where appropriate, other interested bodies, in the formulation and implementation of vocational guidance and training policies and programmes.
Part VI of the report form. The Committee notes the statistical data provided on the number of persons who have received guidance. Please continue to provide such information, as well as information on the number of participants in training, and the subsequent placement rates, if available.